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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Pretty glad I was able to avoid most of the Pride bullshit this past weekend. I didn't really enjoy going the last two times, so moving into a different apartment and then having work all weekend were convenient excuses not to go this year.

Just seeing all the attractive young couples out and about while walking to work was depressing enough. :\


Percentages vary greatly depending of country, demographic, social economical status, age, etc, etc, etc, if I'm to believe wikipedia, Brazil has a surprising 7,8% of men identifying as gay (it does not count bisexuals, which will leave at 10%).

I personally think is something like left handedness, and that the number will only increase, because it is the trend, older people are far more likely to not report as gay, and it will stabilize around 10%, once homosexuality is seen as "weird" as left handedness, meaning, not at all.


I strongly agree with you on the goatee, I think it looks so bad on guys. Sad thing is I used to don it for a while back when I was much younger. Haven't had it in many years though and never will again.

That said, I wouldn't turn back Colin Farrell, stupid goatee or not.

Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my biggest celebrity crushes ever. But that's like saying I love Bacon; everybody and their grandmother does.

It's ok Naked Snake, I used to sport a soul patch so I know how it is. Different times, different conception of what was hot or not. No need to beat yourself over it, especially since you now sport such a magnificent beard.

I purposefully chose Colin and Jake because we can all agree they both are attractive. If you only saw Colin's picture, you would be OK with his goatee, but in comparison with the hotness that Jake is, girl can just sashay away and Jake can shante you stay (in my butt).

Just saying.


Percentages vary greatly depending of country, demographic, social economical status, age, etc, etc, etc, if I'm to believe wikipedia, Brazil has a surprising 7,8% of men identifying as gay (it does not count bisexuals, which will leave at 10%).

I personally think is something like left handedness, and that the number will only increase, because it is the trend, older people are far more likely to not report as gay, and it will stabilize around 10%, once homosexuality is seen as "weird" as left handedness, meaning, not at all.
It's true, these numbers rely on the accuracy of the answers being reported. Uber conservative countries are bound to report lower numbers. I wonder if there's a more... science-ish way to know other than asking.
I always figured it would be around 5%-8% since of course some people will not survey correctly due to being closeted or uncomfortable telling survey about their sexuality. Either way still shocked. I think everyone is bringing pretty valid points regarding the data tho
I like goatees on some guys, but prefer short beards. My cousin has something like Alcoori's "NO" picture, but was growing something more similar to the "Yes" picture. Too bad he felt a beard was too much hair and stuck with the goatee.

So this Liquid Plumr "double penetration" Ad is pretty old but i'm just discovering it and Jesus chirst Lol! I'm crying from laughter. Figured you guys would enjoy the laugh, and the men :p


I really hope that this unprecedented acceptance of gay people makes our dating pool slightly bigger, we could certainly use more people to date.

also, agreed with the heterosexuals whining about not finding a GF/BF, they have like half of humanity as a dating pool!
I really hope that this unprecedented acceptance of gay people makes our dating pool slightly bigger, we could certainly use more people to date.

also, agreed with the heterosexuals whining about not finding a GF/BF, they have like half of humanity as a dating pool!

Ironically it could be easier to find a BF/GF as a homosexual because the smaller dating pool could force people to lower their standards for a mate. In theory anyway.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Lowering standards is for quitters. If I can't be with someone in the Matthieu Charneau range of gorgeousness, then I'll stay in my solitude, thank you very much.



You can't lower your standards enough that a 2-5% vs. ~50% scenario becomes favorable for the 2-5% part. "I'm willing to date every single human being that identifies as non-straight" gives you still a tiny fraction, lol.

BTW I do have very specific standards. NOT HIGH, just specific, but they're completely personality-related so I don't feel bad admitting it :p


You're more negative than Minun. And Minun has decent special defense to make up for it, man, you really can't be that negative. Well, I guess you can if you also have good special defense... but I wouldn't try to be like Minun, he's not a very good Pokémon competitively.
You're more negative than Minun. And Minun has decent special defense to make up for it, man, you really can't be that negative.
Hey I am at least thankful that I haven't gotten to the point where I post pictures on facebook and say "omg im so uglyy :ccc"
hopefully it never happens


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I really hope that this unprecedented acceptance of gay people makes our dating pool slightly bigger, we could certainly use more people to date.

also, agreed with the heterosexuals whining about not finding a GF/BF, they have like half of humanity as a dating pool!
Sometimes I think you guys forget how relationships work . . .

Just because the split between men and women is nearly 50-50, doesn't mean that their dating pool is automatically huge.

Someone from a small town in the US isn't going to date a person in Sri Lanka, for example -- only if they're online dating. However, meeting that person would be difficult unless they were both intentionally looking through a site/service that could connect them with such a person. Even within a small town where men and women might have similar ratios, not all women or all men are each other's type. So, it's idealistic and naive to think that straight people have more options because there are more of them.

Dating pools might seem anemic if you're pessimistic, but it's not like there's one gay person for every other two gay persons. There are enough gay people for everyone. You just have to make a relationship happen (if you want one).


It's true, these numbers rely on the accuracy of the answers being reported. Uber conservative countries are bound to report lower numbers. I wonder if there's a more... science-ish way to know other than asking.

I have no idea how recent what I'm gonna say is, or if they actually tried to expand on it, but at one portion during our class, our lecture talked about something like that.
In short, men "use" (can't find the word I'm looking for) the AND pheromon, while women the AST. the study discovred that when you expose people to these pheromones, there will be increased brain activity for the gender they are attracted to.
Straight male will react to EST, while gay male and straight women will react to AND.

You can't deduce sexual orientaion from the brain structure though.
In the 80's they thought they found a neucleus in the Hypothalmus that is larger in straight male compared to women (don't know about gay women) and gay men, but at the present they're not able to duplicate the results.


Thanks guys for all the comments. I never knew my eyes were that nice.

My standards are probably medium to high"ish", the personality is important to me.
Thise guys are...not good looking guys, so I would say that you have low standards.

Don't worry, you're not alone. The earrings on the left guy and the hairstyle on the right guy make them look unattractive to me, too (and the guy on the right also looks like he has earrings...).


They might not be to your taste, which is completely fine, but saying they are not good-looking is just plain wrong and makes you lose all credibility.

I have to agree with Daripad, mainly because I think the insufferable, pervasive instagram filter ruins any photo for me :p but as we say back home, among tastes there are no distastes (horrible translation probably), it does give one hope, not everyone is looking for what you want, so it gives you more chances, and maybe someone is looking for you as their type.


They might not be to your taste, which is completely fine, but saying they are not good-looking is just plain wrong and makes you lose all credibility.



I love when everyone disagrees with me.

Don't worry, you're not alone. The earrings on the left guy and the hairstyle on the right guy make them look unattractive to me, too (and the guy on the right also looks like he has earrings...).
And the guy on the left has hs chest trimmed and it looks ridiculous


Sometimes I think you guys forget how relationships work . . .

Just because the split between men and women is nearly 50-50, doesn't mean that their dating pool is automatically huge.

Someone from a small town in the US isn't going to date a person in Sri Lanka, for example -- only if they're online dating. However, meeting that person would be difficult unless they were both intentionally looking through a site/service that could connect them with such a person. Even within a small town where men and women might have similar ratios, not all women or all men are each other's type. So, it's idealistic and naive to think that straight people have more options because there are more of them.

Er... what? All of those factors you mentioned that impact the straight dating pool impact the gay dating pool equally. The straight dating pool is still *massive* compared to the gay dating pool.

Take a random group of 100,000 people. With an optimistic estimate of 8% of the population being gay, that gives you...

4% are gay males: 4000
46% are straight males: 46000
4% are gay females: 4000
46% are straight females: 46000

Any restrictions you apply which start to limit that pool limit it for everyone. That means if only 10% of the population is between 20-30, the ages you would date between, you get...

4% are gay males: 400
46% are straight males: 4600
4% are gay females: 400
46% are straight females: 4600

Either way you slice it the dating pool straight people deal with is almost 1200% bigger than the one gay people deal with, regardless of gender. When my straight friends complain about their lack of a dating life I tell them the truth: they aren't trying hard enough.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Thise guys are...not good looking guys, so I would say that you have low standards.

Oh dari, you are too much sometimes. But I can respect this! Everybody likes something different.

I couldn't care less about the dude on the left; Matthieu on the right, however, embodies every aspect of what I personally find so so so attractive in a man: youthful appearance, incredible eyes, perfect balance of masculine and feminine features, good head of hair, etc. I've only met two other people who'd fall into this "ideal" looks category, so at least I know they do exist in the real world and not just as European models and actors. ;)


When my straight friends complain about their lack of a dating life I tell them the truth: they aren't trying hard enough.

Couldn't you just as easily use the argument they have to put in more effort to separate the wheat from the chaff with such a low signal:noise ratio?


Oh dari, you are too much sometimes. But I can respect this! Everybody likes something different.

I couldn't care less about the dude on the left; Matthieu on the right, however, embodies every aspect of what I personally find so so so attractive in a man: youthful appearance, incredible eyes, perfect balance of masculine and feminine features, good head of hair, etc. I've only met two other people who'd fall into this "ideal" looks category, so at least I know they do exist in the real world and not just as European models and actors. ;)

Too much what? I just gave my opinion :p But remember, looks is not everything, and personality > looks anyway. You are not going to stay with a horrible person just because he meets your physical standards, and you have to comprehend that.

Hey, I want your opinion in this. I'm offered a red 3DS XL for 2350 pesos, includes pokemon radar, nintendo ambassador games too. Also Pokemon Black 2 (which I already have) and another 4gb card included Seems like a good deal, what do you think?

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Too much what? I just gave my opinion :p But remember, looks is not everything, and personality > looks anyway. You are not going to stay with a horrible person just because he meets your physical standards, and you have to comprehend that.

"Too much" is just an expression, heh.


And yes, of course personality takes priority, but I can have both that and looks in the same guy! Someday, someday...
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