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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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A lot of stories to share "Didn't want to admit I different at first". Any particular reason why it took so long to accept what made you happy?
When you're treated as a freak, even indirectly, you tend to believe it, particularly when you're a child.

Even in more mild cases where, as a kid, you simply don't know that there's anything other than "boys like girls and girls like boys", you can have difficulty coming to terms with it because you don't understand that you're different and that's okay. I experienced some of both.
Random question, who here has a Wii U? (And lives in North America?)

I do!

A lot of stories to share "Didn't want to admit I different at first". Any particular reason why it took so long to accept what made you happy?

Well for me, I was raised in a very religious environment and was taught in church and by my parents that being gay was one of the worst things you could be and gay people all go to hell and are evil sinners. So accepting something like that wouldn't make me very happy at the time, so I tried to convince myself I wasn't really gay and that all guys had sexual thoughts about their friends, lol. Sigh, I wish I could go back to my dumbass teenage self and slap some sense into him. So much wasted time.


Random question, who here has a Wii U? (And lives in North America?)

I does

When you're treated as a freak, even indirectly, you tend to believe it, particularly when you're a child.

Even in more mild cases where, as a kid, you simply don't know that there's anything other than "boys like girls and girls like boys", you can have difficulty coming to terms with it because you don't understand that you're different and that's okay. I experienced some of both.

That's exactly it.

I personally didn't know homosexuality even existed until I was about 10.

Still no. Just not my thing, can't say why, you know? Just not into it.

You will dude! I'm sure if you're cool enough to be on GAF you can find reliable friends easy.

Thanks. I'm much more icy in real life though. I don't really trust people that much so i tend to guard myself.


Random question, who here has a Wii U? (And lives in North America?)


A lot of stories to share "Didn't want to admit I different at first". Any particular reason why it took so long to accept what made you happy?

Because of the way people talked of gay people It seemed that I wasn't like that kind of people at all. I thought that it involved becoming a girl and I didn't want that. I had to look for more information on it on the internet because all I was told wasn't convincing for me, and later it made me accept myself because it wasn't the way people said. Being gay is just being sexually attracted to men and nothing more.



To my queer friends, when did you realize you were attracted to members of same sex or wanted to change sexual orientation?

Follow up: Was it hard for your parents to accept you?

I knew since very young. When I was six, I had a huuuge crush on Bo Duke, from the Dukes of Hazzard. I put the word "gay" to my feelings around sixth grade, immediately accepted myself, but knew that I'd be eaten alive by family/friends if I told anyone. So I resolved to keep it a secret until I was through with college so that I could at least get an education.

Mom and Dad took it pretty well. I came out to them by giving them the whole "Greg and I are more than just friends" speech. They'd known him for a bit more than 8 years at that point (we'd begun dating in 1996), so they already had a very positive impression of him weighing on their minds when they were processing everything.

Honestly, it was a bit of a calculated move on my part. Mom had already wondered if we were more than just friends, and was happy that we were. Dad, who had been greatly more homophobic when I was growing-up, didn't take long to come around at all, especially after realizing how we take care of each other, and that Greg and I didn't change into different people once he knew.


I have a Wii U! Been playing Hyrule Warriors this weekend..


Still hooked to this game. Played 40 hours over the last two weeks. 😹

Also, this is one of the reasons why you go NCR*. :D

At least in the modded versions, vanilla NPCs are really horrible looking (thanks, modders!).

I loved the new Fallout games. I think I've put more hours into Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas than any other video game. Can't wait for Fallout 4. :p


This Kyary Pamyu Pamyu commercial for the New 3DS makes me want to buy one even though I just bought a 3DS XL, dammit Nintendo stop making me want to spend my money.

To my queer friends, when did you realize you were attracted to members of same sex or wanted to change sexual orientation?

Follow up: Was it hard for your parents to accept you?

Hmm, I would say I noticed it around 4th grade when I found myself weirdly staring at another boy around my age coming out of a store. I didn't think anything of it. Hell, I didn't think much of it when I started noticing myself feeling weird in the gym locker room in 6th grade. Growing up where I did, I honestly didn't even know gay people were a thing until around then. Of course, after hearing what the other kids were saying about gay people, I completely tried to block it out and didn't really come to terms with it until senior year of high school. My parents won't know until after I finish medical school (which won't be for a while). I think the part that hurts the most is I probably won't ever tell my grandma before she dies because I know how heartbroken she would be as religious as she is.
So, anyone else find it a little odd when you run into a profile on Tinder, Grinder, Jack'd, Scruff, etc. of some guy that says something like "Happily in a committed, monogamous relationship, just looking for friends." ?

I get that we need a place to congregate, but dating/hooking-up apps hardly seem like the place. Every time I see someone I'm interested in and then read that line, I feel like I'm in a crowded parking-lot, and get excited to see a vacant spot, only to find a motorcycle or some other super tiny car parked there when I get closer. :/

To my queer friends, when did you realize you were attracted to members of same sex or wanted to change sexual orientation?

Follow up: Was it hard for your parents to accept you?
I knew since I was in 7th grade... that guy is still hot lol

Coming out to my Mom was a trainwreck, I haven't told my dad yet but I plan to do it when I turn 18... maybe
I knew what I was concretely by the time I was 12, and nothing seems to have changed 11 years later in that department. I might come out to my mom once I'm actually in a real relationship, because even though she's homophobic, she has been getting better about it as time has passed. I no longer feel like it's something that I'd have to shamefully take with me to my grave.
So, anyone else find it a little odd when you run into a profile on Tinder, Grinder, Jack'd, Scruff, etc. of some guy that says something like "Happily in a committed, monogamous relationship, just looking for friends." ?
You'd be surprised how many people claim to be "looking for friends" when they are actually looking for friends.


I loved the new Fallout games. I think I've put more hours into Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas than any other video game. Can't wait for Fallout 4. :p

Same here. I have spent around 1200 hours playing Fallout New Vegas. (Thanks to lots of DLC, quest and new world mods, deathclaw hunting with melee weapons 😄)

It's my #1 RPG for sure.
too long, don't read :)

I was questioning if there was something there from 13-14 a bit, general social messaging I was picking up was 'everybody's curious sometimes', I had a bit of trouble figuring it out until I was around 17-18, thinking I had to figure out if I'm gay or straight.

Is bisexual.

shyamalan picture

I don't know why it took time for it to click that I'm bisexual, even with that 'everybody's curious sometimes' minimising stuff that made it take time to realise.

My dad expressed queerphobic views when I was growing up but he got better as he probably started thinking I might not be straight. I remember a talk my mum and dad were having when I was right there, and maybe 16. My mum asked him 'what if Aarglefarg is gay?' and my dad answered something like 'he wouldn't be'.

When I was 18 and not fully comfortable, I came out to a psychologist. She didn't seem to believe me just from her response and this made me re-closet myself to her. To this, she said that I was just immature and she didn't think I was bi. This session went 30 mins overtime because I felt horrible. In this horrible-feeling state, my mum noticed and asked what was wrong. I said, but recloseted during the conversation. I wasn't ready.

When I was 20, Borders the bookstore risked outing me by sending a message on a postcard saying the Bisexual's Guide to the Universe book I ordered (my name on it) had arrived in store. Not in an envelope, just a postcard. And I asked to be called on my phone when it came in only. I came home from work and my mum wanted to talk and showed it to me and it was a bit bent out of shape. I said it was meant to be a funny book...

A few years later when I'm 21, I tell my mum when she mentions a future wife that I didn't know if I'd have a wife or a husband. She asked if I meant I didn't mind, or if I didn't know. I said I didn't mind. A few days later, my mum told my dad and sister (with my permission) and they were good. My dad seemed to not believe that I was concerned he might not react well.

My mum initiated a high-five about two years later after calculating I'd had sex with a man more recently than a breakup with the only BF she knew about (calculated from 12-month blood donation deferral periods). My dad came to a bi discussion group about four years after with me once and that was good.

And then I wrote this on neogaf.
I knew what I was concretely by the time I was 12, and nothing seems to have changed 11 years later in that department. I might come out to my mom once I'm actually in a real relationship, because even though she's homophobic, she has been getting better about it as time has passed. I no longer feel like it's something that I'd have to shamefully take with me to my grave.You'd be surprised how many people claim to be "looking for friends" when they are actually looking for friends.

Why. Why not just be upfront whether looking for LTR or a hook-up (or something in between?) It's not like there's a slut-shaming environment on these apps.


I have a very weird aversion to long games. If something is more than 30 hours without optional content I tend to stay away from it. I think it might be because it makes it much harder for me to go through repeatedly. (I frequently replay games and most of my favorite games tend to have quite a few playthroughs logged. (Paper Mario 1: 14, Paper Mario TTYD: 6, Kingdom Hearts 2/KH2: Final Mix: 6, with #7 being the HD remaster, Halo Reach: 5)

The only game that lasted longer than 30 or so hours that I've played more than 3 times is Persona 4/P4: Golden

And then I wrote this on neogaf.

I can't help but notice that fathers are a pretty consistent concern when coming out.
Just beat Darksiders 1, feels good to beat a game from my stupid backlog.
What's left:
Persona 4
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy 8
Saints Row 3
Disgaea 3

fml, four of those are 30-40 hour-long games and the other is like a 50-60 hour one.


My last week has consisted of no fewer than five cockroach appearances and seven spider appearances.

A spider the size of a silver half-dollar showed up in the kitchen sink. Drowned him with no less than a gallon of water.


Crashing LGBTQIA community since it's been awhile. I've gotten back to the market a few weeks ago, started doing Tinder and found out that everybody wants sex. Not that I'm looking into serious dating, but it's really as people warned me so far. Men are fierceless.


Crashing LGBTQIA community since it's been awhile. I've gotten back to the market a few weeks ago, started doing Tinder and found out that everybody wants sex. Not that I'm looking into serious dating, but it's really as people warned me so far. Men are fierceless.

Welcome :) Men are thirsty



To my queer friends, when did you realize you were attracted to members of same sex or wanted to change sexual orientation?

Follow up: Was it hard for your parents to accept you?

I started noticing when I was around 12-13 (there was a big "aha" moment, but I don't remember the exact date), but I didn't want to accept it and I didn't have a big proof like a crush. I had years where I went back and forth until I got comfortable calling myself gay when I was 15 and said to myself that if anyone asked me if I was gay I'd resond honestly.

Not long after that I started high school and got my first crush. Excellent timing. Queue three years of me asking myself if he is gay, but ironically when high school ended it turned out two other guys in my class were gay. It was at a party celebrating high school ending I got asked if I was gay for the first time and came out to my class and later my close family.

A lot of stories to share "Didn't want to admit I different at first". Any particular reason why it took so long to accept what made you happy?
It didn't make me happy. I had an image of myself in my head and that person wasn't gay. It helped a lot realizing that there were all kinds of gay people and that is why I think it is a big deal when a celebrity comes out. You have to remember that most start to realize when they're quite young or have the wrong picture of gay people in their head.

too long, don't read :)

Everyone should read this. Great to see your parents accepting you!
I'd probably still be in the closet if I was bi :p


Bless your heart, Tom.

Greg's out of town at his mom's in Alabama, and doesn't know about this news.

While I strongly like the film, he looooves it (and just about anything with Leslie Jordan). I probably won't tell him until he gets it as a random present in a few weeks. :p


It didn't make me happy. I had an image of myself in my head and that person wasn't gay. It helped a lot realizing that there were all kinds of gay people and that is why I think it is a big deal when a celebrity comes out. You have to remember that most start to realize when they're quite young or have the wrong picture of gay people in their head.

I felt something similar - growing up, the image I mentally constructed of "gay people" in general was culled from one-dimensional media stereotypes and caricatures. It sounds kind of trite, but I'd have probably been a lot less hesitant to identify as gay initially if I were exposed to more depictions of non-heterosexual, non-cisgendered people who could actually have an identity not wholly encapsulated by their gender or sexuality.


Neo Member
I always knew, deep down that I was attracted to guys, but I guess I really started noticing around 13-14 when I found a couple of guys from my class to be really cute. Of course I never did do anything about it. It's complicated when the culture you're surrounded with growing up never acknowledges it, not even the thought of homosexuality or anything like that; it's always men plus women, that's the only normal thing... or at least that's how I felt. Nobody ever explained, nobody ever even mentioned that there are people that can be attracted to the same sex (or to both) and that can be very confusing to a young kid, and ultimately makes the accepting yourself part even more difficult.

It's been a few years since I said "you know what? I'm gay, and that's fine." And that definitely helps, accepting yourself certainly makes living even better, and that in turn makes the coming out part a little bit simpler. Coming out is hard, especially when your family or friends are very conservative and/or religious, which is most of the time from where I'm from (Mexico), but it's been a very slow process in my case, I'm picking and choosing when and whom to come out to, and so far so good, hopefully that's the case from here on out.

Random question, who here has a Wii U? (And lives in North America?)

I do have a Wii U! And I even love it too! :p


Came to the realization only really this year.
At 13 or 14 I inevitably fell in love with the daughter of my parents' acquaintances, who I had known since birth. I only ever had true feelings for her, all the while though (how, I guess, I had done since the dawn of my time) acknowledging the fact that the male form is objectively a hundred times superior to the other one.

I'd say even at 16 or 17 I found it difficult to imagine dem boys fawning over some boobies for real instead of, dunno, faking it? Without ever consciously thinking about any of this (since it had always been a part of me, ergo I took it for granted), I think I actually believed this 'boys-are-srsly-into-gals'-thing to be nothing but a total myth, even when they were seemingly protesting the opposite. I mean 'how on earth could they NOT see that this hot guy over there is soo much cuter than any girl could ever be', right?
I know, sounds like one would imagine a child to think, but really, being interested in looking at boys had always been such an innate part of me that I never really cognitively questioned it or made anything of it. Also, holding my girl in my arms like a straight protectOR person just felt nice and kinda right. Also, the thought of actually engaging with another guy not to mention the thought of loving a guy seemed ludicrous to me. I was convinced of being physically only able to appreciate guys while romantically being exclusively compatible with girls only.

Anyway, me and my gf broke up in 2012.
Most of 2013 doesn't really exist in my biography and starting with the winter term of last year, my stance was: whether it's a guy or a girl that might come into my life, I don't really mind which one it is.
Few months back from now then, I decided to actively try to seek out potential partners for the first time. That meant of course that I first had to settle on what I was actually looking for. By this time it was already too clear I had a very strong preference on this matter.

From that insignificant point on I grew more and more fond of the idea and I'm becoming gayer and gayer every day (ahem, only in the sense of coming to terms with it or the label or the identity or y'know). I'm now quite confident in saying that, yes, I'm hella into dudes and I always have been. (Although that's nothing new since I've always known that, so for 'newness' and 'realisation' factor's sake:) Yes, I'm gay. Yay.


Just beat Darksiders 1, feels good to beat a game from my stupid backlog.
What's left:
Persona 4
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy 8
Saints Row 3
Disgaea 3

fml, four of those are 30-40 hour-long games and the other is like a 50-60 hour one.
My backlog makes me want to cry. Not many RPGs, though, which makes things speedier (but I was stupid and decided to re-play FE:A, lol). I need to be free soon because Smash Bros. is going to swallow my life.


That was a really nice post, garyBig! Coming to terms with your own sexuality obviously wasn't easy for you so it's really nice to hear you're confident about that now. Congrats :)
Just beat Darksiders 1, feels good to beat a game from my stupid backlog.
What's left:
Persona 4
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy 8
Saints Row 3
Disgaea 3

fml, four of those are 30-40 hour-long games and the other is like a 50-60 hour one.
That's all you have in your backlog? You're pretty lucky. My backlog could crush civilization.

Wii U related giveaway details coming soon~


Just beat Darksiders 1, feels good to beat a game from my stupid backlog.
What's left:
Persona 4
Chrono Cross
Final Fantasy 8
Saints Row 3
Disgaea 3

fml, four of those are 30-40 hour-long games and the other is like a 50-60 hour one.

Just think of it on a game-by-game basis. That's how I managed to tear through my PS3 backlog in only 4 months. (And that included SMT: Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2 and Tales of Xillia.)

My backlog makes me want to cry. Not many RPGs, though, which makes things speedier (but I was stupid and decided to re-play FE:A, lol). I need to be free soon because Smash Bros. is going to swallow my life.

Steam is pure evil. I've got 10 RTS and 4X games that I have yet to touch on top of my 3DS backlog + Mario and Luigi series replay.


That was a really nice post, garyBig! Coming to terms with your own sexuality obviously wasn't easy for you so it's really nice to hear you're confident about that now. Congrats :)

Thanks:). Now it's really about time I also acted on it. Having gaydeath so close to gaybirth would be the perfect ultimate irony of my story haha.
Just kidding, I'm 20 and gaydeath doesn't exist.

Edit: Oh also, "wasn't easy for you" is quite right but that does in no way mean it was a struggle. It was just... complicated. But most of the time I wasn't even really thinking about it, so... I have no regrets. I'm glad though to have finally come to the conclusion that I have
GayGAF The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Digital GIveaway!

Please read the whole post before entering, thank you.

So I have a code for a digital version of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD for the Wii U, and since I don't have a Wii U and the code expires in a day and a half, I want to do a giveaway for it.

The rules are simple, just quote this post, and in about 4 hours, I'll enter everyone who did into a random generator and we'll have a winner. There are some eligibility conditions thought, and those are...

-Must have a North American Wii U that can connect to the eShop (The code will only work in this region)
-Must be available to input the code tonight (I want to make sure it's redeemed before it expires)
-Must have posted in this thread at least 5 times before I started the giveaway (I want this to be for people that have contributed to this community)
-Must quote this post to enter (It's easier for me to keep track that way)

And that's it! Please make sure you'll be able to follow the above rules before entering. Thank you, and good luck everyone! :D


I felt something similar - growing up, the image I mentally constructed of "gay people" in general was culled from one-dimensional media stereotypes and caricatures. It sounds kind of trite, but I'd have probably been a lot less hesitant to identify as gay initially if I were exposed to more depictions of non-heterosexual, non-cisgendered people who could actually have an identity not wholly encapsulated by their gender or sexuality.

And the funny thing in my situation is that I was lucky to not grow up in a homophobic family. I remember one time before I knew anything of my sexuality asking dad about how gay men were and he had a little talk explaining to me that they were just like any other person.
Yes, I'm gay. Yay.

I dunno why, but I also (hope I'm not putting words in your mouth) love saying that. After surpressing and being confused for so long it feels great to state it with confidence.
I'm gay and happy that I am.


Brazilians are in presidential elections and yesterday's debate put front and center some stupid homophobic candidate and statements like "excretion organs do not reproduce" (lol at the stupidity), "it's time for us, the majority to fight this minority", "I speak what people do not dare" and other such jewels.

The guy has basically zero chance of even making top 3, but the whole thing still revolted me, and while most people were rightfully offended and even made global twitter trends condemning the guy, some people supported him, specially from the horrid christian evangelicals. I know the first rule of the internet is to not read the comments, but I couldn't help it. It's incredible how those awful churches have grown so much, sometimes it does makes me worry a lot.
Brazilians are in presidential elections and yesterday's debate put front and center some stupid homophobic candidate and statements like "excretion organs do not reproduce" (lol at the stupidity), "it's time for us, the majority to fight this minority", "I speak what people do not dare" and other such jewels.

The guy has basically zero chance of even making top 3, but the whole thing still revolted me, and while most people were rightfully offended and even made global twitter trends condemning the guy, some people supported him, specially from the horrid christian evangelicals. I know the first rule of the internet is to not read the comments, but I couldn't help it. It's incredible how those awful churches have grown so much, sometimes it does makes me worry a lot.

At least plenty were offended. Still, the fact that shites like him and his party are allowed to speak on such important matters so ruthlessly is absolutely awful.


GayGAF The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Digital GIveaway!

Please read the whole post before entering, thank you.

So I have a code for a digital version of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD for the Wii U, and since I don't have a Wii U and the code expires in a day and a half, I want to do a giveaway for it.

The rules are simple, just quote this post, and in about 4 hours, I'll enter everyone who did into a random generator and we'll have a winner. There are some eligibility conditions thought, and those are...

-Must have a North American Wii U that can connect to the eShop (The code will only work in this region)
-Must be available to input the code tonight (I want to make sure it's redeemed before it expires)
-Must have posted in this thread at least 5 times before I started the giveaway (I want this to be for people that have contributed to this community)
-Must quote this post to enter (It's easier for me to keep track that way)

And that's it! Please make sure you'll be able to follow the above rules before entering. Thank you, and good luck everyone! :D

Caladrius reporting for free digital Swag.

It's incredible how those awful churches have grown so much, sometimes it does makes me worry a lot.

Hatemongers like that are always going to exist. The only thing that really can be done is to keep on calling it out for the base and contempt-driven nonsense that it always is.
That's all you have in your backlog? You're pretty lucky. My backlog could crush civilization.

Wii U related giveaway details coming soon~

My backlog is getting pretty long, and I'm so stupid because I keep BUYING more games that are on sale. Bah, I need some control! :p


That's a cool giveaway you are doing! I would enter, but I already own Wind Waker HD (awesome game). I guess I could use the code and sell my physical copy, but eh, I'd rather someone who actually wants to play it (I've already beaten it) get a chance for it.


Hunky Nostradamus
No one in my family knows I'm gay - I'm only out to my friends. My parents are very religious/ultra-conservative and they would *not* being accepting at all.

Well for me, I was raised in a very religious environment and was taught in church and by my parents that being gay was one of the worst things you could be and gay people all go to hell and are evil sinners. So accepting something like that wouldn't make me very happy at the time, so I tried to convince myself I wasn't really gay and that all guys had sexual thoughts about their friends, lol. Sigh, I wish I could go back to my dumbass teenage self and slap some sense into him. So much wasted time.

Mph, sounds like we had similar upbringings.

Hearing what my parents say about gay people really hurts, and I've started to distance myself emotionally from them as a result.

Yep, that's one of the main reasons I'm so distant with my parents.

Nobodys seen Sordid Lives? You guys cant be that young!

Fine, I'll check it out since you seem to be so enthusiastic about it.

My last week has consisted of no fewer than five cockroach appearances and seven spider appearances.

A spider the size of a silver half-dollar showed up in the kitchen sink. Drowned him with no less than a gallon of water.

There are small spiders all over my house :( help :(

Thanks for the wb's dawgs

mah lizard bro


I dunno why, but I also (hope I'm not putting words in your mouth) love saying that. After surpressing and being confused for so long it feels great to state it with confidence.
I'm gay and happy that I am.

Yeah, I mean I could still go all Kinsey Scale and "how come I was in love with a woman" and stuff but no, fuck that, I'm gay. Wasted enough time on pondering. Doesn't have to be scientifically accurate, but still feels good to say it.

And the funny thing in my situation is that I was lucky to not grow up in a homophobic family. I remember one time before I knew anything of my sexuality asking dad about how gay men were and he had a little talk explaining to me that they were just like any other person.

Wow. How awesome is that.
GayGAF The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD Digital GIveaway!

Please read the whole post before entering, thank you.

So I have a code for a digital version of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD for the Wii U, and since I don't have a Wii U and the code expires in a day and a half, I want to do a giveaway for it.

The rules are simple, just quote this post, and in about 4 hours, I'll enter everyone who did into a random generator and we'll have a winner. There are some eligibility conditions thought, and those are...

-Must have a North American Wii U that can connect to the eShop (The code will only work in this region)
-Must be available to input the code tonight (I want to make sure it's redeemed before it expires)
-Must have posted in this thread at least 5 times before I started the giveaway (I want this to be for people that have contributed to this community)
-Must quote this post to enter (It's easier for me to keep track that way)

And that's it! Please make sure you'll be able to follow the above rules before entering. Thank you, and good luck everyone! :D
OMG!!!! I would love that :)
Mph, sounds like we had similar upbringings.

Yep, that's one of the main reasons I'm so distant with my parents.

I'm sorry to hear you had a similar upbringing as myself. :( And also the fact that you are distant with your parents. I would love to be closer to mine, but I just can't stand being around them sometimes when they get on rants about various "issues" (in particular gay people).

I wish I could wipe my mind and replay Wind Waker for the first time again..

Same here. I'd say that about several games I love, though.

And the funny thing in my situation is that I was lucky to not grow up in a homophobic family. I remember one time before I knew anything of my sexuality asking dad about how gay men were and he had a little talk explaining to me that they were just like any other person.

That's so awesome. It makes me a bit jealous that my dad would never say something like that to me (but I'm really happy that your dad said that!).
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