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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Man, there are a whole host of assumptions and stereotyping going on in that article about both gay and straight couples.

What do you mean stereotyping? The whole point of the article is to say that gay couples do not necessarily follow the heteronormative definition of what it means to be married.


What do you mean stereotyping? The whole point of the article is to say that gay couples do not necessarily follow the heteronormative definition of what it means to be married.

Maybe it was an overly-cynical read on my part, but it felt like he was mostly saying "Those stodgy ol' heterosexual couples will shocked and surprised by the sexually liberated ways of the homosexual couple!" which seems overly reductive to both parties.


Maybe it was an overly-cynical read on my part, but it felt like he was mostly saying "Those stodgy ol' heterosexual couples will shocked and surprised by the sexually liberated ways of the homosexual couple!" which seems overly reductive to both parties.

I guess you could take it that way but I think what he's saying is that in the current marriage equality debate, same sex couples have been portrayed as the same as opposite sex couples so that it would be easier for Mr. and Mrs. Doe to relate. The fact that open relationships exist in maybe a bigger proportion is something that activist try not to talk about because they are afraid that people might look down on it. However, he says that, as in straight couples, there exist a wide variety of ways people live their relationship and that because same sex couples do not have a societal model of relationship, they are more free to make of it what they want and so open relationships and the like are more openly discussed.

Then, by introducing us to several people and couples in open/monogamous/etc relationships, he just drives home his point. He also makes a point of saying that open relationships exist in straight couples, but that no one really talks about it for fear of being judged by other people.

I didn't take it as a "haha, those straight couples have no clue!" but more as a critic in some ways of the current definition of marriage and its inherent monogamous perception when in fact open relationships work just as well and in the end it all comes down to what couples feel more comfortable about.
Any of you U.S. gaygaffers nervous today? The chances are good that we will get SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and prop 8. Fuck.. I'm on pins and needles because I'm married in some states but not the one I'm currently living in and DOMA affects my life in so many ways. Ay yi yi.


Any of you U.S. gaygaffers nervous today? The chances are good that we will get SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and prop 8. Fuck.. I'm on pins and needles because I'm married in some states but not the one I'm currently living in and DOMA affects my life in so many ways. Ay yi yi.

I'm too optimistic. I think justice always wins in the end.


Any of you U.S. gaygaffers nervous today? The chances are good that we will get SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and prop 8. Fuck.. I'm on pins and needles because I'm married in some states but not the one I'm currently living in and DOMA affects my life in so many ways. Ay yi yi.

Nothing on DOMA today, gotta wait till next Monday.
Decisions were released today, just none on affirmative action, DOMA, or Prop 8 (which I think is what you mean anyway lol).
Or Thursday.

Yeah, they struck down a law requiring private organizations to denounce prostitution as a condition to receive AIDS funding.. which is good, but not the one I've been waiting for...


Maybe it was an overly-cynical read on my part, but it felt like he was mostly saying "Those stodgy ol' heterosexual couples will shocked and surprised by the sexually liberated ways of the homosexual couple!" which seems overly reductive to both parties.
I still need to read it, but I'm wary of anything that quotes Andrew Sullivan as anything more than a racist pseudoscience-promoting, AIDS-enabling political drama queen. He's the mustache-twirling villain of the gay community.

Any of you U.S. gaygaffers nervous today? The chances are good that we will get SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and prop 8. Fuck.. I'm on pins and needles because I'm married in some states but not the one I'm currently living in and DOMA affects my life in so many ways. Ay yi yi.
Since there was no decision today, it could be Monday or another unannounced day next week. The court hasn't announced any additional decision days yet. I'm not worried about either. Prop 8 and DOMA are dead, but to what extent? I think prop 8 will be dismissed on standing grounds and legalize same-sex marriage in California only. DOMA is a problem because just repealing it still leaves various legal holes in rights for gay couples.

I'm more worried about the Voting Rights Act and Affirmative Action cases. Last fall's election proved that the VRA needs to be expanded to certain states, like Ohio and Florida. Also, here's some information about the AA case. Look at all those minorities stealing spots from deserving white kids! /sarcasm


Any of you U.S. gaygaffers nervous today? The chances are good that we will get SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and prop 8. Fuck.. I'm on pins and needles because I'm married in some states but not the one I'm currently living in and DOMA affects my life in so many ways. Ay yi yi.


what does this mean?

That we can all get married anywhere?


I still need to read it, but I'm wary of anything that quotes Andrew Sullivan as anything more than a racist pseudoscience-promoting, AIDS-enabling political drama queen. He's the mustache-twirling villain of the gay community.

lol, tell me how you really feel.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I still need to read it, but I'm wary of anything that quotes Andrew Sullivan as anything more than a racist pseudoscience-promoting, AIDS-enabling political drama queen. He's the mustache-twirling villain of the gay community.
What do you mean by that? I only have a passing familiarity with Sullivan and his Wikipedia page didn't list anything I'd consider AIDS-enabling.


What do you mean by that? I only have a passing familiarity with Sullivan and his Wikipedia page didn't list anything I'd consider AIDS-enabling.
I'm on mobile so I can't dig up links right now as the stuff I read was a few months ago and the articles were a couple years old at that point. Start here to get an idea of his personality. I read some article about him cheering on AIDS medication like everyone's problems were solved so let's start having unprotected sex. Despite the fact that southern states had inadequate AIDS medication funding for people who can't afford it and the highest transmission rates were among ethnic minorities. I've noticed there's a small cabal of upper class, white, gay, HIV+ 40 to 50-something bloggers/media types that promote unprotected sex like there aren't people that are vulnerable (read: people outside of those groups) because there's medication available. Here's a link about him defending IQ testing in different races, using The Bell Curve as one of his sources.

what does this mean?

That we can all get married anywhere?

No, If Prop 8 is struck down, it will legalize gay marriage in California.

DOMA is a law that says states do not have to recognize gay marriages preformed in other states.. it also restricts the benefits that gay couples receive federally (including joint income taxes..) It is clearly unconstitutional and I am fairly confident that it and Prop 8 will both be struck down.. but that won't mean we can get married anywhere in the U.S.

Hige said:
Since there was no decision today, it could be Monday or another unannounced day next week. The court hasn't announced any additional decision days yet. I'm not worried about either. Prop 8 and DOMA are dead, but to what extent? I think prop 8 will be dismissed on standing grounds and legalize same-sex marriage in California only. DOMA is a problem because just repealing it still leaves various legal holes in rights for gay couples.

The Supreme Court typically takes a recess at the end of June and issues its rulings on Mondays and Thursdays. They don't necessarily have to, but it would be unlikely that we will have to wait past next week for these rulings.


Only Section 3 of DOMA is being challenged. Shameless copy/paste:
Section 2 declares that no state must recognize another state’s marriages of lesbian and gay couples;
Section 3 bars the federal government from recognizing legal marriages of lesbian and gay couples.
So other states wouldn't have to recognize same-sex marriages anyway.


Only Section 3 of DOMA is being challenged. Shameless copy/paste:

So other states wouldn't have to recognize same-sex marriages anyway.
If DOMA was struck down, marriage would be federally recognized (assuming the administration stops enforcing it), but states would still need to make gay marriage legal. States who don't recognize gay marriage eventually will anyway, but it'll take some time. If you're married in one state once DOMA is overturned, you will be in other states that recognize gay marriage as well, but not in states that don't.


Well I hate when people make a point of saying "hanging out" instead of a date because to me that gives them license to be flaky, noncommittal and vague instead of telling you outright they don't think it will work out or if they like you.
To those who then whine about expectation that calling it a "date" brings up, I just say that there doesn't need to be an expectation because a date's purpose is specifically to get to know the other person. If it goes well, great, if not then no one prevents you from just saying "I'm sorry but I don't think it's gonna work out, bye".

I hate the term "hanging out". When I was trapsing about Atlanta "hanging out" always had an ulterior motive and is synonymous with a hook up. Its also very flaky like you mentioned. It got to the point where both parties pretty much had to clarify what they meant by hanging out, because even guys outside of the bar expect more than a few games of street fighter and an episode of archer o_O

Whatever you call it you should never go into a date with any expectations whatsoever. The only plan you should have is to enjoy yourself and get to know another bloke.


there's ALWAYS ONE
I'm on mobile so I can't dig up links right now as the stuff I read was a few months ago and the articles were a couple years old at that point. Start here to get an idea of his personality. I read some article about him cheering on AIDS medication like everyone's problems were solved so let's start having unprotected sex. Despite the fact that southern states had inadequate AIDS medication funding for people who can't afford it and the highest transmission rates were among ethnic minorities. I've noticed there's a small cabal of upper class, white, gay, HIV+ 40 to 50-something bloggers/media types that promote unprotected sex like there aren't people that are vulnerable (read: people outside of those groups) because there's medication available. Here's a link about him defending IQ testing in different races, using The Bell Curve as one of his sources.
Ah, alright. Thanks for the links. It's always disappointing when a prominent gay person makes such major, public missteps.


If DOMA was struck down, marriage would be federally recognized (assuming the administration stops enforcing it), but states would still need to make gay marriage legal. States who don't recognize gay marriage eventually will anyway, but it'll take some time. If you're married in one state once DOMA is overturned, you will be in other states that recognize gay marriage as well, but not in states that don't.
Er... maybe my post was too vague. I know states would still have to legalize SSM. I just meant we're still screwed for a while until other states have to recognize gay marriages from other states. Didn't mean to imply that the SCOTUS decision would bypass states having to legalize it or anything.


I still need to read it, but I'm wary of anything that quotes Andrew Sullivan as anything more than a racist pseudoscience-promoting, AIDS-enabling political drama queen. He's the mustache-twirling villain of the gay community.

Oh don't worry, the author lets him have it a little bit

Here, Sullivan idealizes the institution of marriage in the mold of straight parents. There is nothing wrong with this approach, and it appears to have been effective politics in changing hearts and minds.

But it’s a very different story than the one of, say, how Sullivan met his now husband, which was "at 3 a.m. at the Black Party in New York," a sex-and-drug-filled circuit party.





Er... maybe my post was too vague. I know states would still have to legalize SSM. I just meant we're still screwed for a while until other states have to recognize gay marriages from other states. Didn't mean to imply that the SCOTUS decision would bypass states having to legalize it or anything.
Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with you, just clarifying what might happen if section 3 of DOMA is struck down.
Only Section 3 of DOMA is being challenged. Shameless copy/paste:

So other states wouldn't have to recognize same-sex marriages anyway.

Well.. that's disappointing. I thought it was all of DOMA :( I feel like an idiot right now.

In theory, though, if SCOTUS were to strike down Prop 8, couldn't it invalidate all state constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman? I know it specifically deals with California but there are 30 other states with such amendments.


Well.. that's disappointing. I thought it was all of DOMA :(

In theory, though, if SCOTUS were to strike down Prop 8, couldn't it invalidate all state constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman? I know it specifically deals with California but there are 30 other states with such amendments.
There are a few different scenarios - one that only leads to California recognizing gay marriage, one that makes civil unions unequal and giving every state with civil unions gay marriage instead, one that leads to every state being forced to recognize gay marriage, or one that upholds Prop 8, which continues the status quo. The specifics of each scenario and how they come about would take too long for me to explain, though, and I'd probably explain them wrong.




In theory, though, if SCOTUS were to strike down Prop 8, couldn't it invalidate all state constitutional amendments defining marriage as between a man and woman? I know it specifically deals with California but there are 30 other states with such amendments.
There's several possible scenarios that could happen with the Prop 8 ruling. I kind of forgot the exact details of each scenario, but this site seems to explain the scenarios pretty well. I think scenario 3 is most likely, with the case being dismissed due to lack of standing and upholding the lower court's ruling that Prop 8 is unconstitutional.

I think the argument for scenario 1 not being likely was that some of the Justices are cautious to make a sweeping ruling like Roe v. Wade. Obviously there'd be a backlash, but I don't think it would go on for 40 years like Roe v. Wade since abortion is more controversial due to different views on when life begins, rights of the mother etc.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I know most of you won't care but Marc Blucas needs to return to Necessary Roughness after this season, for real.

While John Stamos is an alright replacement he isn't Matt. >:|


He was so annoying on Buffy. I can't see his name without triggering my PTSD and reliving the nightmare that was season 4 of BTVS.


Riley was a pretty bland love interest in comparison to Angel. I didn't care for him then, and he's just as bland whenever I revisit the season.
I'm not saying he was good on buffy but that he was better there than on Necessary Roughness. Though that may be because I can't stand NR.


Riley was a pretty bland love interest in comparison to Angel. I didn't care for him then, and he's just as bland whenever I revisit the season.

Lbr tho all the love interests sucked after S3. Buffy/Angel, Xander/Cordelia, and Willow/Oz for life. Giles/Jenny too ;_;


I had completely forgotten about Cordelia, not her character, but her name, most of Buffy is pretty forgettable anyway, she was the most interesting and memorable character, and I couldn't even remember her name!

I'm still trying to understand why people like Buffy, and not in an ironic way, it boggles the mind.

Fake edit: lol I was actually wrong! I was thinking about Anya, as I said, everything is forgettable, Cordelia is a horrible character, seriously the level of praise for Buffy (or Whedon for that matter), is something beyond my comprehension, the whole thing is horrible. It's bad TV.


Like you said it's beyond your comprehension.

So stop.

Also Cordelia is like the best damn character in the universe of the series, despite them ruining her in later Angel seasons. Anya was a poor imitation.
I had completely forgotten about Cordelia, not her character, but her name, most of Buffy is pretty forgettable anyway, she was the most interesting and memorable character, and I couldn't even remember her name!

I'm still trying to understand why people like Buffy, and not in an ironic way, it boggles the mind.

Fake edit: lol I was actually wrong! I was thinking about Anya, as I said, everything is forgettable, Cordelia is a horrible character, seriously the level of praise for Buffy (or Whedon for that matter), is something beyond my comprehension, the whole thing is horrible. It's bad TV.

I have good taste in like everything and I like Buffy :p I liked it as a kid more, but I can still enjoy it.


I had completely forgotten about Cordelia, not her character, but her name, most of Buffy is pretty forgettable anyway, she was the most interesting and memorable character, and I couldn't even remember her name!

I'm still trying to understand why people like Buffy, and not in an ironic way, it boggles the mind.

Fake edit: lol I was actually wrong! I was thinking about Anya, as I said, everything is forgettable, Cordelia is a horrible character, seriously the level of praise for Buffy (or Whedon for that matter), is something beyond my comprehension, the whole thing is horrible. It's bad TV.
What is this blasphemy? Have you seen Angel? Cordelia's awesome at least for the first couple seasons. Also, I loved Anya around season 4-5 of Buffy, but they ruined her in 6-7.

Whedon has a specific style, so I get why some people don't like him. But it really clicks for me, so I love his shows.
What is this blasphemy? Have you seen Angel? Cordelia's awesome at least for the first couple seasons. Also, I loved Anya around season 4-5 of Buffy, but they ruined her in 6-7.

Whedon has a specific style, so I get why some people don't like him. But it really clicks for me, so I love his shows.

Speaking of, he was on tonight's Colbert.
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