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Let's put it to bed. Your last word on the current console generation.


We're heading towards the release of the next round of major gaming consoles. Soon the PS5 and XSX/S will dominate discussion, bringing us new games at new levels of graphical fidelity and gamer experience.

Let's take a moment to have a think about what the previous generation has meant to us, and leave some thoughts for it - and hopes for the next generation.

Note: For the record, I'm not really including the Switch - a generation-spanning, hybrid device - in these considerations. This is really focused on the PS4/xBox One paradigm. If you wanna say nice things about the switch, go for it. <3


For mine, in addition to natural gameplay development, this console generation witnessed a few ingenious engines really breaking open the way games will look, now and forever more. Looking at a PS3/360 game against a game made with id Tech 7, later day frostbite, cryengine, unreal 4, redengine, it's night and day. The jumps between PS2 and PS3 were not as incredible - purely because of where our theory on computer game graphics stood at that time. In fact, I think graphics this generation got to such a fever pitch that we won't see obviously next-gen games strutting their stuff for another year or two (with a few exceptions perhaps)

In terms of game quality, I think that's harder to pin down in relative terms. For sure I believe the great games of the past generation are some of the best, and best looking, games ever made - Bloodborne, God of War, RDR2, Jedi Fallen Knight (vs the Jedi Knight series), many more - but how good they are in the context of the wider industry is perhaps another matter. The bar is being raised really high - back in the day, Half Life cracked open the First Person Shooter universe, Half Life 3 (hypothetical) will have to rely on more than that to achieve a similar gap over the competition.

I also think that game designers have now had 2 decades to work with fully 3D games, and it just follows that a ton of lessons have been learned, and new gameplay quirks created. We're seeing the fruits of that, we mostly saw that happen in this generation.

I'm grateful to the last generation because this was the generation in which games really started to look, and play, in extremely effective, expressive ways. We're really feeling what the developers want us to feel.

As for the next generation, it's harder to predict. One of the two major console brands seems to be resisting the concept of generations, so I'm not sure what we'll see coming from that corner - it could be fantastic, who knows? But I am excited for the continued development of these graphics engines, and the continued expansion of expressive freedom for these increasingly experienced and savvy developers.
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I'll put it as a list of short thoughts:




TITANFALL 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





that's it :)

but for real, fuck wannabe cinematic, shallow ass gameplay having, watered down, designed for 50yo dads, third person bush hiding ass games and fuck game designers who think slow walking sequences are good Gamedesign

edit: also Dark Souls 3 is best game ever... THE END
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I think this generation was shit and I have little hope the next is going to be any better. Not because of the hardware, which was pretty good, but because game design seems to be moving in a bad direction where 99% of the effort is being put into generating ever more shiny assets and less and less into the actual game.


Performance capture has been evolving amazingly. Voice actors have reached new levels of high quality performance. Animation is also reaching new levels of immersion. Gameplay will be the same next gen but i hope the haptic controllers and triggers add a new layer of Immersion for me. I had an awesome experience with the current gen and i will play the remaining ps4 games left unopened on ps5.


Gold Member
What’s strange is that it feels like the end of a book. One that was very well written overall. Each chapter was a new story, a new world to explore. I felt like I played a lot of good games and that I got to be part of the entire experience. There were moments, like all console cycles, that felt endless. Nights spent playing Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 are all memories I’ll cherish. I felt like the horror genre owes a lot to this console gen with The Evil Within, PT, and Resident Evil VII. The “it’s happening” moment when Final Fantasy VII Remake gets announced and when you finally get to the credits. The release date for Kingdom Hearts III and playing God of War. It felt like it was probably the best console cycle to date. I would always use to pre-order a handful of games and this time I had countdown clocks galore. It makes me really excited to see what developers can create for this next set of consoles. I sure am looking forward to what I’ve seen so far.

The negative side of things. Xbox didn’t do that great. I basically ignored them except for Gears, Halo, and occasionally an exclusive here and there. There were times when I bought a game like the Avengers and it really wasn’t that appealing. Mass Effect went to hell and I really wanted to ignore BioWare completely. I read stories where developers went to work making games and got let go after they had their minds all excited about making games. There was a lot of drama that didn’t belong in the industry. Social media was far worse this console cycle. It made me want to be a hermit with the games I purchase because the loudest voice in the room wasn’t even discussing games. You saw the business side of Video Games far too much. To the point where thinking about some rich game developer was more important than playing the games. The F2P made another genre to completely ignore. The esports side went to hell. It feels like a high school recycling it’s students after 4 years. Some things became lame, while others still impressed the masses.

Oh well. What I learned is that gaming has grown to the billion dollar industry that it is. That comes with the good and the bad. I don’t count each game release if I’m not interested in the game to begin with. Not all video game news is exciting and I think that was a long time coming. I also feel like the industry gets exploited to the point of it not impacting people as much as it use to. LOL that’s where I should probably end my rant.
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Why? What did it do better than the ps1 and 2 for example? Or the Snes? Or the switch even which hands down has a better library of exclusive games.

Well many things, you have to take the console as a package and the PS4's overall package makes it a cut above, the share functions, online features etc are all a generational leap over the PS3/360, then you have the games, just look at the big exclusives, the devs had no right to get those visuals running on a base PS4, given that it was basically a poor laptop CPU and a low end PC gpu, i didnt expect we would see any surprises visually, but it produced lots of visually stunning games that ran at very consistent frame rates, there's a great video Playstation put out, with 1 second from nearly all the PS4 games, it just highlights what a great generation it's been.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
It was a fantastic generation — almost only because of Sony and Nintendo first party exclusives. Microsoft missed out on the game front, but near the end of the generation they made some headway with great hardware (One X), revolutionary BC, and GamePass. This next generation has incredible potential for Microsoft but it’s Sony’s generation to lose — which they WILL if they return to their arrogant, market-leading ways (which they’ve shown they are prone to do). Sony’s recent back-pedaling and lies are really putting them into a corner, but they will probably release amazing games and make everyone forget (at least they hope you’ll forget).

Overall it’s a really exciting time to be a gamer, probably the best time ever.
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I think it was well done. I was most impressed with Nintendo. Sony had Bloodborne, God Of War, and really that was about it, but those were amazing games.

Other than that, multiplat games were where it was. Witcher 3, the Doom games, Monster Hunter World, RDRII, etc.

But I really thought Nintendo did the best job with exclusives


voted poster of the decade by bots
I spent 100 hrs or so with my ps4/ps4 pro (only a handful of exclusives worry playing that I like), the rest with xbox one and one x. Some quality time with switch........if your a gamer and you haven't played breath of the wild and Mario Odyssey......well let's just say your missing a lot.
This is the first generation in a long time where I didn't have to worry about my consoles and controllers failing on me. During previous generations I had to buy multiple controllers and had to send consoles to be repaired twice. This generation gave me too many games to play and not enough time to play them all. I hope next-gen delivers on fun and originality.
PS4 provided me with the best console experience I've ever experienced so far.
The last year was absolutely mental in the quality of titles on PS4.
You cannot call yourself a gamer and NOT pick up a PS4 right now.

Fuck me! where does one even start. They just need to recapture the magic of the Xbox 360.

Mario can fuck off. I'm not 12 years old anymore :p

All in all it was an amazing generation and I know PS5 will pick off where PS4 left off and Xbox will recapture some of that 360 magic later in the generation.
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1. Zelda Botw and the Witcher 3 both entered my top 10.
2. Sekiro is my favorite action game since Ninja Gaiden Black.
3. Mario Odyssey is the best mario since 64.
4. FF7 remake exists and it`s damn good too.
5. Resident Evil is amazing again, both with 7 and Remake 2.
6. Capcom and Japanese games overall are doing way better than gen 7.
7. All 3 hardware makers are healthy business wise.
8. Amazing indies every year.
9. VR set its first foot on the market, relatively successfully.
10. Even goddamn Half Life and Doom are back being great.

All in all, amazing gen, way better than gen 7. Keep it rolling.


PS4 clearly win this gen for me.

I am grateful that I have opportunity to finish Yakuza 0 until 6 on PS4.

Love God of War dad o simulator evolution. I enjoyed Bloodborne despite sucks at it. Despite mixed signals on TLOU2, I still feel good about gameplay.

RDR2 still awesome for open world with outdated gameplay and GoT set higher bar for ubisoft open world games.

I can’t say much about switch because mostly I spend time for Fire Emblem, BotW and Mario Kart which is good but I hope they release more games that I’m interested in.


Didn’t own an Xbox one.

I got Ps4 day 0 as I’m a huge killzone fan. had to get shadowfall.

PS4 was on fire this gen. Bloodborne and Horizon Zero Dawn are some of my favorite games of all time. They blew me away.

Sony messed up by not having any relevant multiplayer games like Resistance, Socom, or a superior Killzome game.

i fully expect Guerilla games to come out with a proper Socom game for PS5 and I want killzone reimagined.
make it happen Hermen Hulst!


Not bad. Would have been way worse without the mid-gen system upgrades. The crap CPUs really held things back. Nice redemption arc for Microsoft after Mattrick fucked everything up.


Good not great.

A generation should be judged by the iconic new IPs it brought to the table. I would never think to put the previous generation up with the greats of the SNES and PS1 but the PS3/360 had Mass Effect, Bioshock, Uncharted, Gears of War, The Last of Us, Assassin's Creed, Portal, Arkham Asylum, Little Big Planet, Minecraft, Demon's Souls, Left 4 Dead, and Borderlands. That's to say nothing of the triumphs of series that reinvented or reintroduced themselves like Fallout, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, The Elder Scrolls, Battlefield, Far Cry, and Killzone.

The number of reinvention/reintroductions is only a handful of games and the number of iconic new IPs is practically non-existent. And, as painful as it is to remember, a lot of the games on those lists above came to this generation to fucking die. I also think the robust indie scene that these consoles inherited was squandered, to the point where I no longer check for them like I used to at the beginning of this gen.

Don't get me wrong, there is an inner circle of gems that I enjoyed from this generation, some rough and some flawless, but it's only a precious handful.
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Iced Arcade

This gen didn't hold a candle to last gen. But we didn't have RROD or YLOD.

This gen didn't even produce a new GTA! The 360 & PS3 monsterous game history makes this gen laughable really.

positve... we got Gamepass and PS got VR.
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What time is it?
I think the overall quality of releases has increased but at the same time, developers seem to be playing it safe and game genres have tended to blend together. There seem to be fewer risks in game design so it's becoming more difficult to standout outside of insane production values. I want more games to feel like toys and less games to try and be vehicles for narrative.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Xbone Headed and PSsnore.
I will remember them as the tech bottleneck generation.
A few gems but not the Trilogies legacy we often got with the PS3 XB360 years.


I think it’s my least favorite. 2 out of 3 console manufacturers went full retard on hardware, and even PS4 was historically technically unimpressive (especially the CPU) for a console jump.

Moreover, we saw AAA games take the final step into to being boring, derivative, safe clones of each other, more concerned with recouping budget and following popular trends, than actually being inspired ideas.

Where once these games used to lead, and be the pinnacles of gaming, they stumbled, outside of a rare few, all generation.

Censorship and ideological propaganda, all one-sided (so even worse), also became a thing.

It’s not all bad, though. Untraditional, smaller, and unexpected games stepped up in a big way, and not just typical indies either, with some gorgeous, hardware pushing games, or big, brand new ideas like Battle Royale. Upgrades mid-gen kept the terrible CPU, but gave us some awesome new tech, and 4K for the first time. Nintendo pulled their head out of their butts, and gave us an really cool Switch (as well as fantastic games all generation long). Games pushed visuals extraordinarily far, even with the limitations.

In the end, even my least favorite, is still a lot of fun. And I think we’re in an mproved place for next-gen, with some of the standards set and challenges met in this one.


Xbox utterly blew it, and Sony made them pay every step of the way, all while recapturing some of the magic of the PlayStation 2. Xbox didn't compete, so much as they simply survived. I think, in a few years time, this generation will be remembered for primarily birthing the horror that is GaaS.
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Like any generation there's been ups and downs, i don't agree with anyone saying this was "teh worst gen eva!" cause that's what they say each and every gen.

There's been a lot of great games and hopefully that will continue, the only issue anyone should be worried about is the skyrockiting cost of game development and what it will mean going forward.


Started okay, some great games & fun in the first few years (Bloodborne being the peak), then it was all downhill. Not just with games (fucking Gaas & monetizing/microtransactions/content hidden behind season passes everything everywhere), but the entire cultural zeitgeist of gaming shifted to maximum to shit level.

The whole Sarkeesian horror show for retards & vicious idiots to spew their low IQ regressive hate against normal men, SJW infiltration of the media, the "gamers are dead" stuff from the press, the developers & publishers signing an "we must diversify gaming!" edict & now I wake up to news Sony is advertising a BLM theme for the PS4: https://www.jeuxvideo.com/news/1306048/playstation-4-un-theme-black-lives-matter-disponible.htm


This gen ended in a toilet.


Following gaming since Atari, for me it was one of the most uninteresting era, I can count on my hands the amount of game I truly liked and had a sense of “wow”.
But it’s ok I guess what i liked worth it, still lukewarm compared to my other phases in gaming.
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