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London riots spreading through UK

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Meus Renaissance said:
Shall I write up an entire new more detailed op including a timeline and....pictures!...?

Would be sweet!

I dont know what people are expecting Cameron to say. This is pretty tough to deal with, random riots arent easy to stop. Do they even have the resources to get the police from one area to another?

Police brutality would deter a good group of protestors at the cost of escalating the issue and literally starting an all out war on the streets. Police and rioters going at it? To what end? They would literally end up beating eachother to death. I dont think arrests would be possible.
bobs99 ... said:
Would be sweet!

I dont know what people are expecting Cameron to say. This is pretty tough to deal with, random riots arent easy to stop. Do they even have the resources to get the police from one area to another?

Police brutality would deter a good group of protestors at the cost of escalating the issue and literally starting an all out war on the streets. Police and rioters going at it? To what end? They would literally end up beating eachother to death. I dont think arrests would be possible.

then you better be ready to call the national guard.
bobs99 ... said:
Police brutality would deter a good group of protestors at the cost of escalating the issue and literally starting an all out war on the streets. Police and rioters going at it? To what end? They would literally end up beating eachother to death. I dont think arrests would be possible.

Police are better armed and trained than a rag tag bunch of rioters. If all of these arseholes died I wouldn't shed a tear. Less social security paid out tbh.
SteveWD40 said:
What were people expecting Cameron to say? this isn't WW3, the media have blown if out of proportion.

He isn't going to go up and give some Executive Orders style wrath of god speech...

If he was a more savvy politician he would have at least tried to sound tough. This just highlights how out of touch our politicians are -- they talk tough when they're telling us we'll have to tighten our belts or something, they talk tough when they're in opposition, but when the situation demands actual balls, they get in front of a podium like some kind of giant vagina and just start spouting carefully worded PR talking points that we've heard on the news already. Phrases like "sheer criminality"... yeah we know that's what it is, thank you. What are you going to do about it?

And frankly, it *is* pretty bad. I can't remember a time when disorder has spread so quickly and so rapidly and our police so unable to deal with everything. There is something wrong with these kids and they need punishing.

This arsehole apocalypse and chaos in the capital needs to be followed by some kind of hoodie holocaust. Worthless gobshites.
Dan27 said:
From the Guardian:

"11.10am: The prime minister was speaking directly after a Cobra meeting..."

He's meeting the wrong Cobra :(

*inserts Stallone gif*...

Hey, that poster is amazing, needs to be posted:



bobs99 ... said:
Would be sweet!

I dont know what people are expecting Cameron to say. This is pretty tough to deal with, random riots arent easy to stop. Do they even have the resources to get the police from one area to another?

Police brutality would deter a good group of protestors at the cost of escalating the issue and literally starting an all out war on the streets. Police and rioters going at it? To what end? They would literally end up beating eachother to death. I dont think arrests would be possible.
Huh? Since when was this ever a protest?


Raydeen said:
Cometh the hour cometh the man? He could certainly improve his PM credentials with a passionate dynamite speech...especially after the void that was Cameron a few mins ago.

He's only Mayor to boost his profile and chance of being PM, like Cameron he's only where he is via his silver spoon. But you're right, people love and respond to his act.
radioheadrule83 said:
If he was a more savvy politician he would have at least tried to sound tough. This just highlights how out of touch our politicians are -- they talk tough when they're telling us we'll have to tighten our belts or something, they talk tough when they're in opposition, but when the situation demands actual balls, they get in front of a podium like some kind of giant vagina and just start spouting carefully worded PR talking points that we've heard on the news already. Phrases like "sheer criminality"... yeah we know that's what it is, thank you. What are you going to do about it?

And frankly, it *is* pretty bad. I can't remember a time when disorder has spread so quickly and so rapidly and our police so unable to deal with everything. There is something wrong with these kids and they need punishing.

This arsehole apocalypse and chaos in the capital needs to be followed by some kind of hoodie holocaust. Worthless gobshites.

Yup. Fucking do away with all of them. Clear out the estates of these worthless arseholes intent on destroying our city.
evil solrac v3.0 said:
then you better be ready to call the national guard.

Agreed. People think that there are plenty of options to quell this and that any use of force is unnecessary, the riots won't stop because they're only driven by violence and free shit.


bobs99 ... said:
Would be sweet!

I dont know what people are expecting Cameron to say. This is pretty tough to deal with, random riots arent easy to stop. Do they even have the resources to get the police from one area to another?

Police brutality would deter a good group of protestors at the cost of escalating the issue and literally starting an all out war on the streets. Police and rioters going at it? To what end? They would literally end up beating eachother to death. I dont think arrests would be possible.
I think you're giving these chavs too much credit. Most of them are just opportunists, the second any threat of serious retaliation by police comes up they'll run for the hills guaranteed.
Mr_Brit said:
Huh? Since when was this ever a protest?

Sorry mistype I meant to call them rioters but they seem to be rioting under the pretence of protest lol.

WJD said:
Check out this bell end!


Im literally amazed at the sheer stupidity of this guy, If all rioters are just as braindead then im actually surprised they are still at large. Why the hell would you brag about this stuff on Twitter, especially on a account that has your full name and picture on it. Will be funny to see his 'gangsta' tweets when he's behind bars.


Can somebody please tell me why the police isn't using water cannons, tear gas, rubber bullets etc etc? are such measures illegal in Britain?


33-Hit-Combo said:
Agreed. People think that there are plenty of options to quell this and that any use of force is unnecessary, the riots won't stop because they're only driven by violence and free shit.

And since there's only a mall chance of getting caught and it will get you a short jail sentence (most of the youth's have probably already visited the inside of a jail) the risk versus reward ratio is perfect for them.

When you answer their violence with an iron hand, see how fast these rats scatter.
Nobody's going to risk a bullet for a stolen tv and a pair of sneakers...


If the police had invited the family in at the original peaceful protest would this have turned out different? It's amazing how small decisions can snowball into something else.
Napoleonthechimp said:
They only behave like that because they know no one will react against them. Come down on them hard and they scatter.

Yup, the Turk militia did exactly that and beat 4 or 5 of them to a pulp with baseball bats and crow bars, the rest of the shitheads scarpered.


Not pure anymore!
Nope, its a campaign.

No, no our bad – Jedward haven’t really been beaten to a pulp in these pictures, actually the boys have been made to look like they’ve been bruised and battered for an anti-bullying campaign over in Ireland.

The campaign – which is being orchestrated by the ISPCC to raise awareness of cruelty to children - also features Louis Walsh and has been instigated by Westlife’s Mark Feehily, who said:

"I know at first hand how the impact of being bullied as a teenager can literally last a lifetime."

Not that I'm their fan or anything, just googled them and this came up.


Kentpaul said:
jedward caught up in the riots


So they get caught up in the riots and....still bloodied go to a photographer to take professional pictures of them?

Yeah. Sure.

Of course.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Klyka said:
So they get caught up in the riots and....still bloodied go to a photographer to take professional pictures of them?

Yeah. Sure.

Of course.

Its a clear joke son


radioheadrule83 said:
And frankly, it *is* pretty bad. I can't remember a time when disorder has spread so quickly and so rapidly and our police so unable to deal with everything. There is something wrong with these kids and they need punishing.
Watching this realisation slowly creep across the nation has been simultaneously depressing and inspiring.

I hope we don't forget about this once these protests are over. We need to take a very close look at our society.


Mecha_Infantry said:
You are a fucking idiot man. Get a grip
Thanks for the insults and second post which has added absolutely nothing at all. If you disagree then post why and try to refrain from insults.
bitoriginal said:
So anyone know if it's likely to get worse tonight or have we seen the worst of it?

It all depends on the police response during the early skirmishes. If they meat out justice by beating the little shits and dragging them into the back of a police van while unconscious then I think it will die down, but if they just stand around watching while store get looted and buildings are set on fire then it will be much worse.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Mecha_Infantry said:
You are a fucking idiot man. Get a grip

Insulting other humans is slipping to the same level as the rioters.

Respect don't disrespect.


I want some Delta Force, Spetznas, SAS, Mossad motherfuckers to come together in London for one big dick measuring contest. Whoever gets the most rioters' scalps wins. To make it a bit more interesting. I want some CIA, KGB, MI5 motherfuckers to help with intelligence. Let them be the Micros and the special forces teams be the Punisher. For added fun i want this shit streamed. This is erotic fiction for me.
Mecha_Infantry said:
You are a fucking idiot man. Get a grip

You watch the news? Just the building damage is millions of pounds worth. Jobs have been lost because of this. People are closing theyre shops early and taking holiday time to avoid the riots. People are getting injured.

Haha another twitter idiot:

I ain't gonna get caught u fag

Yes you are. Nice mugshot on your twitter profile pic.
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