So fucking angry.
My coworker went on a rant about gay people today. Ended up saying that if he had a gay son, he'd kill him and move back to his home country where they couldn't find him (was 100% serious). He then went on to say that being gay was a choice so gays should pay the consequence. Said that no father would love a gross gay child and that they should be straight or live on their own. He then said that all of his friends and family think the same way, and all the people in his home country actively hate gay people. He moved to Canada a few years ago and finds all this gay support gross.
I tried to explain that being gay isn't a choice because y'know, both me and my brother are both gay and I spent years trying to force myself into relationships with girls (where there was little to no physical attraction). He said that he firmly believed it that being gay was a choice, and that gay people are only gay because they can't find chicks or want to be unique. He said nothing could make him change his mind.
Then at the end of break he said he still likes gay people though (he used the "I have gay friends" card), but only if they aren't family. How the fuck am I supposed to work with this fucker? I've known him for 2 years and were relatively good friends until this. I can't help but get super angry around him now.
Do everything you can do to avoid him. If that doesn't work go to HR/your manager/whoever, you deserve this job a whole lot more than that fuck head. Call someone ASAP if you feel like you're in danger at any point after going to someone about him.