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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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well re: marriage shit i can only say for myself, but i knew within about a month of dating my wife that she was it for me. ymmv. granted, i didn't necessarily share that feeling until a few months later, but if you click you click. i get being hesitant about it or wanting to take it slow but if both of you keep moving forward and it feels natural just do it™

why am i at the top of the page��
We aren't monogamous yet, I mean he's still on the scruff app and so am I. But I have zero interest in meeting anyone and havent met anyone since he left. And funny enough now that I'm not even looking I'm getting a shit ton of messages from dudes and I have no desire to meet them. Weird how that works.

It all feels so empty, online. And the thirst is real ladies.
well re: marriage shit i can only say for myself, but i knew within about a month of dating my wife that she was it for me. ymmv. granted, i didn't necessarily share that feeling until a few months later, but if you click you click. i get being hesitant about it or wanting to take it slow but if both of you keep moving forward and it feels natural just do it™

why am i at the top of the page��

This is exactly how it feels, and I think it's his nature. He wants something he goes for it. I'm not used to that. But his ambition is infectious.


That's exactly how I felt when I discovered that.
A mix of "Why didn't I think of that before?" and "Where have you been all my life?"

I wash dishes a lot and this exactly what I'm thinking right now... Well time to get one. Where did you get it from?


I've tried to respond to this multiple times and my browser has crashed every single time so I'm going to keep it way shorter than it had been in case it crashes once again.

I can definitely agree with their being merit in having them as personal, private mementos, but I think in many cases, particularly if it's public, there's a fear that others will discover them and that it will reflect upon whoever made the post in the present, despite it being made in a transitionary period wherein one quickly grows and develops as a person. Obviously this fear is not particularly rational unless you're in the public spotlight, and the deduction that it reflects the individual in the present rather than it simply reflecting on the individual at the time when the post was made (even if it may hint at remnant beliefs that are held) is a flaw on the reader's part, but I think (admittedly I would have to research it) that most would enjoy having past interactions collected to appreciate/chart how they have developed into who they are, this development being public can make many uncomfortable.

Well, sure. I understand why some people would find it uncomfortable, but I do wish I had a better record of it for myself. It's like being able to look at papers I wrote in elementary school or middle school or high school or college - my parents held on to a lot of that stuff and whenever I've looked at it I've thought to myself, "Wow. I was dumb." I think it's one of those things where you don't notice that you've made personal growth until you're at a distance from it. I feel like arguing with people online was one of the biggest impetuses for my getting better as a writer; it was much more relevant as a motivator for me than grades were, odd as that might sound. And I wrote much more online than I ever did in classes.

I find it interesting that it's not impacted you're ability to recall information. Would you tend to be a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner in general? I can very much empathise with the inability to visualise many moves in advance in relation to "Go" though

Considering that I do most of my learning through reading, I suppose the emphasis would be on visual? Though I have also noticed that in terms of Go I feel much more comfortable playing on a physical board. I don't think I play better so much as it's the fact that the act of picking up a stone and having to physically place it forces me to slow down and puts me in a more contemplative mood. And relatedly, I think that research on reading obviously points to a kinesthetic element to learning in reading when it comes to reading paper.

I also like learning by listening to lectures; the problem is that I tend to be multitasking when I listen to lectures to a degree that I don't when reading, so my retention is much poorer. It's also why I don't like audiobooks for learning things; the other thing is related to the kinesthetic thing. When I read a book, I'm pretty good at remembering whereabouts I read it. I don't have all those quotes I post memorized, obviously. I just remember that a book said something relevant, and know about where it was that I read it, and that's how I found it. Whereas when I listen to something, I can't remember, "Oh, that was about 20 minutes into the third lecture."

I like my legs but I like wearing pants and jeans more. I almost always have a solid color buttoned shirt with rolled sleeves, along with a pair of casual pants or jeans. In winter, I gladly add sweaters and thicker jackets. I like autumn and winter best, but being from Florida and only traveling during summer, I've never seen snow.

I'm okay with this 70° coastal breeze but thanks

Babs, I don't know how to tell you this... but if you've got a 70° coastal breeze, it's not sweaters and thicker jackets weather.

Today I finished reading my first book of the year and I'm still reading The Two Towers but I know once school begins again it will suck my time so much that I won't do anything else so I won't participate in the challenge. Though I'm already reading more avidly than last year so I think I'll end up reading a decent amount of books this year. And movies, well, I saw Exodus two days ago, I'll keep going to the movies once every two or three weeks if possible.

You shouldn't give up too quickly; it doesn't take too much to make it. I read ~25,000 pages in 2013 and finished 60-something books (including one that was 2500 pages), or an average of ~69 pages / day. If you can read, say, 30 pages / day, you can make it. The problem people have is that they fall off the wagon and then can't catch up because they're too busy.

Or maybe you've completely overscheduled yourself, but it was a thought!

Can someone link me this thread so I know exactly where the sun is at?


It was deleted, so you can't see it anymore. There is another thread that wasn't deleted, but I can't remember what it was called.
It's not really worth it because of the constant use of Tinypics which means that it would take entirely too much work to view a lot of the images


Can someone link me this thread so I know exactly where the sun is at?

Mumei;146749211[URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=345487" said:

It was deleted, so you can't see it anymore. There is another thread that wasn't deleted, but I can't remember what it was called.
It's not really worth it because of the constant use of Tinypics which means that it would take entirely too much work to view a lot of the images




This is my favorite poem:


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


This is my favorite poem:


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"



I couldn't pick a favorite poem, though that is one with an inspiring sentiment and something we could do a better job living up to. I'm rather partial to "Hope" is the thing with feathers, A Poison Tree, Shakespeare's Sonnet XXX, Genie, and To Hope. I'm also partial to Sappho's Beauty in a Man, which Willis Barnstone translates as

Beauty in a man
A man who is beautiful is beautiful to see
but a good man at once takes on beauty.​

This actually puts me in a Sappho mood. Let's look at more!

Another fragmentary poem:

To Eros.
You burn us.​


Shall I?
I don't know what to do
I think yes - and then no.​


Behind a Laurel Tree
You lay in wait
behind a laurel tree

and everything
was sweeter


I barely heard
darling soul

such as I now am
you came

in your garments​


To me he seems like a god
the man who sits facing you
and hears you near as you speak
and softly laugh

in a sweet echo that jolts
the heart in my ribs. For now
as I look at you my voice
is empty and

can say nothing as my tongue
cracks and slender fire is quick
under my skin. My eyes are dead
to light, my ears

pound, and sweat pours over me.
I convulse, greener than grass,
and feel my mind slip as I
go close to death,

yet I must suffer all things,
being poor​


Supreme Sight on the Black Earth
Some say cavalry and others claim
infantry or a fleet of long oars
is the supreme sight on the black earth.
I say it is

the one you love. And easily proved.
Didn't Helen, who far surpassed all
mortals in beauty, desert the best
of men, her king,

and sail off to Troy and forget
her daughter and her dear parents? Merely
Aphrodite's gaze made her readily bend
and led her far

from her path. These tales remind me now
of Anaktoria who isn't here,
yet I
for one

would rather see her warm supple step
and the sparkle in her face than watch all
the chariots in Lydia and foot soldiers armored
in glittering bronze.​

The passion and intensity in Sappho's poetry comes through millennia after it was written. It's wonderfully bracing.
Hm, I don't know. You'd probably think I'd look like a freak with hair as long as that. >.>

Trust me, I've seen you (during the NYE tinychat). Ok you were upside down, but still, My hair is longer and I'm not even trying to grow it long. You're too hard on yourself. You're a good looking guy.


Neo Member
Hey guys quick gaming question that maybe you can help with.

What PC games would you recommend for a rather old laptop? Preferably nothing too spec heavy or recent, but other than that recommend away. I can go for any type of game though, mainly I'm looking for something fun to play with my friends. My Steam library is pretty much all single player stuff, so it's kind of like stepping into new territory for me I guess.
Got invited to be the best man at a friends wedding. Super excited. What exactly does the best man do though?

Oh fuck do I have to prepare a speech?


You shouldn't give up too quickly; it doesn't take too much to make it. I read ~25,000 pages in 2013 and finished 60-something books (including one that was 2500 pages), or an average of ~69 pages / day. If you can read, say, 30 pages / day, you can make it. The problem people have is that they fall off the wagon and then can't catch up because they're too busy.

The problem is that I study medicine, and I barely have time for it on weekdays and by the weekends I get too burned out of reading that I really don't want to read anything else :S Well, maybe I change it next year and if I commute a lot I'll try to use that time to do some reading. There are a lot of books in my backlog, and others that I want to buy, is not even funny.
Hey guys quick gaming question that maybe you can help with.

What PC games would you recommend for a rather old laptop? Preferably nothing too spec heavy or recent, but other than that recommend away. I can go for any type of game though, mainly I'm looking for something fun to play with my friends. My Steam library is pretty much all single player stuff, so it's kind of like stepping into new territory for me I guess.

Terraria, Diablo 2, BattleBlock Theater, Torchlight 2, Magicka, Metal Slug 3, Trine 2, Hearthstone and Age of Empires 2.

All of them are on Steam, aside from Diablo 2 and Hearthstone which both require a Battle.net account. :)


I'm really sick of people casually using the f-word (referring to the chat mostly). It's not an insult to the person most of the time, it's just an insult to every Bi and Gay man there is.

Trust me, I've seen you (during the NYE tinychat). Ok you were upside down, but still, My hair is longer and I'm not even trying to grow it long. You're too hard on yourself. You're a good looking guy.
Thank you, Henchi. I appreciate it. :3

Also, how long is your hair?


Hey guys quick gaming question that maybe you can help with.

What PC games would you recommend for a rather old laptop? Preferably nothing too spec heavy or recent, but other than that recommend away. I can go for any type of game though, mainly I'm looking for something fun to play with my friends. My Steam library is pretty much all single player stuff, so it's kind of like stepping into new territory for me I guess.
My non-gaming PC from 2011 runs Ultra Street Fighter IV better than my PS3. Come join the fun :p Check "Can You Run It" to see if your laptop can handle it - it's not 100% but it's an okay guide.


Terraria, Diablo 2, BattleBlock Theater, Torchlight 2, Magicka, Metal Slug 3, Trine 2, Hearthstone and Age of Empires 2.

All of them are on Steam, aside from Diablo 2 and Hearthstone which both require a Battle.net account. :)
Good list. You're good in my book. ;3
Terraria, Diablo 2, BattleBlock Theater, Torchlight 2, Magicka, Metal Slug 3, Trine 2, Hearthstone and Age of Empires 2.

All of them are on Steam, aside from Diablo 2 and Hearthstone which both require a Battle.net account. :)

you dun dun f'd up putting hearthstone on that list

Master of Magic
Democracy 3
I'm really sick of people casually using the f-word (referring to the chat mostly). It's not an insult to the person most of the time, it's just an insult to every Bi and Gay man there is.

Thank you, Henchi. I appreciate it. :3

Also, how long is your hair?

Front slightly thinning. Sides down to ears. Back down to shoulders. I don't like to keep it that long but it's been about 6 months since I had it cut last.

Also Henchi makes me sound like japanese animated porn lol.


Got invited to be the best man at a friends wedding. Super excited. What exactly does the best man do though?

Oh fuck do I have to prepare a speech?

If this were a gay porn you'd fuck the groom after he's wasted and tied up as some bachelor party prank and everyone else has left.

So yeah do that.
I couldn't pick a favorite poem, though that is one with an inspiring sentiment and something we could do a better job living up to. I'm rather partial to "Hope" is the thing with feathers, A Poison Tree, Shakespeare's Sonnet XXX, Genie, and To Hope. I'm also partial to Sappho's Beauty in a Man, which Willis Barnstone translates as

Beauty in a man
A man who is beautiful is beautiful to see
but a good man at once takes on beauty.​

This actually puts me in a Sappho mood. Let's look at more!

Another fragmentary poem:

To Eros.
You burn us.​


Shall I?
I don't know what to do
I think yes - and then no.​


Behind a Laurel Tree
You lay in wait
behind a laurel tree

and everything
was sweeter


I barely heard
darling soul

such as I now am
you came

in your garments​


To me he seems like a god
the man who sits facing you
and hears you near as you speak
and softly laugh

in a sweet echo that jolts
the heart in my ribs. For now
as I look at you my voice
is empty and

can say nothing as my tongue
cracks and slender fire is quick
under my skin. My eyes are dead
to light, my ears

pound, and sweat pours over me.
I convulse, greener than grass,
and feel my mind slip as I
go close to death,

yet I must suffer all things,
being poor


Supreme Sight on the Black Earth
Some say cavalry and others claim
infantry or a fleet of long oars
is the supreme sight on the black earth.
I say it is

the one you love. And easily proved.
Didn't Helen, who far surpassed all
mortals in beauty, desert the best
of men, her king,

and sail off to Troy and forget
her daughter and her dear parents? Merely
Aphrodite's gaze made her readily bend
and led her far

from her path. These tales remind me now
of Anaktoria who isn't here,
yet I
for one

would rather see her warm supple step
and the sparkle in her face than watch all
the chariots in Lydia and foot soldiers armored
in glittering bronze.​

The passion and intensity in Sappho's poetry comes through millennia after it was written. It's wonderfully bracing.

I really like the bolded one in particular.

Anyways, my personal favourite poem is Ping by Samuel Beckett.

All known all white bare white body fixed one yard legs joined like sewn. Light heat white floor one square yard never seen. White walls one yard by two white ceiling one square yard never seen. Bare white body fixed only the eyes only just. Traces blurs light grey almost white on white. Hands hanging palms front white feet heels together right angle. Light heat white planes shining white bare white body fixed ping fixed elsewhere. Traces blurs signs no meaning light grey almost white. Bare white body fixed white on white invisible. Only the eyes only just light blue almost white. Head naught eyes light blue almost white silence within. Brief murmurs only just almost never all known. Traces blur signs no meaning light grey almost white. Legs joined like sewn heels together right angle. Traces alone uncover given black light grey almost white on white. Light heat white walls shining white one yard by two. Bare white body fixed one yard ping fixed elsewhere. Traces blurs signs no meaning light grey almost white. White feet toes joined like sewn heels together right angle invisible. Eyes alone uncover given blue light blue almost white. Murmur only just almost never one second perhaps not alone. Given rose only just bare white body fixed one yard white on white invisible. All white all known murmurs only just almost never always the same white invisible. Bare white body fixed ping elsewhere. Only the eyes only just light blue almost white fixed front. Ping murmur only just almost never one second perhaps a way out. Head naught eyes light blue almost white fixed front ping murmur ping silence. Eyes holes light blue almost white mouth white seam like sewn invisible. Ping murmur perhaps a nature one second almost never that much memory almost never. White walls each its trace grey blur signs no meaning light grey almost white. Light heat all known all white planes meeting invisible. Ping murmur only just almost never one second perhaps a meaning that much memory almost never. White feet toes joined like sewn heels together right angle ping elsewhere no sound. Hands hanging palms front legs joined like sewn. Head naught eyes holes light blue almost white fixed front silence within. Ping elsewhere always there but that known not. Eyes holes light blue alone uncover given blue light blue almost white only colour fixed front. All white all known white planes shining white ping murmur only just almost never one second light time that much memory almost never. Bare white body fixed one yard ping fixed elsewhere white on white invisible heart breath no sound. Only the eyes given blue light blue almost white fixed front only colour alone uncover. Planes meeting invisible one only shining white infinite but that known not. Nose ears while holes mouth white seam like sewn invisible. Ping murmurs only just almost never one second always the same all known. Given rose only just bare white body fixed one yard invisible all known without within. Ping perhaps a nature one image same time a little less blue and white in the wind. White ceiling shining white one square yard never seen ping perhaps away out there one second ping silence. Traces alone uncover given black grey blurs signs no meaning grey light almost white always the same. Ping perhaps not alone one second with image always the silence. Given rose only just nails fallen white over. Long hair fallen white invisible over. White scars invisible same white as flesh torn of old given rose only just. Ping image only just almost never one second light time blue and white in the wind. Head naught nose ears white holes mouth white seam like sewn invisible over. Only the eyes given blue fixed front light blue almost white only colour alone uncover. Light heat white planes shining white one only shining white infinite but that known not. Ping a nature only just almost never one second with image same time a little less blue and white in the wind. Traces blues light grey eyes holes light blue almost white fixed front ping a meaning only just almost never ping silence. Bare white one yard fixed ping fixed elsewhere no sound legs joined like sewn heels together right angle hands hanging palms front. Head naught eyes holes light blue almost white fixed front silence within. Ping elsewhere always there but that known not. Ping perhaps not alone one second with image same time a little less dim eye black and white half closed along lashes imploring that much memory almost never. A far flash of time all white all over all of old ping flash white walls shining white no trace eyes holes light blue almost white last colour ping white over. Ping fixed last elsewhere legs joined like sewn heels together right angle hands hanging palms front head naught eyes white invisible fixed front over. Given rose only just one yard invisible bare white all known without within over. White ceiling never seen ping of old only just almost never one second light time white floor never seen ping of old perhaps there. Ping of old only just perhaps a meaning nature one second almost never blue and white in that much memory henceforth never. White planes no traces shining white one only shining white infinite but that known not. Light heat all known all white heart breath no sound. Head naught eyes fixed front old ping last murmur one second perhaps not alone eye unlustrous black and white half closed long lashes imploring ping silence ping over.

Clearly ahead of its time, probably.
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