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Left 4 Dead 2 |OT| The South Rises Again

BuddhaRockstar said:
You definitely can, but at least you know when a player is doing it and when the game is doing it. When vert says "pills here" I can be like "well it's vert so he's probably lying cause he's a douche" but when Ellis says "Pills here!" I know there's a bottle of pills nearby that the game (not player) is trying to alert me to.
Wouldn't you guys use your microphone for that anyways?


BuddhaRockstar said:
You definitely can, but at least you know when a player is doing it and when the game is doing it. When vert says "pills here" I can be like "well it's vert so he's probably lying cause he's a douche" but when Ellis says "Pills here!" I know there's a bottle of pills nearby that the game (not player) is trying to alert me to.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

<3 Buddha

But seriously, the voice bind shit isn't a big deal. It's not like you have to speak paragraphs or that mics are crazy expensive.
Sometimes the game alerts you before any other players do, for instance when a character says "There's a smoker around here". These are alerts the game gives the players, just like the little musical cues. No one would be arguing here if previously Valve had let you keybind and play the musical cues and then removed that, but because it's a character's voice people seem to think they're entitled to make Ellis tell Keith stories throughout the whole level.

What did you voice binders do before L4D? Use gunshots as morse code?
BuddhaRockstar said:
Sometimes the game alerts you before any other players do, for instance when a character says "There's a smoker around here". These are alerts the game gives the players, just like the little musical cues. No one would be arguing here if previously Valve had let you keybind and play the musical cues and then removed that, but because it's a character's voice people seem to think they're entitled to make Ellis tell Keith stories throughout the whole level.

What did you voice binders do before L4D? Use gunshots as morse code?
I have a mic. Red doesn't. I communicate with the mic, she communicates with voice binds. We did just fine.


vertopci said:
But seriously, the voice bind shit isn't a big deal. It's not like you have to speak paragraphs or that mics are crazy expensive.
"I don't use it, therefore you shouldn't care." You were one of the people who actually paid attention my voice binds too :( Have you been replaced with a pod person?! :lol
Volcynika said:
Never thought I'd see PC gamers saying it's ok to remove customizability of a game.

By all means make it a mod! I don't like health kits so I play a modded game where there aren't any, but I respect those who like them in. I think you guys should respect players who want the voice alerts to be just that, notifications by the game of items and enemies, and not a player's convoluted attempt at using the alert system as a means of communication.
The Storyteller said:
fake edit: The fuck? Where did all my friends in my friends list go on steam?

Yeah, it's down right now. I'm hoping that they'll come back...
Steam has kinda dropped the ball lately with their updates.
Volcynika said:
But they tell me that's impossible!
No, but it's damn inconvenient for the rest of your team.


Volcynika said:
Never thought I'd see PC gamers saying it's ok to remove customizability of a game.

Never said that. I'm just saying it really not a big deal when you could say one word on the mic to accomplish the same thing and maybe a couple more to help out even more than the binds would.

Now if valve didn't have in game chat, I would be siding with you guys and saying removing this is stupid.


BuddhaRockstar said:
By all means make it a mod! I don't like health kits so I play a modded game where there aren't any, but I respect those who like them in. I think you guys should respect players who want the voice alerts to be just that, notifications by the game of items and enemies, and not a player's convoluted attempt at using the alert system as a means of communication.

I don't ever remember the voice binds automatically saying a tank is near when they only just slightly hear the growl of one. Is that a mod?

Never said that. I'm just saying it really not a big deal when you could say one word on the mic to accomplish the same thing and maybe a couple more to help out even more than the binds would.

Yeah, but not everyone has mics. Or even if they have them, can use them (maybe a really sore throat and can't talk and has to resort to voice binds).

No, but it's damn inconvenient for the rest of your team.

I've never found it that inconvenient.
Nabs said:
It's too bad they took 'em away from people who use 'em. Maybe you should just blame Jenga.

and i have joined the dark side guyz. i am now pro-mic. when people w/o mics join up, i immediately call the all voice team. i don't know what i'd do w/o morningbus' beat box, or pandas 'hit me up' and 'ether' tank music.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
BuddhaRockstar said:
You definitely can, but at least you know when a player is doing it and when the game is doing it. When vert says "pills here" I can be like "well it's vert so he's probably lying cause he's a douche" but when Ellis says "Pills here!" I know there's a bottle of pills nearby that the game (not player) is trying to alert me to.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

But really, I don't want to be on a team with people who refuse to voice chat. <3 Nabs using voice chat.


Stallion Free said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

But really, I don't want to be on a team with people who refuse to voice chat. <3 Nabs using voice chat.

Don't laugh at him making fun of me ;_;

Although I laughed too...


BuddhaRockstar said:
BTW I'm gonna be pretty pissed if in SC2 I can't bind the "Nuclear Launch Detected" message to my left mouse button.

Must be nice to live in a world where you only consider the negatives of a feature. That's just called a bad argument. :)

But make sure to spam shitty music in a mic if you have one.

Also, the game was made to use medkits, why do you play on servers without them!!111!! Oh yeah, PC people can customize the game to fit their liking. :lol


BuddhaRockstar said:
BTW I'm gonna be pretty pissed if in SC2 I can't bind the "Nuclear Launch Detected" message to my left mouse button.
Blizzard never patched out the ability to hit a bunch of spaces and type Nuclear Launch Detected in chat.
Volcynika said:
Also, the game was made to use medkits, why do you play on servers without them!!111!! Oh yeah, PC people can customize the game to fit their liking. :lol

So make a mod that allows voice binds and use it, jesus, or hell, make a soundboard with all the commands you want and play it over the mic channel. If people spam shit over the mic I can mute them but there's no way to mute Rochelle's fucking laugh. By removing voice binds Valve is sending a pretty clear message that it was never their intention for people to communicate through non-menu selected voice commands. If you want it mod it in, but Valve doesn't want it in Vanilla L4D.
BuddhaRockstar said:
So make a mod that allows voice binds and use it, jesus, or hell, make a soundboard with all the commands you want and play it over the mic channel. If people spam shit over the mic I can mute them but there's no way to mute Rochelle's fucking laugh. By removing voice binds Valve is sending a pretty clear message that it was never their intention for people to communicate through non-menu selected voice commands. If you want it mod it in, but Valve doesn't want it in Vanilla L4D.

Because that is soooo much easier than just using the mic. lol


The "Tank!" bind was useful, but the other binds tended to be really spammable or inappropriate (ie the overuse of death screams or rare lines). I'd be fine if the voice binds came back with a hard limit of the same bind only being usable every few seconds or so (you don't need to shout "Tank!" six times in a row if your team heard you once :p).

It's worth pointing out that you can still communicate the entire meaning in a text bind, hell, you could quote an audio bind word-for-word if you wanted to. Even if I start using a mic more (I probably will if this PC is moved to somewhere more quiet in the new place), I think I shall maintain a few short and pertinent text binds (tank position, if he's burning, calling for a pipe/bile, etc).

Mic spamming is limited due to the mute function, voicewheel spamming is limited due to the fact that the spammer actively interferes with his own ability to play to do it (and you can't spam if you're dead).


BuddhaRockstar said:
So make a mod that allows voice binds and use it, jesus, or hell, make a soundboard with all the commands you want and play it over the mic channel. If people spam shit over the mic I can mute them but there's no way to mute Rochelle's fucking laugh. By removing voice binds Valve is sending a pretty clear message that it was never their intention for people to communicate through non-menu selected voice commands. If you want it mod it in, but Valve doesn't want it in Vanilla L4D.

I want to make a mod that adds the feature back that Valve removed. Sure. Regardless, you're still arguing that it was ok to remove the feature that I've seen hardly anyone at all complain about in this thread.

Also, why don't they work on things that require more attention, like matchmaking putting you in a server that is good for no one, or fixing it where it doesn't go to local hosting if no server is found?


afternoon delight said:
I can't for the life of me get past campaigns on expert, but we only have a two-player team. Is it impossible?

With two in your team, no I don't think so. My friends and I have been doing it with 4 and have only one campaign to go, however it actually seems easier with less real life players (less things to go wrong I guess). I've also seen a few videos of people doing it by themselves, so I think it's certainly possible.
Volcynika said:
I want to make a mod that adds the feature back that Valve removed. Sure. Regardless, you're still arguing that it was ok to remove the feature that I've seen hardly anyone at all complain about in this thread.

Also, why don't they work on things that require more attention, like matchmaking putting you in a server that is good for no one, or fixing it where it doesn't go to local hosting if no server is found?

If they removed it they seem to think it was a bug, not a feature, especially since it wasn't mentioned in any patch notes.

It's worth pointing out that you can still communicate the entire meaning in a text bind

:lol :lol :lol
That's it, I'm done. I had no idea you could text bind. I just started up L4D2, typed "Bind x "say Tank ahead!" and sure enough, when I pressed x a chat message popped up saying "BuddhaRockstar: Tank ahead!" You have an equally viable way to communicate if you can't afford a $5 mic or have a sore throat or whatever your excuses were that's been in the game the whole damn time.


BuddhaRockstar said:
If they removed it they seem to think it was a bug, not a feature, especially since it wasn't mentioned in any patch notes.

Apparently they missed it the entire year L4D was out.

Nevermind, seems pointless to argue with people ok with removing functionality that legitimate people made use out of.
Volcynika said:
Apparently they missed it the entire year L4D was out.

Nevermind, seems pointless to argue with people ok with removing functionality that legitimate people made use out of.

bind bashheadonkeyboard "say Make text binds!"
As much as I hate functionality being taken away, the lack of playing with a constantly screaming/laughing rochelle will be worth it.

But a better solution would be to allow us to mute player activated voicebinds, or filter them based on frequency.
RocketDarkness said:
Hate to break it to you, but you can still constantly laugh. Hope you don't miss the variety, because that's all you'll be hearing, ever.

I'm sure they'll get rid of that as well. Or at least give it a buffer between them.


SundaySounds said:
ITT: the 1% of people negatively affected by this bitch for a couple pages.

ITT: People who don't read posts.

If you want to make a joke, learn to not look stupid.

I already said I don't use binds, I use a mic.
Volcynika said:
ITT: People who don't read posts.

If you want to make a joke, learn to not look stupid.

I already said I don't use binds, I use a mic.

I'm sorry. Were you, or were you not bitching?
My point stands. stfu

Also, you are not a people. There are other people here who were negatively affected! Stop be so self-centered.


SundaySounds said:
I'm sorry. Were you, or were you not bitching?

My point stands. stfu

And? I can't help a 'pro' like yourself can't learn to read posts. And you don't run this thread at all. But I'm ok with you making a fool of yourself.

You made a stupid blanket statement that started it for the most part anyways, so blame yourself.


Volcynika said:
And? I can't help a 'pro' like yourself can't learn to read posts. And you don't run this thread at all. But I'm ok with you making a fool of yourself.

RocketDarkness said:
Hate to break it to you, but you can still constantly laugh. Hope you don't miss the variety, because that's all you'll be hearing, ever.

The fact that they'll have to use the radial menu to do it makes me ok with that.
Volcynika said:
And? I can't help a 'pro' like yourself can't learn to read posts. And you don't run this thread at all. But I'm ok with you making a fool of yourself.

You made a stupid blanket statement that started it for the most part anyways, so blame yourself.


wayward archer said:
The fact that they'll have to use the radial menu to do it makes me ok with that.
The buffer still wouldn't be a bad idea.

Red Scarlet

Plenty of people talk too much on their mic making it hard to hear. But a lot of those guys that don't miss them in this thread play vs almost exclusively, where vocalizations aren't as useful as a mic for general communication. I don't give orders for that reason.

However, on the flip side, if you need to tell your teammates you are being pounced or smoked every time that happens because they can't hear the sound effects and music (where they could if you weren't going OMFGHELPMEPOUNCE), then they are shitty at the game anyway. It works both ways; people can spam stupid crap via vocalizations, not everyone does. Some people can spam stupid crap on their mics and make it hard to hear the game too, not everyone does.

I used the ones I had for utility; I can't always read what is being typed during some situations, but I could hear a vocalization or mic. Now, one option is completely removed. It doesn't help anyone since the stupid spam people now have a smaller pool with which to annoy people with. And if you are still playing random games with people that do spam, get some more friends, the games have been out for over a year. Try taking some initiative and make friends that don't do that shit instead of being a generalizing douche saying "everyone just spams them and you should get a fucking mic".


A 5 second delay like someone suggested would pretty much solve the most egregious bind spamming, but the unmodified system really sucks for when you don't play with friends. "Get more friends" isn't really much of a solution to a game design problem, even if it does improve your experience (ie playing with Scarlet and Gaf-friends has resulted in some of the most fun coop I've ever had). Hiding the command, while extreme, is a simple and effective way of fixing every problem associated with it. Maybe it'll return in some moderated form or another, maybe not.

Red Scarlet

It's not effective, nor does it fix every problem with it. People can just spam the wheel things instead now if that's what they still want to do.

'look' 'look' 'look' 'look'


Red Scarlet said:
if you need to tell your teammates you are being pounced or smoked every time that happens because they can't hear the sound effects and music (where they could if you weren't going OMFGHELPMEPOUNCE), then they are shitty at the game anyway.

I don't see any problem with either method. But in my particular case it not only makes sense to use voice chat, but it's a necessity. My surround sound headphones with microphone built in have to have the in game sounds almost at 0 to be able to hear speech. So I have my audio set like that.

And to be honest, the voice chat whilst playing is 90% of the enjoyment of the game. Without voice chat I may as well be playing with bots. Hilarious video game banter is the reason I play.

Red Scarlet

You play on the 360, where there is only 1 option of communicating. Of course it's going to be more important to use chat there. That's all you can do. You can do that and only 'look'. Completely different set of circumstances.


Red Scarlet said:
You play on the 360, where there is only 1 option of communicating. Of course it's going to be more important to use chat there. That's all you can do. You can do that and only 'look'. Completely different set of circumstances.

Sure, but my point being that there are different circumstances (for instance the headphones I use can also be used on the PC) and I can see both sides of the argument. But again if I was playing the game on PC I'd still have my preference to voice chat.

I can imagine being female could put a different perspective on the matter though. There are many assholes on the internets and as soon as a female voice appears it would be open day for idiocy by the other players.
Red Scarlet said:
It's not effective, nor does it fix every problem with it. People can just spam the wheel things instead now if that's what they still want to do.

'look' 'look' 'look' 'look'

The reason people would spam voice binds is because it was effortless beyond the setup, and much less likely to be kicked than teamkilling or doing nothing, and in my experience most griefers won't bother if even a small amount of additional effort is added.

Like I said I would prefer defensive options like muting player initiated voice binds or filtering them based on frequency than removing useful tools, but I do believe this will improve the overall experience of playing with randoms. I've encountered many, many more voice spammers than people who use binds constructively.


When's your wrist gonna get better? :0 (I want to play sometime!)

Red Scarlet said:
It's not effective, nor does it fix every problem with it. People can just spam the wheel things instead now if that's what they still want to do.

'look' 'look' 'look' 'look'
You missed the context. "It" in the sentence, "is a simple and effective way of fixing every problem associated with it" obviously referred implicitly to the vocalize bind feature. It is apparent that something can present no problems if it isn't usable, though that isn't ideal. I didn't say or imply that it was an effective and total fix for spamming in general.

Hiding the commands remains an effective (because it works) and total (because it works totally) solution for the vocalize bind feature. But it goes without saying that it is also an extreme solution, removal being the most extreme thing you can do regarding a feature. If it comes back, it needs to come back in a moderated form. The spammability doesn't really affect our games all that much, but we have to look outside that perspective and recognize that this feature probably makes the game a lot less fun for a ton of people. Playing with friends is naturally the best way to play the game, but the other methods shouldn't have to be a pain in the ass.
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