One nice subtle touch in the scene with Joan- it shows us that Peggy's department already has women there.IPeggy also makes a lot of sense. She pulled herself up from one of the most damning things that could happen to a young lady of that time (a child out of wedlock), fought against misogyny and showed all of her bosses that she means business. That the world described to her isn't enough, so she will make her own way. Roger reminds her to be herself, hence the awesome entrance. It gives us, the viewer, that despite her having to deal with everything Joan is dealing with, Peggy will be fine.
Everyone dies.
I wonder if Don will ever set foot in that office again.
Also David Bowie credits music, amazing.
God I just thought of a depressing thing. Don went to visit Betty and his kids because he knows that's the last time he'll ever see them.
So there's always the chance Don ends up inColorado. Weiner, you sick fuck.
- Don testing the windows didn't feel like a nod to the intro to me more than it felt like an animal testing the walls of its new cage for the first time. Backed up by then looking into the sky and the plane free as a bird.
Because San Francisco would be too obvious for Weiner.
Couple of things:
- Don testing the windows didn't feel like a nod to the intro to me more than it felt like an animal testing the walls of its new cage for the first time. Backed up by then looking into the sky and the plane free as a bird.
- Was the girl behind the door actually another "I SEE DEAD PEOPLE" situation? Not sure anyone other than Don interacted with her, and the waitress told so many lies so quickly I was confused by whether she'd just ditched another live daughter back home or not.
Super depressing episode. I'm so bummed for Joan, but also thankful to have been born a generation after this time period. I can't imagine losing an entire career, just because you don't want to be forced to sleep with a coworker. Gross.
This is great. I need friends like this.
I'll miss the hilarious fake endings.
So does everyone think that Betty's character arc is complete?
She seems pretty happy these days.
I wonder if Don will ever set foot in that office again.
Also David Bowie credits music, amazing.
God I just thought of a depressing thing. Don went to visit Betty and his kids because he knows that's the last time he'll ever see them.
She's the best.Agh, Meredith is so adorable.
Agh, Meredith is so adorable.
I feel like this the idea of Don that keeps getting perpetuated both by viewers and characters within the show and yet he spends far more time walking off, being drunk, clashing with clients, clashing with coworkers and having melt downs than he does actually being a player within the advertising world. He's like a baseball player who's batting .175 yet everyone thinks of the time he hit that one homer and ignores the rest.
I'll miss the hilarious fake endings.
Waiting for Don to hop aboard the secretary train again.
Where is Jim cutler?
Meredith would not take Don's shit. She's too smart to fall for him.
If we get an ending like this, I would be like
I feel like us seeing Don's social security card and cash was a very important and crucial frame. Why did such a small detail matter so much? Will Don escape his life and return to being Dick...or maybe even...someone else?
What is the statute of limitations on something like this anyway?
Did you forget Waterloo when she made a pass at him? Unless I'm misunderstanding you?