I dont know whats up with these star tattoos. I see so many gay guys with them. I think they look so stupid and total negate his hotness.
The stars are pretty distracting. Oh cool hot guy, busy star gazing.
I dont know whats up with these star tattoos. I see so many gay guys with them. I think they look so stupid and total negate his hotness.
Thanks. I didn't think of the tattoos I cannot see. Now I am sort of excited. I'm just going to ask him so I can least know I tried.
I'll keep that in mind thanksMy policy for asking strangers is to expect total rejection and hope for the best! I actually never gather the courage though.
Do you ever wonder if people masturbate thinking about you?
Because I do.
So since Mother's Day is coming up (In Mexico at least? idk) I've been reflecting over how much has changed since I came out to my Mom and she took it the wrong way, etc.
I'm thinking of asking this guy out. It's been on my mind for quite sometime. I see him just about every morning on the bus going to the train station. He takes another bus at the station and I take the train into work. Sometimes on the bus I stand next to him and I have an urge to say hi. Unfortunately my gaydar doesn't work on Asian guys so I cannot tell if he is or isn't. Tomorrow I might try my luck I hope I can handle being shot down. He's my type. He has short hair he's about 5'5" lean. He does have tattoos on his arm but that's ok. I'm neither for or against it. I just need to find something to say to him after hi. I suppose my mind will think of something it's pretty good at doing that.
Yup. Unless you already know the person (coworker, classmate, friend, etc) or see them at a place mainly consisting of gay people (aka gay clubs or lgbt groups at school) you really shouldn't straight up ask other guys (or girls if you're a lesbian) out in person. You'd be asking for a bad situation to happen.To quote one of the Luteces: "This will all end in tears"
NEVER EVER asks a stranger if they'd like to go out with you unless you meet them inside a gay establishment. It's one thing to strike up a light convo with them (even then they'd probably think you're weird). It's quite another to flatout asks them out.
Tell me about it. All I want in a man is someone who is kind, honest, hygienic, and is attractive. When I say attractive I don't mean super model attractive, just someone who can turn me on. Anything else is just a bonus.Lordy some of yalll have long lists.
Lordy some of yalll have long lists.
To quote one of the Luteces: "This will all end in tears"
NEVER EVER asks a stranger if they'd like to go out with you unless you meet them inside a gay establishment. It's one thing to strike up a light convo with them (even then they'd probably think you're weird). It's quite another to flatout asks them out.
Too big.
Much better.yoyo
To quote one of the Luteces: "This will all end in tears"
NEVER EVER asks a stranger if they'd like to go out with you unless you meet them inside a gay establishment. It's one thing to strike up a light convo with them (even then they'd probably think you're weird). It's quite another to flatout asks them out.
Yup. Unless you already know the person (coworker, classmate, friend, etc) or see them at a place mainly consisting of gay people (aka gay clubs or lgbt groups at school) you really shouldn't straight up ask other guys (or girls if you're a lesbian) out in person. You'd be asking for a bad situation to happen.
Tell me about it. All I want in a man is someone who is kind, honest, hygienic, and is attractive. When I say attractive I don't mean super model attractive, just someone who can turn me on. Anything else is just a bonus.
Omg I read neo's post wrong. YES to this, if its just to strike conversation it's all fine, but asking out is pretty freaking weird, even if someone is the most attractive perfect guy on the world, asking out of the blue to go out would be kind of freaky.
Just talk to him and try to see how it goes from there.
Recently bought these, I think they look good.
They look good on a T-1000, but we are gunna need pics Dany to see if they look good on you...![]()
He looks like a ken doll![]()
More of my type.
No. No. No. If he has his headphones on he clearly doesn't want to talk to people. Plus, people who talk to strangers on the bus tend to come off as really creepy (in most cases).Not sure how to strike up a conversation since he always has his headphones on at full volume. I want to buy him some headphones with less noise leakage.
I thought about putting a pen or dollar in my pocket and as he leaves the bus I will tap him on the shoulder and let him know he dropped it. Hopefully that breaks the ice.
Delio, we have such similar tastes in men. <3![]()
More of my type.
Dayum. I wish I had a body like that.
He looks like a ken doll
I don't think the mods would appreciate that.sorry reece.
Wouldn't it be ok if you just posted a link tagged NSFW? I'm not trying to pressure you, I'd just like to know this for the future just in case.
More of my type.
You can do better than that. Well he is very hot.Better?
I loved that show.
Anyone a Boyce Avenue fan? I just started listening to some of their stuff on Youtube and they have a great acoustic sound. Plus, the guys looks are growing on me.
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
We don't live in Mexico anymore. We live in Arizona and we moved in here like 6 years ago, shes from, err.. Sonora? Not really sure, we used to live in San Luis Rio Colorado, tho. I think that's were my parents spent most of their lives at.In what part of Mexico are you? Maybe that will make me comprehend your mother a bit better
Who's the actor?I loved that show.
And the main guy is kinda cute, with his dumb-guy role.
It should be. Just don't show pubes or bare ass.Wouldn't it be ok if you just posted a link tagged NSFW? I'm not trying to pressure you, I'd just like to know this for the future just in case.
I really don't think you can undo hundred of years of societal construct in just about 30 years. Moreover, you can't expect equality in academic fields without having society as a whole rebuilt for a more egalitarian view. I'm not saying it's easy and I have no idea how that would be done, but at least being aware of the bias that exists is a start.
Now, showing that Asian people have a 10% higher IQ doesn't imply causation on that ethnicity's predisposition to being more clever. Besides, it could very well be (and most likely is) due to education. I believe that the IQ number can be improved with training and there is a culture of hard-work and being studious inherited from the Confucius philosophy. I have no idea how that could be tested for, but I don't think that predisposition to be better at one subject is a gender or ethnicity trait (although I do acknowledge that some people are predisposed to it, regardless of their background).
Bolded bit just means "right" and should be removed if you try putting this in Google Translate.Utgangspunktet mitt var noe som sosiologen Torkild Lynnstad skrev i en kronikk i Klassekampen. Han var på et forskningseminar om familiesosiologi hvor han la fram et sånn veletablert samfunnvitenskapligfunn nemlig at barn av skilte foreldre ble oftere skilt enn barn av ikkeskilte foreldre. Også la han fram noen mulige forklaringer. En mulig forklaring på det, ikke sant, kunne være at barna på en eller måte lærer, plukker opp et eller annet i familien som de tar med seg videre. En annen mulig forklaring er at de arver noen av personlighetstrekkene til foreldrene som da gjør dem sårbare for skilsmisser. Da han da løftet ansiktet opp fra manuset og så ut over forsamlingen så så han at noen satte å flirte, og noen til og med lo.
Også oppdaget jeg at disse perspektivene jo ikke fantes i lærerbøkene, det fantes ikke i offentlige utredninger.
Italic part is poorly written. Basically saying that it came from their parents' behavior.It started with a feature story in Klassekampen by the sociologist Torkild Lyngstad. He was on a seminar about sociology of the family and put forward a well documented finding that children with divorced parents were more likely to get divorced as adults than children with parents who weren't divorced. Then he put forth some possible explanations as to why this happened. One possible explanation was that the children somehow learned, picked it up from their family and took it with them. Another possible explanation was that the children inherited the traits that made them susceptible to getting divorced as an adult. When he looked at the audience he noticed that some chuckled and some were even laughing.
I also noticed that these views weren't represented in the textbooks and did not exist in official reports.
OLA K ASEOh Hello then![]()
It should be. Just don't show pubes or bare ass.
Oh, I forgot to add: "Likes long lists"
These are all just pluses really. None are required except hating horses thing
Naive and filled with stupid lists. What more do you want?