Gym for me was "sitting around with the girls" time for me. Hate working out and hate sports.
It's funny, I didn't like sports or working out either in high school. Then, a few years ago I was at home for 6 months while waiting to move across the ocean and since I had so much time on my hands I decided to start working out. I hated it. But then, after a few weeks, I started to notice results so I pushed through. 3 years later, I can't say I love working out, but I certainly don't hate it and I can't stop. I feel bad and sad if I can't work out in a long time.
I still don't really care for sports in general, but I love volleyball and have started playing in a league.
I think back on the kid I was in high school, if only he knew where he was going to end up 10 years down the line, ha.