I assumed by omission but fair enough.Where did I say the SNP were not to blame too?
I assumed by omission but fair enough.Where did I say the SNP were not to blame too?
Private pensions or any other investment product (ranging from those offered by high street banks, to professional investment management firms) is going to mainly be invested in the FTSE 250/affected by the market.How does this materially affect anyone in the UK who isn't trading stocks? You guys still have good state pensions right? So no real pressing need to play the lottery that is the stock market. Just overall less money coming into the economy somehow?
What country?
UK or an independent Scotland/Wales/NI?
Australia has giant spiders, so I moved to Canada instead. But yes. Exactly.Whole UK. It'll be over ten years since the vote to leave, and a lot of the people who voted to leave will be... well, fuckin' dead, like.
And everybody else will have lived through what is obviously a slow motion disaster. The sensible folk who voted to leave (of which, unbelievably there are quite a lot) will have most definitely changed their minds, thanks to the disastrous way the whole thing has been handled, and the ones left will just be the headbanging morons.
We're due an election in 2024 and then again in 2028-29, and I'm pretty sure rejoining the EU will be on the prospectus of at least one major party in the second one.
We'll all probably be back in the EU by 2030.
I see 'we'. If I get my way, by then I will have moved lock stock and barrel back over to Australia, and out of what is clearly a country fading in power, reputation, and economy, and becoming less and less as every day goes by.
Australia has giant spiders, so I moved to Canada instead. But yes. Exactly.
Why do people keep bringing up money laundering? That's the property market, not the stock market.
Not surprising. The entire country has gone to shit.
Scotland will hopefully have another independence referendum in less than a year. I don't have anything against the rest of the UK and I do consider myself British but I'm first and foremost Scottish. I don't think independence will be easy but I think it needs to happen.
Scotland's vote is basically useless in the UK. In a General Election we can't influence who the next Prime Minister is. The next one in a couple years if England vote another Tory cunt in and we all vote for Labour then we'll get whatever England decides. Same happened during the brexit referendum. Can you guess where the Scottish/English border is?
The whole of Scotland (+ Northern Ireland) voted to stay but got dragged out because of Wales and, mostly, England. Scotland is the second largest country in the UK so NI/Wales aren't going to influence it as much. If Scotland can't influence it then what chance has NI/Wales got?
If Scotland are allowed by our English overlords to have another vote and we vote Yes then it will bring down the UK because I think Wales will try leave too and NI will probably try reunite with Ireland.
New Zealand is a good alternative too, cheap high quality lamb too.
Why not launder your money through Germany with your pipeline. Or use a Balkin country like times in the past.![]()
No way this thread can't go awry...
But yeah, I would imagine Paris is now a better place to launder your money, especially if you are Russian. The good old chap Dishy Rish! did just tell Russia to 'get out' of Ukraine.
Lol, they don't actually live in the UK. Well, not for 50 weeks or so of the year.London isn't really known for money laundering. It is known for taking laundered money, being a pleasant place for foreign born people to live, and protecting the rights of the criminals to the point of allowing "reputation managers" to sue the snot out of anyone who tells the truth about where their money came from.
Some of them do. But the idea that they are selling all their illegally gained Gazprom shares and exchanging them for British Gas shares is absurd.Lol, they don't actually live in the UK. Well, not for 50 weeks or so of the year.
London doesn't directly launder much money (those American sweet shops that popped up en masse on Oxford Street certainly are - small fry though) but it is all part of the business of securing laundered money.
How does this materially affect anyone in the UK who isn't trading stocks? You guys still have good state pensions right? So no real pressing need to play the lottery that is the stock market. Just overall less money coming into the economy somehow?
I voted remain but if asked again I would vote leave. I was never keen on the EU to begin with but the last few years have really exposed its worst side.Whole UK. It'll be over ten years since the vote to leave, and a lot of the people who voted to leave will be... well, fuckin' dead, like.
And everybody else will have lived through what is obviously a slow motion disaster. The sensible folk who voted to leave (of which, unbelievably there are quite a lot) will have most definitely changed their minds, thanks to the disastrous way the whole thing has been handled, and the ones left will just be the headbanging morons.
We're due an election in 2024 and then again in 2028-29, and I'm pretty sure rejoining the EU will be on the prospectus of at least one major party in the second one.
We'll all probably be back in the EU by 2030.
I see 'we'. If I get my way, by then I will have moved lock stock and barrel back over to Australia, and out of what is clearly a country fading in power, reputation, and economy, and becoming less and less as every day goes by.
I voted remain but if asked again I would vote leave. I was never keen on the EU to begin with but the last few years have really exposed its worst side.
Culturally I think we have less and less in common with the mainland by the day.
This can't be right, the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have said Britain is doing fine and that every other country is suffering worse!![]()
I wouldn't vote leave if we had another referendum because they people who have handled it have done such a fucking terrible job. Being out of the EU is not in and of itself a bad thing, but it has to be handled carefully and properly by sensible, intelligent people. Obviously can't expound any further due to politics ban, but I'll always be of the opinion that a decision is not a bad or good thing, it's how that decision is implemented that counts.
This can't be right, the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have said Britain is doing fine and that every other country is suffering worse!![]()
They have never even done anything with the freedom that Brexit might have provided, in order to out manoeuvre other markets and whatever else. We still hogtied to the European court and still had nothing but remainer PM’s ever since the vote.
It’s not really fair to call Brexit a failure when the powers that be have not even attempted to do anything with it. All on purpose of course.
I love Kiwis and Aussies alike, but New Zealand also has giant spiders bru.New Zealand is a good alternative too, cheap high quality lamb too.
Surely that's the Dry Cleaning industry?
Europe is the tightest "free-trade" union in terms of self-interventionism about tax / price / legislation / judiciary / immigration / etc politics screwing each others whenever they can, and also the economy the most on the verge of collapsing, sure, they are the one thriving.Sure, a Isolationist market is always a thriving one!
Now I have the image of Queen Victoria like Big Mom in One Piece rampaging villages and it is not going away, thanksThe day queen Victoria graced your village was the biggest moment in your life, for the British it was a Tuesday.
You are making the difficult and brave case of stating the EU was better with the UK in it, whoa… who could suspect that a union of states allowing goods and people to move freely would be stronger with more countries in itEurope is the tightest "free-trade" union in terms of self-interventionism about tax / price / legislation / judiciary / immigration / etc politics screwing each others whenever they can, and also the economy the most on the verge of collapsing, sure, they are the one thriving.
UK is as much isolationist as the US.
You are making the difficult and brave case of stating the EU was better with the UK in it, whoa… who could suspect that a union of states allowlist goods and people to move freely would be stronger with more countries in it.
You are not proving the UK is better out than in. Especially considering it had the most unique treatment of anyone in the EU: their own currency, imperial and metric coexisting, they actually wrote some key legislations, they had immigration rules to curb free movement they chose not to ever apply, they were a member of parliament and of the EU commission/had strong influence in it and various sub committees, and had just renegotiated their membership agreement. Still they complained as if they were a second class citizen…
The issue of control is a nationalistic legacy… laughable how they turn around to Scotland and decide in London if and when Scotland can hold their referendums. Are people in Exeter supposed to ignore or ask to leave the UK because la was are decided in London and they want to take control?
Sorry, rant over…
The EU is nothing more than an extremely bureaucratic mafia. They’ve proved over and over again that all of their supposed principles can be tossed aside at will for the sake national self interest. Why bother being part of it if that is the case?
I’m with you on a) the whining from the UK when we were in it. I hate whining. If yoitr unhappy, make a case for the alternative (which the UK eventually did). Which leads me to b) I agree - let Scotland go. I can’t stand the whining coming from there either.
You remind me of one of the big mottos of Portugal when under the fascist rule. "Orgulhosamente Sós"
Translated to: Proudly, alone.
That was one of the main ideas of Salazar. That Portugal was well alone. No need for alliances, for collaboration.
The result was a country stuck in the past, in political, economic, cultural and scientific terms.
If that is what you want, congratulations, that is the direction the UK is going.
And the funny part is that you criticize the UE for corruption and bureaucracy. As if the UK doesn't have that problem as well. As if the UK was not instrumental in creating this machine.
Your lack of awareness is impressive.
I never said the UK can't be outward looking. Alliances are perfectly possible without being part of a supra-national entity. The EU is a tiny and basically irrelevant part of the world.
And I see no evidence that the UK is 'stuck in the past'. Anywhere. If anything we are currently in the process of, like the USA, vandalising our past, to our great shame.
The jump to cries of fascist from remainers is one reason I regret voting that way. I have, unfortunately, sat in the same room as some well known UK celebrities who are always quick to jump on the latest 'kindness' du jour, yet the poison they spat when discussing people who voted Brexit could be classed as a hate crime. I could have recorded that on my phone and made a mint selling it to the papers. I regret not doing so.
But it seems a significant part of UKs population is stuck in the past.
Just a lifetime ago, you had the biggest empire in the world. Dictating the law for millions of people.
All of a sudden your empire fell, and the UK became just another country. And having a very hard time sharing power and accepting that they are just another voting member in the EU.
And you seem to forget that the UK, being one of the big countries in the EU, had a big vote in what was decided. But somehow, that was not enough.
Portugal had the same problem, but our empire had a slower decline, so we got more time to get adjusted to the idea that we are no longer that important.
But at least we still have the Luso-English Alliance of 1373. So we can both reminisce on our lost glories.
Speaking anecdotally, of course, nobody I come across barely registers that we even had an empire. It is a very distant memory, only cited in a foolish manner by the extreme right and extreme left. And all mentions of it are currently being scrubbed from our cultural environment - institutionally, the UK is ashamed of it (I disagree that they should be, by the way).
In my experience, the only people who have a problem with the UK no longer being a global player is our media and political class. I agree that we are just another country now and that our time of global influence is gone. I don't care. I don't think many people here do care. I suspect you are transposing our media's blathering onto the population - which we are all guilty of doing to other countries (me included).
It wasn't that not having much power in the EU wasn't enough. It was a feeling that we weren't fully in control of our own destiny. That is a potent argument and far beyond any economical argument.
I get that the EU feels we were given a lot of flexibility and that leaving was a snub. But that kind of emotional response has no place in politics (the leaders' I mean, who should operate above the populace), in my opinion.
You continue to make the mistake of pretending that the EU is just a foreign power imposing rules on the UK. It's not.
The UK had it's representatives, with more power than most, in deciding the rules of the EU.
I could understand if it was a small country like Portugal, with little saying in the decision making of the EU.
But the UK had a lot of power. So this whining that the EU was imposing rules on the UK is just stupid.
I don't see it as a foreign power - I see it as a level above nations, which is what my problem with it always was and, in the last few years, has caused more ire from me. For what it's worth, I would be happy to see even France and Germany leave it (lol).
The EU has the power to impose directives above a nation's government. That doesn't sit right with me. Even if those rules were coming from, or even influenced by, the UK. I have no interest in being part of something that tells other countries what to do.
I never whined about it. I actually grew up on the mainland I was happy to be part of the EU and I found our government's complaining crass and unbecoming. As I said, I voted remain because I thought it was economically beneficial and the status quo worked for me. I was younger and thought that was the strongest rationale.
Tell that to Greece, Hungry or Poland!The EU decisions emanates from it's members. It's not an alien power.
Tell that to Greece, Hungry or Poland!
That's the thing you don't get, all these countries have voting power. Have representatives.
But as in all democracies, it's a dictatorship of the majority.
And the UK as one of the big 3, was imposing rules on Greece, Hungary and Poland. So let's not pretend the UK was a victim. Or that it was protecting other countries.
Oh I’m not pretending that at all! I have no love for our government. Nobody in actual power here wanted to leave the EU - that’s why the elite class blew a gasket when it happened. They knew they had it good. The vote was designed to prove themselves right once and for all.
I’m no huge fan of democracy either btw. Tyranny not of the majority but of the most passionate. People passionate about social issues are extremely dangerous, imo.
Because I do not think it is the caseThe EU is nothing more than an extremely bureaucratic mafia. They’ve proved over and over again that all of their supposed principles can be tossed aside at will for the sake national self interest. Why bother being part of it if that is the case?
Or admit that some British cooking is actually goodListen Brits, if you ever want to fuck the French, just ask them to say "purple squirrel".
Now you've gone too far.Or admit that some British cooking is actually good
Or not far enough.Now you've gone too far.