When you guys feel too emo about your weird undying years-long straight crushes and other mundane stuff, just imagine how hard trans people have it in comparison to us. Honestly I'm overwhelmed by all the crap they have to go through

I'm not minimizing homo issues at all, but to say it doesn't paint a broader perspective on struggling minorities would be false. I've -never- experienced homophobia in my 25 years of life, in big part because I'm free to not be open about my sexuality to whoever I don't want to know about it. It's pretty much a "gay privilege" if you think about it.
Yeah, they have it very hard not only in the dating game but also with their families, jobs, etc. Their lives can get really awful by changing their gender/sex (depending on what they are) and they are heavily discriminated. You don't know how much cruel things I've heard against these groups, it is very scary.
But hey, don't deny that we have it difficult, as we still have to keep our sexual preference in secret if we want to live peacefully. As you said, you haven't been victim of homophobia but that may be because of different factors like where you live, culture, costumes on your family, etc. Some other people are not as lucky as you and are seen as the scum in the world. It all depends on what kind of people is around you and how opem you are about what you like.
I think more education is the way to go. It is only through education that ignorance can be conquered!
I admit that even I, an incredibly knowledgeable sex guru/sexuality expert, get confused when it comes to trans issues. Someone in this thread once posted a picture (this may have actually been for something entirely different) that explained all the differences, but I can't find the post.
Yeah, I was in the same spot, but these topics are really interesting and my sexuality class I have last semester made me see the world in a different way. It opened my eyes to see gow different we all are abd that our sexuality defines us as the people we are.
I do think that education is the only tool we have to make it clear that we are different from others and we are not in the same category. I hope that in the future this trend changes and we start seeing more accepting people, and knowing about sexuality not only in the act of having sex makes you think differently.
That's an interesting topic. The causes of homosexuality, transexuality etc. fascinate me because we don't know, we just have some clues. Anyone have good concrete info on this? By that I don't mean what one person thinks because I have enough of that in threads and my h
I wasn't talking about that but hey, it is interesting indeed. I feel like it is a mistery and not clear enough to this day. More research in the future could lead us to fibally knowing this but as of now I don't kbow what exactly causes this.