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Louie Season 4 |OT| He's finally back, Mondays on FX [S5 premieres Apr 9]

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Subete no aware
I will say, it's weird how he did "Fat Girl" and then just sort of ignored the message of that episode.

Although, I know that there's no continuity in this universe, but still.


Watching Louie just makes me sad. I don't think I have ever laughed at a single episode. But I do smile from time to time. I really enjoy the show.

And holy shit Jane is fantastic this season!


Is something wrong with Jane? Did I miss something from previous seasons or is she just a normal troubled child. I get the feeling that they are letting on that Jane may have more than just a behavioral problem.
I love Jane. "They're all stupid."

Great two episodes, the scene with him pleading for her to stay was hard to watch. I hope we see more of the Beethoven dad, he's a great character so far.


Is something wrong with Jane? Did I miss something from previous seasons or is she just a normal troubled child. I get the feeling that they are letting on that Jane may have more than just a behavioral problem.

I don't think so. I just think she's a bit jaded like Louie is which is kinda unusual for a child and is getting her in a bit of trouble.
Charles Grodin was one of my baseball coaches when I was a kid (he lived in the town I grew up in). Pretty great to see him again on Louie last night.
putting her invisible panties in your coat pocket. Real smooth

I thought this was really hilarious, especially the face he made when he did it.

Is something wrong with Jane? Did I miss something from previous seasons or is she just a normal troubled child. I get the feeling that they are letting on that Jane may have more than just a behavioral problem.

Seems to me like she's ahead of the curve for her age, and she's frustrated that she can't properly express herself in her current school situation. Private school or homeschooling probably would be much better for her but Louie wasn't having it. Maybe now that she's opened up to him, he'll make the right decision for her.


Seems to me like she's ahead of the curve for her age, and she's frustrated that she can't properly express herself in her current school situation. Private school or homeschooling probably would be much better for her but Louie wasn't having it. Maybe now that she's opened up to him, he'll make the right decision for her.

The right decision for her would be to stay where she is and learn to socialize. Teaching is merely one of the things a school does.

Louie was 100% correct.


That lady in the office where they were holding Jane was incredibly unfriendly. What was up with her? Just fed up with Jane?
That lady in the office where they were holding Jane was incredibly unfriendly. What was up with her? Just fed up with Jane?

Tough job dealing with kids all day and low pay is not fun. Like retail jobs, when you start you are all cheerful and normal but then the job grinds you up.


Tough job dealing with kids all day and low pay is not fun. Like retail jobs, when you start you are all cheerful and normal but then the job grinds you up.

I totally agree with that but her being rude to Louie when asking what happened really isn't necessary in my opinion

Davey Cakes

Watching Louie just makes me sad. I don't think I have ever laughed at a single episode. But I do smile from time to time. I really enjoy the show.

And holy shit Jane is fantastic this season!
Is this show branded as a comedy? I feel like it sort of started as a comedy but is now a flat-out drama with comedic elements. Or a "Dramedy."

It has funny moments but it's a very "real" feeling show. It's basically like...life. Funny things happen all the time but life surely isn't a comedy.
I think the best part about the show is the freedom. Its not a comedy, or a drama, or a dramedy. It doesn't have a genre to be beholden to
Show seems to becoming less and less comedy and more and more drama; don't know if I like it.
honestly it has never been a show that made me laugh THAT much. There's some funny stuff, some of it being LOL worthy but mostly just like "that's funny, heh". But yeah more melancholy and dramatic.

I don't mind it though. It's an interesting experience.


It's incredibly engaging. My eyes are glued to the screen the entire time it's on. It's beautifully filmed and I love the music he uses. So fitting

big ander

Haven't been posting; had a busy past week but was able to watch So Did The Fat Lady as it aired. Fanfuckingtastic. Didn't have the time to go through all the discussion in-depth and just glancing at it it seems a lot of people are lost on details that the episode did excellent work to prove are irrelevant, but oh well.

Decided to save Elevator 1 until this morning to watch alongside 2 and 3. Incredible story so far. It's nothing new for Louie, theme-wise. The difficulties of human connection, the impossibility of weighing brief happiness against eventual pain. But this feels like the most characters the show has had going with depth at once. There are a lot of balls in the air right now, and I can't wait to see where they fall. w.r.t. Jane and Amia in particular. Ursula Parker was astounding in these episodes, and Amia's warm and funny. It'll be especially fascinating if their connection continues. The violin scene made me well up.

Grodin's short thing was wonderful and Burstyn's been very very funny, I think Ivanka's going to do something interesting.

Oh, on the "fuck" in SDTFL: shows on premium cable are usually allowed about one a year. Breaking Bad always saved its one up for big moments. I think Louie used it well too.
I love this show and Louis in general but I think he missed the mark with the fat girl speech.

To me this came across as incredibly whiny and made the character unlikeable. Now if it this was coming from someone that was hideously ugly or was born with a deformity on their face that's one thing, but a fat girl? You can change that, it's not something you're born with and forced to live with. I cannot for the life of me find any empathy for the "struggle" of fat people.

That said, I love the way it was shot, really cool stuff.

Yeah, Louie could change it about himself too. When he's had his numerous relationships on this show with much better-looking women, did you call it out and say "hey! he doesn't DESERVE that!" or did you just sympathize with his happiness. I'd bet on the latter. Now why wouldn't you do the same for Vanessa?
It's a four episode storyline.

Six episode actually.
So who thinks his daughter has some mental disorder? That was some eerie shit.
I'm not sure. She could just be a weird 8 year old-- kids are weird. But with the violin obsession and her outbursts, Louie could be building up to her diagnosis as being on the autistic spectrum or something. Maybe she'll go off to a music school.
She's still whiny. She complains about guys not saying yes to her proposals. That can be said for anyone; fat, skinny, tall, short, whatever. She'll eventually find someone.
You completely missed the point. The point is that when she says she's unhappy, people act like she's on suicide watch and/or say it's because she's fat. Where better looking people might say that and be treated with a rational amount of human compassion, despite their problems being, like you said, similar. How does any person not deserve empathy?
This is really starting to feel like Louis CK just made a movie and is airing it 22 minutes at a time.

I felt Late Show was more like a movie, actually. Even though Elevator will end up being closer to the length of an actual movie, the way it's relied on past elements of the show (Pam, Dr. Grodin) and the way each episode kinda exists somewhere in between self-contained and serial reminds me of the narrative continuity of prestige dramas/dramedies more than anything. Elevator is less a movie and more an entire short TV season.
I will say, it's weird how he did "Fat Girl" and then just sort of ignored the message of that episode.

Although, I know that there's no continuity in this universe, but still.
How was the message ignored? Because Amia isn't fat? That wasn't really the point.
So did I miss something, or was there no explanation for Lilly's absence during the last two episodes?
I...think she's just not relevant right now. They've done a ton of Lilly stories. She was there on the subway. But right now it's about Louie and Jane, and Louie and Amia, and Jane and Amia, and Louie and Pam.

big ander

Is this show branded as a comedy? I feel like it sort of started as a comedy but is now a flat-out drama with comedic elements. Or a "Dramedy."

It has funny moments but it's a very "real" feeling show. It's basically like...life. Funny things happen all the time but life surely isn't a comedy.
Show seems to becoming less and less comedy and more and more drama; don't know if I like it.
honestly it has never been a show that made me laugh THAT much. There's some funny stuff, some of it being LOL worthy but mostly just like "that's funny, heh". But yeah more melancholy and dramatic.

I don't mind it though. It's an interesting experience.
This is a common discussion about the show, and one I kind of get...but at the same time, I've rewatched a bunch of seasons 1 and 2 fairly recently, and they're not full-on comedy either. I think people just forget between seasons what the tenor of the show is. It's always been pretty much like this.

Or basically:
I think the best part about the show is the freedom. Its not a comedy, or a drama, or a dramedy. It doesn't have a genre to be beholden to
This. Or, that combined with what Cygnus said: I still think the show is goddamn hilarious. Just in a weird as hell way. Ivanka only sort of getting Louie's jokes, but in a hilarious savvy way? The elevator repairman? Jane explaining she tore off her teacher's skirt? Bobby mouthing "fuck you blackberry fuck fuck you" at Louie? Amia mock-undressing? All of that cracked me up.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
did anyone else notice the dead body in the background when Lily and Louie were talking in the park ?

big ander

That EW interview with Sarah Baker is so good! I love that she stresses how it's Louie's show so she would rather people look to the show for answers, but still offers her personal take. And it was great that she didn't really take any bait; when the reporter asked her to compare So Did The Fat Lady to Girls, she was honest but still smart by noting that maybe they're trying to talk about similar things, but not having seen Girls, Baker couldn't compare them and also thinks Louie's fame factors in. Incredibly well-spoken.
Dutch herring!
Is it actually good? All the food Louie bought for the gift basket looked delicious, but I've never tried herring.
did anyone else notice the dead body in the background when Lily and Louie were talking in the park ?
Heh yeah. Though I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be a dead guy or just some homeless person lying down.
A few relevant screengrabs. More via the link.



listen to the mad man
I felt Late Show was more like a movie, actually. Even though Elevator will end up being closer to the length of an actual movie, the way it's relied on past elements of the show (Pam, Dr. Grodin) and the way each episode kinda exists somewhere in between self-contained and serial reminds me of the narrative continuity of prestige dramas/dramedies more than anything. Elevator is less a movie and more an entire short TV season.

Season 2's Duckling is a film, straight up.
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