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Left 4 Dead 2 |OT| The South Rises Again

Speculator said:
You havent experienced Hard Rain until you have to trek back after reaching the gas station :D
Lol yeah, when the Coach says something like "We're in the middle of it now" or something I was like..shit ungood! Lol, corn fields freak me out too.
I think this may be the greatest screenshot I've ever taken:


seconds after a pipe bomb detonates with Coach emerging heroically from the carnage.

Red Scarlet

Finally beat a campaign on expert..Dead Center. Took a lot of tries, but when we finally did, we had the car gassed up before the first Tank appeared.
I really do love this game and hard rain is my favorite at this point because of all the witches i either blast away with auto shottie or just hack them to death :D. I was playing just before on this map and we just started to make our way back with the gas and i got boomered and couldnt see for shit. So i just twirled around for a second with a molotov whilst blind and just took a blind guess as to where the zombies were coming at me from. I threw it and all the sudden one micro second after another zombies streamed thru the flames, it was so beautiful as all four of us sat back in awe in the dark at flaming zombies, so good.


Achievements ruin multiplayer games.

I was playing with 3 friends against randoms in Scavenge. We went first, and got 13 cans. Then on their turn they got 14 cans and so the round ended. They started calling it a shit mode and insulting us because they couldn't get the achievement. I said the point of the mode isn't to unlock an achievement, but they were like 'yes it is'.

So then it was our turn to start again as survivors. They started bitching again, saying it wasn't possible to get the achievement now that 'these shit cunts' are always going to start first. This time we managed to get 16 cans and a couple of my friends that didn't already have the achievement could rub it in their face. Then on their turn, one of their team mates blew up a can, so they all rage quit. I guess they didn't realise cans respawn. :lol
Jesus Christ, Survival is hard :lol My team and I only managed to get Bronze in the Mall Atrium. We spent hours in this mode and only played two stages :lol
The AI in this game is leagues worse than the first one. My wife and I were playing co-op with 2 AI dudes, and they were constantly just standing there while one of us was getting pounded by infected. Then at the end of the carnival, the heli shows up, one AI goes down, my wife and I get to the chopper, then the last AI, a few feet from the chopper, decides it's a better idea to go clear across the level instead.

So we have to stand there shooting zombies until he dies and the chopper takes off. I don't remember that ever happening in the first game.


I've got this weird bug. If effect detail is set to low, I can't see some of the rooftop features in the Hard Rain finale. It only occurs here, and if effect detail is low.


you no what teh worst feeling in teh wolrd is...?

when u see that all you friends r playin left for dead too, but when u click on "friends"... there all playin the same full games 2gether... no room 4 u

thats me, all day, literally


EmCeeGramr said:
you no what teh worst feeling in teh wolrd is...?

when u see that all you friends r playin left for dead too, but when u click on "friends"... there all playin the same full games 2gether... no room 4 u

thats me, all day, literally
:lol :lol I know.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Absoludacrous said:
The AI in this game is leagues worse than the first one. My wife and I were playing co-op with 2 AI dudes, and they were constantly just standing there while one of us was getting pounded by infected. Then at the end of the carnival, the heli shows up, one AI goes down, my wife and I get to the chopper, then the last AI, a few feet from the chopper, decides it's a better idea to go clear across the level instead.

So we have to stand there shooting zombies until he dies and the chopper takes off. I don't remember that ever happening in the first game.

They seem to have random spurts of being really dumb, which sometimes happened in 1 but I guess the longer levels make it more apparent in 2. I have literally seen Ellis stand there, not even shooting normal zombies, while I got strangled. He just aimed at the ground like he was frozen. :lol


I think this game is incredible, but I want to burn Steam's office down for deleting my achievements....TWICE.

Gnome Chompski is going to have to take another trip through Dark Carnival :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
so good I can't even believe it's so good why is it so good


Dr.Acula said:
I've got this weird bug. If effect detail is set to low, I can't see some of the rooftop features in the Hard Rain finale. It only occurs here, and if effect detail is low
I don't think it's just you. I was wondering why there was something invisible there, until I tried turning it up to medium. The hit on fps is minimal when turning it to medium anyway, so I just keep it there.


marked forever
fallout said:
I officially regret buying l4d2. I can't keep up with you people. I'm fucking terrible at this game.


Seriously though, I'm down for normal/advanced any time you want to play it!
Tim-E said:
I think this game is incredible, but I want to burn Steam's office down for deleting my achievements....TWICE.

Gnome Chompski is going to have to take another trip through Dark Carnival :(
I hear you.

My second attempt at lugging that gnome (after the achievement wipe) ended with the gnome being blasted to pieces in front of the fourth section safe room. There is a limit to just how much a person can take before he snaps.


are there any unwritten but generally followed rules among PUGs? When I used to play part 1 we developed a couple semi-followed rules. After playing a bunch of times on Dark Carnival, im starting to see same thing happen over and over. Here are some I suggest, feel free to tell me im wrong :D

1. Try to play like you cant use your health pack until you get to the safe house. This means not healing as much as possible and relying/searching for pills and shots. OF course this changes now any time a spitter shows up :D, but there are always a couple extra packs throughout the chapter.

2. If you suck yet scavenge all the healing items and hold on to them, I hate you. I just came from a game where a dude repeatedly found all the health items only to use them up stupidly, while the guy playing Coach lived forever off a sliver in the red.

3. Dont activate anything until people are set up. I rarely see people use or carry propane tanks :(.

4. Special weapons like chainsaws and grenade launchers should be saved as much as possible for crescendo events.

5. During events that involve some kind of rush, KEEP MOVING! Cant even count how many times Ive quit a Carnival run because 1 dude just doesnt get it and keeps fighting to eradicate every single last zombie.

6. If you use the shotgun, stick to the outsides...or at least fight a place to fight where people arent near. If they run by you and get shot, well thats their fault. At the same time, theres no reason to bitch about getting hit by friendly fire if they are trying to help you and you are running around.

7. Dont randomly run around scared from normal zombies! The only reason to change position is because you see new targets or get nabbed by a special infected. I generally use melee weapons and they do fine when I am surrounded and their doesnt seem to be a way out.

8. Dont run through the spitter puddle, unless you have to! Just dont do it. It hurts too much.

edit: yea I should have added, these are for normal/advanced. I havent tried expert yet. On a side note, I meet all the requirements for member but am still a junior....so maybe thats why 90% of my posts are totally ignored :lol
fallout said:
I officially regret buying l4d2. I can't keep up with you people. I'm fucking terrible at this game.
When I first started, I stayed on Normal for a bit, then moved up to Advanced and stayed there for a good long while. You'll get the hang of it eventually, so don't give up! Expert is a huge jump up from advanced.
This is the first PC FPS I've played in a good long while. I'm having a lot of fun. Still pretty hard for me, I'm just playing single player on normal and having a hell of a time. I tried to throw some bile at a Witch to help take her down, but as soon as I threw the bile I got roped by a Smoker. =/

Also, if anyone wants to play I'm zeroska on Steam.
Yeah, everyone saying they want to play advanced/expert/realism has me :( I still have issues on normal [with other people]! On my own, though, I would say it's pretty easy...and I haven't actually bothered to crank up the difficulty...but it reminds of the Brawl launch where everyone wanted to play 1v1, no items, Final Destination.


I just watched a bunch of videos and now I'm completely sold. I'm still waiting until Boxing week Steam sales to buy it though because I'm still working on Dragon Age and Assassin's Creed 2.

In L4D1, I mostly played Advanced, and never beat a campaign on Expert in 1 sitting. I ended up playing mostly Versus anyways, and a bit of Survival. However, I am looking forward to the challenge in L4D2, especially Realism and the new Scavenger mode looks very schedule-friendly since it's got such short rounds.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
fallout said:
I officially regret buying l4d2. I can't keep up with you people. I'm fucking terrible at this game.

Yeah, me too. I've gotten pretty good with the game now and very little surprises me.

Just got through a brutal Hard Rain with speculawyer...we all had almost no health. Had to kill each other and spawn in closets to get any decent health. Unfortunately, spec got his ass handed to him by the tank JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST as we got back on the boat. I think he was on it, but just incapped. :lol
I <3 realism. Played an awesome game of Hard Rain with ezekial and two randoms. It was frakking intense. I managed to be the only survivor hobbling to the boat, it was my first time surviving HR too. :D
We played a second game of realism in Dark Carnival with Spotless Mind as well. Not as intense as HR but it had its moments.

If anyone is planning on tackling advanced/expert realism, count me in.


Getting to the gas station in Heavy Rain is TOUGH. It was easy once we got the gas, but we wiped for at least an hour on that middle stage. Trying to fight off scattered zombies in largely open areas without disturbing all those witches is not easy.


Interestingly, L4D1's daily peak is down to ~8,000 while L4D2 is around 40,000. I think that puts L4D2 in a similar ballpark to L4D1's launch, maybe a bit higher. The interesting part is that those still playing L4D1 are probably people who didn't buy L4D2 so it might have attracted new people to the franchise. The people sticking to L4D1 will probably upgrade when there is a weekend sale.


xrich said:
i regret buying this because its only 30$ from gamestop on friday...bastards

If I see a good deal on the retail PC copy I'll grab it there because it's Steamworks anyways. However I'd prefer to buy on Steam so Valve gets more money (not that I want to pay more, just that their retail box gives a cut to retailers and EA).


Zzoram said:
If I see a good deal on the retail PC copy I'll grab it there because it's Steamworks anyways. However I'd prefer to buy on Steam so Valve gets more money (not that I want to pay more, just that their retail box gives a cut to retailers and EA).

Valve has enough...and Gamestop too for that matter. It's time to look out for numero uno!


xrich said:
Valve has enough...and Gamestop too for that matter. It's time to look out for numero uno!

I am. I'll buy wherever is cheaper, but if they are the same price during boxing week I'm buying on Steam.

In Canada right now retailers are asking CAN$54.99 + tax, but on Steam at full price it's US$49.99 no tax (cheaper at current exchange rate). In Canada the sales are never as good as American sales so I figure the Steam boxing week deal will be better than anything I'll find in Canada, after considering tax.


I just realized how fun Scavenge Mode is. Damn, it's fun. Especially when you need to play the final 3rd deciding round.
Slavik81 said:
Getting to the gas station in Heavy Rain is TOUGH. It was easy once we got the gas, but we wiped for at least an hour on that middle stage. Trying to fight off scattered zombies in largely open areas without disturbing all those witches is not easy.
While it's easier getting back, I'd say it's a lot scarier.

Crawling back through the field in that storm is utterly terrifying.
Sadly, Hard Rain is sort of nerfed if you don't have a good PC, as some of the effects apparently can only be seen with everything maxed. And on 360, the rain just looks like a filter applied to everything rather than actual rain. And when the storm comes, it mainly just gets darker/kills the draw distance, rather than feeling like a storm. Sort of disappointing.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Shake Appeal said:
Sadly, Hard Rain is sort of nerfed if you don't have a good PC, as some of the effects apparently can only be seen with everything maxed. And on 360, the rain just looks like a filter applied to everything rather than actual rain. And when the storm comes, it mainly just gets darker/kills the draw distance, rather than feeling like a storm. Sort of disappointing.
aw, dude, that sucks. my favourite moment in gaming this year has been making my way through the storm, with the sound blaring and the effects maxed as I waded through the (corn? wheat?) field.
Oh, I know, my laptop runs happily with everything maxed, albeit no AA. I just know some people playing with us were like "it's raining? I have everything on Low/Medium". Also, I bought the 360 version on Friday so I've had the chance to compare.

And it's a sugar cane field, I think. For the sugar mill. ;)

Edit: also, the way it dips the in-game voice during a storm so you can barely hear each other is genius.


Rez said:
aw, dude, that sucks. my favourite moment in gaming this year has been making my way through the storm, with the sound blaring and the effects maxed as I waded through the (corn? wheat?) field.
Yep, I get disappointed when other people say they can't see the rain :/


I can't see the rain. :(

Frames drop pretty low if I turn up shaders to high/very high on my laptop. I need a new desktop.
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