But I'm almost 21, this is unacceptable
I thought you were passed 21 lol
But I'm almost 21, this is unacceptable
Have you guys seen this in the other threads? A video of a 15-year old being harassed in Russia. This is what Putin's government and the Russian Orthodox Church feel is somehow a good thing. I watched the whole thing and was so fucking down, and then angry, at how vile people can be.
There's also a campaign on allout.org, international lgbt rights nonprofit foundation. A protest petition against the Sochi olympics. AllOut
It really makes me want to get more involved in gay rights issues. It's so easy for me in Sweden sometimes that I forget how cruel it can be.
I found that gif horrifying but hey to each his ownYeah better remove it though, "bare"-ass and all.
Have you guys seen this in the other threads? A video of a 15-year old being harassed in Russia. This is what Putin's government and the Russian Orthodox Church feel is somehow a good thing. I watched the whole thing and was so fucking down, and then angry, at how vile people can be.
There's also a campaign on allout.org, international lgbt rights nonprofit foundation. A protest petition against the Sochi olympics. AllOut
It really makes me want to get more involved in gay rights issues. It's so easy for me in Sweden sometimes that I forget how cruel it can be.
Just saw the video, OMG that was cruel. I'd like to die inmediatly if that happened to me. What did they try to pour on his head at the end of the video?
I saw this video a while back, and I think they said it was urine.
Facial hair + glasses + tattoo(s) = perfection
i love bear(ds)
I'm not sure I'd agree Jack'd is better than Grindr when 98% of the accounts on it are fake.
I thought they were joking about that. Damn if it is. Damn this world.
Really I hate how I would be treated if I came out. Just starting from home it would be a nightmare. The day it is safe for me to do it, I would be the hapiest man on earth, but as I'm seeing lately, people are not illing to change that homophobic attitude. It is a shame, because we don't do any harm to anyone, opposed to what these people do. This bullshit needs to stop, but unfortunately I know that I can do nothing to fix it, and it gets me frustated.
Been away for couple of days (having fun sexy adventures, still contemplating whether to chronicle them here)
Glasses: also not a fan of them. I hate that I have to wear them (not all the time though, thankfully), and they get in the way when making out, and if you take them off just before making out then you have those red pressure marks on your nose and it looks awful.
I wore glasses for about a decade, and since changing to contacts I noticed that a bit of my nose is a different color from the rest of it. That part is where the bridge of my glasses were, which I thought was weird, lol. Didn't think glasses would do that. It's different from what you're talking about, though.
Jack'd has been pretty fantastic as of late for me. Not really any bots, at least not around here.
I always notice (since I was a kid in school) that people who wear glasses look very weird when they take them off. Not sure if that has to do with others being used to how they look in glasses, or if wearing glasses the whole time somehow alters/deforms some people's faces.
Glasses: also not a fan of them. I hate that I have to wear them (not all the time though, thankfully), and they get in the way when making out, and if you take them off just before making out then you have those red pressure marks on your nose and it looks awful.
I've never had a problem when making out, maybe you are the problem.
Look, I'm hating on the fact that I have to wear them
I have nothing against them on others, although I haven't dated or kissed a guy who wore them.
I always notice (since I was a kid in school) that people who wear glasses look very weird when they take them off. Not sure if that has to do with others being used to how they look in glasses, or if wearing glasses the whole time somehow alters/deforms some people's faces.
This never has happened to me except with myself, so I think is really you.
Accept your glasses, embrace the sexiness, 90% people agree!
glasses are overwhelmingly consider sexy rather than ugly.
I always notice (since I was a kid in school) that people who wear glasses look very weird when they take them off. Not sure if that has to do with others being used to how they look in glasses, or if wearing glasses the whole time somehow alters/deforms some people's faces.
But if I could choose I'd lose the glasses almost every single time, and I'm pretty sure the majority (i.e. more than 50%) of people would too (when they don't feel pressured to sound hip or politically correct). No way do people "overwhelmingly" prefer glasses.
But seriously, this is detachable eye wear we're talking about. How can they make someone look more or less attractive?
well, people wear wrong clothes can make them less attractive, no?
I love guys with glasses because when you get intimate with one them and he takes them off, it means he trusts you, they are showing a side of them they normally don't show anyone.
Guys who wear glasses at all times feel naked without them so when you are in bed with one of them and they take them off, it feels awesome, I take it as a sign of trust and succesful intimacy.
I love, LOVE it when that happens.
I guess so, but not people wearing clothes. : P
(Plus, "being attractive" is different from "dressing well".)
But seriously, this is detachable eye wear we're talking about. How can they make someone look more or less attractive?
People telling me I'm looking skinnier omfg itshappening.gif
Where do you live? I forget.
@Naked Snake: I guess I just find those reasons quite picky, but ultimately your preferences are your preferences. I've never once looked at someone I found attractive (or didn't) and thought "Oh, if only he weren't wearing glasses", and I've never felt that glasses were a contributory factor for why I didn't find someone attractive.
But seriously, this is detachable eye wear we're talking about. How can they make someone look more or less attractive?
And that's not even bringing in the inconvenience factors involved (swimming? playing sports? raining? going into a sauna/steam room? Lost/broke them when you're out and far from home?) There are many situations where glasses suddenly become something you have to worry about or battle with.
I broke my glasses once when I was at gym. I couldn't even imagine that walking back home (about 500m) can be so stressful :lol It was 9PM, late autumn, so it was dark outside. All I saw were blurry shapes of buildings and lights.
For many people glasses are semi-permanent addition to their face. For example, I only take off my glasses when I really have to (i.e. when they can get easily damaged or the lenses can get dirty/wet to the point of being useless), otherwise I wear them non-stop. Some of my friends probably haven't even seen me without glasses. :lol
And when you think about them that way, how they are different than e.g. nose shape, eyes color, haircut, facial hair etc. Even if you think about them as an detachable accessory, you can treat them as if they were a kind of a make-up - they can make your face thinner or fuller, they can empathize your eyes, make brows look thinner or thicker etc. Just like make-up, well choosen frames can do wonders to person's fac (or completely destroy it).
Saying, then, carte blanche that "I don't fancy people with glasses" is, imo, akin to saying "I don't fancy people with noses". How can you categorically reject something so variable?
Nobody has said that![]()
*shrug* Have I been misreading the past few posts?
Yep. Read them again.
I said twice that I never held glasses against someone, and I never thought "If only this guy didn't wear glasses." I don't even think it's normal to say "I don't fancy people who wear glasses."
All I've said is that I think it's normal to have a preference in the matter, just like people have preferences in all other matters. And that I'm willing to bet that the majority of people would prefer their mates didn't wear glasses. Nowhere did I suggest glasses could be a deal breaker. That is a bit unreasonable IMO, although I'm sure these people exist.
I'm not going to argue too much, because preferences are preferences (although, I think a point can be made about how reasonable it is to have some preferences, but that's a different matter). However, my point would still be that I, personally, find the preference hard to appreciate such that saying "I prefer my partners not to have glasses" is like saying "I prefer my partners not to have noses".
This lack of understanding may just be because I have very few, if any, preferences when it comes to physical appearance. I find the idea of forming an "ideal" partner very difficult.
Equating glasses to noses... yeah I don't want to argue with you either![]()
I don't see why the comparison is so invalid. My argument is that glasses come in such a variety that I don't see how they can be sufficiently generalised to the point that one can or cannot dislike (or particularly like) them.
It will sound weird but one of my friends' brother doesn't like food that's red; not particular shade of red - just red. It doesn't matter whether it's strawberries, water-melon or tomato - he doesn't like it. Why? No one know (probably even himself).It's like saying "I dislike the colour red". What red?
It will sound weird but one of my friends' brother doesn't like food that's red; not particular shade of red - just red. It doesn't matter whether it's strawberries, water-melon or tomato - he doesn't like it. Why? No one know (probably even himself).
Tinder > Jack'd > Grindr
It is written.