Sometimes I can get reasonably good matches, but lately I've been finding nothing but servers full of griefers and morons. Last night the first server I joined on versus had a side full of people who kept spamming the same comments repeatedly for minutes on end, as I suppose they'd set them to macros, and were just doing all sorts of other asinine things. We also had some guy on our team who felt the need to blast low quality music through his mic as much as possible. The next server I guess must have been hosted by a person because someone kept turning on cheats and spawning four witches or four tanks wherever we happened to be. I finally found a better server later on in the night, but that music guy joined it, though thankfully I was able to get him votekicked pretty early, as soon as he tried playing music again. This morning the first server I got to had a group of four people who I admit were pretty good, but they kept restarting the round every time. Since somebody on our side always inevitably ragequit, they could always stack the vote. As soon as we had a reasonably better turnout on our side and actually made it through both halves of a round, they then turned around and just TKed each other in the saferoom of the next round and THEN returned us to the lobby. I guess there's really no avoiding crap like this if you want to play public servers?