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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Death Prophet
I never cried watching Toy Story 3. I know, weird. There are a few I have so with films such as E.T.

I was with a lot of people I only kind of knew while watching TS3, so I held back the tears, but if I were alone or with people I was comfortable with I would have balled.

Another movie that gets me every time is Big Fish.


You look really good

This haircut definitely fits much much better than the long hair you had before.

Send me a PM with your NNID, friend code and gamertag (though I don't really use my Xbox that much anymore and I don't have Gold).

You look good!

I feel both jealousy and lust right now. Jealous of your hair, lust because of said hair and your face.

Canada: land of the people I can't get with. :(

I think the entire GayGaf has already said it, but ya, you look good.

What do you play? I've been trying to catch up on single player games but love Halo and also play some CoD and Borderlands. If you're interested, just PM.

Thanks for all the compliments.

In other news, the last irl friend I had moved away to Edmonton. Now I legit have no friends. I really want to move...


I agree that the 2nd half of both Up and Wall-E detract from the overall experience, more so in the case of Wall-E. I still love them both, especialy Up.


On another note, I'm depressed. Not because of men, but because I have a test on sunday and I can really see myself getting an F (which in this course equals to a C). It's so annoying. They give us during the course some knowledge, and then for the test they ask you crazy things that I have no idea how they expect us to know. On top of that, they don't provide solutions for earlier tests.
It's Macro-economics BTW.

Just needed to vent a bit :p


there's ALWAYS ONE
There's one and only one movie that has made me cry. Not only that, no other movie comes even close.

Holy crap, I lost it I swear. Screw that movie, I have never seen it again. Especially now that my dog is so old... nopenopenope.
I haven't seen Hachi, but hearing the original story makes me a bit misty-eyed too.


Death Prophet
Oh, god... some family is coming over to celebrate the 4th (it was raining all day yesterday). Time to answer "What are you studying again?" and hear about poor Paula Deen getting fired for a word everyone uses sometimes.


Bonus points if I get asked if I have a girlfriend, yet!


Oh, god... some family is coming over to celebrate the 4th (it was raining all day yesterday). Time to answer "What are you studying again?" and hear about poor Paula Deen getting fired for a word everyone uses sometimes.


Bonus points if I get asked if I have a girlfriend, yet!

You've accurately described every family holiday except you're missing 'So how many more classes until you graduate?"
My grandma keeps trying to force me to go to College/Uni even though I have no idea what I want to do yet. I'd also much rather go to College/Uni when I'm basically done my transition, but would my grandma like to hear that? Hell no.


Movies that made me cry... I think only grave of the fireflies.

Ok I bawled at this obscure anime movie about a little Panda bear, I was 6 at the time though.

I get misty eyed a sometimes, sure, but actual crying not really.

Ohhh I remembered now, prayers for Bobby, I hate to say it but the movie is not that good, however Sigourney Weaver's acting is quite something, she made me lost it many times.


I'm lucky that I enjoy family gatherings :p Mostly because I really love my grandmother and one of my uncles is basically a second father to me (even though we have way more in common than my father and I, lol). There's this one hardcore Christian aunt, but no one cares about her. So it mostly means eating a ton and having a good time. This is my father's family, though... I'm not the biggest fan of my mother's family but they live very far from here and I never visit them.


Death Prophet
Paula Deen defense has now been brought up! So predictable! Had to excuse myself from the conversation so I wouldn't start an argument.


Fuck this 3DS triggers!! They are not working well again and repairing it would cost like 1000 pesos. Thanks Nintendo, that would be the second time that my 3DS has anything wrong.

And there seems to be a crossdresser (?) candidate somewhere in the north of Mexico. My father saw it in the newspaper and was dissapointed that he was a candidate of his favorite party. With his comments he showed me his ignorance and his hatred of the LGBT community. Someone must know better about this candidate, does someone know how he is being received there?
Thunderstorm where I am right now. Not that we couldn't use it what with the heatwave we've been suffering through. I just don't want to lose power.
Why? He's so completely dull that it's difficult to have an opinion of him one way or another.
Mostly because he was shoved down our throats and almost every episode started focusing on him, having too many solos, etc. It's obvious Ryan Murpy has/had a crush on him :p

I hate all these weird faces and dramatic movements he does when he sings. It seems like he's trying too hard to be likeable.

Also he
cheated on Kurt
. So that's that.
And there seems to be a crossdresser (?) candidate somewhere in the north of Mexico. My father saw it in the newspaper and was dissapointed that he was a candidate of his favorite party. With his comments he showed me his ignorance and his hatred of the LGBT community. Someone must know better about this candidate, does someone know how he is being received there?

I read about him last week, he is a Cd. Juarez candidate for the state congress in the "Movimiento Ciudadano" party. He is an openly gay hairdresser that also works doing "transvesti" or drag shows, so when he was invited to head the "pride parade" or whatever the event is called on his city, he decided to show up as if he was giving his best show number.

I quickly found a note about him with a little more details here. The comments are better than expected but some others are what you would imagine.


I read about him last week, he is a Cd. Juarez candidate for the state congress in the "Movimiento Ciudadano" party. He is an openly gay hairdresser that also works doing "transvesti" or drag shows, so when he was invited to head the "pride parade" or whatever the event is called on his city, he decided to show up as if he was giving his best show number.

I quickly found a note about him with a little more details here. The comments are better than expected but some others are what you would imagine.

Good, that was surprisimg. So much positive comments there, I feel better now.
Though I still haven't heard much positive things here about homosexuality, and I hope that it changes with time, but an absurd amount of people still believe that the bible has the whole true and we must follow it as it is stated and I guess that puts some people against this comunity.
Eh, I do believe there is a God that created us and all that jazz but he is supposed to be a kind God, what kind of kind god wants someone dead just because he/she likes the same sex? wtf


Eh, I do believe there is a God that created us and all that jazz but he is supposed to be a kind God, what kind of kind god wants someone dead just because he/she likes the same sex? wtf
You need to read this god's book, man. You're already in hell if you're into guys. Or seafood.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
no ur an abomination asshole :'c

QUOTE=Bladenic;68440146]Anyone else LOVE Nu Miley Cyrus? She just dont give a fuck.[/QUOTE]
I tried hard to not like her song but it's freaking catchy lol


I read about him last week, he is a Cd. Juarez candidate for the state congress in the "Movimiento Ciudadano" party. He is an openly gay hairdresser that also works doing "transvesti" or drag shows, so when he was invited to head the "pride parade" or whatever the event is called on his city, he decided to show up as if he was giving his best show number.

I quickly found a note about him with a little more details here. The comments are better than expected but some others are what you would imagine.

You know, I was born in Mexico and lived there for 13 years of my life and I'm surprised at how progressive the country has gotten in regards to homosexuality, bigots will always exist of course but for a country known for machismo, things seem to have gotten better for gay people there, at least than when I left it.
Posted this in the drunk thread because I'm a bit drunk, but it fits better here:

So pissed at my fucking country right now, at its fucking congress of homophobic idiots who vote stuff without knowing what they're voting for and at it's fucking religious propaganda that does nothing but help spread more hate. You turn on the news here and you get (besides the normal stuff) "inspirational news" regarding religion, they're very busy sucking the pope's dick.

There's been news that congress accidentally may have approved gay marriage (they're probably going to twist stuff to make that impossible, at least that's what the president implied), and we get the one asshole representative who wasn't there to vote saying that he truly believes god saved him from voting to approve that bill (because of course that would have been the worst), as if that makes him cool.

They wonder why there are still so many bastard pieces of shit hurting women in brutal ways when they still paint this picture that men have to be macho. God forbid some of us are a bit effeminate, that makes us deserving of ridicule and laughter (behind our backs of course to make it tasteful). Fuck this fucking shit.

My country goes to great lengths to try to copy stuff from the USA, they should make a bit more effort and copy the actual good stuff. Of course nothing is going to change when around 75% of the population are against gay marriage (papi god wouldn't like it).

Sorry for the rant.


Mostly because he was shoved down our throats and almost every episode started focusing on him, having too many solos, etc. It's obvious Ryan Murpy has/had a crush on him :p

I hate all these weird faces and dramatic movements he does when he sings. It seems like he's trying too hard to be likeable.

Also he
cheated on Kurt
. So that's that.

Yeah, but he completely mastered the puppy dog eyes.
By religious propaganda do you mean those really shitty channels that try to sell you holy water and crap like that

No. Normal networks, just that anchors thank god often and there's a heavy (while kind of subtle because we're used to it) emphasis on religion, though it's not so subtle when they spend half the broadcast talking about a miracle healing that happened to a woman. Even if news like that don't happen everyday, they're always showing little stories of people where there's lots of thanking god for "miracles" involved.
Eh, I do believe there is a God that created us and all that jazz but he is supposed to be a kind God, what kind of kind god wants someone dead just because he/she likes the same sex? wtf

The biggest reason I think god was created by humans is that for the vast majority of the population, this elusive cosmic entity always seems to align with their current views of justice.

Well not the biggest reason, but one of them.

You need to read this god's book, man. You're already in hell if you're into guys. Or seafood.

Actually IIRC god only punishes you if you act on your desire to bone guys, not for having the desire itself.
I've gotten into a bunch of stupid semantic arguments where someone tries to argue that 'being gay' is engaging in some kind of homosexual sex act, and not, as everyone else uses the word, to categorize attraction. For some reason that usually annoys me more than the 'standard' argument against homosexuality because they're already deciding to define gayness by some peculiarity of their idiolect instead of using words as defined by an external standard, so you can't even reach what should be an easy consensus on what the freaking word means.
I've gotten into a bunch of stupid semantic arguments where someone tries to argue that 'being gay' is engaging in some kind of homosexual sex act, and not, as everyone else uses the word, to categorize attraction.

It is a good thing that the Bible doesn't use the term "being gay" and explicitly punishes a man lying with another man, which is quite clearly meant to mean engaging in some kind of homosexual act.
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