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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Genders of either sexuality drops hints like there's no tomorrow :p You just have to respond to the hints. :p

Well, I am not attractive and neither I have been around tons of gay guys so I don't know about their hints.
Girls are very easy because when you talk to them they act nervously, they have a singular stare or some plainly say to other girls that are insterested in me and those girls tell me that information (girls can't keep secrets hehe)

An interesting subject.

What hints do you guys drop when you like a guy?

I comment on their pics in the post pics of yourself thread lol

No, seriously, I just keep staring at them for a long time, trying to not be noticed by anyone, I have to hide my homosexuality. Or I get very nervous when talking to them, resulting in awkward moments.
I don't know how to drop hints :/


An interesting subject.

What hints do you guys drop when you like a guy?

I thrust my chest out to display my dominance. I lower my voice a couple of octaves. I pull out a toothpick from my back left pocket. (always handy) and I give them the stare™



I'd disagree on the choosing to be gay thing - I've had exactly the same conversation with my bf.

Being straight would make me a different person than being me. I wouldn't *be* me - a straight version of me would be a different person. Despite everything I do quite like actually being me, and the thought of changing something so fundamental to me as a person is not something I'd want to do. It's not like changing my hair from blond to black - it would be like changing myself so I didn't like sci-fi and fantasy novels, or computer games, for example. Both ultimately core components of my personality - remove them and its a different person.
Lol, I can't read. I just disagree about it being something fundamentally important to me. This is why we see it so differently, I guess. I think I'd be indeed the same person if I happened to like girls and not guys.

SomeoneCool said:
If I had a choice I still would want to be gay and it's upsetting to see so many people wishing they could be straight. If I said I wish I was white over black wouldn't people see that as self hate?

Don't let bigots make you wish you were something else because then they have won.

I also think it's the perfect time to be gay, when I'm older I can tell my grandchildren about the struggles and fights we had to go through to get acceptance, I could tell him a time when we weren't allowed to get married and see the shock on his face, I can feel the same way my grandad felt when he was in the midst of society changing and being more accepting to black people.

If I had the choice to be white, straight and middle class over the black, gay, working class that I am now I know which one I would pick with no hesitation. We are changing society and you should be proud of that.
You're reading too much into it. For starters being gay means reducing your potential partners to a single-digit % of the population, this alone is a HUGE advantage for straight people. Being gay also complicates something as common and universally desired as having kids, kids of your own with someone you love. On top of that, yes, depending on where you live you lose basic rights, you get good old minority hate, and you are part of the demographic with the highest rate of HIV.

It brings no advantage whatsoever, and... well, it's really not important at all. I repeat, I think I'd be the same person even if I *gasp* watched porn with girls. It's very romantic and idealistic to say "I wouldn't change anything!" but screw that, given the choice I wouldn't had been born in Mexico and I wouldn't be part of one of the most hated minorities in the world - because I love myself and ideally I want to struggle the less to achieve my goals. You can love yourself and understand that life would be easier under different conditions.

Bailey 87

You're reading too much into it

I'm really not Mr_Zombie said he didn't think anyone would want to be gay given the choice, I just wanted to point out that I would choose to be gay if given the choice, because I think being gay is fuck awesome. (to be fair the reason why I think this is because I have an awesome boyfriend :p)

We are a small minority so finding a partner is hard, I agree with you on that but it's estimated that 3% of the population is gay so in America that's 9 million potential partners :p and using technology (Okcupid, Grindr etc) makes it a tad bit easier to meet awesome gay people and potential partners. I met my partner on the neogaf skype chat for exampe (and we are not the only ones to find love in the skype chat)

I don't get your kids point, if my partner and I wanted kids of our own we could (yes we would need to jump through some hoops to make it happen but it's not impossible)

I understand your minority hate point but wanting to change who you are because of some dumb people in the world is crazy to me. I have never been hated on for being gay but I have been hated and discriminated against for being black and I never once thought "oh I wish I was white so this doesn't happen to me". I thought "wow this world is filled with dumb fucks :p"
Then I put on the song "my president is black" and I feel so much better

Being in the demographic with the highest rated HIV is terrible but if I wasn't gay I would be in the demographic with the second highest rated HIV :p and as long as I practice safe sex I shall be fine :)
the first thing my boyfriend and I did when we met each other was to go to the clinic to have a HIV test dat romance

I understand fully that being gay is hard and stressful and being discrimanted against can make you really depressed and it hurts and sometimes you will wish that you wasn't who you were believe me I know but my orignal post replying to Mr_Zombie is that not all of us would become straight if we had a choice, some of us love being gay and fabulous and I am one of them :)


I don't know if all that is true. The fact that you're part of a minority in the first place automatically changes the way you see the world because people will treat you differently. Your hobbies and interests may stay the same but can you honestly say that being gay hasn't changed your perspective on life at all?


@SomeoneCool: Oh, I get that :p

That's true, maybe I'd think differently if I had a boyfriend. But to be fair, I'd probably have a girlfriend right now if I were straight, lol. I just don't think it's accurate to say it's "self-hate" if I admit I would choose to be straight given the choice. To me it's more like wishing I wasn't color blind (if I were color blind) instead of wishing I'd be a different person.

@KiN0: Yeah, but empathy and being open-minded and aware about minorities is hardly a gay-only thing. So who knows? For starters I'd be an atheist regardless of my sexuality, so this automatically puts me in a similar situation :p


Needs more Peanut Butter

Edit: Great, and now that stupid song is stuck in my head



Hunky Nostradamus
Hey guyz just a heads up - HBO has a new movie premiering tonight at 9/8c called 'Behind the Candleabra'. It stars Michael Douglas as Liberace and Matt Damon as his lover Scott Thorson, and it's directed by Steven Soderbergh (supposedly his final film). It's garnering great reviews so far, namely for the performances, screenplay, and for its depiction of a "very sexually frank gay love story". I thought some of you might be interested!

I've been told to my my roommate constantly. Ha, maybe I should get on that :p

Dude, you really should. It's great.


Will drop pants for Sony.
For some reason Youtube has turned on Safety Mode on my account and it won't turn off (can't watch these videos), it's driving me nuts.

How is my new grungy avatar?


I'd disagree on the choosing to be gay thing - I've had exactly the same conversation with my bf.

Being straight would make me a different person than being me. I wouldn't *be* me - a straight version of me would be a different person. Despite everything I do quite like actually being me, and the thought of changing something so fundamental to me as a person is not something I'd want to do. It's not like changing my hair from blond to black - it would be like changing myself so I didn't like sci-fi and fantasy novels, or computer games, for example. Both ultimately core components of my personality - remove them and its a different person.
This mirrors my feelings 100%
It would be like changing my humor or taste in music.

I'm far too self-centered to wish I was born as someone else.

The only things I wanna change about myself are things that I'm working to change right now(mostly laziness).
This is the more honest reason :p
Don't know I would even change my lazyness (of course not stop working on it) because while it would make me more productive it would probably make me more stressed.
An interesting subject.

What hints do you guys drop when you like a guy?
Desperately study every action I do and try to behave as naturally as possible. It can be hard >_<
For some reason Youtube has turned on Safety Mode on my account and it won't turn off (can't watch these videos), it's driving me nuts.

How is my new grungy avatar?
The joys of being too young and having a secret YT profile :p
The avatar suits you well ^^


Will drop pants for Sony.
I'm probably the only one, but I don't find twerking attractive or hot at all. It actually sort of repulses me.
Wow really? Twerking is awesome but to each their own.
I have a big butt fetish so that might be why I love guys that can twerk
in my face


^^^^^Agree about twerking.
I don't follow? :/

I had a YT profile way before I was 18 so I had to make a second profile that was old enough. Doesn't make that much sense as there is nothing stopping you from making a second. It is nice to have, especially before these options came.

Edit: Hmm... Two kind of conflicting answers.


Lol, I can't read. I just disagree about it being something fundamentally important to me. This is why we see it so differently, I guess. I think I'd be indeed the same person if I happened to like girls and not guys.

I couldn't imagine the sort of person I would have been if I were straight.
I had a YT profile way before I was 18 so I had to make a second profile that was old enough. Doesn't make that much sense as there is nothing stopping you from making a second. It is nice to have, especially before these options came.

Edit: Hmm... Two kind of conflicting answers.

I'm pretty sure I created my account after I was 18, it's also linked/merged with my Google account. I've been using YT for years and never had the Safety Feature on, it just turned on by itself today and it won't turn off (when I check Off and click Save, I get a blank white page), even tried on different browsers.

Anyway, I don't think this is the thread for tech help :)


I couldn't imagine the sort of person I would have been if I were straight.
Really? In my case, the people I know that are the most like me are straight males. My closest friends are all straight males. I basically have no reason to think I wouldn't be the same person just for being straight.


Really? In my case, the people I know that are the most like me are straight males. My closest friends are all straight males. I basically have no reason to think I wouldn't be the same person just for being straight.

Well, sure. I mean clearly my being gay was more important to my personal development than it was for you. I tried to commit suicide when I figured out I was gay. I spent six years in the closet before coming out, and I never dated (or tried to date even to fake it) growing up. I have no idea how I might have been different if I hadn't been in the closet and hiding myself during my teenage years. I don't know how a dating relationship might have changed me. And after coming out, it was reading gay blogs which got me interested in feminism. I know that there are straight men who are feminists, but I have no idea if I would have been.

So I don't know how I would be different, exactly, but since for me being gay influenced so many of my choices in how I behaved, who I interacted with, my willingness to risk interacting with people, the things I read and learned about, and indirectly caused the acquisition of other identities ,I'm certain I wouldn't be the same. It's why - however much I hated so many years of my life - I wouldn't change a thing now. I wouldn't be me; I would be some other person.


Neo Member
Tee hee, found this thread after looking at the old one wondering what happened.

As far the "what if I were straight" talk, I kind of wonder about that too. Certain things would be easier. I was thought of as gay since I was 4-5ish. Heck, I even remember praying to god if I could just be a girl instead at the time. I was lightly molested once or twice around this time as well so maybe it messed with my head. Dammit, I even remember trying to see someone's dick at the time. Fuck, I was a straight up queer since I can remember. Being attracted to guys just doesn't feel like a choice sometimes.

Right now I'm just in a bad spot. I want to date someone, but its hard enough just meeting new people outside of a club environment during daylight hours. Gets pretty lonely. For example, lately I just don't want to be home alone. I go to the near by Starbucks just to be around people. Oddly enough, I don't want sex with a guy, I just want a companion.

I like looking at sexy females too just never in a lustful way. I also want kids. Fuck I'm all over the place and it's scary feeling so lost..


Miami Florida here...


@Mumei: I see. In that case I can see why it's important to you :p Our situations and life experiences shape our views about it indeed.

@hateradio: So I am! This "I would have chose being straight" is completely hypothetical and unrealistic. It's a scenario where we are conscious before being born, and we obviously haven't experienced any positive or negative events based on our sexuality. So we're filling the form when we get to this part: select sexual orientation. You then Google a bit and realize being straight makes for a much easier, painless experience. You learn about the downsides of being a minority in this case, and how it's not only difficult but potentially lethal in some crap backwards countries. I think it's safe to say places like Egypt would be completely devoid of homosexuality, and with good reason.
The other day I thought of making a thread asking if any straight guys ever wished they were gay... I'm sure the thought crosses some guys' minds. I have one straight friend who told me a few times "I'm starting to wish I was gay" because he can't seem to maintain relationships with girls and was getting frustrated about it.

And in some places, and for certain people, it's probably easier to get sex if you are gay than if you were straight. So it's not without its advantages :p
I've seen pictures of you. All you need to do is walk outside and all the gays will come running.

aw thanks, but yeah the walking outside part is what I'm not good at... I've been living with the bare minimum of social interaction that I can get away with for years, and I can now see that it's wrecking havoc on my psyche. I need to work on that, but old habits are hard to change.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Moo-me, tell me you have that .gif of a checkout line printing a receipt. Please. I need it.

I also keep coming back to that twerking .gif in here. Good lord.


BLEH DRM on PS4. Screw you, Microsony. If only WiiU had games, lol.

Also I need to find ghey friends or I'll keep being single indefinitely :p
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