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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Unlike some, I did actually have a good Facebook experience. Found from a comment on a friend's post that a guy I went to high school with (senior I believe when I was a freshman) is gay. What made it so interesting to me besides the fact that I finally know of someone else gay back home, but we were both in band and I remember just being interested in him for some reason as a freshman and not sure why. He was outgoing and I don't think I ever talked to him much, but I was drawn to him. This was before I admitted or even truly thought I was gay anyway. But it seems like maybe I had a bit of gaydar. Of course that trait seems to have disappeared.

Sorry guys, I know my posts tend to be very random and just not very much, but just wanted to get that out to someone...just found it kind of cool and it doesn't help that he was/is really cute. He's in a relationship though but I'm happy for him. It can't be easy living where I'm from and being so openly gay. </blog>


Your eyes are terrible wow


IN MORE RELEVANT NEWS. Can somebody recommend some artists for me. I prefer anime style. Pretty faces, big muscles. Or is that verboten?


there's ALWAYS ONE
Yeah, it's amazing how completely disinterested I am towards the new game despite having played quite a few of 'em. I'm not sure if I'm strange for having my interest in Pokemon (and similarly, gaming) completely wane or if everybody else is crazy for still being rabid fans over a decade later.


I'm 26 in 3 months and I'm fanboying as hard as when I was a kid before playing Red for the first time, some things never change :p

Mr. F

Yeah, it's amazing how completely disinterested I am towards the new game despite having played quite a few of 'em. I'm not sure if I'm strange for having my interest in Pokemon (and similarly, gaming) completely wane or if everybody else is crazy for still being rabid fans over a decade later.

I wish I felt something for the Pokemon games, but I think I was too late. Was a fan of the show/cards/pokemon snap and stadium or whatever, but never played the mainline games growing up and couldn't get into Soul Silver when I finally tried giving them a shot.


Have you played every game or skipped a few and come back to the series?
I only play one of the "main" games. With the exception of first gen where I played two. So I've anticipated, played and loved Red, Yellow, Silver, Ruby, Pearl, SoulSilver (okay I lied, I played this too) and White 1.

BTW, we also have official threads for depression and dating. I'll be sure to let you guys know when you should move over there :p


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
That sounded painful, way too freaky for a children's show.

It's sad that everyone's personal life is currently so inactive, that pokemonz have taken over.

BTW, we also have official threads for depression and dating. I'll be sure to let you guys know when you should move over there :p
What is this thread for then, I wonder?


BTW, we also have official threads for depression and dating. I'll be sure to let you guys know when you should move over there :p

Don't tell me you are serious

I played my first mainline pokemon game (HeartGold) when I was 16, and it didn't affect me, I felt in love with the game inmediatly (though I loved the anime and pokemon stadium when I was a child)


I have the perfect solution. Let's all post like this:

I'm pretty sure Chespin COCK will be the best starter ASS because other than being rather PENIS vulnerable to Flying, he actually covers plenty ANAL of types and I'm pretty sure STRAIGHT CRUSH his stats will make it somewhat defensive, which kind of alleviates OMG I'M SINGLE potential typing issues.


Pretty sure this thread is to bitch about how everyone you like is straight and then jerk it to pics of straight men.

Fixed for the truth :p

I have the perfect solution. Let's all post like this:

I'm pretty sure Chespin COCK will be the best starter ASS because other than being rather PENIS vulnerable to Flying, he actually covers plenty ANAL of types and I'm pretty sure STRAIGHT CRUSH his stats will make it somewhat defensive, which kind of alleviates OMG I'M SINGLE potential typing issues.

Drunk time?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I have the perfect solution. Let's all post like this:

I'm pretty sure Chespin COCK will be the best starter ASS because other than being rather PENIS vulnerable to Flying, he actually covers plenty ANAL of types and I'm pretty sure STRAIGHT CRUSH his stats will make it somewhat defensive, which kind of alleviates OMG I'M SINGLE potential typing issues.
Tell us how you really feel.

Pretty sure this thread is to bitch about how everyone you like is straight and then jerk it to pics of men.
Have you guys ever considered liking men who like men? Homosexuals, if you will.



Have you guys ever considered liking men who like men? Homosexuals, if you will.

I'm attracted to masculinity and of the 6 gay guys I've known, 5 of them have been very feminine.
The last one never showered and said very sexually explicit things to me all too often, even in class or on the bus. He even bragged about not showering. Also he's a eugenicist asshole
I'm attracted to masculinity and of the 6 gay guys I've known, 5 of them have been very feminine.
The last one never showered and said very sexually explicit things to me all too often, even in class or on the bus. He even bragged about not showering. Also he's a eugenicist asshole
Who brags about not showering? wtf
That shit's okay if you're like 5 years old or something


I'm attracted to masculinity and of the 6 gay guys I've known, 5 of them have been very feminine.
The last one never showered and said very sexually explicit things to me all too often, even in class or on the bus. He even bragged about not showering. Also he's a eugenicist asshole

Funny my situation is almost the opposite. Almost all the gay men I've met have appealed to me but they wouldn't want to touch me with a 50 yard pole.
They aren't too gay, they are too feminine.

I can relate, it has never worked out for me, either friendship or anything else. I don't blame it on the flamboyance though, we just didn't click.

Same here. I just don't relate well with other feminine guys, and I find masculinity more attractive anyways.

As a side note, I would classify myself as masculine.


I can attest to Rm also having an overt fondness for cajeta and products in which cajeta is a component.
This is correct. See? My feelings everywhere.

I'm sorry that you're not my type.

Is it too much to ask for a nice scruffy guy who likes video games and the same music as I do?

I'm also into guys who act like guys. This is seen as wrong or judgemental by some people for some reason I can't understand. No one ever gets any heat by claiming to like feminine guys.


They aren't too gay, they are too feminine.

I can relate, it has never worked out for me, either friendship or anything else. I don't blame it on the flamboyance though, we just didn't click.
Dindindindin we have a winner.

Stereotypical gay guys just aren't my type, even as friends. I tend to just befriend straight guys because I usually have same tastes as them. Simole as that. I have never found a guy who is not stereotypical though

Man I haven't tasted Cajeta since we moved out of Mexico 6 years ago.

Mexican food is the best confirmed!


A little flamboyancy is endearing, but too much is almost universally annoying. Thankfully, nearly nobody crosses that threshold naturally; it's the guys that play it up that grate me.


I have no preference as far as femme or butch, as long as they dress nicely. Well, okay, I have a boner for metro-looking guys. I don't really pay any mind to mannerisms though.


I have the perfect solution. Let's all post like this:

I'm pretty sure Chespin COCK will be the best starter ASS because other than being rather PENIS vulnerable to Flying, he actually covers plenty ANAL of types and I'm pretty sure STRAIGHT CRUSH his stats will make it somewhat defensive, which kind of alleviates OMG I'M SINGLE potential typing issues.

To be on topic, I don't really care how femme or masculine a guy is. As long as we share the same interests and connect well enough then I don't mind.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I'm only attracted to figments of my imagination and characters from stories, real people are too x for me.
I'm glad you're one of the sane ones.

I'm sorry that you're not my type.

Is it too much to ask for a nice scruffy guy who likes video games and the same music as I do?

You don't even know what type I am, don't assume. 8)

I'm just over guys being "too feminine" for the likes of other men.

I'm also into guys who act like guys. This is seen as wrong or judgemental by some people for some reason I can't understand. No one ever gets any heat by claiming to like feminine guys.
Let's mention twinks (who are too feminine for some people) for a moment and you know where that goes.


It's not just mannerisms. The things they like, the people they tend to hang out with, the activities they enjoy, etc. Those are not my kind because a good number of reasons
I like guys with squishy emotional centers, which isn't really a gendered thing, stereotypical 'dudes' seem way too dense or impassive to me, not hot. But I guess no one is attracted to stereotypes because they're boring and not real people. I think that's the same objection to not liking 'effeminate' men, whatever that really means.

I'm glad you're one of the sane ones.

My standards are too high for reality and thus I declare myself the king of sanity.
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