dont you know?
No our history books didn't cover that.
dont you know?
*Avatar Quotes*
Who invented boobs anyone famous.
why are there people who think girls sleep with their bras on....
Are they hot?Aw thank you HH =)
Is anyone here a big Instagram user? I don't understand how some friends of mine have thousands of followers without really doing anything overly ambitious with their accounts. Is there some kind of hidden exchange at work that I'm not aware of? Something with hashtags I bet. lol
No our history books didn't cover that.
why are there people who think girls sleep with their bras on....
I think Dolly Parton did, her or Elvira
Are they hot?
I think Dolly Parton did, her or Elvira
how unfortunate for you
Aw thank you HH =)
Is anyone here a big Instagram user? I don't understand how some friends of mine have thousands of followers without really doing anything overly ambitious with their accounts. Is there some kind of hidden exchange at work that I'm not aware of? Something with hashtags I bet. lol
Sounds correct to me!I think Dolly Parton did, her or Elvira
Wait.. is she pissed for the reason I think she's pissed?
May have to send an angry letter.
Hmmm... do you have an instagram?
The evolution of the mammary gland is difficult to explain; this is because mammary glands are typically required by mammals to feed their young. There are many theories on how mammary glands evolved, for example, it is believed that the mammary gland is a transformed sweat gland, more closely related to apocrine sweat glands.[37] Since mammary glands do not fossilize well, supporting such theories with fossil evidence is difficult. Many of the current theories are based on comparisons between lines of living mammals monotremes, marsupials and eutherians. One theory proposes that mammary glands evolved from glands that were used to keep the eggs of early mammals moist[38][39] and free from infection[40][41] (monotremes still lay eggs). Other theories suggest that early secretions were used directly by hatched young,[42] or that the secretions were used by young to help them orient to their mothers.[43]
Here's the original video, which indeed says she realized her mistake. is she pissed for the reason I think she's pissed?
(i.e., she didn't realize he was gay?)
{and those blue bunnies always freaked me out..}
Weird how?This thread is in a weird state.
Or maybe I just didn't notice before.
This thread is in a weird state.
Or maybe I just didn't notice before.
I do, though it's mostly Drag Race references and selfies with heavy handed filters (I like filters). Occasional Nintendo shit too, lol
Are you a top or a?little monster
-good ol tumblr
I have to get up for school in 4 hours but I can't stop talking to this cute guy.
I have to get up for school in 4 hours but I can't stop talking to this cute guy.
I'm not a huge fan, but Lady Gaga has a great voice, she was the first person to make music videos a regularly big interest online following the dead interest for them on TV, and radio was pretty awesome around her release of Born This Way. Bad Romance was a cool and unusual song for the pop charts.
SS is the worst 3d zelda by a significant margin, so gird your loins when the time comes
I'm not a huge fan, but Lady Gaga has a great voice, she was the first person to make music videos a regularly big interest online following the dead interest for them on TV, and radio was pretty awesome around her release of Born This Way. Bad Romance was a cool and unusual song for the pop charts.
I think she's the shit. Can't wait for whatever she puts out next.
I think she's shit. Can't wait for the flop she puts out next.
I await Zelda U featuring blowing as a control method. By which I mean you blow at the controller to do some things as with Tearaway and Super Mario 3D World.
I don't know why I get lazy and stop doing my workouts. I'm just starting to get back into it, and you feel so good after really working up a sweat.
I wish I had someone to (lovingly) yell at me when I get lazy.
Ugh my heart is racing really fast because two of my roommates who are always hooking up with girls and trying to get them drunk just brought one over and played some drinking games with her.
but then one of them went down the hall near my room and I heard the other guy and the girl laughing at first back out in the living room. but then she started saying stop and i couldn't tell if it was drinking game stop or not, so I got up and listened at my door and she said it like 5 more times without the guy saying anything and if I could hear her, the other two guys did obviously.
so i'm a bit anxious in social settings and am always basically hiding in my room when people are over. so I was thinking about an excuse to go out there to make sure that this was a drinking game thing hopefully she was just annoyed by, so I grabbed something I could pretend to just need to microwave out in that area.
but I heard her say she was leaving before i found something to use for the excuse. so the one causing problems came down the hall and said all he did was kiss her and she left (but she obviously had to stop him a ton of times if that's what she was saying stop to).
So then the guy who was down in his room said he heard it and if a girl says stop you just drop it because she's not into it. but the other starts making excuses like saying she was here late and flirting. they keep going on and on between bro talk about her and how she could've wanted it vs. the one who wasn't in the room saying he probably should have came in there to say something because now he feels bad that my other roommate wasn't stopping.
And now they just said she is 18 (these guys are 22) and that they spiked her drink (I don't know what they put in it but they were calling her stupid for not knowing).
I already thought they were awful guys because the seemingly wiser one in this situation locked out a girl he had over, standing exposed in our hallway with just her bra after they had sex and she didn't know he would lock her out. At the time I heard her knocking on his door, I assumed maybe he fell asleep but I didn't see her or meet her yet, so when she knocked on my door I was kind of shocked and I asked if she needed to use my phone or something.
She went to a different room to use it and while I was waiting in my doorway, the guy opens his door a little and says 'thanks man' as if I wanted a girl to be left without her stuff in the middle of the night, exposed without even all her underwear, among a bunch of men she doesn't know and she wouldn't know I'm gay. Like I would help him try and ditch his hookup in such a shitty way.
They just have a history of talking shit about girls and scheming to get them drunk and ways to cheat in class.
So now what?
That seems to be a common notion here on GAF. Is it all stemming from waggle controls and no open world? Cause, eh, don't really mind either of those things.
Probably not.are you saying
what i think you're saying
which brother is it
Wait so at the end, the girl managed to leave? If so, as awful as it was, at least it resolved itself. :S
Goddamn though, your roommates sound like winners. Do you have to deal with this often?
god those guys sound like total pieces of shitUgh my heart is racing really fast because two of my roommates who are always hooking up with girls and trying to get them drunk just brought one over and played some drinking games with her.
but then one of them went down the hall near my room and I heard the other guy and the girl laughing at first back out in the living room. but then she started saying stop and i couldn't tell if it was drinking game stop or not, so I got up and listened at my door and she said it like 5 more times without the guy saying anything and if I could hear her, the other two guys did obviously.
so i'm a bit anxious in social settings and am always basically hiding in my room when people are over. so I was thinking about an excuse to go out there to make sure that this was a drinking game thing hopefully she was just annoyed by, so I grabbed something I could pretend to just need to microwave out in that area.
but I heard her say she was leaving before i found something to use for the excuse. so the one causing problems came down the hall and said all he did was kiss her and she left (but she obviously had to stop him a ton of times if that's what she was saying stop to).
So then the guy who was down in his room said he heard it and if a girl says stop you just drop it because she's not into it. but the other starts making excuses like saying she was here late and flirting. they keep going on and on between bro talk about her and how she could've wanted it vs. the one who wasn't in the room saying he probably should have came in there to say something because now he feels bad that my other roommate wasn't stopping.
And now they just said she is 18 (these guys are 22) and that they spiked her drink (I don't know what they put in it but they were calling her stupid for not knowing).
I already thought they were awful guys because the seemingly wiser one in this situation locked out a girl he had over, standing exposed in our hallway with just her bra after they had sex and she didn't know he would lock her out. At the time I heard her knocking on his door, I assumed maybe he fell asleep but I didn't see her or meet her yet, so when she knocked on my door I was kind of shocked and I asked if she needed to use my phone or something.
She went to a different room to use it and while I was waiting in my doorway, the guy opens his door a little and says 'thanks man' as if I wanted a girl to be left without her stuff in the middle of the night, exposed without even all her underwear, among a bunch of men she doesn't know and she wouldn't know I'm gay. Like I would help him try and ditch his hookup in such a shitty way.
They just have a history of talking shit about girls and scheming to get them drunk and ways to cheat in class.
So now what?
The fairy partner is the worst in the series thus far - every two seconds it's "Hey listen! Here's a mind numbingly obvious fact that anyone with two eyes and a functioning brain could figure out!" And there's no way to shut it off.
The game takes way the fuck too long to get going. The tutorial section where you run around the big but sparse hub, talking to and doing banal favors for the lame npcs just goes on and on and on and on.
The characters suck. Holy shit, do they suck. There's no charm to them like in the older Zeldas. They're lifeless and poorly written.
The overworld is way too big, way too empty, and takes too long to cross. (made all the worse by the fact that you have to go back and forth and back and forth over and over again - at least the ocean in Wind Waker was cool to look at and felt like the real ocean)
The elegant simplicity of (most of) the previous game's inventory systems has been eschewed in favor of an overly complex system that requires tons of backtracking (on top of the backtracking you already have to do as part of the story).
The story is dumb. Either try to make a compelling storyline or don't - no more of this half assed regurgitated nonsense please.
The game is also extremely easy and you'll only die due to glitches or the awful controls failing you at the worst possible time.
So now I don't even want to talk to them and they won't know why because they think the doors are soundproof. And I don't think it's resolved because they debated whether or not they should apologize to her and seemed to have come to the conclusion to 'let her cool off' and that she was 'unclear' and they were all drinking. If they came to the conclusion that they shouldn't apologize and she was unclear, that sounds like trash to me. They don't even sound drunk and they obviously were making her more drunk than them.
They went right back to talking about other girls after. I don't want underage drinking in here, and I really don't want spiked drinks for girls they want to 'persuade.'
And yeah, they talk nonstop in vindictive or objectifying ways about girls. That's the only subject they discuss about 98% of the time.
That's awful.So now I don't even want to talk to them and they won't know why because they think the doors are soundproof. And I don't think it's resolved because they debated whether or not they should apologize to her and seemed to have come to the conclusion to 'let her cool off' and that she was 'unclear' and they were all drinking. If they came to the conclusion that they shouldn't apologize and she was unclear, that sounds like trash to me. They don't even sound drunk and they obviously were making her more drunk than them.
They went right back to talking about other girls after. I don't want underage drinking in here, and I really don't want spiked drinks for girls they want to 'persuade.'
And yeah, they talk nonstop in vindictive or objectifying ways about girls. That's the only subject they discuss about 98% of the time.
Is it possible to move to another place? Or are you stuck there?
Well...unless they run into this girl regularly, I don't even think they'll need to worry about apologizing cause she'll probably never wanna interact with them again. (Which is probably for the better.) And yeah, they sound like scumbags. How long are you stuck living with these dreamboats?
Dayum that's rough. Backtracking especially is a huge pet peeve for me. Too bad too cause visually it looks so charming and vibrant. Still gonna go in with an open mind, but definitely holding expectation low after everything you mentioned.
And one of them doesn't flush the toilet when he pees and I don't know how to ask an adult to flush.
that's fineif its yellow let it mellow
if its brown flush it down
I'm with them through April. I'm not all that worried about me since I can stay in my room mostly.
I'm more stressed about them spiking more freshman girls drinks when they are alone here. That's pretty awful and risky. I knew they'd said they wanted girls to get drunk here before, but I didn't know they were picking up freshmen who shouldn't be drinking in our housing and then putting other stuff in their drinks.
And one of them doesn't flush the toilet when he pees and I don't know how to ask an adult to flush.
I don't think I've got the stomach to do anything about it right now, but I know to go out there sooner if they sound suspicious next time. Thanks for reading all that.Yeah...that's a shit situation. You can let 'em know up front that you're not cool with underage drinking/creeping on drunk girls in the house, but you're probably gonna end up dealing ongoing conflict from them. Same with if you notify authorities.
This whole thing just reminds me of that Campus PD show reruns on G4. (Damn that channel went from something great to dying a super slow, painful death.)
Anyway, I'd engage with them as little as possible since they sound like turdbags, but it seems like you're already doing that. Outside of that, weigh your options: Which of the following two sound like the lesser evil? Openly antagonizing them and dealing with that, or just avoiding them but knowing you might have to get involved at some point if they get too rapey with someone? :/
This is probably useless advice, I know. (-_-)
I promise I'm not gonna keep spamming my shiza here every time I put a video up, but this is my 2nd cover and I'm still getting a feel for it. Like last time, if I may, I'd like to be a feedback hoebag again.
i keep forgetting the #1 rule of lgbt movies there's only a 10% chance of a happy ending. then you get the curveball neutral endings