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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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AP Alistar doesn't work I suppose.


What determines your pick order in ranked? MMR? I think I've been last or 4th pick every single game out of 4 games and 5 lobbies now.

*edit* A support player added me after the game and told me I was real nice, and they wished more League players were like me. I'm trying to be nicer this season. I think that is a good goal, even if I don't make it to high ranks.


What determines your pick order in ranked? MMR? I think I've been last or 4th pick every single game out of 4 games and 5 lobbies now.

*edit* A support player added me after the game and told me I was real nice, and they wished more League players were like me. I'm trying to be nicer this season. I think that is a good goal, even if I don't make it to high ranks.
It's random


Because everyone ends up in a lower tier this season. There was an announcement a week ago.

Such crap. Now I will be forced to play with shotty players even though I carried every single game of my provisionals. In Bronze, I get an AFK or troll atleast once every three games, making it damn near impossible to climb the ladders. During the provisionals, I was lucky enough to have only one AFK game that I lost, and managed to win 8 out 10 of my matches. I tried so hard today for absolutely nothing. It's disheartnening and unfair I think.


Such crap. Now I will be forced to play with shotty players even though I carried every single game of my provisionals. In Bronze, I get an AFK or troll atleast once every three games, making it damn near impossible to climb the ladders. During the provisionals, I was lucky enough to have only one AFK game that I lost, and managed to win 8 out 10 of my matches. I tried so hard today for absolutely nothing. It's disheartnening and unfair I think.

There are as many chances of your team having the afk/troll as in the enemy team's. If you have improved and keep improving, you will rank up no matter what. Getting caught up on rank right at the start of the season is not really the best mindset for something that can be very "grindy".



thresh and vayne mirror matchup is like the worst thing ever lol

we were both missing hooks so bad that at one point both vaynes were like "fuck these supports" and started fighting each other. so of course two boxes went down, and two exhausts went down, and no actual fight took place

i don't think i've ever bought boots 5 faster to run away from that hell of a lane lol

Such crap. Now I will be forced to play with shotty players even though I carried every single game of my provisionals. In Bronze, I get an AFK or troll atleast once every three games, making it damn near impossible to climb the ladders. During the provisionals, I was lucky enough to have only one AFK game that I lost, and managed to win 8 out 10 of my matches. I tried so hard today for absolutely nothing. It's disheartnening and unfair I think.

if you're bronze and you didn't suck in your placement games you'll end up higher because it puts everyone closer to silver 5
You have to keep in mind that MMR is separate from your actual rank. It's possible that your MMR is lower than Bronze 3 on top of the seasonal soft reset. Enemy team MMR is also a factor.

For example, I ended Gold V in Season 3. I was getting matched with mid Gold aroudd that time. I went 7-3 in Season 4 and ended up Gold II. It wasn't a smooth trip since I was getting with as low as Silver 2 after the losses.

You should have a different mindset when it comes to ranked games. You're grinding to be better. The title is just a title.
jinx and khazix were morons but ahri and malph could hard carry with me.
Such crap. Now I will be forced to play with shotty players even though I carried every single game of my provisionals. In Bronze, I get an AFK or troll atleast once every three games, making it damn near impossible to climb the ladders. During the provisionals, I was lucky enough to have only one AFK game that I lost, and managed to win 8 out 10 of my matches. I tried so hard today for absolutely nothing. It's disheartnening and unfair I think.
who cares

if u dont deserve bronze it takes like 2 days of games to get out.


I dont know where all the jarvan bans are coming from.

I mean I have to admit he is strong as hell but in the past 2 months, I have only seen 3 other people pick jarvan other than me.

Was there a post of reddit about his strengths?
Oh my god.

I just won a ranked game that I should have lost, I was playing Maokai jungle, and everything was going fine, ganked some lanes, I was 0/0/5, my lanes were winning, except maybe botlane.

And then my internet died, it said that my ping was 90 but everything was stuck or moving too fast, I think that is packet loss(?), I don't know but I couldn't play.

I was dc every 2 minutes, and after 10 minutes I thought we would lose, I rebooted my modem and my router with no result.

Then I decided to use the 3G from my cellphone to play, I had 200-400 ping but atleast I could move and i wasn't disconecting anymore.

Somehow ended 5/3/17 and won.

It makes me wonder how hurt would have been my MMR if I had lost this game...


Oh my god.

I just won a ranked game that I should have lost, I was playing Maokai jungle, and everything was going fine, ganked some lanes, I was 0/0/5, my lanes were winning, except maybe botlane.

And then my internet died, it said that my ping was 90 but everything was stuck or moving too fast, I think that is packet loss(?), I don't know but I couldn't play.

I was dc every 2 minutes, and after 10 minutes I thought we would lose, I rebooted my modem and my router with no result.

Then I decided to use the 3G from my cellphone to play, I had 200-400 ping but atleast I could move and i wasn't disconecting anymore.

Somehow ended 5/3/17 and won.

It makes me wonder how hurt would have been my MMR if I had lost this game...
I had something similar happen, and I had a teammate also say they were having packet loss (ping fine, FPS fine, but game stuck).


is there DDosing going on?

i kept disconnecting in one of my games, and in my next game my botlane never even connected
See the above two posts, and the previous posts about people having games with AFKs. Certainly doesn't seem to be going well. Maybe just the volume of people starting the season?


Probably still in order for the duo though? I remember always being lower pick than my duo until I outranked him.
It's random for the duo unless one of the people in the duo gets first pick, in which case the person who invited the other person top the duo gets first pick.
That's some extraordinary streak of luck then. Even if you just consider it 4 chances in a row, that's 1/256 odds if I'm doing the math right.


To make up for the last picks, I got first pick on the 5th ranked game. Going with Newt's picks I had mixed success.

Caitlyn: WIN
Fiora: LOSS
Sivir: LOSS
Draven: LOSS
Zyra: WIN

Maybe 5 more tomorrow. I may have only had the internet go out once, when it's in unbonded upload mode and past midnight.

*edit* Odds are better than 1/256 because I think I had 4th pick one time. Odds of being 4th or 5th pick 4 times in a row is just 1/32.


I take it the runes sale should start in a few minutes right?

It's on right now on EUW!


RIP my IPs.

My AD Quint was for completion (and maybe junglers, though I am using AS Quints and AD Marks for Vi/J4), scaling MR Glyphs was for junglers as well, AS Marks for tanky junglers (Amumu/Nunu?), and CDR was too good to pass on, although I only bought 6.


J4, reksai, fizz. Every time.

Also, does untargetability and stealth seem op? While not being able to sleep I thought of an idea for an ult. He disappears but cannot attack. Thoughts?


It's kinda like it. But iirc shaco has a guaranteed crit when he attacks and he's not untargetable. Plus there's a flash portion attached to it.

Hmm well, then you don't mean to say untargetable but inmune? I mean, you can't target what you can't see unless you have Oracle's/Pink. But I could see that working out, problem is Rengar is pretty similar to that (except inmunity) and same with Kha'Zix (although temporary invisibility).


an 80 min. ranked game that was doomed to failure.
Silly Vayne would just solo through mid game ugh.

I am not playing a ranked game with a freakin' Vayne bot again yeesh.

BTW seems I'm not the only where ranked gives the message 'not enough games played yet', when will that go away?
an 80 min. ranked game that was doomed to failure.
Silly Vayne would just solo through mid game ugh.

I am not playing a ranked game with a freakin' Vayne bot again yeesh.

BTW seems I'm not the only where ranked gives the message 'not enough games played yet', when will that go away?

After you've played 10 games of SoloQ_Q or 5 team ranked.


BTW seems I'm not the only where ranked gives the message 'not enough games played yet', when will that go away?
After 10 games?

I love being a low pick when playing support. Makes it way easier to pick a champ that fits ur comp, while not getting counterpicked. I love playing Blitz and Thresh, but they can easily get counterpicked by a Morg. :/


After 10 games?

I love being a low pick when playing support. Makes it way easier to pick a champ that fits ur comp, while not getting counterpicked. I love playing Blitz and Thresh, but they can easily get counterpicked by a Morg. :/

Yeah they are placement matches. If i can manage to get into gold from mine I will be happy.

Not really sure when to play them though as ranked at the weekends can be really bad.


Any opinion of Reksai that isn't "she's horrendously broken" is so, so wrong.

I mean this video was from the initial impression and comparing it to the cinematic. Even here on GAF some people claimed Rek'Sai lacked enough CC to be worth a damn and obviously we see the tune has changed, because we have experienced her.


I mean this video was from the initial impression and comparing it to the cinematic. Even here on GAF some people claimed Rek'Sai lacked enough CC to be worth a damn and obviously we see the tune has changed, because we have experienced her.

Urghhhh she doesn't need CC. She has so much mobility and damage, she needs some weakness somewhere :(


Dodged my 2nd ranked game and got a 30
Min w8 penalty. Dare i dodge a 3rd time >.>; i mean a stressful game may be worth a 1 hour pnealty...
Thoughts of Rek'Sai.

Nerf her heal. That sustain is just so strong. RekSai can beast top lane due to her already impressive kit, adding a sustain that can take her from low health to half in three secs is crazy. How did they not catch that in PBE?



Lol I'm hangin with one of my friends last night and he says he can't do his placements until he finishes 50 draft normal games. He got so many chat restrictions last season.
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