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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Broke up during sex. o_O How does that work?
well we weren't actually having sex the moment I broke up with him. We were in bed, messing around for a while, then eventually chilled down (it was probably me who snapped out of it). We were just laying there naked and then I was like: I can't do this anymore. He asked what, I said this, us... explained (I had told him a couple of times before that this "long distance relationship" wouldn't work for me).

We hung out a bit today. It seems we're cool(ish). I hate being an asshole/breaking other guys hearts.


For how much you and your boyfriend seemingly dislike each other... why remain a couple?

Sometimes it's better to be miserable together than to be miserable alone. It doesn't make much sense, I know, but sometimes that's how it feels.


Straight crushes are the worst. He constantly tells me he loves me but he obviously means it in a different way... :(

The fact he's pretty much the perfect person (really smart, super kind, incredibly attractive, etc) just makes it the worst.
Okay, I feel like saying this and I want to know if anyone went through something like this or is experiencing something like this:

My Brother seems Homophobic (Not REALLY homophobic, he isn't saying any "Burn in hell!!1" shit)

It's going to sound really silly were I'm getting things from but here goes, we play Capcom vs SNK 2 from time to time since we bought it last week and anytime I choose Benimaru (click here if you don't know who he is) He starts saying all this "No homo" and "lol fag" shit that just pisses me off. Today we went for a Pizza and while we were in the car driving to the Pizza store (?) there was a guy walking on the sidewalk and he said "LOOK THAT GUY IS GAY! hahahaha" I don't know where the fuck that came from, but I told him "You're an idiot." Then months ago back when we got a used PS3, the PS3 came with a game and he said "Dude, can you believe this came from a homo? ewww" and I told him "So what?" (This is because my brother checked the previous owner's Netflix account and he had LGBT stuff on recently watched)

I don't know, he keeps saying these stupid things, just bullshit that pisses me off and I keep hoping that if I ever come out he'll change, but I don't know how he'll react when/if I come out, dude will probably never let me touch his children or some shit like that.

I can scratch him out the list of family members who won't react negatively:
Other Sister

*Sigh* Sorry for the vent, carry on and thanks if you read this teehee


There's one guy I started talking to yesterday, he sent me many pictures and every one of them makes me melt. He doesn't have perfect looks, but he's what I would call "boyfriend material". I'm not sure how to explain it, but I tend to "fall for" guys who don't quite have a face or body that I would call ideal. Maybe it's because the prefect 10s are too intimidating to think about having a relationship with?

It's the same with me. My idea of a handsome or beautiful is pretty different than what turns me on in a guy. It's like, I can tell when a woman is beautiful, but I would never be attracted to her. Same thing with those model types (guys). Ex: This guy's beautiful, but he doesn't turn me on at all.

I notice it when I choose models to draw/paint. I choose pretty girls/guys for that, but I'm never attracted to them. And vice versa, even if I thought a guy was really hot, I probably wouldn't be inspired to draw them.

Is anyone else like that?
I have a farmer's tan :( I've been lifeguarding all summer and the uniform requires a shirt. I tan super easy so I practically look Oceania levels of dark even though I'm pale some places.


Sometimes it's better to be miserable together than to be miserable alone. It doesn't make much sense, I know, but sometimes that's how it feels.

I completely disagree with this. Being with someone shouldn't be the absolute end point of someone's existence. Settling for something you're not happy with just because you're afraid of being alone is such a sad thing to do. If you're not happy on your own, then being in a relationship is not gonna make it better.


I completely disagree with this. Being with someone shouldn't be the absolute end point of someone's existence. Settling for something you're not happy with just because you're afraid of being alone is such a sad thing to do. If you're not happy on your own, then being in a relationship is not gonna make it better.

Definitely. Also, it doesn't help if being with a particular person is itself, in part, the cause of your unhappiness.
For how much you and your boyfriend seemingly dislike each other... why remain a couple?

I don't hate him, it's just like really I told him, anytime he wants it he can have me and I won't say no haha. (I guess that makes me easy right?) I am okay with him right now, just wish he liked to go out more instead of sitting in the apartment.
Random non-gay related news:

Woke up to the sound of sirens and smell of burning today. Opened the window shutters and the streets were in shadow, I was like "WTF, a cloudy day in August? This never happens", then I realized it's this:


Fire at a nearby building, smoke was so massive it blocked out the sun. Some debris and ash even landed on my terrace:

Luckily the building was under construction and I don't think anybody was hurt.
Random non-gay related news:

Woke up to the sound of sirens and smell of burning today. Opened the window shutters and the streets were in shadow, I was like "WTF, a cloudy day in August? This never happens", then I realized it's this:

Fire at a nearby building, smoke was so massive it blocked out the sun. Some debris and ash even landed on my terrace:

Luckily the building was under construction and I don't think anybody was hurt.

Shit don't be breathing in that crap at all. I had a sore throat for over a week after I went through Bastrop TX to Austin after there had been bad fires that burned all the trees. We were in the car and it still got me ugh <_>
Shit don't be breathing in that crap at all. I had a sore throat for over a week after I went through Bastrop TX to Austin after there had been bad fires that burned all the trees. We were in the car and it still got me ugh <_>

It was hard to avoid it. I had my windows open while I was asleep, I closed them shut immediately but smoke had got in already. I only went out momentarily to take the pics. The fire is over now and I've opened the windows to circulate fresh air in.
It was hard to avoid it. I had my windows open while I was asleep, I closed them shut immediately but smoke had got in already. I only went out momentarily to take the pics. The fire is over now and I've opened the windows to circulate fresh air in.

Yeah I hate when the smell gets in, it takes forever to go away. -_-


Fair nuff moon, but people sometimes just want a quick fap to get it out of the way. It isn't a personal insult.

Sometimes it's better to be miserable together than to be miserable alone. It doesn't make much sense, I know, but sometimes that's how it feels.
Pffft, but then you can't eat cereal out of the box and indulge in some hobo chic!


Oh god a guy in Grindr (no pic of course) is 300 ft away from me at work. I'm kind of hoping he's this kid that works with us but I'm afraid to ask for a pic lol. I don't know what to do.
Was fucking a very hot Canadian just now and having an amazing time, until it started to stink of shit, and I lost my erection. We washed and kept trying different positions but the smell persisted. I couldn't even just jerk off on him. So I gave up, made him cum and left :(

He was taking poppers, I don't know if that had anything to do with it (relaxing the bowel/anal muscles too much?)

Damn you porn for making it look so easy.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Was fucking a very hot Canadian just now and having an amazing time, until it started to stink of shit, and I lost my erection. We washed and kept trying different positions but the smell persisted. I couldn't even just jerk off on him. So I gave up, made him cum and left :(

He was taking poppers, I don't know if that had anything to do with it (relaxing the bowel/anal muscles too much?)

Damn you porn for making it look so easy.

Where do you meet these guys?
Was fucking a very hot Canadian just now and having an amazing time, until it started to stink of shit, and I lost my erection. We washed and kept trying different positions but the smell persisted. I couldn't even just jerk off on him. So I gave up, made him cum and left :(

He was taking poppers, I don't know if that had anything to do with it (relaxing the bowel/anal muscles too much?)

Damn you porn for making it look so easy.

my god

That sounds terrible :C

(also yeah where do you meet so much guys? lol)
Where do you meet these guys?

Grindr mostly.

This guy happened to be staying at a 5 Star hotel across the street from where I live. He's staying until the end of August and said he'd be happy to see me any time. Super convenient. And did I mention he was hot?
dat ass. Damn... the shitty incident aside, which I hope we can avoid next time

I used to complain that I live in crappy small city and that it is hard to meet hot guys... But I guess times have changed. The city's population is well over 3 million people now (was only 1 million not long ago), and there's a nice increase in foreign visitors, expats and immigrants (being the only politically stable and relatively liberal country in the region must have helped).

I would say it's still a shitty country/city, and the population is tiny compared to big major cities of the world. And there usually isn't more than 50 or so guys on Grindr at any one time. But when I read about some guys in this thread complaining that they live in a remote town with less than 50K inhabitants, or that "Grindr is useless for me, there's no one to meet", then I realize how blessed I am in comparison.

Also, I hate to say this cause it sounds like I'm full of myself, but a lot of guys (especially young, gorgeous ones) find me hot... Score!


Damn, I live in a ~200k people city and I never had much trouble finding guys. (never used Grindr or any dating site though, I don't know how popular they are around here). 3 million people is huge for me, our capital only has 1.1 million people living there.
Damn, I live in a ~200k people city and I never had much trouble finding guys. (never used Grindr or any dating site though, I don't know how popular they are around here). 3 million people is huge for me, our capital only has 1.1 million people living there.

Yeah. But the thing is here the internet is pretty much the only way to meet gay guys. Even though homosexuality is not illegal in Jordan (unlike most other Arab/Muslim countries), there are no gay bars or any "official" places gays hangout at. One gay bar actually opened some years ago, and it stayed in operation for a few years (and I was completely floored the first time I walked in, I couldn't believe what I was seeing was happening in my country), but sadly the owner decided to close it because officials were giving him too much of a hard time (even though it's technically not illegal, the majority of people and government are conservative and corrupt, so they keep trying to "crack down" on attempts to open gay places or events)

Another terrible thing here is that 99% of unmarried guys are closeted and live with their parents, even if they're 30+ years old. So even when two guys do decide to meet, they don't have a private place to have sex at.

I happen to live alone, but I don't like hosting for various reasons.


I wonder what the guy who implied that he was okay with gays being arrested in the other thread thinks of that and the kid dying.

Infuriating shit.


Why would you assume that it is? :p Is he gay?

He seemed like he could be but I also heard he had a girlfriend or did when I first heard it. Quite frankly I'm wondering if he's maybe bi since he was the one I was positive was gay and it wasn't even desire. Maybe my gaydar is just very messed up.

OTOH, I hate that everyone around here seems to dress like. J.crew model. I can't tell who's gay ever. Ugh.

Anyway it wasn't him because his distance changed to a mile or so and the guy here was still right around the corner. He didnt reply anyway so what the fuck ever. I hate people.
He seemed like he could be but I also heard he had a girlfriend or did when I first heard it. Quite frankly I'm wondering if he's maybe bi since he was the one I was positive was gay and it wasn't even desire. Maybe my gaydar is just very messed up.

OTOH, I hate that everyone around here seems to dress like. J.crew model. I can't tell who's gay ever. Ugh.

Anyway it wasn't him because his distance changed to a mile or so and the guy here was still right around the corner. He didnt reply anyway so what the fuck ever. I hate people.

For what it's worth two people have told me that Grindr showed my distance right next to them at two different occasions when in fact I was miles away. So it could be a bug that happens randomly in Grindr.


For what it's worth two people have told me that Grindr showed my distance right next to them at two different occasions when in fact I was miles away. So it could be a bug that happens randomly in Grindr.

As someone who has worked with GPS basically all my professional life, they are only accurate after a really long period of calibration, and outdoors. The software in your cellphone uses the actual celular network to give an initial position that is somewhat close to your actual position, and sometimes even wifi routers, and then refines it with the actual GPS, which needs at least a couple of minutes to get good accuracy (meters accuracy).

tl:dr; grindr and similar are not really reliable in smaller distances.


What's this?

Makes sense, If they don't feel that homosexuality is right then arresting openly gay people will help secure that.

Understandable decision (from their perspective).

The same guy has made a few vague hit and run anti-gay posts in the past.

He got banned shortly for this one, but as Jaxword said,

You sure do like let people know how you are against homosexuality without actually coming out and saying it.

Oh well. I have to wonder if he's just doing it for a giggle because of this thread where he initially said(before editing, people quoted it)

This is why I can't take feminism seriously.

And then

TBH I only made that post to see how people would react to it.

I'm well aware that these feminists don't represent feminism as a whole.

More likely just afraid of being banned, but whatever.
Oh yeah Spongebob, I'm surprised he wasn't banned earlier tbh. Grade A hit and run homophobic troll.

I'm an idiot. Just glanced at this thread and thought you were talking about the campy antics of Spongebob Squarepants before remembering the GAF member. :lol


Will drop pants for Sony.
Grindr mostly.

This guy happened to be staying at a 5 Star hotel across the street from where I live. He's staying until the end of August and said he'd be happy to see me any time. Super convenient. And did I mention he was hot?
dat ass. Damn... the shitty incident aside, which I hope we can avoid next time

I used to complain that I live in crappy small city and that it is hard to meet hot guys... But I guess times have changed. The city's population is well over 3 million people now (was only 1 million not long ago), and there's a nice increase in foreign visitors, expats and immigrants (being the only politically stable and relatively liberal country in the region must have helped).

I would say it's still a shitty country/city, and the population is tiny compared to big major cities of the world. And there usually isn't more than 50 or so guys on Grindr at any one time. But when I read about some guys in this thread complaining that they live in a remote town with less than 50K inhabitants, or that "Grindr is useless for me, there's no one to meet", then I realize how blessed I am in comparison.

Also, I hate to say this cause it sounds like I'm full of myself, but a lot of guys (especially young, gorgeous ones) find me hot... Score!

wow. i live in Boston and yet grindr doesnt work for me at all


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hey, Dragon. You should buy Bio: Revelations while it's on sale for me. Since it's my birthday in a few days. We can go lookin' for mutant sailors then. ;) ;)

$25 is a little too rich for my blood and I just spent ~$1000 on this PC I can't. :( until October. Y U DO THIS CAPCOM?

Wow. What grade did you end up with if you didn't even do any of the activities?



Gym for me was "sitting around with the girls" time for me. Hate working out and hate sports.
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