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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Anyone have any books they'd recommend as a "must-read"? Looking for new book to read. Genre doesn't matter as long as it's not too boring or uses some insane writing style.

Also, being born in '93 sucks since everyone I talk to raves about 80's TVS and movies I have no clue about.
We have Rocket Power and Spongebob though!


So a friend of mine has just kinda disappeared and stopped answering messages. IDK if I should be mad at him for being a jerk or worried if he's OK :p


So a friend of mine has just kinda disappeared and stopped answering messages. IDK if I should be mad at him for being a jerk or worried if he's OK :p

I have the worst anxiety about that kind of stuff, especially since it's usually just them being busy or forgetful... but deep inside I question why everyone hates me.


So a friend of mine has just kinda disappeared and stopped answering messages. IDK if I should be mad at him for being a jerk or worried if he's OK :p
If you're worried, maybe you should ask others if he's been responding to them, to determine whether it's just you and whether anger, concern or some mixture thereof would be the appropriate response.

When was the last time you spoke?

I have the worst anxiety about that kind of stuff, especially since it's usually just them being busy or forgetful... but deep inside I question why everyone hates me.

I have a complex about that as well. Despite knowing how irrational I'm being, I can't help thinking that people have finally decided to sever all ties with me whenever they take slightly longer than usual to reply to a text or something. And of course, as soon as I've accepted that I'm a fundamentally unlikeable person who should be happy they were even tolerated for that long, the response will come and everything will proceed as usual.

I wonder if it's a sign of narcissism to immediately go for "something must be wrong with me" rather than "they're busy / don't feel like talking right now"? I'll probably be a lot less insufferable once I stop automatically assuming the universe exists solely in reaction to me.


I have the worst anxiety about that kind of stuff, especially since it's usually just them being busy or forgetful... but deep inside I question why everyone hates me.
If you're worried, maybe you should ask others if he's been responding to them, to determine whether it's just you and whether anger, concern or some mixture thereof would be the appropriate response.

When was the last time you spoke?

I have a complex about that as well. Despite knowing how irrational I'm being, I can't help thinking that people have finally decided to sever all ties with me whenever they take slightly longer than usual to reply to a text or something. And of course, as soon as I've accepted that I'm a fundamentally unlikeable person who should be happy they were even tolerated for that long, the response will come and everything will proceed as usual.

I wonder if it's a sign of narcissism to immediately go for "something must be wrong with me" rather than "they're busy / don't feel like talking right now"? I'll probably be a lot less insufferable once I stop automatically assuming the universe exists solely in reaction to me.
See you guys both got it exactly; I can't stop thinking in terms of 'OMG, what did I do, why are you being so weird with me' despite the fact that in all likely hood I'm not even a part of the consideration at all.
It's the repetition that does it. If a text goes unanswered for a bit then I'm cool, but if I send a second a week later and still nothing? Urgh. I've been getting sporadic facebook replies at crazy hours of the night which make me think it's more likely there's something off but it might all be a coincidence and in my head...
Don't have any mutual friends I can check with so can't get a good idea.

I'm probably just being over analytical and weird, had like no sleep.


Rain makes me want to put on an old movie, pull up a blanket, and drift in and out of sleep on the couch. So good.

We have a really good chance of a very rainy weekend, starting this afternoon. The weatherman was predicting several inches of rain. I'd be delighted if it ends-up happening.


you all should just come to orlando

it's rained every day this week for at least six hours.


While living in Austin, I complained all the time about the boring cut-and-paste weather forecast of 0 or 10% chance of rain.

(I bought Greg a Song of Storms "Make It Rain" t-shirt, and people complement him on it all the time around here.. :p )
You should all just come to Ireland.

It's been raining every day for 6 years. We had sun once. It was awful.

When I lived in Ireland, I found rain there to be wonderful. I mean, it didn't bother me much and people weren't at all upset for it.

When it rains here it's like madness.
Rain makes me want to put on an old movie, pull up a blanket, and drift in and out of sleep on the couch. So good.

We have a really good chance of a very rainy weekend, starting this afternoon. The weatherman was predicting several inches of rain. I'd be delighted if it ends-up happening.

That might be the same rain storm we're having right now in Utah. It was thundering really bad last night.
When I lived in Ireland, I found rain there to be wonderful. I mean, it didn't bother me much and people weren't at all upset for it.

When it rains here it's like madness.

I know! You sort of come to accept it. To be honest, I like rainy weather similar to how most people like sunny weather. I just never saw the appeal of it. I mean, in sunny weather, you have to dress lightly and risk being burnt. How often has anyone ever got sunburn in the rain? All you need is a coat. And when you get indoors, you feel relieved. If it's sunny and you go indoors, you feel guilty instead.


That might be the same rain storm we're having right now in Utah. It was thundering really bad last night.

Awwww, yissss! *fingers crossed*

The only thing I dislike about the rain is sometimes having a slick road for the motorcycle. But that's a tiny detail.


I want it to snow just once this upcoming season. This town goes NUTS when it snows.

We had a teeny, tiny sleet shower approaching us one time last year. It was supposed to arrive around 4PM, and my boss began worrying at 8AM. I was still there at noon (had a late patient), and he was utterly panicked at that point. Despite living less than a mile away via 20-mph roads, he still wanted me to call him when I got home. It was hysterical.

But I want a big blanket of snow. The last time it happened, local news media pretty much cancelled all daytime TV shows and went around town interviewing people, showing different scenes, giving safety info, etc. Local media here tend to overdramatize things, and snow events are tailor-made for them.


I personally love it when it's cloudy out, It's so comforting to me, the sun depresses me because it reminds me there is a world out there I'm not exploring.

Mr. F

I personally love it when it's cloudy out, It's so comforting to me, the sun depresses me because it reminds me there is a world out there I'm not exploring.

I love sunny days, but sometimes stormy overcast weather is perfect. Something really cozy about it, especially in the fall.


See you guys both got it exactly; I can't stop thinking in terms of 'OMG, what did I do, why are you being so weird with me' despite the fact that in all likely hood I'm not even a part of the consideration at all.
It's the repetition that does it. If a text goes unanswered for a bit then I'm cool, but if I send a second a week later and still nothing? Urgh. I've been getting sporadic facebook replies at crazy hours of the night which make me think it's more likely there's something off but it might all be a coincidence and in my head...
Don't have any mutual friends I can check with so can't get a good idea.

I'm probably just being over analytical and weird, had like no sleep.

I used to be like this until even my own close friends didn't reply to text messages. I think that we, as nerds of the internet :p (and if you are a GAF member you are an internet nerd :p) have different expectations when it comes to text communication, other people don't care that much and value more person to person contact.


So a friend of mine has just kinda disappeared and stopped answering messages. IDK if I should be mad at him for being a jerk or worried if he's OK :p

Check for B at least. if he continues to ignore you he's free to make like a tree and fuck off.

you all should just come to orlando

it's rained every day this week for at least six hours.

That just makes me more happy that I'm not in Florida anymore.

The torrential downpours in St. Petersburg were atrocious.
Awwww, yissss! *fingers crossed*

The only thing I dislike about the rain is sometimes having a slick road for the motorcycle. But that's a tiny detail.


I want it to snow just once this upcoming season. This town goes NUTS when it snows.

We had a teeny, tiny sleet shower approaching us one time last year. It was supposed to arrive around 4PM, and my boss began worrying at 8AM. I was still there at noon (had a late patient), and he was utterly panicked at that point. Despite living less than a mile away via 20-mph roads, he still wanted me to call him when I got home. It was hysterical.

But I want a big blanket of snow. The last time it happened, local news media pretty much cancelled all daytime TV shows and went around town interviewing people, showing different scenes, giving safety info, etc. Local media here tend to overdramatize things, and snow events are tailor-made for them.

Haha getting out of school for the rest of the week was nice though. I was really jealous of my family up in central Louisiana that actually got a nice blanket of snow while I had to stare at some ice patches.


The torrential downpours in St. Petersburg were atrocious.

Did it rain all the time or did it rain a lot at once? Just curious since I didn't know the second would be the case in St. Petersburg unless you hit a storm.

We (I don't live in St. Petersburg BTW) have a lot of rain, but it is fairly light. My scale is wiper settings so typical rain here would be intermittent with some variation :p
Watching an old episode of OG Star Trek. Shatner shirtless and wearing tight tight red spandex that almost looks sheer, wrestling. Older TV shows are so interesting
This show and (almost) all of the star trek series is amazing. Also i think i saw some shatner bulge :eek:, and his underwear was kinda visible though the material lol
Watching an old episode of OG Star Trek. Shatner shirtless and wearing tight tight red spandex that almost looks sheer, wrestling. Older TV shows are so interesting
This show and (almost) all of the star trek series is amazing. Also i think i saw some shatner bulge :eek:, and his underwear was kinda visible though the material lol

Eww Shatner bulge.




Did it rain all the time or did it rain a lot at once? Just curious since I didn't know the second would be the case in St. Petersburg unless you hit a storm.

We (I don't live in St. Petersburg BTW) have a lot of rain, but it is fairly light. My scale is wiper settings so typical rain here would be intermittent with some variation :p

Short downpours that reduced visibility to nearly zero.

ah but that's the beauty of it

we get both in florida. before it started raining today? not a cloud in the sky

On the other hand you had to gamble on whether or not to either wear a hoodie or lug around an umbrella.


I used to be like this until even my own close friends didn't reply to text messages. I think that we, as nerds of the internet :p (and if you are a GAF member you are an internet nerd :p) have different expectations when it comes to text communication, other people don't care that much and value more person to person contact.
My general policy is to expect people to act as they have before. So I'm not getting mad at a new friend for not living up to my standards, I'm just
reacting to a change in patterns
Check for B at least. if he continues to ignore you he's free to make like a tree and fuck off.
Well I mean I'd check if I could, that's the problem :p

But yeah I woke up this morning feeling kinda dumb so I'm just going to ignore all this for a bit.
So I downloaded tinder, grindr, and hornet.

Tinder - came across a guy from grindr. Swipe left.
Grindr - still the same thirsty people. Same people messaging MW and don't realize I'm the same person even If I use a different picture of myself
Hornet- its grindr but when you can post private pictures all they want is access to it.

Also bro sucker punched me last night. He was trying to punch my arm but somehow missed. Glad it wasnt a really hard punch. Just bit the inside of my mouth


getting hit up by a porn star on grindr is the ultimate form of flattery imo

I also sent him a diq pic and he said my penis was hot so thanks Leo Sweetwood
too bad we didn't continue chatting or whatever, if he would've asked me to go to his hotel room I would've totally done it haha
getting hit up by a porn star on grindr is the ultimate form of flattery imo

I also sent him a diq pic and he said my penis was hot so thanks Leo Sweetwood
too bad we didn't continue chatting or whatever, if he would've asked me to go to his hotel room I would've totally done it haha

Be careful. Pic collectors are real. Youre now up on some porn site.
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