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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Yeah, I know. That's why I said I find it funny because it only shows all those people's hypocrisy, i.e. let's choose what to follow (and force everybody else to follow it too while we at it) and what to ignore, even though all of it comes from a single book that is meant to represent "God's will". I actually had a conversation with a guy that tried to state that all those ridiculous laws in Leviticus 19 were only limited to Jews (while those from Lev. 18 and 20 were not, of course, even though it's all one continuous text).

Trying to use the Bible to undermine the Bible is a dead end in my eyes because it's still suggesting the book itself has some legitimacy.
My logic is that if one thinks that the Bible has legitimacy and finds it so important that he/she has to use it as an argument in a discussion about humans right, then that person should follow the book through and through, without picking and choosing laws and quotes that fit him/her. Otherwise he/she isn't any better than any other sinner and has no rights to dictate what other people should and shouldn't do based on the book. And, as you said, Bible forbids any kind of sex that isn't between wife and husband and that doesn't lead to procreation; anal sex, oral sex and any type of sex with contraceptions is just as sinful as gay sex. So every time that topic comes up I'm gladly reminding the debater of it. The guy I mentioned before was surprised when I told him that the Church forbids condoms. Well, guess who's a sinner too.

But ultimately the issue is people are seeking moral advice from a centuries old document that was crafted by men to consolidate power initially for the Roman Emperor and then for the church back in a time before we had any concepts of evolution, universal human rights, morality, democracy and liberty, social justice etc... etc...
Well, I agree with that.
Dunno if anyone's been following the Dragon's Crown fiasco, but these dwarves are hawt, fo' real


Oh my god! They look like a Goya painting!


Yeah, I know. That's why I said I find it funny because it only shows all those people's hypocrisy, i.e. let's choose what to follow (and force everybody else to follow it too while we at it) and what to ignore, even though all of it comes from a single book that is meant to represent "God's will". I actually had a conversation with a guy that tried to state that all those ridiculous laws in Leviticus 19 were only limited to Jews (while those from Lev. 18 and 20 were not, of course, even though it's all one continuous text).

Yeah, the mental gymnastics can be pretty entertaining. I had one person I was discussing with confess that he believes there's like some original book kept away in the Vatican or something written from the apostles time with the "pure" source of the word of God and that all the problems arose from scholars going in and getting the translation wrong.

But one of these days someone will translate that tricksy Hebrew into perfectly logical English!

My logic is that if one thinks that the Bible has legitimacy and finds it so important that he/she has to use it as an argument in a discussion about humans right, then that person should follow the book through and through, without picking and choosing laws and quotes that fit him/her. Otherwise he/she isn't any better than any other sinner and has no rights to dictate what other people should and shouldn't do based on the book. And, as you said, Bible forbids any kind of sex that isn't between wife and husband and that doesn't lead to procreation; anal sex, oral sex and any type of sex with contraceptions is just as sinful as gay sex. So every time that topic comes up I'm gladly reminding the debater of it. The guy I mentioned before was surprised when I told him that the Church forbids condoms. Well, guess who's a sinner too.

Yeah, like you said in your previous post, it is fascinating how little of the actual scripture these people know. Too often their arguments rely on "what my pastor/youth leader said" and when you point out more broad applications of their teachings or, you know, past church doctrine, they're usually left rather confounded.

But then in three days time they've completely forgotten your arguments and gone back to whatever ridiculous notions they had from the start. Personally, it was fine when their discussions were on silly things like "hydrospheres" but with them constantly going on about how I'm doomed to hell and an abomination, their preaching gets really tiresome after awhile.


Yeah, the mental gymnastics can be pretty entertaining. I had one person I was discussing with confess that he believes there's like some original book kept away in the Vatican or something written from the apostles time with the "pure" source of the word of God and that all the problems arose from scholars going in and getting the translation wrong.

But one of these days someone will translate that tricksy Hebrew into perfectly logical English!

Well he is completely wrong but there's some truth in the Vatican holding documents, threre's plenty of apochryphal books and "forbidden" gospels, of course back then when the modern Bible was created mentioning these would cost you your life, now they are just curiosities used to inspire anime shows and other various forms of entertainment :p

I remember National Geographic trying to raise this huge controvery about the gospels of Marie Magdalene and Judas that ended up in nothing really, except for the documentaries which were interesting.


Mine is reverse-broken then :/

Everyone is straight unless they're acting like stereotypical loud, obnoxious females.

Ha, I'm exactly like that, and it's frustrating as hell since I feel like I'll never meet someone in a natural way (i.e not the internet).


Well he is completely wrong but there's some truth in the Vatican holding documents, threre's plenty of apochryphal books and "forbidden" gospels, of course back then when the modern Bible was created mentioning these would cost you your life, now they are just curiosities used to inspire anime shows and other various forms of entertainment :p

I remember National Geographic trying to raise this huge controvery about the gospels of Marie Magdalene and Judas that ended up in nothing really, except for the documentaries which were interesting.

Ha, yeah, I've been to the Vatican. I can't even begin to wonder what they have squirreled away in their lower vaults.

It was more that he thought there was a complete book, handed down from the clouds by God himself that we were all trying to fully comprehend. It arose after a discussion about how the Bible has some pretty significant language changes just across editions or denominations. I think one version of the Bible removed all instances of slave and replaced them with servant.

I remember hearing about those gospels as well. But, I mean, the Catholic church has documents of the council meetings they held to determine what would go in the good book and what wouldn't. So it's not like any of this stuff is hidden. Some people are just... weird.

I'm... so confused.

I could be persuaded to watch this but I heavily suspect that its execution will ultimately be pretty boring and stupid.

Like most anime! Oh snap!
Not going to lie: it looks like it could be interesting. The only other sports anime I liked (read: watched) was Big Windup! and I really, really liked that one, so I hope it's similar in some regard to that, with a decent emphasis on the sport and its characters. It's looking that way. Did you see all those dramatic grimaces?

Animation looks pretty good.


I'd like to hear some of y'alls worst first date. All I got to share was that I barely got a word in through dinner while he yacked and yacekd about food, food and more food while we ate. I know that doesn't seem annoying but I almsot wanted to barf with all the food talk. It was like he was talking to himself. I mean he said afterwards he enjoyed dinner but I was just...NOPE

If I want to watch guys getting wet, I would watch this:


I really like slow-motion videos :]

OMG sagi! :3 where do you find these?! :D


I'd like to hear some of y'alls worst first date. All I got to share was that I barely got a word in through dinner while he yacked and yacekd about food, food and more food while we ate. I know that doesn't seem annoying but I almsot wanted to barf with all the food talk. It was like he was talking to himself. I mean he said afterwards he enjoyed dinner but I was just...NOPE

I had a date where the guy never actually told me his name.


You didn't ask? lol I guess after awhile you wouldn't want to ask :p

I tried all the subtle things at the start but the longer it goes on, the worst it gets.

Ended up learning it by reading a yoga teaching certificate. For the longest while I thought maybe he had told me and I'd just forgot. Then went through the messages we passed before the date and... nope. Just me constantly saying my name.
I tried all the subtle things at the start but the longer it goes on, the worst it gets.

But don't you eventually get like "lol wtf, you realize that in all of this time you haven't bothered to tell me your name?" just to kill the tension of you being the only one that knows making you feel even more awkward. I say this with a selfish motivation in mind, I lack guile and that situation would kind make me feel like a lab rat in a double bind scenario or something, I would make a rash decision (blurt out the truth or flee) just to get an early resolution.
Normal friends or something? At school is very easy if you join to certain groups at it.

I'm part of a dual-enrollment collegiate program and my class has ~115 people in it. And the same people have been in the class for these past 3 years. Everyone's already pretty much gotten to know eachother, make friends and enemies, etc. and exams are next week.


I think there's something wrong with me.

I feel like I want someone in my life - to at least date someone, but on the other hand, I'm doing nothing to make it happen. Last semester I had an easy excuse by telling myself I don't have time and it's my first year in uni, but this semester is quite easy and yet, I don't even bother to open grindr (not grindar, but something similiar here).

Anyway, yesterday I went grocery shopping with a friend, he dropped me off at home, and 15 minutes later he calls me and tells me a friend of his was checking me out while I walked out of the car. I didn't pay much attention and now I received a facebook message from him saying that he wants us to meet.

And once again, my inner conflit appears. I kinda want to say yes, but... I don't know how to describe it. Typing here and thinking, maybe it's just fear - but from what I don't know. I won't be the first time I'll go on a date (not the 100th as well), so... yeah.

BTW, He's not ugly, but he's not amazing looking (neither am I)


I think there's something wrong with me.

I feel like I want someone in my life - to at least date someone, but on the other hand, I'm doing nothing to make it happen. Last semester I had an easy excuse by telling myself I don't have time and it's my first year in uni, but this semester is quite easy and yet, I don't even bother to open grindr (not grindar, but something similiar here).

Anyway, yesterday I went grocery shopping with a friend, he dropped me off at home, and 15 minutes later he calls me and tells me a friend of his was checking me out while I walked out of the car. I didn't pay much attention and now I received a facebook message from him saying that he wants us to meet.

And once again, my inner conflit appears. I kinda want to say yes, but... I don't know how to describe it. Typing here and thinking, maybe it's just fear - but from what I don't know. I won't be the first time I'll go on a date (not the 100th as well), so... yeah.

BTW, He's not ugly, but he's not amazing looking (neither am I)

I hate to sound like a commercial but just do it, it's probably the answer you came here for to be honest. If it doesn't work it won't, but if there is chemistry then great! going with lowered expectations is better.


That's exactly me. I kind of want to start dating again, but the awful effort-to-reward and failure-to-success ratio makes it so unappealing to me. I guess we don't want it badly enough, that's what I always say, if you truly want something then you'll actually try to make it happen. I have become complacent with being singe, and not going to lie, I do enjoy being single as well :p
Very nice! :3

Space, you want my validation? Use this!


Looking good :]

They find me! :}

Eh. It's not like you're the only one getting something out of this.

*Thumbs up*

Looking goooood.

Looking for validation? Do you really think people is going to lie and say that you're looking good?

Dammit! You look great.
Also, dat shirtless pic

Shucks, thanks guys. I've been working really hard and staying displined. Some days I feel like there's no progress, other days in like "woah, this happened in six weeks?"

Can't wait to see where I'll be in six months.
Gays only care about abs. *cries in corner*

Great progress SpaceBridge!

Abs suck. Not focusing on my abs...for now. Gotta maintain my Cub status.

Legs? I've got pretty thick legs as it is. Squats for now and biking in the summer should help.

Edit: I'm increasing my mass. So with all the protein abd calories I'm packing, a six pack is nowhere in the plan.


I went out dancing last night.

Man, some places around here are in desperate need of new DJs.

Seriously. Someone playing We Found Love in 2013? Uuuuugh.
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