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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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do I have to manually delete an account? anyone knows?

With apps (and sites) always assume that your account is active unless you manually delete it. Very rarely do companies bother to delete old/inactive accounts, because for them accounts = data that can be used for statistics and advertisings.



I was joking



Well that's crap. I feel like I've heard from other stats that when its signed into law its also in effect.

But maybe those were from propositions and not congress.



I was joking


Oh.:3 It's hard to tell when there's just text.
I think it's maybe that I'm just scared people are after me for the sex.
I have no idea why anything would want to have sex with me but whatever.

Well that's crap. I feel like I've heard from other stats that when its signed into law its also in effect.

But maybe those were from propositions and not congress.


It depends on the bill being passed. Some of the ones passed have had a time-delay on them.


How do you know someone's looking at your profile? What app is this?

Hornet. I'm in Australia though so I'm not sure if it's available in US.

Haha I immediately send a dick pic whenever someone who I'm not interested in chats me up, but it tends to backfire. Kind of an asshole thing to do too, I should stop.

What makes it harder too is not having a default pic of myself since some dudes I went to HS have the app. Speaking off, if I block someone am I completely invisible to them? Someone blocked me on scruff because he was mad my default was Stephen Amell but I could still see profile.

If you're still not out, the easiest thing to do is to log in first without photo and block people that you know. Then they won't be able to see you and vice versa (in most cases but not on Scruff, it seems). But after that, it's imperative that you have face pic. People on these apps don't seem to like it if you don't have face pic.

If you're not interested in someone, I find it best to just ignore them so you're not sending mixed message.
hihi :D

I am kind of like that but I don't say "go away" if I like the guy.

that's reserved for after bed, lol

edit: Eugh don't even bother reading this I'm getting weird and self-reflective again because I'm absent a sense of identity so I have to over-intellectualize myself for some reason.

Yeah, I never actually tell people to go away unless they're being assholes. I think the aspect of my personality that likes validation also likes being super agreeable and socially-engaged/charming like all the time because it sets up some kind of feedback loop. And I'm pretty damn good at it, it can be fun and I get into a kind of 'flow', and it wins me lots of friends and allies and makes people inclined to help me out. It's the self-deferring aspect of my personality that hates being hit on, because that demands an actually substantial opinion from me about how I feel instead of just engaging them and perceiving and responding to that.

It's weird, as soon as it becomes something a little more serious like that it's like I'd like to be able to subtract myself from the situation because I'm put into a position where I have to reflect on how I feel or if they're welcome, and being observed in that context where my priority is being pleasant and making everyone comfortable conflicts with my ability to be genuinely self-reflective and my mind suddenly becomes blank so to cut the tension I just try to tell them whatever they want to hear. It's kind of like I'm a voyeur or something, I'm only particularly willing to respond in terms that preserve harmony and are generally genial, which is pretty shallow, but sometimes it seems like the alternative is being so candid that a person is practically uncouth. Sometimes I even feel like people are being inconsiderate in calling me into a situation where I have to explain myself, because that's really easy to do to someone that's making the effort to be really welcoming. I recognize that that may be legitimately nuts, though the feeling itself is a pretty accurate characterization and thus it's somehow valid. I think I spend so much time processing and being attentive to other people's feelings that I leave my own to become some weird neglected void. It feels like someone is trying to extract something from me, and I don't want them to, at the same time that I kind of want to give it to them just so they won't be disappointed; like it's really subtly exploitative or something. Sometimes it also seems like they're really dense in some way, they like how I make them feel because I get to be everyone's confidant, but they don't even realize how one-sided it is.

Just watch The Outs. Many times.

Ok this is great. Same with Whatever this is.


Is Fran Franz enough of a celebrity that someone would make a fake Tinder account for him?

EDIT: Not of the account on fb is actually his. Uh.


I hate it when my father says homophobic shit. To avoid suspicion, all I can do is agree with him. And even though I'm not very fond of him, it still hurts.


I think I might choose Chimchar as my starter in Platinum. Out of the three, he looks the gayest.

Is difficult since the three of Platinum starters are very good. Chimchar was my choice too, but the other two are still great, you can't go wrong with either.

I hate it when my father says homophobic shit. To avoid suspicion, all I can do is agree with him. And even though I'm not very fond of him, it still hurts.

That's the story of my life. My father says homophobic shit a lot, as if he had an agenda against him (I wouldn't be surprised).


I hate it when my father says homophobic shit. To avoid suspicion, all I can do is agree with him. And even though I'm not very fond of him, it still hurts.

Well, my father isn't homophobic but my brother is.

I bet they know i'm gay.

My ex is so bad sexting, look what i'm doing. Posting on neogaf, he's that bad.


Torterra was a weird wall that was also somewhat of a sweeper. That's not ideal, and his typing is indeed not very fond of ice, but overall it's a pretty unique and powerful pokémon :p If you have a Trick Room-er in your team, Torterra is going to sweep hardcore.

Also, I never choose non-grass starters. It's not out of loyalty for grass which is actually not one of my favorite types, but I always love the designs the most and I'm shallow like that :p Squirtle and Piplup come close, though.


IMO, Delphox is the most terrible looking fully evolved starter yet and that's no easy achievement :S How can cool looking Braixen turn into that? Ugh.

This is a guide to good taste in starters:

Bulbasaur > Squirtle > Charmander.
Chikorita > Cyndaquil > Totodile
Treecko > Torchic > Mudkip
Turtwig > Piplup > Chimchar
Snivy > Oshawott > Tepig
Chespin > Froakie > Fennekin

Chikorita > Chespin > Treecko > Turtwig > Snivy > Bulbasaur.


Hunky Nostradamus
Squirtle > Charmander > Bulbasaur
Chikorita > Cyndaquil > Totodile
Torchic > Mudkip > Treecko
Piplup > Chimchar > Turtwig
Oshawott > Tepig > Snivy
Froakie > Fennekin > Chespin

Squirtle > Chikorita > Torchic > Froakie > Piplup > Oshawott


I saw no lies until that hideous Emolga wannabe was your second top pick of all of them, and the original HBIC Bulbasaur was last. Cheshit is the worst looking of the X/Y starters.

Greninja is so cool, sporting an H&M scarf made from his own tongue. Nintendo really went all out trying to appeal to the gays this generation. Good for them.

Also, chikorita is my favorite too :D I love that useless wench


Charmander > Bulbasaur > Squirtle
Chikorita > Totodile > Cyndaquil
Treecko > Mudkip > Torchic
Chimchar > Piplup > Turtwig
Snivy > Oshawott > Tepig
Froakie > Chespin > Fennekin

Charmander > Froakie > Chimchar > Chikorita >Snivy > Treecko


Greninja is so cool, sporting an H&M scarf made from his own tongue.

Indeed. Greninja struck me as the most off-kilter and amusing. It's my second favorite starter after Typhlosion and it's in my top 3 pokemon for gen 6

I like (or am at least neutral to) nearly all of the starters, with the exception of Emboar who mainly frustrated me as a wasted opportunity for Ganonpork.

I'm pretty lax about most pokemon in general though. Everybody's got a favorite so I generally don't do the "which is worse than the others" deal.

Unlike some people.
I don't have a 3DS, and I haven't played videogames in forever, but I feel like I have to buy one just to play A Link Between Worlds. ALttP was literally the game that started the obsession for me, so it would be like coming full circle or something, but it's kind of absurd to buy a console for a single game.
I don't have a 3DS, and I haven't played videogames in forever, but I feel like I have to buy one just to play A Link Between Worlds. ALttP was literally the game that started the obsession for me, so it would be like coming full circle or something, but it's kind of absurd to buy a console for a single game.

I would lend you any of my 3DS games if I could, so that you'd have others to play with Zelda :)

I love the 3DS dearly, and it's almost the only thing I played in recent years, but I haven't been playing it at all the past couple of months or so even though I have many games I haven't scratched yet.
I would lend you any of my 3DS games if I could, so that you'd have others to play with Zelda :)

I love the 3DS dearly, and it's almost the only thing I played in recent years, but I haven't been playing it at all the past couple of months or so even though I have many games I haven't scratched yet.

Thank you. The problem for me isn't necessarily having games but actually playing them. I end up playing through the prologue or getting maybe five hours in, and then I drop them and never bother picking them up again. But that's not exclusive to games, it seems like most of my old interests don't hold my attention very well anymore.
Thank you. The problem for me isn't necessarily having games but actually playing them. I end up playing through the prologue or getting maybe five hours in, and then I drop them and never bother picking them up again. But that's not exclusive to games, it seems like most of my old interests don't hold my attention very well anymore.

I have the same problem, I rarely even get as far as five hours in. But I realized recently that I do much better if I stick to one game at a time (as long as I love the game) and just keep playing it whenever I pick up the 3DS (doesn't have to be frequent or consistent), but just stick to the same game and try to "100% it" before moving on to the next one, then not only am I much more likely to actually finish the game, but I also enjoy the whole "gaming" process far more than if I kept jumping between games and chasing novelty.

The satisfaction that comes from mastering a great and challenging game, and from fully and completely beating it is an awesome and unique joy that isn't gained from consuming other entertainment media.

The last two games I did that with were Super Mario 3D Land and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. Actually I still haven't fully beaten DKCR yet, have a couple more K levels to beat (and the new unlockable levels after that) but the process has been immensely rewarding so far, even when I die 40+ times in a single level to collect everything before I move on.

And beating the secret, unlockable "Crown" level in SM3DL, after countless and countless deaths, was one of my proudest gaming moments :)


I couldn't get past the first few scenes of The Outs... The conversations the characters were having just did not feel real at all. Usually I can get past this in most shows but I couldn't stand it here, don't know why :/ Maybe I should force myself to keep going...
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