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Leisure Suit Larry Kickstarter by Replay Games [Ended, $673K funded]

Can we get an official NEOGAF kickstarter thread? And just update that thread with new happenings regarding kickstarter? It's like each new day brings two more kickstarter threads. It would also make it a lot easier for people to follow the progress and happenings of each kickstarter campaign in a more organized fashion.


Can we get an official NEOGAF kickstarter thread? And just update that thread with new happenings regarding kickstarter? It's like each new day brings two more kickstarter threads. It would also make it a lot easier for people to follow the progress and happenings of each kickstarter campaign in a more organized fashion.

I'm not going to check a mega-thread for announcements of new projects. I don't see why larger Kickstarter projects cannot get their own threads.


I don't remember getting stucked on 2, but for me it had the best setting together with 7, and the most difficult together with Larry 3. I don´t know why, but i didn't liked Larry 6. Maybe its was too easy and ugly for the time.

Too ugly?

I'll give you that it was easy, though. But I find LSL5 to be much (much!) easier.

And if you weren't stuck on 2, then good for you. That game, if you played it without a walkthrough, was just a pain in the ass. You could die everywhere (spent too long in one area? dead; went to the wrong place you had no idea about? dead; didn't know that those normal looking strangers are agents in disguise? dead; didn't know that you share your cabin with a S&M granny that will attack you if you enter the cabin at the wrong moment? dead) and very often you had to pick up items without knowing when and how will you gonna use them. One vile example is the huge soda cup and a wig you pick up right at the beginning of the game (before you enter the cruise ship), and that you need to use somewhere in the middle of the game (when you're drifting on a boat). It's easy to omit those items when you're playing for the first time (why the hell should I buy a huge cup of soda now?), and by the time you have to use them (if you don't, you'll die obviously), you can't go back and pick them up anymore.

Leisure Suite Larry 2 is a perfect example of how not to design adventure games. It goes against almost every rule that Ron Gilbert described in his "Why Adventure Games Suck And What We Can Do About It" article.
Not sure if I'm going to pledge to a remake. A new game would have gotten some money from me.

Duke 3d shits on pretty much all modern fps games.

This makes it sound like they don't completely own the rights to LSL.

Totally agree, Duke Nukem 3D is still one of my favorite FPS's of all time. I think it aged extremely well. Shame that Duke Nukem Forever will never be remebered in the same light. I was really pulling for that game...

As for this one, I\d love to see a new LSL but I'm a bit on the fence about it being a remake... I may give in and pledge, we'll see.


from their FAQs

We would LOVE to make a new version of Leisure Suit Larry!! We thought about making LSL 4 (the missing floppies) or 8, or even 69!! The problem is, Codemasters, the publisher that owns the rights to Leisure Suit Larry and sold them to us wants to see what we can do with the game first. They said if we do a good job at a re-make then we'll have total freedom to do what we want on the next game. So, we have to really kick major ass on this game and show Codemasters what we're capable of. Once we do that, and the game is a success, then we can talk about a new design for our good friend Larry. Trust us, nobody wants to see a newer version of Leisure Suit Larry than us, his biggest fans (yes, we too are fans of Larry Laffer).

if they bought the rights for the franchise why codemasters has any saying on this?

i don't really understand it...
What's the point of having the "original creative team" when the person who REALLY created it was Charles Benton, sole creator of Soft Porn Adventure, the text adventure that had graphics added to it to turn it into Liesure Suit Larry?

LSLitLotLL shares the structure and puzzles of Softporn Adventure, but the keys to its lasting appeal are in the script, humor, and character of Larry Laffer, all of which Al Lowe brought to the table. Softporn Adventure is certainly relevant to the history of the franchise, but Al Lowe is vastly more important to the series' identity.
Is this really needed?
There's already a vga remake with click and point interface and updated graphics, we surely don't need another remake of the same game.

Got exited, read the thread and saw the KS-page, left dissapointed...
Is this really needed?
There's already a vga remake with click and point interface and updated graphics, we surely don't need another remake of the same game.

Apparently, what it sounds like is this:

They bought back the rights to Larry, either to the entire franchise or just the remake (these things get muddy and tricky fast). Now, they want to make a really good game so as to show the new owners that they can be trusted with future Larry games.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
To be fair, the remake people keep bringing up came out in like 1992, didn't it? My math clocks that as 20 years ago.
I want to know if Sierra will be able to leap in like the assmunchers they are when this game curbstomps their shitquels.

I would also like some Al Lowe interviews where he talks shit about Sierra suits and marketing, like the Fargo interview.

Ah, never underestimate peoples need to justify their hate...


The Amiga Brotherhood
My favourites:

LSL3 - Incredible music, decent graphics, fun puzzles and locations, okay story and a fantastic ending. One of my favourite games of all time. I can play the game just for the music alone.

LSL7 - After the original trilogy (and maybe LSL5), the series became about getting as many people into bed as possible. This one perfects that formula. Not as good as LSL3, but definately up there with the best.

LSL1 - The original, but well designed and good humour. Not too many ways to screw up, like in 2. Not the best of the series, but still great, and fun to play through every once in a while. I'm looking forward to the (second) remake.

LSL2 - to be honest, I actually love this game jut as much as LSL1. I just had to put it lower on the list since it's also a perfect example of "how not to design the puzzles in an adventure game". Particularly the amount of stuff you can miss that will make it impossible to finish, which you only find out much later in the game.

LSL5 - Well, I do like this game as well, but I played it first time on the Amiga, which was during the time when Sierra started to make horrible VGA -> Amiga ports. Good game, and I will probably play it again soon.

LSL6 - The only reason this game is on the bottom is because I've only finished at best 1/3 of it. Last time I tried, I ran into a gamebreaking bug that prevented me from playing the game, and reloading an earlier save didn't help. I was put off with the idea of trying again, when it would potentially screw up again. I will certainly play it again soon, because it's also a favourite for a lot of people.


I want to know if Sierra will be able to leap in like the assmunchers they are when this game curbstomps their shitquels.

Sierra doesn't exist anymore.
The original Sierra died in 1999. The corpse of Sierra still wandered around trying to be a publisher. The corpse was finally put to an end in 2008.

So what you should ask is: if Activision and/or Codemasters...
I loved 3,1, then 2 I think. 1 made a great impact on me being the first, while 3 was just great overall. My biggest dream is that something like the GTA IV game engine is used for a remake of Leisure Suit Larry 1. If you think about it, those two games have so much in common.

I also still have a Roland MT-32 ... :D

But what I'm learning now is that it seems 7 was actually worth playing? I missed that completely.

But actually, I am not sure if I can ever enjoy a Larry (or similar style) game ever again unless I can type my lines freely. I think this is what will make or break the game for me. Getting into a shouting or cussing match with the game engine's all-knowing narrator is one of the bigger highlights of that game, and getting to type anything in general is just awesome. I also loved how the game engine of all the sierra adventures of that time had their own proper personality (Kings Quest, Space Quest, LSL, they'd all respond wildly different). I think this is why I could never get into any of the point and click games.


Sierra doesn't exist anymore.
The original Sierra died in 1999. The corpse of Sierra still wandered around trying to be a publisher. The corpse was finally put to an end in 2008.

So what you should ask is: if Activision and/or Codemasters...

Yeah, the licensing situation should be clarified. Is Larry now back with these guys for good, or not?
I also loved how the game engine of all the sierra adventures of that time had their own proper personality (Kings Quest, Space Quest, LSL, they'd all respond wildly different). I think this is why I could never get into any of the point and click games.

This. I've only enjoyed a very select few of the Lucasarts-style games, and they're arguably not even the best ones in terms of design - Discworld and Full Throttle. However, I love the Sierra adventures! Sure, they're completely unfair, and in terms of puzzle design they are infuriating at times, but they're so charming, so well-written, so visually splendid; King's Quest 6, to me, is the pinnacle of the genre.
Apparently, what it sounds like is this:

They bought back the rights to Larry, either to the entire franchise or just the remake (these things get muddy and tricky fast). Now, they want to make a really good game so as to show the new owners that they can be trusted with future Larry games.

They own the IP, and they own the rights to remake 1-7. So that can make new games and they can remake the original adventure games. What they can not do is sell the original games, and sell or remake the sequels by High Voltage and Team 17. I don't know about the Love for Sail phone game.

I would also like some Al Lowe interviews where he talks shit about Sierra suits and marketing, like the Fargo interview.....Sierra's abuse of Larry and Lowe can be hated without any justification whatsoever.

I don't agree. I respect Al Lowe and give him mad props for the games he made, he really wasn't truthful at all on what happen on MCL. Talking directly with people at VU and High Voltage, Al Lowe's version of events were an almost complete fabrication. It unfolded like this:
Al's version: I tried to talk to Sierra but they never called back. Woe is me. Sierra mislead me. After the game was done they wanted to pay me to not talk bad about the game. Woe is me.

High Voltage's version: We were constantly in contact with Al, trying to get him on board, If not for MCL, the LSL Dating Sim for the PSP. He wasn't open to working with us. When we finally gave him an offer for the paycheck he wanted, he refused to sign a standard employment NDA.

The truth is somewhere in between (Though I side with High voltage quite a bit).
This. I've only enjoyed a very select few of the Lucasarts-style games, and they're arguably not even the best ones in terms of design - Discworld and Full Throttle. However, I love the Sierra adventures! Sure, they're completely unfair, and in terms of puzzle design they are infuriating at times, but they're so charming, so well-written, so visually splendid; King's Quest 6, to me, is the pinnacle of the genre.

You mean Grim Fandango.
While 'point and click' is a convenient label, the interface does not define the genre.

Oh for sure. I just realised that the older King's Quests aren't point and click either! Either way I personally don't think Fandango is the prime cut. I could go into more detail, but this isn't really the place. At any rate, if Fandango somehow got a GOG.com release with fixes, I would certainly give it another shot.


They own the IP, and they own the rights to remake 1-7. So that can make new games and they can remake the original adventure games. What they can not do is sell the original games, and sell or remake the sequels by High Voltage and Team 17. I don't know about the Love for Sail phone game.

I don't agree. I respect Al Lowe and give him mad props for the games he made, he really wasn't truthful at all on what happen on MCL. Talking directly with people at VU and High Voltage, Al Lowe's version of events were an almost complete fabrication. It unfolded like this:
Al's version: I tried to talk to Sierra but they never called back. Woe is me. Sierra mislead me. After the game was done they wanted to pay me to not talk bad about the game. Woe is me.

High Voltage's version: We were constantly in contact with Al, trying to get him on board, If not for MCL, the LSL Dating Sim for the PSP. He wasn't open to working with us. When we finally gave him an offer for the paycheck he wanted, he refused to sign a standard employment NDA.

The truth is somewhere in between (Though I side with High voltage quite a bit).

I try to keep an open mind, so I'm willing to hear about this. Is there any interview anywhere with the High Voltage people?


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Oh for sure. I just realised that the older King's Quests aren't point and click either! Either way I personally don't think Fandango is the prime cut. I could go into more detail, but this isn't really the place. At any rate, if Fandango somehow got a GOG.com release with fixes, I would certainly give it another shot.

Reading this thread made me realize how much I want a true Kings Quest Successor :(


Reading this thread made me realize how much I want a true Kings Quest Successor :(
I'm curious to see what Telltale can do with the license. I'm sure it'll disappoint many people merely through expectations, but I'm curious whether despite that it ends up as a good *game*.


I'm curious to see what Telltale can do with the license. I'm sure it'll disappoint many people merely through expectations, but I'm curious whether despite that it ends up as a good *game*.
Judging from past Telltale games, the best we can hope for is a vague approximation that is pretty decent but doesn't come anywhere near the originals.

..not that I've ever been a huge fan of King's Quest!
They need $ to finish it. It's a little suspicious.

Not really since at least you get a copy of the game for only $15. It essentially just becomes a "pre-order" where the actual developers rather than the retailers benefit from the revenue.

This isn't my thing, but Lowe seems like a nice guy. Wish this thing well.


Too ugly?

I'll give you that it was easy, though. But I find LSL5 to be much (much!) easier.

And if you weren't stuck on 2, then good for you. That game, if you played it without a walkthrough, was just a pain in the ass. You could die everywhere (spent too long in one area? dead; went to the wrong place you had no idea about? dead; didn't know that those normal looking strangers are agents in disguise? dead; didn't know that you share your cabin with a S&M granny that will attack you if you enter the cabin at the wrong moment? dead) and very often you had to pick up items without knowing when and how will you gonna use them. One vile example is the huge soda cup and a wig you pick up right at the beginning of the game (before you enter the cruise ship), and that you need to use somewhere in the middle of the game (when you're drifting on a boat). It's easy to omit those items when you're playing for the first time (why the hell should I buy a huge cup of soda now?), and by the time you have to use them (if you don't, you'll die obviously), you can't go back and pick them up anymore.

Leisure Suite Larry 2 is a perfect example of how not to design adventure games. It goes against almost every rule that Ron Gilbert described in his "Why Adventure Games Suck And What We Can Do About It" article.

Hmmm....... It doesnt look like the game i played.
Now i see why, there was 2 versions of the game: VGA and SVGA, you post a picture from SVGA version. I never knew there was a better version of the game! Holy sh@t!




Can we get an official NEOGAF kickstarter thread? And just update that thread with new happenings regarding kickstarter? It's like each new day brings two more kickstarter threads. It would also make it a lot easier for people to follow the progress and happenings of each kickstarter campaign in a more organized fashion.

Can we just get a "Publisher Announces New Game" thread any any time any new game is announced it just goes into that thread?

I don't see the difference. Is a game announcement less worthy of it's own thread just because it isn't a major publisher making the announcement and the announcement is coming through a kickstarter?


Subete no aware
I don't agree. I respect Al Lowe and give him mad props for the games he made, he really wasn't truthful at all on what happen on MCL. Talking directly with people at VU and High Voltage, Al Lowe's version of events were an almost complete fabrication. It unfolded like this:
Al's version: I tried to talk to Sierra but they never called back. Woe is me. Sierra mislead me. After the game was done they wanted to pay me to not talk bad about the game. Woe is me.

High Voltage's version: We were constantly in contact with Al, trying to get him on board, If not for MCL, the LSL Dating Sim for the PSP. He wasn't open to working with us. When we finally gave him an offer for the paycheck he wanted, he refused to sign a standard employment NDA.

The truth is somewhere in between (Though I side with High voltage quite a bit).

Is this true?!
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