Does 'The Outs' have nudity?
However, that painting in that one scene is really cool.

I kinda want it.
Does 'The Outs' have nudity?
Are you guys posting in the "how long has it been since you last had sex" thread?
/stealth brag
Are you guys posting in the "how long has it been since you last had sex" thread?
/stealth brag
Guy I was with tonight had three orgasms, and latter two had like a minute between them. Lucky bastard that he can do that.
Second time I see him, I like him a lot. But alas he "hates relationships".
I have the same problem, I rarely even get as far as five hours in. But I realized recently that I do much better if I stick to one game at a time (as long as I love the game) and just keep playing it whenever I pick up the 3DS (doesn't have to be frequent or consistent), but just stick to the same game and try to "100% it" before moving on to the next one, then not only am I much more likely to actually finish the game, but I also enjoy the whole "gaming" process far more than if I kept jumping between games and chasing novelty.
The satisfaction that comes from mastering a great and challenging game, and from fully and completely beating it is an awesome and unique joy that isn't gained from consuming other entertainment media.
The last two games I did that with were Super Mario 3D Land and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. Actually I still haven't fully beaten DKCR yet, have a couple more K levels to beat (and the new unlockable levels after that) but the process has been immensely rewarding so far, even when I die 40+ times in a single level to collect everything before I move on.
And beating the secret, unlockable "Crown" level in SM3DL, after countless and countless deaths, was one of my proudest gaming moments![]()
I know that you have a different mindset now, but just a few months ago you also "hated relationships." =P
Don't worry Ratsky, there's always Tumblr!
Actually, there is a little bit in one episode.
Guy I was with tonight had three orgasms, and latter two had like a couple of minutes between them. Lucky bastard that he can do that.
Can't everyone?
Who's excited for Link Between Worlds![]()
Guy I was with tonight had three orgasms, and latter two had like a couple of minutes between them. Lucky bastard that he can do that.
Second time I see him, I like him a lot. But alas he "hates relationships".
Are you guys posting in the "how long has it been since you last had sex" thread?
/stealth brag
Why do guys from more than 100 miles away even bother chatting me up? Like what's the point?
And if you lose I'll regale you with stories from the set of Reign!
Are you guys posting in the "how long has it been since you last had sex" thread?
/stealth brag
Why do guys from more than 100 miles away even bother chatting me up? Like what's the point?
Because internet friends are fun.Why do guys from more than 100 miles away even bother chatting me up? Like what's the point?
I feel kind of bad for ending things with the guy I was dating in a bit of a negative tone. It's very unlike me but I was angry because he was trying to make me feel guilty for not wanting to stick around and be his friend now that he is into someone else, saying that I'm selfish and whatnot.
When I first kissed him (after I was sure he was into me) we talked things and he said he wanted to take things slow and I was all in for that but it's a whole different story now because there's someone else. Does he just expect for me to be waiting on the sideline until he figures out what's going to happen with this other guy?.
He also told me he's taking things slow with this guy. How does that even work? Does he just date a few guys at the same time until he decides which one is the right one for him?. He just reeks of bullshit.
I didn't really say anything really mean to him, I just told him that I had been warned about not falling for him, that things would go wrong and that they were right. He said bye and me too (all via text, he's not in town). A part of me wants to sort of apologize because that's how I am but I don't think there's really anything to apologize for... Is there?
Because internet friends are fun.
Well yeah, those folks are dumb.Except they just ask for diq pics lol
Does he just date a few guys at the same time until he decides which one is the right one for him?. He just reeks of bullshit.
I have pretty close to zero dating experience so I have no idea what's the "default".A lot of people do that and I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it unless they're doing it in secret/lie to you about it. When you two started dating (or whatever) did you both agree to only date each other? If not, then he might've just assumed that it was okay to date other people as well. In fact, I always thought that that was the default - that you naturally dated multiple people unless/until it was agreed upon to be exclusive.
Sounds like there was a lack of communication between you two.
Well yeah, those folks are dumb.
Friends you can casually e-chat with and also swap dick pics with from time to time are great though.
Is there a term for that? "Look, don't touch" e-friends who are completely platonic but still show off their dingle-dangles from time to time?
Penpals with benefits, maybe?
I have pretty close to zero dating experience so I have no idea what's the "default".
I'm probably too prude but I just hate the idea of sharing someone with multiple people (with romantic interests).
I understand you can hang out and get to know multiple people at the same time but to me "dating" means taking it one step further, meaning that you really like that person. Because if you're seeing other people then what's special about me? That sort of ruins everything, I want to be with someone who makes me feel special (and if I like that person I'll really go out of my way to make sure he feels special).
I always assume exclusivity when I start dating someone. I never heard of the default thing being an open relationship, it feels so strange to me.
I guess it's a lot easier knowing from the go that the person is into other people as well, than learning after you're getting involved with him.When I met my boyfriend, I was dating two other people at the time; I was open and honest about that fact with each of them, and no one was bothered by it, nor did anyone feel compelled to turn it into a competition. I stopped seeing one of the three pretty quickly, and then needed some time to make a decision between the others -- romantic and emotional feelings can and do apply to more than one person at a time. As I mentioned in my previous post about your dilemma, it takes some time to develop rhythms with another person, to discover things you like and dislike about their personality, behaviors, even their housing situation (which was a legitimate factor in me opting to no longer see the second of these three guys).
I was very fond of #2 and he knew that, but ultimately, there was something about the third guy that I could simply tell was going to be a better fit for me, and - having remained friends with #2 - I'm certain this was the right choice in terms of a relationship.
For what it's worth, I used to feel similarly about "sharing" a person's romantic interests, but that's rarely a realistic expectation, neither is it the best approach in many instances. To put it one way, you'll probably be much happier in the dating scene if you can allow yourself to sample instead of insisting on a purchase every time.
Sudden flashbacks to middle school and the "Pen15 club".
Sudden flashbacks to middle school and the "Pen15 club".
Lol what?
Penises don't need 1337 5p3ak to be accepted. Who allowed this abomination?
And am I weird for being turned on by sexually promiscuous men. Especially if I'm friends with them?
I think the premise is that in the beginning of seeing someone it's like a kind of 'trial period' (which it usually is) and then later you make a decision that you want to see more of them outside of the more exploratory phase of just learning about them through spending time with them.
I'd probably do this in a 'one at a time' way, because I'm so selective it would happen this way even if I didn't intend it to, but there's really nothing stopping a person from using this method in a more expansive way or as a more significant part of the selection process or whatever.
Hope everyone is well. Been having a lot of ups and downs lately but my guy continues to prove he's the best thing to happen to me, can't wait to see him again soon.
Hope everyone is well. Been having a lot of ups and downs lately but my guy continues to prove he's the best thing to happen to me, can't wait to see him again soon.
I wish people at work watched Adventure Time as I've had this song stuck in my head all day and it would seem less creepy when I sang it if they knew what it was from. Plus, Ice King is my spirit animal.
I know what you mean. Rebecca Sugar (the girl the wrote most of the songs for AT) has her own new show that started up a few weeks ago called Steven Universe. Great show, similarly infectious ear worms. Also the background art was done by one of my favourites, Kevin Dart. Amazing work.