Go for it. First, it's very possible that GBA games won't ever make it to the eShop since they're not being emulated - so Nintendo can't add VC functions (manuals, game suspending, sleep mode, etc.). Then you can trade Pokémon Black 2 and get decent value for it since it's, well, Pokémon (Black 2 is still $800 MXN at GamePlanet, lol). Those factors alone and the decent price make it worth a purchase IMO.Hey, I want your opinion in this. I'm offered a red 3DS XL for 2350 pesos, includes pokemon radar, nintendo ambassador games too. Also Pokemon Black 2 (which I already have) and another 4gb card included Seems like a good deal, what do you think?
Couldn't you just as easily use the argument they have to put in more effort to separate the wheat from the chaff with such a low signal:noise ratio?
There's like 3 or 4 gay guys at school and they are not my type at ALL
plus I live in a shitty town with a population of 27,864.
Go for it. First, it's very possible that GBA games won't ever make it to the eShop since they're not being emulated - so Nintendo can't add VC functions (manuals, game suspending, sleep mode, etc.). Then you can trade Pokémon Black 2 and get decent value for it since it's, well, Pokémon (Black 2 is still $800 MXN at
GamePlanet, lol). Those factors alone and the decent price make it worth a purchase IMO.
Yeah that's a given, I'm a closeted guy too. But it's like, it's impossible for me to tell.There may be some who are closeted dude.
There's like 3 or 4 gay guys at school and they are not my type at ALL
plus I live in a shitty town with a population of 27,864.
Bar family and some others I'm closeted too. I'd love to tell everyone but it won't go down well.Yeah that's a given, I'm a closeted guy too. But it's like, it's impossible for me to tell.
However, a straight guy isn't going to go through and meet 230 women.No, because gays still have to separate the wheat from the chaff too. [...]
If you are compatible with 5% of the gender you are attracted to, that leaves you with...
4% are gay males: 20 (out of 5000 men)
46% are straight males: 230 (out of 5000 men)
4% are gay females: 20 (out of 5000 women)
46% are straight females: 230. (out of 5000 women)
The chances of a straight person meeting someone they are compatible with is a lot higher.
4% are gay males: 20 (out of 5000 men)
46% are straight males: 230 (out of 5000 men)
4% are gay females: 20 (out of 5000 women)
46% are straight females: 230. (out of 5000 women)
Any GayGAF have an Xbox, Wii U, or 3DS that doesn't already have me as a friend? I have like no gamer friends and would love to game with a few fellow GayGaffers.
Oh, and I got a new haircut! (excuse the instagram filter)
Lol, this is why I don't like buying a lot of games at the same time. I end up not enjoying any of them a ton, unlike when I'm obsessed with one single game or two.That actually reminds me of an experiment I heard about. I can't remember the name, so I can't link to a source.
The experiment tested a person's ability to make decisions based on the number of available options. I don't remember what variables the test actually used, but, for example, if there were 20 flavors of ice cream, a person would take a long while to decide which to get. On the other hand, if there were only two or three flavors people would chose one fairly quick.
Interesting enough, people with fewer choices were actually happier with their choice than people with larger options. Those with more maybe second guessed themselves into thinking that maybe they should have picked something else.
So there may be more anxiety with a larger pool.![]()
You look good!Any GayGAF have an Xbox, Wii U, or 3DS that doesn't already have me as a friend? I have like no gamer friends and would love to game with a few fellow GayGaffers.
Oh, and I got a new haircut! (excuse the instagram filter)
So much fan service it hurt.For anyone interested, swimming anime is already out!!!, I'm watching cuz shirtless anime men.
For anyone interested, swimming anime is already out!!!, I'm watching cuz shirtless anime men.
MarkusRJR said:So much fan service it hurt.
Any GayGAF have an Xbox, Wii U, or 3DS that doesn't already have me as a friend? I have like no gamer friends and would love to game with a few fellow GayGaffers.
Oh, and I got a new haircut! (excuse the instagram filter)
I feel both jealousy and lust right now. Jealous of your hair, lust because of said hair and your face.
Any GayGAF have an Xbox, Wii U, or 3DS that doesn't already have me as a friend? I have like no gamer friends and would love to game with a few fellow GayGaffers.
Oh, and I got a new haircut! (excuse the instagram filter)
Any GayGAF have an Xbox, Wii U, or 3DS that doesn't already have me as a friend? I have like no gamer friends and would love to game with a few fellow GayGaffers.
Oh, and I got a new haircut! (excuse the instagram filter)
Canada: land of the people I can't get with.![]()
No but seriously, I really think everyone should move out of their countries at least a year of their lives, is the most rewarding, terrifying and amazing experience one can have.
Could you please explain why it's so amazing, the boyfriend and I just watched it and I'm confused the song was terrible (music tastes how do they work) and the video was kinda boring. Was it because they had a kiss in the river?
I liked the song. Yea, it's cliche--another gay guy crushing on a straight friend--but it still resonated with me. Probably because I've suddenly found myself around a lot of straight guys.
I liked the video because it complimented the song.
Thanks for the explanation I can now see why you thought it was amazing now. Talking about straight guys did you go out with your friend and did you have fun?
A straight guy just called me cute. I'm not sure what to feel about it.
Yeah, I guess this is a (not-so) stealth-brag post.
A straight guy just called me cute. I'm not sure what to feel about it.
Yeah, I guess this is a (not-so) stealth-brag post.
I don't think it means much. Straight guys can recognize cuteness/handsomeness in men, similar to how (most?) gay guys can recognize beauty in women. It just is often considered "gay" for straight guys to ever compliment the looks of another guy.
What was the context?
My ears.Homo alt-rocker Steve Grand knows All The Feels for your cliche 6'2"-straight-abs-flannel-white-bro crushes.
The correct response is to laugh awkwardly at this, right?
And then that song came on?Oh, he was pissed off at a guy and was telling me about it. So I told him "Welp, I hope I never incur your wrath". In response he said "Nah, you're too cute for me to be mad at you" followed by a grin. I think I blushed a little bit before I told him "Thanks" then awkwardly shifted the convo onto his study.
And then that song came on?
Homo alt-rocker Steve Grand knows All The Feels for your cliche 6'2"-straight-abs-flannel-white-bro crushes.
The correct response is to laugh awkwardly at this, right?
I've looked into it, but a "regular" person can't just suddenly decide to emigrate to Canada. You have to have or make a certain amount of money, or provide a vital service (government, medical, science, etc). I applied and was told by a lawyer that my claim was very likely to be rejected because I don't meet their criteria.
Fucking sucks, because I really, really want to move to BC.
No but seriously, I really think everyone should move out of their countries at least a year of their lives, is the most rewarding, terrifying and amazing experience one can have.
No but seriously, I really think everyone should move out of their countries at least a year of their lives, is the most rewarding, terrifying and amazing experience one can have.