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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Ratsky I love you, just wanted to let you know <3

I think I'm gonna watch Free!, the swimming anime




Because I really like... Swimming. Yeah.


Wow at that guy being 24. I'm older than him, lol.
You can keep him, BTW :p

Don't mind if I do!

Ok, to be honest, after a GIS that happens to be his only good photo, and he's actually blonde, so I ended up not that much into him.

Never say never though, but the initial impression deflated.


He's not a bad looking dude, and the age doesn't surprise me.

FINALLY got the hubby to go bar hopping with me. He's not a club guy, mainly due to crowds and he can't stand Atlanta traffic. Spent some time at the hipster gay bar to hang out with the bartender whose a good friend of mine. Andy doesn't know anyone in town at all, but he managed to make some friends all the same. A couple of glasses of red headed slut definitely helped lol.

We then went to the eagle to meet up with a Facebook friend and chat for a while. It was Onyx night which was a first for us but still very fun. I'm not sure he'd be a fan of the place on a busier night, especially the music :-

Overall a great night! I doubt I can get him to go to a club again but he definitely warmed up to my friends so weekends in town should happen more often.


Boyfriend doesn't say enough, and partner is way too passive and "discreet" for my taste. I'm in it for the long haul so I tend to say husband etc.

In a business or formal setting I tend to say fiance. Not as discreet since I usually have to explain why I don't have a set date :-$
How do y'all feel about the word 'partner'? It always feels like such a passionless, business-like term to me.

I know a lot of lgb folk and I suppose a small minority of straights prefer it, which I've always assumed was for elevating importance above 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend' and maybe for keeping some level of privacy intact - the "none of your damn business" principle - though in practice in just becomes code for homosexuality. But I'm actually not really sure as I've never asked anyone else before, so I thought I would solicit more opinions.

Yeah it's really not my favorite. I'd rather feel like I'm stepping out of an 18th century novel and call them my 'lover' than my 'partner', and I would never do that either.


I like partner, actually. Not that I'll ever get to use it since I don't live in an English speaking country, but still.


I don't mind the word "partner". I think there is some truth in the suggestion that it is "code" for a husband or boyfriend, but it is definitely useful as something much less presumptive than either "girlfriend" or "boyfriend".

Went running today (as part of kickstarting regular exercise again) and I could have sworn that someone said "He's got a nice ass." as I ran past. : 3
Boyfriend doesn't say enough, and partner is way too passive and "discreet" for my taste. I'm in it for the long haul so I tend to say husband etc.

In a business or formal setting I tend to say fiance. Not as discreet since I usually have to explain why I don't have a set date :-$

That's how i've always felt about the word. If i was called partner i wouldn't get upset but i'd much rather be called Boyfriend or Husband. It's way too vague of a word and i'd rather be up front about it


I don't mind the word "partner". I think there is some truth in the suggestion that it is "code" for a husband or boyfriend, but it is definitely useful as something much less presumptive than either "girlfriend" or "boyfriend".

Went running today (as part of kickstarting regular exercise again) and I could have sworn that someone said "He's got a nice ass." as I ran past. : 3

We need the receipts


How do y'all feel about the word 'partner'? It always feels like such a passionless, business-like term to me.

I know a lot of lgb folk and I suppose a small minority of straights prefer it, which I've always assumed was for elevating importance above 'girlfriend' or 'boyfriend' and maybe for keeping some level of privacy intact - the "none of your damn business" principle - though in practice in just becomes code for homosexuality. But I'm actually not really sure as I've never asked anyone else before, so I thought I would solicit more opinions.

I like boyfriend/girlfriend.

Also your avatar = 11/10 music taste
To anyone who like the term Partner is there a reason why you do so, if its something preferred or something else? I think having some opinions on the opposite side of what most posted would be interesting and could open up more discussion


I think boyfriend and husband are good terms. I would hate to use husband or hubby if I'm not married though. That's just a lie to me. I'd hate it if my boyfriend called me that.


Partner always kinda bothered me because there's the obvious business connotation to it and it conveys a romantic relationship in such a detached, work-ey way.

I mean, I'm not terribly bothered by those who use it, either; but I'm not a fan and definitely don't use it.


What is the origin of the use of the term "partner"? I always thought it was to disguise the real nature of the relationship, but I'm not a native speaker so I may be wrong.

I also never understood gay couples not using "boyfriend" that much, girlfriend I kind of understand, girls use it to refer to close friendships too so it might be confusing, but boys never do it as far as I know.
What is the origin of the use of the term "partner"? I always thought it was to disguise the real nature of the relationship, but I'm not a native speaker so I may be wrong.

I also never understood gay couples not using "boyfriend" that much, girlfriend I kind of understand, girls use it to refer to close friendships too so it might be confusing, but boys never do it as far as I know.

I do think it has a fairly clear connotation of 'sanitizing' it through use of language, yes, though that is just my perception on it and not fact.


My straight and very hot (think Michael Vartan) Osteopath/Chiropractor uses 'partner' to describe his GF. *sigh* When I first heard it I was hoping that meant he is gay. No such luck though.

PS: Him laying on top of me is one of the hottest things he does in our session. And this is not even a Happy Ending kind of massage. More of sport injuries, painful type of massage.
Partner strikes me as being just oddly sterile. Boyfriend, girlfriend, or honeypuss.

'Shagpiece' also makes me lol, and that's a term devoid of like all emotional meaning in this context. Sterility is one of the reasons 'partner' sucks. At least be like glib or ironic or something and thus mildly amusing.
I think "partner" is perfectly fine when talking to your doctor or something. I wouldn't personally call the person I'm seeing a "partner", though.


So I have been seeing this guy for roughly a month and a half and have just learned something interesting.
Last weekend my friend was away with other gays on Fire Island and at some point he saw one of his housemate for the weekend had a picture of my guy favorited on his grindr. He asked after him and turns out they had hooked up the week prior.

As a background, after an initial honeymoon/infatuation period of a couple of weeks where it became clear that he was really into me (at least as far as I could tell), a period of self doubt hit me because I feel very comfortable being single and am having a great time and I don't know if I am ready or even want a relationship.

Now, I don't know how I feel about that information.

On the one hand, we never mentioned exclusivity and never even talked about what we were doing and where this was going. I have also been very up-and-down about the whole thing and would alternate between "I think I have to stop this because I don't want to lead him on" and "I do like him, it's great hanging out". I was also totally prepared to hook up with someone if the opportunity presented itself on a night out, but I did not actively looked for it (haven't been on grindr since I first hooked up with him and eventually deleted it).

On the other hand, I am actually starting to warm up to him and the idea that we'll see each other for a long time. I was also a little bothered and slightly annoyed about learning it, maybe jealous? In practice I have been exclusive and have not really entertained the idea of hooking up with anyone since I started seeing him.

I was abroad for a week (I guess the week he hooked up) and we sent each other a few cutsie emails, but nothing lovey-dovey. He sent me a picture of a frog saying it reminded him of me (I'm French) which I thought was quite cute and I sent him a pic of myself after a jog in front of the Eiffel Tower to prove that I had indeed used the sneakers that I brought with me.
We're seeing each other later this week, he's cooking me dinner. I'm quite sure it's time we check in with each other and have a talk about our expectations and what we think we want out of this. I'm not sure however whether I should bring up the hook up (in a humorous way) or just not say anything about it.

Anyway, was wondering what you guys thought about this.


Right, I'm joining this gay running group as I've mentioned before, but there is some things I'd like to know about before doing anything foolish -

If there is a guy whom I like while there, what would be the best thing to do? Particularly those whom I feel will be out of my league. My self-esteem isn't fantastic so I don't know how good looking I am to others. Would it be best to talk to him for a few weeks...then ask if he'd like to join me for a cup of coffee one day?


I'd talk about it Alcoori. I think it's best to know at least how the other guy feels, so that that knowledge can inform your decision. As long as you're not particulary accusative or presumptive I don't see why it would be a mistake to bring it up.

As for bringing up the hook up specifically, again I don't see why not. You found out about it, and it somewhat upset you. If you just tell him how you feel, he can't exactly discount that.

Mark1: I don't think there's exactly a fixed schedule. I mean, I'm likely to ask someone out immediately, but if you don't want to be as silly as that maybe see how it's going after a week?
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