I am having mix feeling about this game, but I think it is on the right track for the FF series.
The combat system is really fun. Sure, it isn't on the same level as the Tales or Star Ocean free roaming combat system, but it keeps their classic ATB system in place.
I won't mention character designs because they are just reusing the same assets.
But the map designs are a "little" better this time around.
And some of the costumes in the game are pretty nice on Lightning.
Now the story...lol. Come on guys, at least try. Get rid of the guy who is in charge of the story/plot, and don't let him touch the FF series again. Also get rid of the quest guy at well...
How can you fail 3 times within a single FF series?
Even the fricken MMO, FF14, has a better storyline for your generic character for goodness sake. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!
Overall though, I can't wait for FF15. FF:LR at least shows me that SE can improve.
They just need a better script writer, and quest designers.
Their artists, and combat system are still top notch from what I have seen so far of FF15.