Do the politicians/experts moaning about BBM have no idea how dumb they sound? It's basically just texting. Maybe the history books have it wrong, maybe the Boxer Rebellion was organised via Blackberry Messenger and Twitter.
All attempts at politicising this are failing terribly. Ken Livingstone is going on and on about how it's due to spending cuts. WRONG, half these kids don't even know what spending cuts means. Others are blaming police cuts. But they haven't even started cutting the police yet. Others going on about youth clubs. Do they really think these kids wouldn't go looting if they went to youth clubs? Some blame the fact that these kids grew up in poverty. Except so did millions of other kids, and they aren't rioting. Others are going on about how the police treat these kids badly, and those tensions caused it. No, they really didn't - these kids would hate the police whether they were the hippies we have now or hard-ass militants.