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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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I find Halo boring, I don't enjoy Mario, Zelda or Metroid, I don't like GoW/GoW dudebro games, and I think Uncharted is a legitimately bad game.

Hope that helps.
I find Halo boring, I don't enjoy Mario, Zelda or Metroid, I don't like GoW/GoW dudebro games, and I think Uncharted is a legitimately bad game.

Hope that helps.

Depressingly Realistic

I guess so.

As for myself Im more of a fan of good gameplay, then spectacle. SO this generation of games would be at the bottom typically for the most part ;).


PC Master Race GayGAF checking in for the game wars.



Depressingly Realistic

I guess so.

As for myself Im more of a fan of good gameplay, then spectacle. SO this generation of games would be at the bottom typically for the most part ;).

Oh I don't think that's a good example of me being "depressingly realistic." That strikes me as more "cranky opinion."

But it does help explain why I so rarely express my personal opinions on GAF: as stodgy as my detached attitude can be, if I expressed my personal opinions about most modern games everyone would hate me much more than they already do.

Here's an example of me being depressingly realistic; my opinion is largely irrelevant since I am a single individual, and despite my personal dislike of Mario, the Mario Galaxy games are clearly excellent games by any objective standard (sales, critical reception, legs, etc.) So is Halo. So is Gran Turismo, etc.


I don't see what a girl would love about a guy going "I have one of the highest scores on COD". So I don't see why it's set only to Nintendo there.

Shows what you know. I've gotten girls real weak in the knees with my sick 360 no scope skillz.

(That is a CoD thing right?)

What do you guys like about gaming then? What are your favorite games?

I like that my interests are niche because I only like good games.
I also can never afford the multitude of consoles so am really restricted by cheap computer gaming.

In all seriousness, though, I am a PC gamer through and through. Steam sales really are the greatest and worst things imaginable. Generally speaking I'm a grand strategy/shooter/rpg fan with the odd fighter thrown in here and there. Atlus is just about the only company that actually gets me on the consoles that otherwise collect dust in the basement.

As for what I'm playing now:

Crusader Kings II : Paradox strategy games are like Civ on crack once you break into them.
Dota 2 : Love/hate has never reached these levels before.
Dark Souls 2 : Really been enjoying this one. Have it and its DLC almost completed. Maybe I'll even get it off the backlog tonight.
Natural Selection 2 : The new TF2.
X-Com Enemy Unknown : This has been on the backburner for a bit after my friends once again let me down and all get murdered right near the final mission. Ironman mode is no joke.

To my undying shame I've never actually finished a Pokemon game and outside of the Smash series haven't really gotten into any of the Nintendo fare.

PC Master Race GayGAF checking in for the game wars.

Marry me!


What is this gaming talk in my gay thread!?

Just kidding of course but I'm surprised, I always get the impression that gay-gaf isn't much into games except the odd pokemon faction.

I'm a big Nintendo fanboy, and I easily consider them the best developer out there, however if I were to mention games that are close to my heart, besides some specific Zelda titles and all of Metroid (sans Other M), it would be filled with PC games, Freespace, Thief, Homeworld, Hexen and Heretic, all those point and click adventure games, and well so much more.
I play and like almost everything. I've become more of a PC gamer these last few years.

Currently juggling:

- Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

- Yakuza 4
- Lollipop Chainsaw

- Fire Emblem Awakening

Games I always fire up regardless: Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 (PC). I'll be getting RE6 when it comes out, too. Very excited about playing it in co-op and seeing how Mercs compares to RE5's.


What do you do, Opiate?

I'm a database administrator for a hospital, and I know Mandarin Chinese. They send me to China every couple of years since no one else on the technical side knows Mandarin. Also, I'm back in school for economics and I run a charity I started in highschool to get canned goods for homeless shelters.

Both of my trips to Toronto have been pass throughs, basically.
Just got reminded that it's Sunday afternoon and I have to fill out multiple distance education forms tomorrow.
And I have to start a new school. Woo.


Hunky Nostradamus
Don't forget guyz, daylight savings time!

What does that mean? I didn'n even see that :( But I'll try to do that next time

I meant did you see him naked? Or were you too focused on hiding your boner?

haha those are great!

What do you guys like about gaming then? What are your favorite games?

I like all sorts of games, though not Sports, RTS, or Simulation Racers. I just finished playing though MotorStorm Apocalypse (it was free on the EU PS+) on PS3 and I'm currently on the last chapter in The Walking Dead game, also on PS3 (the performance is pretty awful though. :/). I don't have any money to spend on games, so I mainly play whatever is free on PlayStation Plus or whatever games I can borrow from people. I just downloaded Spec Ops The Line and I'm going to download Darksiders when I get the chance.
He knows how you feel about this yeah?
I kind of pointed out the issue earlier but sometimes I feel that maybe we're not in a place where I could actually demand him to spend more time with me. Maybe we are but I don't know, I feel like that's something an annoying boyfriend/girlfriend would say :p

I saw him earlier today and I did tell him that I was upset. At first it was sort of in a joking way but later I made it clear I was not joking. He left his job at around 8 or so. We had dinner out and then I dropped him at his house. His parents are out of town. BUT his mom called him and told him he had to go to his godmother's house and stay there so they would go out tomorrow morning and go shopping or something.

He said something like: "She is doing it on purpose". And I was like: NO SHIT!!!!. He believes she is mad at him because apparently she was looking through some of his private stuff (a box with letters from his ex(es), a condom and I don't know what else). That was a few days ago.

He texted me a while ago, I replied without really showing much affection. He asked me if I was still angry and I told him: Yes, I'm sad. I know it's not your fault but I'm getting tired of this.

He answered: "mmmmm... ok"


I've seen photos of your bedroom. Nostalgia isn't even the word I'd use. :p
Hahaha, nah! I've changed it a few times (Killzone, Uncharted, PlayStaton posters -kinda miss the Killzone/fabric-like poster-....or Halo-themed...or Multi-console themed). Went back to "Nintendo stuff" because..I have to paint again the entire room. Might try a darker color and gloss, matte and lte blue looks bad and the paint never covers everything. :p

Don't forget guyz, daylight savings time!
Reminded me of the time they tried it on here (Puerto Rico) "because we're part of the US". Freaking morons. Of course it was a disaster. XD


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
PC Master Race GayGAF checking in for the game wars.

Honestly, if Valve gets the "Steambox"/PC "Console-level" standards that I've been wanting for a good 20 years to gain traction on both Windows and *NIX, I'd go that way. Only if fighting games were ported there. Nothing besides like Uncharted left (which fucked up it's multiplayer) on consoles for me. Anything I play on consoles now is multiplatform in most genres outside of fighting games and JRPGs.

Delio said:
Shut your mouth.

I can't hear you over the sound of snoring due to BORING.

I've drawn the conclusion that it's harder than getting Rihanna to stop making albums.

...Must... resist... easy... Chris Brown and Rhifund... potshot...
Wait, your straight friend? Was he changing clothes at the gym or something?
Well we had P.E together so yeah... that's where I met him, I think I caught him staring at this guy's ass once... might have been my imagination tho. He's also really fucking good at sports, I don't think anyone beat him :/


Hunky Nostradamus
Well we had P.E together so yeah... that's where I met him, I think I caught him staring at this guy's ass once... might have been my imagination tho. He's also really fucking good at sports, I don't think anyone beat him :/

I...see. He's probably going to be a great athlete someday. Get on his good side so he'll buy you cars and shit when he's famous. Also, if you saw him check out another guy's ass, that means he'd definitely gay. Try to get close to him and then make a sex tape with him for leverage when he becomes rich. (you're over 21 right? if not disregard everything I said)
I...see. He's probably going to be a great athlete someday. Get on his good side so he'll buy you cars and shit when he's famous. Also, if you saw him check out another guy's ass, that means he'd definitely gay. Try to get close to him and then make a sex tape with him for leverage when he becomes rich. (you're over 21 right? if not disregard everything I said)
Wow... I'm really impressed right now, this is really well-thought out!
That said, I'm not over 21 but I'm still at a loss for words.

After a week of no internet, I'm back on. We got moved into the new apt. and things are still a little stressful but it's nice to be back.

Lol looks like I missed ten pages of stuff. What's been going on since I've been gone?


Pokemon, Tales, SMT/Persona,Fire emblem, Dragon Age ( before 2), Dynasty Warriors and various other RPGS. I also love the Sims and Sim City ( the new one tho..no).

I own every system now except for the Vita. I tend to lean Nintendo/Sony maybe more so Nintendo considering the series that I like. I got a 360 at the start of the gen for rpgs and such but quickly moved away from it with time. Didn't get my Ps3 till early this year sooo I have a lot to catch up on.
Oh man we are so in tune gaming-wise. We even got the same systems at similar times. This must be fate. Just add Animal Crossing to that list and we're set.

Also, whenever I see your avatar I can't help but stare. I've recently become really attracted to all of the One Direction members, apart from Louis. It's like a curse.
Liam Payne is the hottest of the bunch


Hey LGBTGaf, chiming in on the game tastes before the topic phases out.

Elder Scrolls (mostly morrowind and skyrim), Old-school bioware (including first ME and DA, after that... very mixed), squaresoft/square-enix (highlights including FF4, 6, 9, 12, KHI & II, BBS, KH3D, Chrono Trigger & Cross [I strongly contend that Cross is just as good], Xenogears, FFT), ATLUS (Persona 4 Golden especially, but most of their other games), Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Pokemon (not hugely into it but I try), Dishonored, Guild Wars 2, Mololithsoft's Xenoblade Chronicles and probably their future stuff as well, Civ5, umm that's really just the tip of the iceberg but that's most of the major stuff.

Sorry bout the wall of text! Oh, and most recently: Just finished Ni No Kuni (!!!) and enjoying some FFXIV 2.0 Beta while balancing some Fire Emblem Awakening and Etrian Odyssey IV on-the-go. >.> I need to lay off the games!

For systems I lean heavily in favor of Nintendo/Sony/PC, with PC being my favorite platform overall. I'll always go with the PC version of a game when the choice is given. I bought a PS3 at launch but I have a PS3 Slim (not super slim) as a replacement. Got my Wii U on launch day. No plans to get a 360. Probably will get a PS4 for launch, jury is out on the NextBox but it's not looking likely.

So yeah if anyone wants to play some games come on over (no strings attached!)


Well, it looks like I'm stereotypical because I'm a Ninty fan. Especially for LoZ. :p

I suppose I'm mostly just Nintendo/PC. I have a 360, but basically never use it. Most recent on PC would be Dustforce and From Dust. I apparently don't game as much as I used to!


I'm not sure if I can call myself a Nintendo fangirl if I didn't play OoT until this year.

Mario is probably my favorite series of all time because I fucking love platformers omg. Also he has some great RPG spinoffs which is my second favorite genre although those shouldn't really count as the same series.

Pokémon is another favorite, I also love Star Fox, Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, and Final Fantasy.

Also Nier is the best game of this generation.


Boo this man.

I'm not sure if I can call myself a Nintendo fangirl if I didn't play OoT until this year.

Mario is probably my favorite series of all time because I fucking love platformers omg. Also he has some great RPG spinoffs which is my second favorite genre although those shouldn't really count as the same series.

Pokémon is another favorite, I also love Star Fox, Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, and Final Fantasy.

Also Nier is the best game of this generation.
Have my adopted babies plz.

Most compatible game tastes confirmed.
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