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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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alex <3


Thanks Danny, haha. My fave gif tbqh.

Happy birthday, Alex~!

Happy Birthday Alex!


Happy birthday Kitchenmotors!

Thanks guys! <3
It sounds like you handled it well. He knows your concerns, but you will still support him as a friend. I'm glad to hear he responded well to your message, and glad that you're feeling better, too. Like I said, who knows, maybe your response/message will make him reconsider the next time he wants to do that. Let's hope so for his safety. From now on, I would just drop it though since he knows how you feel and from here on, it's his choice to do it.
That's definitely going to be the challenge for me. I have a hard time letting go of things, especially things that make me anxious. They just fester in my mind like a splinter I can't get out. But now's as good a time as any to learn to Let It Go, or try.

*sigh* It's just hard to come to terms with not having any control over the wellbeing of the people I care about. Feeling powerless to protect people sucks. I've never dealt with or experienced loss much until recently, so the sudden realization of the possibility of losing someone has made me painfully aware of the preciousness of the people in my life.

I don't think I'll ever have non bareback sex again. But then again, I don't hook up with people I don't know and it would have to be with someone I trust, and they would have to be willing to get tested before I would even do anything with them to begin with. Even before kissing someone I would require an oral examination by a doctor. There is a way to do bareback and keep the risk down to a fraction of a percent.
I guess it just goes to my fundamental mistrust of people lol. Tests are a lagging indicator, right? If something happens within the last three months, it won't necessarily show up. And while he may trust the people he's doing it with, does he also trust all of their partners? My mind is a cruel motherfucker that can concoct a million different, horrifying what-if scenarios, and it's not hard with something so scary.


That's some fast progress! &#128542;

I wonder if there is one for Europe as well. I believe the countries here are a bit behind in that regard. Could be wrong though.

If there is I can't find it. And I can't even get the ILGA (International lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex association) interactive map thingy to work, anyway for further reading this is a link to their world map of LGBTIQ rights (PDF warning) and this is a link to the latest annual report(also PDF).


I wonder if there is one for Europe as well. I believe the countries here are a bit behind in that regard. Could be wrong though.

Depends on the countries. The Netherlands and Belgium were among the first countries in the world to legalize gay marriage and adoptions. Then you have Denmark, Spain, Sweden and a few others. The UK did it recently and so did France.


That's definitely going to be the challenge for me. I have a hard time letting go of things, especially things that make me anxious. They just fester in my mind like a splinter I can't get out. But now's as good a time as any to learn to Let It Go, or try.

Is he on prep? Doesn't excuse him going bareback though :/


If there is I can't find it. And I can't even get the ILGA (International lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex association) interactive map thingy to work, anyway for further reading this is a link to their world map of LGBTIQ rights (PDF warning) and this is a link to the latest annual report(also PDF).
Ah, thanks. Well, it's from May so there probably are some countries were the situation changed. Oh, and does Russia still have that nonsensical "Propaganda" law in place?

Depends on the countries. The Netherlands and Belgium were among the first countries in the world to legalize gay marriage and adoptions. Then you have Denmark, Spain, Sweden and a few others. The UK did it recently and so did France.
I don't even know if Austria is one of the countries. I heard that some parties were talking about it a while ago, but that was before some election thingie, that's when they usually act like they are decent people.

Adoption rights are still not a thing for gay couples in Europe though, right?


So I came out as Bisexual (yes this is new for me) to my cousin. At first I started with this preface about how people are different and blah blah, he finally told me to say it and then he told me to shut up for being a drama queen. That's his way of talking.

He then just hugged me. :)

I only have reservations about telling me grandparents. They are extremely judgemental people. They believe that people choose to be LGBT+, and so are sinners. I really think they will disown me.
So I came out as Bisexual (yes this is new for me) to my cousin. At first I started with this preface about how people are different and blah blah, he finally told me to say it and then he told me to shut up for being a drama queen. That's his way of talking.

He then just hugged me. :)

I only have reservations about telling me grandparents. They are extremely judgemental people. They believe that people choose to be LGBT+, and so are sinners. I really think they will disown me.
congrats. Bi people will rule the world.


So I came out as Bisexual (yes this is new for me) to my cousin. At first I started with this preface about how people are different and blah blah, he finally told me to say it and then he told me to shut up for being a drama queen. That's his way of talking.

He then just hugged me. :)

This is fantastic :)

Welcome to the thread :) I know I can't tell my grandparents. They're not worth the drama about it. Because they would have drama lol
So I came out as Bisexual (yes this is new for me) to my cousin. At first I started with this preface about how people are different and blah blah, he finally told me to say it and then he told me to shut up for being a drama queen. That's his way of talking.

He then just hugged me. :)

I only have reservations about telling me grandparents. They are extremely judgemental people. They believe that people choose to be LGBT+, and so are sinners. I really think they will disown me.

D'aww, what a nice cousin you have~! And don't worry about grandparents. Tell them if you so choose, but don't feel obligated to do so if you think it's going to negatively affect you.

congrats. Bi people will rule the world.

And we shall march forth, and crush our enemies underfoot before the setting sun.


So I came out as Bisexual (yes this is new for me) to my cousin. At first I started with this preface about how people are different and blah blah, he finally told me to say it and then he told me to shut up for being a drama queen. That's his way of talking.

He then just hugged me. :)

I only have reservations about telling me grandparents. They are extremely judgemental people. They believe that people choose to be LGBT+, and so are sinners. I really think they will disown me.
Glad to hear that you had good experience coming out to someone in your family. You need to do it at your own pace, if you decide you want to tell them in a year or two so be it. Or not at all if you fear that it could end in a fallout and them disowning you.
So I came out as Bisexual (yes this is new for me) to my cousin. At first I started with this preface about how people are different and blah blah, he finally told me to say it and then he told me to shut up for being a drama queen. That's his way of talking.

He then just hugged me. :)

I only have reservations about telling me grandparents. They are extremely judgemental people. They believe that people choose to be LGBT+, and so are sinners. I really think they will disown me.

Good for you! You have more courage then me.
Well, I never though it would have been possible, but I'm finding myself having feelings for a trans person. I am kinda hesitant to pursue it though because I'm not sure if it could work out. I've been in a position before where I had a thing with this "curious" guy, but after a while he decided he was straight again. He was simply exploring his sexuality at the cost of possibly hurting someone, and I feel like I might be doing something similar. I don't know what to do, heh.
I guess it just goes to my fundamental mistrust of people lol. Tests are a lagging indicator, right? If something happens within the last three months, it won't necessarily show up. And while he may trust the people he's doing it with, does he also trust all of their partners? My mind is a cruel motherfucker that can concoct a million different, horrifying what-if scenarios, and it's not hard with something so scary.

If you mistrust people why are you having sex with them in the first place?


Thanks guys for the kind words.

I've sort of identified as gay for a long time and a lot of people know me as such, plus I have my straight guys stories I've shared in these threads. But I'm not exclusively gay so I think I'm going to start calling myself Bi.

My grandparents do so much for me, they call me the grandchild that will go places lol, so I hate having a secret from them and also knowing how they feel. This isn't one of those situations that I feel that they will change their minds because it is me.


Thanks guys for the kind words.

I've sort of identified as gay for a long time and a lot of people know me as such, plus I have my straight guys stories I've shared in these threads. But I'm not exclusively gay so I think I'm going to start calling myself Bi.

My grandparents do so much for me, they call me the grandchild that will go places lol, so I hate having a secret from them and also knowing how they feel. This isn't one of those situations that I feel that they will change their minds because it is me.

At the end of the day, it's all up to you. Don't feel like you "owe" them the truth. If you try to mention the subject (not while talking about you necessarily) and feel like there might be a chance they'd change their mind or at the very least, be open for discussion, then go for it.

But if it seems downright impossible and you feel like this would just damage your relationship with them (which seems to be a good and loving one), then you might want to reconsider. ou can just not talk about your love life and personal relationship altogether.

Sure, in an ideal world it would be better if you were totally honest, but in the actual world we're living in, it takes a lot of courage to do so. I'm not here to judge you or force you to take such a risk.

All I'm gonna say is good luck to you, and you can be proud of the fact you told your cousin about it :)


Happy super-late mirthday Kitchenmotors!


Tomorrow is going to be very busy. Have to get ahold of an academic counselor to get the whole credit mess out of the way and finish my College application.

After that I'm going to try and finish M&L Dream Team, though I'm only in Somnom woods so I doubt I'll get to the end.

Somewhat, though right now it feels like I'm just trying to recover.

Gotcha. I know it goes without saying, but we're open if you need to speak with us.



I did mingle, but I was more concerned about my belongings than socializing, this is Rio after all. I saw more than one assault :( and of course arrastões, basically, assaults en masse.

Despite that it was fun.

Yeah, Rio has that love-and-hate situation. I can't stop checking my stuff when I go out with friends. But hey, at least it was fun.


Getting my CPR certification tomorrow along with hopefully my last shot needed before nursing school. I'm so excited to start :D It's only a month and half away.

Still waiting for my scrubs to come in and I need to rent my textbooks. Blah


Getting my CPR certification tomorrow along with hopefully my last shot needed before nursing school. I'm so excited to start :D It's only a month and half away.

Still waiting for my scrubs to come in and I need to rent my textbooks. Blah


Well, my BMI went down by a whole 2%, which is a start!
It's new to me.

Congrats!! but what do you mean down by 2%? Are you talking about weight or fat?
Nice :D thats great.

All sugar must die. :D

Well, not all of it. Just the fizzy stuff, is all.

ALSO, something else happened to me that's good! Finally, after 3 whole years of wanting to learn sheet music, then giving up in a hopeless cloud of mush and disappointment over and over again... I learnt sheet music! It's... Actually not as hard as I thought. :p But still, an accomplishment! Two in one day, oh my~


Fat~ From 20% to 18%. I've been trying to get muscle as well, mind! It ain't just dieting~ No fizzy drinks is helping a lot.

So that means you have 18% body fat? Shoot for 10% and you'll be able to have a six pack.

Well, not all of it. Just the fizzy stuff, is all.

ALSO, something else happened to me that's good! Finally, after 3 whole years of wanting to learn sheet music, then giving up in a hopeless cloud of mush and disappointment over and over again... I learnt sheet music! It's... Actually not as hard as I thought. :p But still, an accomplishment! Two in one day, oh my~

What is sheet music?

sugar makes the world better.

And it makes one fat...
So that means you have 18% body fat? Shoot for 10% and you'll be able to have a six pack.

It's only just begun! c:< Expect no before pics, but maybe an after pic when I'm done~

What is sheet music?

Misery, is what it is. Presumably some classical German moron decided that the best way for people to learn songs and pieces for instruments was to invent their own secret code, and force everyone else to learn it, whether they want to or not. Stuff like this:


Incomprehensible! Well, it was to me for years and years. :p


The few times I need it I much prefer to write my own sheet music. 1 through 12 with other symbols to indicate octave. Much more logical than that mess :p


It's only just begun! c:< Expect no before pics, but maybe an after pic when I'm done~

Misery, is what it is. Presumably some classical German moron decided that the best way for people to learn songs and pieces for instruments was to invent their own secret code, and force everyone else to learn it, whether they want to or not. Stuff like this:


Incomprehensible! Well, it was to me for years and years. :p

I will be eagerly awaiting your six pack picks... :p

It takes a lot of effort. I have gotten my body fat down close to 10% and still no visible results. I was told your diet plays a huge role so I'm focusing on what I eat. As for sheet music, yeah it looks complicated. Are you studying music?
I will be eagerly awaiting your six pack picks... :p

It takes a lot of effort. I have gotten my body fat down close to 10% and still no visible results. I was told your diet plays a huge role so I'm focusing on what I eat. As for sheet music, yeah it looks complicated. Are you studying music?

Music is more a hobby of mine, if anything... Goddamnit, I wish I done music in Secondary school. But you already had to know how to play an instrument to do it, and I wanted to do it so I could learn how to play an instrument. Also, we had no money to afford any real instrument, which affected things. But now we do, and I use a keyboard to play ragtime music, and other pleasant yet generally irritating tunes which annoy my family to no end. Mwa-ha-ha.

And getting body fat down to nearly 10% shows no visible results for you? :c How often do you exercise?
Also be reminded that getting a low BMI does not necessarily mean healthy things for you: If you look icky but feel healthy at 10%, then 10% is definitely more than adequate!

The few times I need it I much prefer to write my own sheet music. 1 through 12 with other symbols to indicate octave. Much more logical than that mess :p

Well, that piece is intentionally mean to be overly complicated as to prove humorous (I love how it ended up being used as a final boss theme in a game).

I'm yet to write my own sheet music yet...! Is it difficult?


Music is more a hobby of mine, if anything... Goddamnit, I wish I done music in Secondary school. But you already had to know how to play an instrument to do it, and I wanted to do it so I could learn how to play an instrument. Also, we had no money to afford any real instrument, which affected things. But now we do, and I use a keyboard to play ragtime music, and other pleasant yet generally irritating tunes which annoy my family to no end. Mwa-ha-ha.

I ended up learning sheet music through playing an instrument in school; but I never really did any music theory beyond the basics. I keep meaning to return to it, especially since I'm writing more music now rather than performing, but the terrible experience I had with theory classes back then dissuades me. Well, that and the rush of envy when I hear the work of composers and arrangers who can produce amazing pieces without the ability to read sheet music, but that's more of a way for me to justify my own complacency.


I'm yet to write my own sheet music yet...! Is it difficult?

Just to keep track of them. I never came far enough to learn all the ins and outs so it is a big simplification in my case. In an octave we have 12 notes so I just write 1 through 12 instead of bothering with remembering when to use E and C sharp. I know where the keys are, but I find their relationship illogical.

0 to 11 is easier to count (and what Wikipedia uses) so I'll use that in this example. If you want a minor chord you simply count from the starting key (0) and the third key to the right (blacks included) is the second and the seventh key is the final one. Major chord is the same except the middle step is fourth key. Now I can play a bunch of simple chords without memorizing more than 3-7 and 4-7. That should probably tell you I don't exactly play the most complicated pieces :p

I have a friend who plays classical music and I wish I could keep up. I had some formal music lessons as a child, but not for very long. I find the stuff interesting and have learned a bit about the fourier series (Wikipedia has a great animation, it's much easier than it seems) and what makes up the timbre on my own, but when it comes to music theory (especially harmony) my knowledge is awful.
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