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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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You know, I was born in Mexico and lived there for 13 years of my life and I'm surprised at how progressive the country has gotten in regards to homosexuality, bigots will always exist of course but for a country known for machismo, things seem to have gotten better for gay people there, at least than when I left it.
You haven't been in the south. Here we have a nest of shitty people. Seriously, they're everywhere an they spread their word with emotiveness and convince other stupid people that don't know what to think about everything and are willing to let themselves go with the first that aparents to be convincing. There are lots of religious bullshit around and it extents to Facebook too. I have to read homophobic (and other stupid things non-related to this) every fucking day, because god needs the word o be spread out.


Mexico City is rather okay, or at least it looks like that since I see a ton of homo couples when I'm over there.
The biggest reason I think god was created by humans is that for the vast majority of the population, this elusive cosmic entity always seems to align with their current views of justice.

Well not the biggest reason, but one of them.

Actually IIRC god only punishes you if you act on your desire to bone guys, not for having the desire itself.

My theory is that it was created by a fear of death. What's the one commonality between all religions? Some sort of afterlife. Whether it be heaven or reincarnation (which is a form of afterlife if you think about it) or what have you. They all have them. Death loses its sting if you think you keep on going after your physical body ends and the cold, hard reality of simple nonexistence no longer matters.


It has to be fear of death, we're pretty much programmed to fear death above anything else. So the promise of being immortal is religion's biggest selling point.
Eh, I mean when I really think about it, there's this huge universe with lots of planets and stars and unknown things. Is it really possible for a God to have created it all? It's really weird but I also find the Big Bang hard to believe.
I don't know, really.
It has to be fear of death, we're pretty much programmed to fear death above anything else. So the promise of being immortal is religion's biggest selling point.

Yes and no. Religion more than anything has to offer 'happiness', otherwise life doesn't have too much meaning (unless it can later lead to happiness). But that's also where the death thing comes in, if the 'happiness' isn't in some sense permanent then that too is meaningless. Most people who you would actually consider 'achievers' or that actually pursue the contemplative aspect of religion in depth do so with the conscious or unconscious understanding that it may lead them to a feeling of deeper fulfillment or whatever, a person arguably needs that kind of motivation to overcome the pretty extreme inertia involved with trying to directly confront existential nihilism or whatever.

Buddhism presents an interesting solution to this problem along the lines that I mentioned. An epithet for enlightenment is the 'deathless', but that doesn't mean that a person becomes immortal in any sense. One just develops a sort of happiness that is not robbed from us by the indignities of aging, illness and death. We still live and die like we did before but we're not afflicted by fear or our conditioning to cling to life and inflict in ourselves suffering despite apparent futility.



The very best Bible guide ever is the Brick Testament.

Posted this in the drunk thread because I'm a bit drunk, but it fits better here:

Cheers! I'm on bottle of wine down :D D: I still found the news about that legislation hilarious, and sad, but mostly hilarious.

I've always thought this was a petty distinction.

Not so much in the past, before "gay" was "gay", there really wasn't a distinction of sexual orientation, it was more like, if you screw girls, or guys, you are the man's man, but if you let someone screw you you are some weak, unworthy person. Women were of course, "screwed" by default, passive men in homosexual relationships, pretty much the same.

And the same thing in ancient Japan, Greece, Rome, etc, etc, etc. The Bible took it just a bit further, the active guy was also "terrible", terrible being extremely relative since as reverend Lovejoy said to Marge about the Bible: "have you read the thing? is practically a sin to go to the bathroom".
Eh, I mean when I really think about it, there's this huge universe with lots of planets and stars and unknown things. Is it really possible for a God to have created it all? It's really weird but I also find the Big Bang hard to believe.
I don't know, really.

The Big Bang has quite a bit of supporting evidence. Your personal inability to believe it means nothing really.


I adore when my Japanese relatives make fun of Christianism during family gatherings. My uncle says "ramen" whenever my father's hardcore Christian sister says "amen", you can tell she's not pleased :p Religion easily falls apart by itself under many, MANY circumstances, one of them being the shock of different cultures.


I adore when my Japanese relatives make fun of Christianism during family gatherings. My uncle says "ramen" whenever my father's hardcore Christian sister says "amen", you can tell she's not pleased :p Religion easily falls apart by itself under many, MANY circumstances, one of them being the shock of different cultures.

As an atheist I actually would be pissed off. I guess the way you are raised is hard to overcome, but anything disrespectful attitude towards catholicism makes my blood boil, even if I do not believe in any of it.

Ramen as a joke about "Amen"?, that person would never be welcomed in my home, ever.


It's a joke, though :p My uncle is not hateful or anything. He's not a militant atheist and he's okay with his daughters growing up to believe in whatever they want to believe. I don't get why religion should be shielded from jokes and humor, but that's just me.


It's a joke, though :p My uncle is not hateful or anything. He's not a militant atheist and he's okay with his daughters growing up to believe in whatever they want to believe. I don't get why religion should be shielded from jokes and humor, but that's just me.

Oh I know, but it still gets to me :)

My home is kind of weird, even though my dad is hardcore atheist, and probably the reason I ended up atheist, he is also extremely respectful with religious stuff, as a Colombian those things aren't just easily "dismiss able", Catholicism is a huge an important part of your family, is not like you can just ignore it ,even with an atheist father.

It was really difficult to come to terms about my homosexuality with him, if he was just a Christian nut job it would be easier, but he is actually against anything that slightly resembles religion, so it was all just reasoning and science, some may think it is easier, but is harder, homophobia goes beyond religious stuff, unfortunately.
What's his name? Googling returns nothing.
And did you really mean "sexist" or "sexiest"? :p

If it was the latter, it would be a pic of Vinny.

Eh, I mean when I really think about it, there's this huge universe with lots of planets and stars and unknown things. Is it really possible for a God to have created it all? It's really weird but I also find the Big Bang hard to believe.
I don't know, really.
Not that I'm a believer, but doesn't buying into the idea of an absolute being also mean assuming said being can just do whatevers? Not that Judeo-Christian writing does a very good job at portraying the almighty as almighty. Brahman is where it's at.


No religion ever reached "untouchable" status for me since I've been exposed to several of them since I was a kid. I eventually said "lol you're all nuts". And really, my mother is catholic and she thinks Jesus memes are hilarious, so yeah. It's not in me to put religion on a pedestal.
As an atheist I actually would be pissed off. I guess the way you are raised is hard to overcome, but anything disrespectful attitude towards catholicism makes my blood boil, even if I do not believe in any of it.

Ramen as a joke about "Amen"?, that person would never be welcomed in my home, ever.

Yeah that doesn't seem like an overreaction at all.
Hi gaygaf! Figured i should start posting more since i've been a lurker here for a long time now. Not sure where to start but here's a pic of me


How're y'all doing today?


Hi gaygaf! Figured i should start posting more since i've been a lurker here for a long time now. Not sure where to start but here's a pic of me


How're y'all doing today?

Hi! I don't post here often myself but once in a few months I drop a post here saying 'I should post more often', lol. But I post way more frequent in the Dutch-thread here on GAF.

Anyway, maybe a bit blunt but man, you are handsome as hell!!!


Hi gaygaf! Figured i should start posting more since i've been a lurker here for a long time now. Not sure where to start but here's a pic of me


How're y'all doing today?

Welcome newbie! Are you gay or bi? And we sometimes discuss interesting topics related to this thread and sometimes we just write how much we hate the world (lol).

btw, you're very cute.
Hi! I don't post here often myself but once in a few months I drop a post here saying 'I should post more often', lol. But I post way more frequent in the Dutch-thread here on GAF.

Anyway, maybe a bit blunt but man, you are handsome as hell!!!

aww thanks! That's the first time anybody really called me handsome haha. You should definitely post more often here, i'm always interested in meeting gay people from around the world, you're from netherlands i assume?

Welcome newbie! Are you gay or bi? And we sometimes discuss interesting topics related to this thread and sometimes we just write how much we hate the world (lol).

btw, you're very cute.

Thank you! I'm 100% gay ever since i had a crush on mel gibson when i was 6 i knew it haha. I stalk this thread sometimes and the drama in this thread can be so funny i just had to start joining in :) .
I don't know if this is confirmation bias or not, but gay men seem more likely to be into obnoxious horoscopes and pop-astrology than straight men.
Horoscopes, and shit like "Well Pices, it looks like this week something unexpected may happen to you! When it does make sure to reflect on the moment, you may learn something new!" and "Pices, be warned, Do NOT date an Ares! You're most compatible with Gemini."

LOL i would expect a demographic that's generally agnostic at the most to NOT buy into things like that but i guess not. I certainly do not but i barely know any gay people so i can't confirm it. Though i do get moments when i read horoscopes and i go "omg i'm a total capricorn!" but i snap out of it quickly, it can be fun though.


aww thanks! That's the first time anybody really called me handsome haha. You should definitely post more often here, i'm always interested in meeting gay people from around the world, you're from netherlands i assume?

Yup, I am! :)

I don't know if this is confirmation bias or not, but gay men seem more likely to be into obnoxious horoscopes and pop-astrology than straight men.

Not sure if it is because I am gay but it's weird how I react to horoscopes. If I read my horoscope and it's bad, it annoys me, if it's good, it makes me feel good. However, 5 minutes later I don't even remember what the horsocope said haha! I certainly don't belive in them but still, I want a good horoscope :p


I'm not really sure I ever got this joke, because I just can't interpret the passage as being sexual in nature no matter how hard the joke tries to make me do so. Why would "treat people the way you want to be treated" necessitate having gay sex exactly, or make it preferable to straight sex?
I don't think the "do unto others" part really matters. The crux of it is that most men don't have vaginas (except transmen), so you can't lie with a man as you would with a woman. Though I'm sure other parts of the bible about spilling seed rule out anal anyway. I wouldn't analyze the joke too much. It's just making fun of that particular verse.
I don't think the "do unto others" part really matters. The crux of it is that most men don't have vaginas (except transmen), so you can't lie with a man as you would with a woman. Though I'm sure other parts of the bible about spilling seed rule out anal anyway. I wouldn't analyze the joke too much. It's just making fun of that particular verse.

Yeah but I don't get how the verse works in the context of the joke.
Christ, make me feel like I'm the oldest person posting in gaygaf :p

Welcome btw.

I'm probably one of the older GayGAF members at 31 and even the youngest guys here don't make me feel old. Fact is, I probably have more energy than half of the people in here despite being older. Age is nothing but a number.


I'm probably one of the older members at 31 and even the youngest guys here don't make me feel old. Fact is, I probably have more energy than half of the people in here despite being older. Age is nothing but a number.

It's true. Age aint nothing but a number we found that out in Florida.
You can't be older than me.

I'm probably one of the older GayGAF members at 31 and even the youngest guys here don't make me feel old. Fact is, I probably have more energy than half of the people in here despite being older. Age is nothing but a number.

32...well 33 come this Wednesday.

Well, you know me. Always hot n ready and perched.

Lol you sound like a pizza. "Hot N' Ready with an order of sausage"
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