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Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter by Replay Games [Ended, $673K funded]


hahaha, Al: "I'm legendary designer Tim Scha... err, Al Lowe"

Love the video, I will support to thank him for the good times.


Man, people are really striking while the iron is hot. Would have been nice to have some breathing room between all these kickstarters.


didn't the game have pop culture references? maybe they are updating them

Anyway, back to the Leisure Suit Larry discussion, I think they did mention in the video they were going to update the humor.

Hopefully they'll have a way to see and play the original with the original text, kinda like the Monkey Island Special Editions.
Man, people are really striking while the iron is hot. Would have been nice to have some breathing room between all these kickstarters.

That should have been completely expected after the Doublefine and Wasteland successes.

But it's funny, I was just thinking about this game last night when I wrote up a top 10 list in this thread. Then I check back this morning and there's a Kickstarter for a new Leisure Suit Larry game!.... I really had no idea this was going to happen. Odd coincidence.


Sorry,i was half kidding,but some months ago theres 15 game projects on kickstarter,after tim schafers every day a dozen are created,all from well now franchises,the visibility of small projects eventualy will suffer a hit,and double fine have 65 employers,they already have the softwares,the hardware,they could have made this adventure game in their "spare time" while paying the bills with the income from the xbla games.

The point of kickstarting projects like this is to fund the development of things that wouldn't be possible through traditional means. Stuff big publishers won't touch. Of course you're going to see fans funding developers they know and love. The fans have been asking for a lot of these projects for years, and the devs have wanted to oblige them, but without funding it just couldn't happen. So can you blame these people for investing in the things they want? Spending $15 on a very real chance of getting someone to make that sequel you've always wanted is worth it to a lot of people, even if it doesn't pan out. Much better than organizing internet petitions and letter-writing campaigns to publishers that never go anywhere.

That doesn't mean that the viability of small projects will take a hit, though. Why would it? I don't think sequels to classic games that people have spent years clamoring for are competing with new IP's for kickstarter funding, tbh - they're appealing to different segments of the market.


$ 500000 for a game that, by its very nature, is pretty limited in its scope (in that the story, script etc. is already there) is a lot to ask.

It depends. I can see big chunk of the money going to Activision for IP rights. And they need to create engine (I'd assume they won't use SCI or quasi-amateurish engines), redone music/voice/graphics and maybe touch plot/puzzles here and there.

If LSL2 remake will require $500K as well, we have a problem here though.


I know it's been said a million times, but I feel iffy here backing a remake. If this was a new one, I would put up a decent amount.


Its not like it will kill the original one, right? I can play it again any time (its abandonware already, right?)

Just to check, you *are* aware that 'abandonware' is not actually a legally-sanctioned concept, right?

I would like to hear about some success stories through this Kickstarter thing.

FEEP! Get in 'ere, pronto!

There is no risk here for Kickstarter or the party seeking the funding, it's free money donated through Kickstarter who pockets 5%.

I'm not quite sure why "There's no risk" is being presented as a *bad thing*. Do products made with risk involved give you an extra thrill?


The more I think about this the more I'm hesitant to contribute at any level until it's clear what happened to the original funding for the project when it was first announced, what exactly the 500K will be spent on (they already have the license) and why it's now dependent on Kickstarter to become a reality. And a jokey "did you see how many millions Tim Schafer made??" response isn't really the right answer.

Love my LSL memories, but something about this feels a little funny to me. $15 is a fairly steep price for early adopters, especially for mobile platforms. Also the 1991 VGA remake still holds up, not sure if another one would really make the game any better. If anything it's more likely to be less charming, a la Monkey Island SE.


I'm not quite sure why "There's no risk" is being presented as a *bad thing*. Do products made with risk involved give you an extra thrill?
It's not true that there's no risk on the part of the developer, though. Double Fine Adventure or Wasteland 2 would be very damaging to their developers' reputations if they ultimately sucked.


When I checked the Kickstarter page while at work, it barely broke the 4k mark. Now it's 10 times that in less that 4 hours!


I'm not funding a remake of LSL1. I don't want to fund a remake of anything. Come up with an original idea if you want my money. LSL4 would've been a better idea since it was never made.


And they need to create engine (I'd assume they won't use SCI or quasi-amateurish engines)

All the versions of SCI are limited to 256 colors, so yes, they won't be able to use it (even if development tools and/or SCI sourcecode were still available, they aren't). The situation would even get worse, if they wanted (and it seems to be that way) to release the game on PSN and XBLA etc. as well.


Your childhood was incomplete.

What do you mean "childhood"? You have to be an adult to play those games! >:|
I remember how both my friend and I were trying to guess answers to the questions at the beginning of LSL1 :lol Back then we didn't know that there's a cheat code to omit them

And I would really prefer if this was a remake of LSL3 or even LSL2 (even though I hate that game, most vile example of try and die type of game, where everything could kill you). LSL1 was already remade once and that version still holds up pretty well. If this is just another remake, without any substantial changes other than audio-visual ones, I will be sad.


I'm pretty sure this was announced well before this Kickstarter thing took off. I'm in for a few just because it's nice to see Al Lowe doing something again but I'm not all that excited for a remake.


I don't know how much faith I can put into this project when they make the front door to Lefty's out of wood.

(Al Lowe and Josh Mandel could be pretty awesome :) )


hahaha, Al: "I'm legendary designer Tim Scha... err, Al Lowe"

Love the video, I will support to thank him for the good times.
That part and the ruinous post-apocalyptic landscape of Sierra Online were the highlights of the video for me.
The recent console ones are Activision cashing in on the brand. They have absolutely nothing to do with the 6 mainline games from Sierra in the 80s and 90s.

I was never a huge fan of LSL, but I enjoyed them for what they were, and LSL1 EGA was the first adventure I finished on my own, so there is a certain level of nostalgia for me there, while not being clouded by Rose Tinted glasses.

I agree with others that I really wish they had been more open about their previous announcement, I figure they thought they could ride the success of the MI remakes, but were left disappointed, but it would be good to get the story leading up to this point.

The pitch video was funny, and Josh Mandel's involvement is a huge plus. I figure I'll end up spitting in for the $15 or $25 tier, but I'm taking a bit of a wait and see on how things pans out over the next couple of weeks before committing.

T.M. MacReady

Do we have to have the same questions/strawman arguments about Kickstarter as a whole in every damn thread about Kickstarter projects?
These arguments happen in every thread because there's a new thread for a new kickstarter every damn day. People who think its a bad or overused idea cant help but be a little frustrated when they see it in the news every single day.


I hope they get the same people that voiced larry and the narrator in the old games to do this one. Also, I wish this was larry 8 and not a remake of lounge lizards.


What do you mean "childhood"? You have to be an adult to play those games! >:|
I remember how both my friend and I were trying to guess answers to the questions at the beginning of LSL1 :lol Back then we didn't know that there's a cheat code to omit them

Same here. The one or two times my best friend and I guessed well enough in third grade to get into the game, we were too young to have any idea what the game was about or what we were supposed to be doing, so we just wandered around the street.

Also? My friend was Mark Crowe's daughter. No, I'm not kidding.


These sorts of kickstarter rewards like eating a meal with Al Lowe have to be so awkward for everyone involved.


I do hope this does well. Al Lowe is one of the more tragic figures of gaming history if you ask me. He did so much in the early days that is largely forgotten. Not to mention his creation being absolutely butchered by publishers (which it seems is how most younger people remember the character)
My issue is more that gamers are essentially "betting" on a good Leisure Suit Larry game without seeing any screenshots, gameplay vids, etc.

I guess there no point in speaking out against it, it will definitely get funded.

Honestly, what is the difference for fans of any franchise/developer/whatever? What percentage of gamers anticipating a particular game or sequel ever actually decide not to buy because of reviews or questionable previews? Do you know how unremittingly terrible a game has to be to turn off someone who's been hoping for it or following it for years? Even if it does look bad, most fans buy it anyway. Even with all the information.

There are probably a million PS3 owners who would reserve Elder Scrolls VI today.


Al Lowe. Awesome.

Maybe they can make an original one after a remake, and the shitty LSL games from this gen can be forgotten.
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