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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Nah. Preferences can be picked up by the environment instead of being genetically predisposed towards those preferences -- so, instead, because of the environment you choose to be gay.
But there is context here, rather than it just being about how choices are made in general. The context of that debate about choice is the average social and long term romantic partnerships, along with sexual partner and content choices. All those come down to what you like more. Any other reasons besides liking those things would be outliers in the western debates.

We choose partners because we are emotionally and sexually satisfied by the relationship in the long term view, and rarely are those needs outweighed as primary by others of the environment. Sexuality isn't viewed like a business deal where you are weighing out your money and connections gained by being gay. You are gay because the people and content you are personally satisfied by are options characteristic of that sexuality. Thus, you never choose to be gay, but you are simply gay due to the source inclinations you didn't choose, which dictate the choices you do get to make.

That's why lots of these ex-gay therapies resorted to saying they will teach you how to not act on it instead of saying they could still rid you of feeling it.


Ish bein une mann (am I doing it right?)
That's no German at all, just gibberish. :D

Or did you mean:
(Er) ist dein einziger Mann?

"(He) is your only man" in English.

Mein leben! (Thanks wolfenstein)
Lasst die Panzer rrrrrollen. xD

Did the English version of Wolfenstein (the most recent one I mean) have German voice acting or did they just talk with accents in English? Only played zee German version of it.


I was trying to say I am a man :p

Yo sólo hablo español :p
Huh... uh-huh!
Was overthinking it again.

In hindsight now it's pretty obvious. But it's still gibberish, did Google give you that? Google Translate is trash. Just use dict.cc and piece together a sentence word by word, that might take longer but it will be that much more understandable. Plus you learn a lot more about the language that way. :)
Huh... uh-huh!
Was overthinking it again.

In hindsight now it's pretty obvious. But it's still gibberish, did Google give you that? Google Translate is trash. Just use dict.cc and piece together a sentence word by word, that might take longer but it will be that much more understandable. Plus you learn a lot more about the language that way. :)
Wouldn't it be
Ich bin ein Mann?
It's been years since I've taken German classes so bear with me lol.


I took Spanish for 12 years and all I got out of it was basic reading ability. I can survive at Epcot by only reading the Spanish. I'd love to finish learning it someday.
I took Spanish for 12 years and all I got out of it was basic reading ability. I can survive at Epcot by only reading the Spanish. I'd love to finish learning it someday.
Yeah, that's me with German. I can barely speak it but I can read some of it pretty well which is all I'll probably need it for in the future TBH.
I always wanted to go back to it though.


Wouldn't it be
Ich bin ein Mann?
It's been years since I've taken German classes so bear with me lol.
That's correct, yes.

Yeah, that's me with German. I can barely speak it but I can read some of it pretty well which is all I'll probably need it for in the future TBH.
I always wanted to go back to it though.
You should keep on improving it, there's a lot of German literature that is best enjoyed in it's original edition and not the translated versions of it. Plus there are a lot of countries in Europe where you can communicate more in German than in English if you might take a trip to mainland Europe one day.


Sooo... Coming Out On Top... First playthrough... With an unexpected ending...

I got the "Fish" ending.

I think I'm too flabbergasted to say anything at this point.
And now I'm curious. Are you OK?
I'll be fine after a while. Thanks for the concern. I've whinged about it enough in this thread, but the short version is I have shitty dreams where my subconscious uses my deepest insecurities, regrets, losses and heartbreaks in my dreams, in ways that are deeply painful and give a poor start to the day.

Like, imagine someone you miss deeply suddenly being back, but hurting you in the ways only they could, and then waking up and realizing they're still not in your life.

So, long story short, fuck dreams forever.

Unless they have dinosaurs, those are totally OK.

Also, a fine choice on your avatar, you are obviously a person of sophistication and taste.


I told my mother, looks like I have to move out. Expected reaction though.

I'm sorry.
Did she throw you out or is it your decision?

Gay is what we think it means and not what it actually means. Reminds me of getting into arguments with homophobes that you 'choose' to be gay because sex with men, never mind that being gay has nothing to do with how sexually active you are, but it forms a convenient narrative for them if it does.

Yeah, some people don't understand that being gay = being attracted to the same-sex people. You can be gay and be a virgin forever; you can be a gay porn star, banging men left and right, and still be straight.


I'll be fine after a while. Thanks for the concern. I've whinged about it enough in this thread, but the short version is I have shitty dreams where my subconscious uses my deepest insecurities, regrets, losses and heartbreaks in my dreams, in ways that are deeply painful and give a poor start to the day.

Like, imagine someone you miss deeply suddenly being back, but hurting you in the ways only they could, and then waking up and realizing they're still not in your life.

So, long story short, fuck dreams forever.

Unless they have dinosaurs, those are totally OK.

Also, a fine choice on your avatar, you are obviously a person of sophistication and taste.

Well, I'm having bad dreams too recently (not for the same reasons though), so I can understand a little what you are going through. Hang on: it may kinda sounds corny to say that, but time does heal all the wounds. I just hope that you will be able to focus on better things and that your subconscious will finally let you rest. In any case, we are here for you.

As for my avatar: *blush* you flatter me, lackadaisy fellow.

@Art: Oh no. Are you alright? Do you have somewhere to crash, at least temporarily? She may calm down after a while and come back to her senses (at least, I hope she will).


Huh... uh-huh!
Was overthinking it again.

In hindsight now it's pretty obvious. But it's still gibberish, did Google give you that? Google Translate is trash. Just use dict.cc and piece together a sentence word by word, that might take longer but it will be that much more understandable. Plus you learn a lot more about the language that way. :)

No, is justo that I started on Duolingo but haven't gone further and that was the only thing I remembered but it seems that it wasn't right lol I'll have to try again soon. That and I need to practice and learn more French

I told my mother, looks like I have to move out. Expected reaction though.

Sorry for that :(


Gold Member
I told my mother, looks like I have to move out. Expected reaction though.
OK, dead serious: Are you in a situation where you'll have a place to stay, etc? Are you financially alright? Please let us know. There is help if you need it.
You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.


Gold Member
OK, I'm glad you're alright. Sorry that you're having to deal with that. If you feel like venting, we're around to listen.
You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.
Oh thank goodness you're alright. Yeah move out and move on with your life. If she wants to reach out to you again, you be the decider of whether you let her back in again.

Edit: Like Parn said if you need to vent or need help, we're here for you.


You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.
We are always here for you, just remember that. :)

I'm so sorry that we live in a world where this happens. Please let us know if you need any help
Why did you change to a fish avatar? Is it because of CooT's
fish thing I read so much about in spoilertagged posts?
("Coming out on Top" spoiler)


You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.

You should try to talk to her when she is more calm. When your parents are angry they will say vile and mean things that are horribly painful. However, they don't really mean it. She's your mother she loves you, don't doubt on that. You had enough courage to tell her and that's good, she's probably in shock/denial. As for uni, aren't there dorms? Best of luck! don't be sad, we're here for you <3 :)


You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.
Good luck -- a lot of times moving away from parents is a good thing. I know it was good for me, hah.
You guys are sweet, thanks! Yeah I'm ok, I had realistic expectations. I was just sick of the vile stuff she was saying about gay people, so we had a huge argument yesterday. She told me I have to think about women and vaginas otherwise I have to move out. She won't buy food any longer, but I do get 250 euros per month for uni, I can get a loan as well. I dunno if she'll calm down, she says nasty things every time I go to the kitchen. I want to move out cos I can't stand her any longer, she disgusts me.
Wishing you the best, I think moving out will help you a lot. I hope you're able to get out of there smoothly and live peacefully.


Why did you change to a fish avatar? Is it because of CooT's
fish thing I read so much about in spoilertagged posts?

I just went through the gag route and it's so hilariously disturbing.
Afterward I went through Jed's route. I can't decide if I like Brad's or Ian's routes better because both of their sex scenes were incredibly hot.


I really liked them both. What didn't you like about them?
Big Hero 6 just felt like something was missing, I can't really place it. The main robot dude was cool though. The Lego Movie was completely obnoxious and played the "Everything is Awesome" song unironically at the end, which was weird considering how it was used earlier in the movie.

I wish Pixar would release godlike things again. At least I have How to Train Your Dragon, hah. Another good animated movie was Wreck It Ralph.
Big Hero 6 just felt like something was missing, I can't really place it. The main robot dude was cool though. The Lego Movie was completely obnoxious and played the "Everything is Awesome" song unironically at the end, which was weird considering how it was used earlier in the movie.

I wish Pixar would release godlike things again. At least I have How to Train Your Dragon, hah. Another good animated movie was Wreck It Ralph.
The Inside Out film looks really interesting. Could go places with that.


I just went through the gag route and it's so hilariously disturbing.
Afterward I went through Jed's route. I can't decide if I like Brad's or Ian's routes better because both of their sex scenes were incredibly hot.
Still have to play the demo, too occupied with other games at the moment. Ian looks pretty good for some simply designed animu dude, mhm.
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