It's the triple buffering
I turned that shit off along with disabling dual core and the game has been fine ever since.
Everyone seems to be playing carnival, whether to get all the achievements or they like it or whatever. So I ended up playing that whole campaign 5 times
In one game, we did the gnome garden achievement. Hard as hell if you don't know what you're doing, ESPECIALLY the coaster part.
In another game, I was with a bunch of dumbasses. In the finale, I set up the whole area myself while the others were running around doing jack shit, even though I told them what to do and expect. if you can believe it. THEY ARE ALL INCAPPED! I run and help EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM when the heli comes. Wouldn't you know it (you're expecting that they live and I die?) I end up surviving while the three end up dying again...
In all 5 games, I'm always at the end of the coaster for some reason...dunno why as there were better players, but I guess it was just my luck.
For the stages:
First one is pretty good, and I like the finale. Though not when you're with stupid people who don't know shit. We did the whole two up and down thing. But the other fucker runs off instead of protecting me, so I end up throwing half the shit down myself. Finally, I get incapped. Dude is 5 steps away, but instead of helping, he goes back downstairs...
Carnival. I've played it so much, it's pretty much second nature now.
Swamp was hard as hell! Me and Hawkian were playing it and in the end only some other guy beat it. The rest of us died.
Hard Rain is my fave. The environmental effects are amazing! The finale was kinda meh, but we got through it in one try. Stupid tanks kept falling down the hole in the store.
Parish is also ok. I managed to do the finale in under 3 min thanks to some helpful players who did it twice to help me out. First time, they got through and the tank blocking my path and knocked me into the water.
Didn't really touch the other modes yet and haven't touched Realism yet, either. A bit scared, to be honest.
I love the sniper rifle with 30 rounds! Everyone keeps talking shit and telling me to change it to something else, but at the end of the round, I'm always usually the one leading in kills, special kills, damage to tank, etc. They don't seem to remember all the times I snipe a smoker or charger to help them out. Also, it kills in one shot AND pierces, so I find it stronger than the shotty, AND the 30 rounds means I don't have to reload quite so often as I can easily take out a group charging at me. For the 2nd last stage of Carnival, when you have to hit the gate and reach the safe house, the gun works wonders when they're coming at you in a straight line.
Melee is neat, but I wish there were more differences. I haven't really noticed any special bat...