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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Hunky Nostradamus
tsk tsk

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Does anyone else here read Homestuck? It's a mixed media webcomic of sorts featuring animated slides, comic panels, flash games, etc. that exploded in popularity ages ago along the lines of Minecraft, but I never see it mentioned on GAF. I've been catching up with it and I'm surprised at how well the relationship aspects are handled. Granted, the story focuses on 12/13-year-old kids and it's not a cohesive, singular Oscar-winning blockbuster narrative, but it pretty much handles any and all sexual orientations with a really sweet (as in saccharine, not radical dude) degree of subtlety. Nobody's given blatantly exaggerated qualities if they're gay or lesbian, and so on. It represents hours of reading because it's well over five thousand webpages at this point, but I'll see if I can dig something concise up.
So, after having some nice chats (texting) with this guy I like, I thought things were looking up, he started conversations, etc, he tells me this guy who went dancing with us liked me.

Now it's not the guy I thought they were trying to hook me up with. It's another one (he kinda looks like Zac Effron a bit). I was absolutely shocked at him telling me this.

I tell him:

- He's cute... but...
- lol. I'm not trying to hook you guys up. I'm just passing what he told me.
- Well I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
- buuuuuuuuuut I need to know!!! but what????
- I like someone else
- Oh, OK. It's not the end of the world. I'm one of those who think you should try everything in life.
- You're so daring!!! :O (Kidding)
- lol

So... what to do next? He HAS to know I meant him. It's pretty easy to see. Then again I thought he was into me and look what happens. Maybe it's not? (so easy to see).

I guess I should tell him. I like him. And I know maybe he doesn't want a relationship right now. And I don't know what else.
So, after having some nice chats (texting) with this guy I like, I thought things were looking up, he started conversations, etc, he tells me this guy who went dancing with us liked me.

Now it's not the guy I thought they were trying to hook me up with. It's another one (he kinda looks like Zac Effron a bit). I was absolutely shocked at him telling me this.

I tell him:

- He's cute... but...
- lol. I'm not trying to hook you guys up. I'm just passing what he told me.
- Well I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
- buuuuuuuuuut I need to know!!! but what????
- I like someone else
- Oh, OK. It's not the end of the world. I'm one of those who think you should try everything in life.
- You're so daring!!! :O (Kidding)
- lol

So... what to do next? He HAS to know I meant him. It's pretty easy to see. Then again I thought he was into me and look what happens. Maybe it's not? (so easy to see).

I guess I should tell him. I like him. And I know maybe he doesn't want a relationship right now. And I don't know what else.

Honestly, this is what you should have done since the beginning. Your situation has gotten way more complicated than it needed to be.
Honestly, this is what you should have done since the beginning. Your situation has gotten way more complicated than it needed to be.
Oh well... I just don't have much experience dating/telling someone that I like him.
And also there was the time when I ended my first relationship because I was in love with someone else who turned me down when I spoke about my feelings. And that other time when I decided to go for it and kiss that guy who was flirting with me and then finding out that he wasn't single.

I just wanted to sort of let things flow naturally but it seems that's not really an option (when he's trying to hook me up with someone else).
Hey gay GAF/

What's a good birthday gift to get a gay friend/co-worker of mine turning 29?

He is Asian, very feminine, very fashionable, always gelling his hair up and back, thick frames, I donno, shops at H&M too much, super skinny, he is very artsy (an artist as well)

He does like fashionable clothes, but I feel like getting him something else for his b-day...

Need some ideas please, we (me and two other co-workers) kind of want to do a surprise thing for him on his birthday at work this week, so yeah, whatever it is, it has to be safe for work...

So in a nutshell, how to make this guy's Birthday special at work? what ideas can you guys suggest?



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
If he's an artist, surprise him with some art supplies. Sounds like he may also be somewhat... "fashion designer" focused? Might go that route? But that's me stereotyping...
His best friend suggested we make him this cake, (Youtube Clip) but then she bitched about how complicated it is to make it... I kinda think the cake is a bit too stereotypical.."Rainbow cake" really? Anyway

The cake looks nice though...it's a start.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Honestly, I think the best "birthday cake" I've gotten in the past... five years was last year when a co-worker asked me for a cake and I was like "I'm not really a cake person so if you have to make one do a vanilla cake. I honestly couldn't care. ...But, I've had a hankering for Cinnamon rolls for a bit now so you could do that in the morning for the morning crew and I'd eat them even stale when I get in in the afternoon."

And she surprised me a HUGE Cinnamon-roll "cake" Like I was eating it for two weeks huge. Amazing.

That cake doesn't seem too hard to make. Food color the layers in separate batches, bake them all. After that's done let them cool and then place them on top of each-other like a normal "layer" cake would do.

Only "bitch and a half" would be the frosting which you could just skimp on and cover it as a surprise for him to bite into and then see it's a rainbow cake inside. I speak from experience of using a frosting funnel in high-school though.


His best friend suggested we make him this cake, (Youtube Clip) but then she bitched about how complicated it is to make it... I kinda think the cake is a bit too stereotypical.."Rainbow cake" really? Anyway

The cake looks nice though...it's a start.

It's a nice looking cake but yeah... Rainbows and all, a bit obvious and lazy in the idea department. (doesn't help that I don't like that kind of cake to begin with, they're kind of bland, outside of looking nice). I personally would feel like my friends don't think of me much beside "Oh he's gay so he must like rainbow colored stuff right?", but that's just me.

What sort of artsy stuff is he into? Yeah some good quality supplies would be a nice idea, or some nice art books about the subject he's into... I don't know, honestly I'm pretty bad at gifts =/

Edit: Well the idea of hiding the rainbow layers with a single type of frosting is pretty great, you could even get creative with the decorations that way.

I guess I should tell him. I like him. And I know maybe he doesn't want a relationship right now. And I don't know what else.

Honestly you should. At this point, tip-toeing around the issue has the risks of him thinking you're not interested or other misunderstanding. I know you've had bad experiences in the past, but no situation is the same, it might work out nice this time.
Honestly, I think the best "birthday cake" I've gotten in the past... five years was last year when a co-worker asked me for a cake and I was like "I'm not really a cake person so if you have to make one do a vanilla cake. I honestly couldn't care. ...But, I've had a hankering for Cinnamon rolls for a bit now so you could do that in the morning for the morning crew and I'd eat them even stale when I get in in the afternoon."

And she surprised me a HUGE Cinnamon-roll "cake" Like I was eating it for two weeks huge. Amazing.

That cake doesn't seem too hard to make. Food color the layers in separate batches, bake them all. After that's done let them cool and then place them on top of each-other like a normal "layer" cake would do.

Only "bitch and a half" would be the frosting which you could just skimp on and cover it as a surprise for him to bite into and then see it's a rainbow cake inside. I speak from experience of using a frosting funnel in high-school though.

So that cake in the video, you think is a good idea? Regarding your suggestion with art supplies, He is an artist yes, he works on cintiqs all day on the computer and all that.. and I doubt he does much sketching, painting on the side.. I am looking for something more fancy to make him happy at work. I kinda like the cake too, it looks really nice, with some balloons etc.

He always bitches about his glass (beer) mug (that he uses for tea) getting stolen at work by coworkers, I was thinking a nice personalized (glass engraved) beer mug and that cake with some balloons will knock his rainbow socks off!

BTW his birthday is on the 29th, and he is turning 29...Millennial Birthday is what they call those? is it?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Nah, I'm just saying it isn't hard until you frost it (if you were going that dot route she went). I kinda find it really lazy, personally. But there's some comments on the video where someone did artificial flavors in the cake or asked about that and she said it was an interesting idea and could possibly work. So if you were like putting Jello "sugar" or something in it to flavor it it could work
on killing you with Diabetes, but let's ignore that.

You should get an idea for what he's into besides "art" and stuff like that in terms of the cake. If he is a health nut, a non-cake but fruit would be a good replacement idea but not the "norm" of a cake.

Think outside the box a little if you're wanting to surprise him with something really special.
So, he said he wasn't interested? How unfortunate.

Oh well, up and on to the next guy!
Yes. He said he didn't have a clue and that he isn't "one to look for something (romantic I guess?), much less a relationship".

I talked about "our" story, he said that he was crazy about me back then (when we were like... 14?). "It's not that I don't like you now, it's different". Pointed out he also was into me when I was in a relationship.

I guess it's just too late now, maybe he doesn't believe in relationships anymore, who knows... Apparently he'd still like to have me around.

I really fucking hate myself. Well not myself but it's just fail, after fail, after fail. How much longer can I do this?


Oh well... I just don't have much experience dating/telling someone that I like him.
And also there was the time when I ended my first relationship because I was in love with someone else who turned me down when I spoke about my feelings. And that other time when I decided to go for it and kiss that guy who was flirting with me and then finding out that he wasn't single.

I just wanted to sort of let things flow naturally but it seems that's not really an option (when he's trying to hook me up with someone else).

Telling someone you like them isn't telling them you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them (at least it shouldn't be).
Besides, rejection sucks but it's a part of life. That's why you should make it clear to people you are attracted to them. If they say "no thanks" then you can move on since you didn't really have time to obsess over them.

In that last exchange, you hinted at liking someone else which is a start. Keep hanging with him and next time he says something like that, just say you're interested in someone else and stare the fuck at him. He'll get the hint.

[edit] nevermind, just saw your follow up post.

Honestly Victor, I think you focus too much on having a relationship and not enough on expanding your circle of friends. Being completely comfortable with being single is IMO a huge step towards forming healthy relationships. The more I have a solid group of friends, the less I feel like I NEED a relationship. I'm at the point where I don't even think I would care not having a boyfriend as long as I have my friends.

Anyway, I know it sucks for you right now, but look at things on the bright side: you have Zac Effron to go for.
Get you mind off of that guy and GET IT GIRL. If anything, he might even get jealous and want you bad for it.


Anyway, I know it sucks for you right now, but look at things on the bright side: you have Zac Effron to go for.
Get you mind off of that guy and GET IT GIRL. If anything, he might even get jealous and want you bad for it.
Yes, go for him!
Wait, who the hell is Zac?
Yes. He said he didn't have a clue and that he isn't "one to look for something (romantic I guess?), much less a relationship".

I talked about "our" story, he said that he was crazy about me back then (when we were like... 14?). "It's not that I don't like you now, it's different". Pointed out he also was into me when I was in a relationship.

I guess it's just too late now, maybe he doesn't believe in relationships anymore, who knows... Apparently he'd still like to have me around.

I really fucking hate myself. Well not myself but it's just fail, after fail, after fail. How much longer can I do this?
Hey man come on now, I have no experience in relationships at all (actually I don't have much experience in a lot of stuff) but one thing I can say is that you shouldn't feel bad about it at all. These things are supposed to take time right? Maybe you should take a break from trying to get into a relationship and just meet guys and have fun with your life.
Does anyone else here read Homestuck? It's a mixed media webcomic of sorts featuring animated slides, comic panels, flash games, etc. that exploded in popularity ages ago along the lines of Minecraft, but I never see it mentioned on GAF. I've been catching up with it and I'm surprised at how well the relationship aspects are handled. Granted, the story focuses on 12/13-year-old kids and it's not a cohesive, singular Oscar-winning blockbuster narrative, but it pretty much handles any and all sexual orientations with a really sweet (as in saccharine, not radical dude) degree of subtlety. Nobody's given blatantly exaggerated qualities if they're gay or lesbian, and so on. It represents hours of reading because it's well over five thousand webpages at this point, but I'll see if I can dig something concise up.

I used to, but it's been a while. The only thing I remember about sexuality is that
sexual orientation isn't a thing for trolls, they just go with whomever they feel like and the concept of categorizing sexuality is alien to them.


I guess it's just too late now, maybe he doesn't believe in relationships anymore, who knows... Apparently he'd still like to have me around.

Yeah, if he's a nice guy then it definitely might be worthwhile keeping him as a friend.

I really fucking hate myself. Well not myself but it's just fail, after fail, after fail. How much longer can I do this?

I second what Alcoori said. As wonderful as having a boyfriend may be, you can't let your self-worth be decided by whether or not you have one. (A large part of my counselling was about this matter, in fact.) You're not a great person because you've found someone; you will find someone because you're a great person.
Oh well... It's a new day!!! To fall for a new wrong person again!!! (just kidding).
I guess what I hate the most is being told: "I really, really like(d) you but no". It's like a kick in the nuts.

Anyway, ever since I left my first boyfriend I haven't really been pursuing anyone else, it's just how things have happened. I admit that I do not have a circle of friends which I guess I can try to work out. I kept talking to him and well he didn't really seem to make a big deal about what happened which is nice. I enjoy talking to him and probably will keep him (and his friends) around. I just hope I too can shake it off and not feel weird around him.


Oh well... It's a new day!!! To fall for a new wrong person again!!! (just kidding).
I guess what I hate the most is being told: "I really, really like(d) you but no". It's like a kick in the nuts.

It's so much better than being left wondering, you did the right thing. In time you will even get over it and be able to hang out with the friend group like nothing.



Done... Hopes crushed. I'm never gonna find someone who actually likes me back.

I know it's been said, but there's no harm in saying it again - you did good :)
At least now you don't have to wonder about "what if", and it seems like things between you two are fine, and you can be friends, which is always a good thing.

If you are looking for a BF, why not try going out with the guy that liked you? Just have a go, for fun, even if you can't picture yourself with him 6 months from now.


REALLY hope that if the US decides to attack Syria things won't go haywire in the middle east.


Do you ever want to just crawl in a hole GAF and not come out?

I was talking to a guy from Serbia last night on Omegle and it made me so sad. Very nice looking guy and we just talked random stuff. He's not gay, but he had no problem with me, which was cool. I did spend a ton of time explaining "how gay people work" though so he obviously still had some trouble understanding it. Also had a family member ditch his wife and 2 kids for his partner, which doesn't help the perception. His English was very good and I assumed and it seemed to be correct that it's from playing online games like DOTA, teamspeak, etc. on the Internet. It reminded me of how powerful it can be to learn how to speak and write well.

What got me was we got into a discussion of where we live and he of course said Serbia and I said the US and he called me rich and this dived into a discussion of him working 8 hours a day and making ~$100 a month (I think I calculated that right). "Shitty country" he says and he was trying to save up to work in a nearby country I guess for more money but is running into legal issues doing that. I felt horrible already, but then apparently his place, where he lives with his grandfather who he is taking care of, had recently flooded (lives by a river) so he has to replace all of the carpet, etc. etc. Feet and feet of water. I just felt so bad...he already was living frugally and that stuff happens.

I don't know, I just felt so horrible for him, and I just wondered what made me lucky enough to be living in the US and the situation I am in when so many other seemingly innocent people are just stuck in horrible living situations. It just sucks. Anyway, we signed off with just me wishing him luck and giving him my Skype if he wants to talk and he brought up coming out to my parents and "being who you are" (he wrote a whole beautiful paragraph that made me tear up).

It was sweet. I hope he contacts me, I'm probably going to figure out some way to send him some money. Really I'd love to just be rich and be able to just fly him over here :(


REALLY hope that if the US decides to attack Syria things won't go haywire in the middle east.

My stupid annoying old friend from HS Christian fundamentalist Israel fetishist is posting on twitter how we are going to war because of the alliance w/Iran and how we'll have to defend Israel, etc. etc. Tagged it #WW3. I freaking hate the kid. Retweets Israel news every day like something is always going to happen. UGH.


Do you ever want to just crawl in a hole GAF and not come out?

I was talking to a guy from Serbia last night on Omegle and it made me so sad. Very nice looking guy and we just talked random stuff. He's not gay, but he had no problem with me, which was cool. I did spend a ton of time explaining "how gay people work" though so he obviously still had some trouble understanding it. Also had a family member ditch his wife and 2 kids for his partner, which doesn't help the perception. His English was very good and I assumed and it seemed to be correct that it's from playing online games like DOTA, teamspeak, etc. on the Internet. It reminded me of how powerful it can be to learn how to speak and write well.

What got me was we got into a discussion of where we live and he of course said Serbia and I said the US and he called me rich and this dived into a discussion of him working 8 hours a day and making ~$100 a month (I think I calculated that right). "Shitty country" he says and he was trying to save up to work in a nearby country I guess for more money but is running into legal issues doing that. I felt horrible already, but then apparently his place, where he lives with his grandfather who he is taking care of, had recently flooded (lives by a river) so he has to replace all of the carpet, etc. etc. Feet and feet of water. I just felt so bad...he already was living frugally and that stuff happens.

I don't know, I just felt so horrible for him, and I just wondered what made me lucky enough to be living in the US and the situation I am in when so many other seemingly innocent people are just stuck in horrible living situations. It just sucks. Anyway, we signed off with just me wishing him luck and giving him my Skype if he wants to talk and he brought up coming out to my parents and "being who you are" (he wrote a whole beautiful paragraph that made me tear up).

It was sweet. I hope he contacts me, I'm probably going to figure out some way to send him some money. Really I'd love to just be rich and be able to just fly him over here :(
Life is not fair. This is why it's important to be always grateful for what we have. Taking things for granted is not only a jerk thing to do considering how many people live terrible situations, but it's also a quick way to find unhappiness.


Recently I've been speaking to my friends a lot about cultural appropriation, in part in relation to non-Indian people appropriating the traditions of the Indian "Holi" festival (outside of its religious context), and in part in relation to the whole Miley Cyrus VMA debacle.

I was checking BuzzFeed today (don't judge!), and gay rapper Le1f reportedly made a series of tweets (which he afterwards deleted) complaining about Macklemore's win for "Same Love". Apart from his grudge that Macklemore apparently ripped off his song "Wut" with "Thrift Shop", he also complained that the LGBT cause should not so prominently be represented by a heterosexual singer. Instead, people who are both LGBT and not should more actively promote LGBT people who tackle the same issues in their songs.

Personally, I have no immediate problem with Macklemore's win. I think the song is truly beautiful, and I think it's great for the LGBT community to have such support from an outside party. As unfortunate as it may be, on the pragmatic side of things it may be that there some people are more receptive of such a message coming from a straight musician than an LGBT one, too.

On the other hand, is it the case that there are songs by LGBT musicians with similar themes, and of a similar quality, that have been ignored by the mainstream media because of who made them? Similarly, I think it fair to argue that the best way to promote equality is the most direct, by proving that LGBT artists (and minority artists for that matter, who were sadly lacking this year) are just as deserving of awards as everyone else.


That would make sense if Mackelmore was the only person in pop culture championing for equality and there weren't several LGBT celebrities doing the same, but that's not the case. It's not Ellen's fault that no one watches the Daytime Emmy Awards :(
I know this is a weird thing to gripe about but I just saw a commercial for one of those specialty mattresses and it occurs to me that they still only show male/female couples in those.


Hunky Nostradamus
I was checking BuzzFeed today (don't judge!), and gay rapper Le1f reportedly made a series of tweets (which he afterwards deleted) complaining about Macklemore's win for "Same Love". Apart from his grudge that Macklemore apparently ripped off his song "Wut" with "Thrift Shop", he also complained that the LGBT cause should not so prominently be represented by a heterosexual singer. Instead, people who are both LGBT and not should more actively promote LGBT people who tackle the same issues in their songs.

Eh, I don't think it matters that he's straight. The only thing that matters is whether or not the message he's sending is positive. And it is,
though unfortunately it's attached to an awful song with a horribly cheesy and hamfisted music video.


Eh, I don't think it matters that he's straight. The only thing that matters is whether or not the message he's sending is positive. And it is,
though unfortunately it's attached to an awful song with a horribly cheesy and hamfisted music video.

Eh, what?! Song's fine, if incredibly overplayed on the radio. But who would've thought that Same Love would've been the type of song that would get overplayed on the radio? The album is pretty solid, too.

I've been texting my hot ex and I don't know what to do halp.


Some of the lyrics to the song are cheesy as crap. Especially the YouTube comments thing. Watching it live at the VMAs was a little cringeworthy.

But it's cool that he took that up and it actually got big because its harder for everyone to ignore LGBT people when it's front an center. The message from an LGBT artist is great, but also easy to ignore in a bubble.

However it can get annoying. I get very annoyed with so many straight actors and actresses playing gay characters. There's plenty who need work.


Oh and can I just say...how have I not discovered Omegle earlier? I've been a total cam slut lol. And surprisingly got a couple straight guys to let me watch.

Ugh I'm so pathetic I need some real action :)


As far as I'm concerned, Omegle is a site where you can ask weird questions and see random strangers discuss about it.


I just learned through this girl that everyone thinks is my girlfriend (she's just my best friend obviously) that a guy that was in one of our classes is gay. It was shocking because he is definitly not the stereotypical gay guy and he is very very handsome (he is thin, hairy and very short) . The thing is that he is in a relationship already. Oh well, I wasn't looking for a relationship anyway.

Oh, and my best friend also has a friend that know who is gay and who is not, he is aware of every non closeted gay guy at school, he even knows who is in a relationship, etc, etc. I don't like this guy much (he is the one who said that he was the woman in a relationship) but he has some valuable information, it seems, so I'd like to befriend him just for that (he is in one of my classes, so it would be fairly easy).

This is getting interesting :p
Eh, I don't think it matters that he's straight. The only thing that matters is whether or not the message he's sending is positive. And it is,
though unfortunately it's attached to an awful song with a horribly cheesy and hamfisted music video.

On a basic level, it doesn't matter that he's straight. In fact, it's great; especially since I'm sure there are a ton of pro-gay straight artists and celebs who would be scared of doing something like that.

The issue here is that there are people who apparently only start giving a shit about gays/women/or what have you when straight white cisgendered males tell them they should, all while continuing to be oblivious to the speakers who actually belong to those groups.

Also, there is occasionally a problem when members of a non-oppressed group speak on behalf those of an oppressed group, rather that just in support of them, and end up talking out of their asses.


Eh, what?! Song's fine, if incredibly overplayed on the radio. But who would've thought that Same Love would've been the type of song that would get overplayed on the radio? The album is pretty solid, too.

I've been texting my hot ex and I don't know what to do halp.

back that up, we need receipts


I don't see an issue with Same Love earning an award. I'm pretty amazed the song is as successful as it is to be honest.

Also, Mary Lambert is a lesbian, not that it should matter. A mainstream song speaking up for us in a relatively clever and touching manner is great. People being angry about it are insane imo.
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