Evil Calvin
Afraid of Boobs
No offence but I'm not sure you know what you are looking at. I have just finished the whole game on my PS4 Pro with the latest patch update and I have to say it looks average and runs pretty poorly. Just because it has some good lighting and reflections in parts which were very inconsistent does not equate to a good looking game. A lot of NPC's in the cutscenes had PS3 level facial animation and graphics.
There are lots of frame rate issues, little to no anti-aliasing which was quite jarring, grass pops in right next to you driving around certain parts of the city. Cars and pedestrians just randomly pop in and disappear while driving. There is a ton of bugs with enemy AI just clipping everything. I had multiple occasions where you would shoot an enemy and he would die by screaming and his animation would simulate falling off a ledge but it was a chair or a barrel or something that was next to him and he wasn't even touching it.
Even my girlfriend who doesn't play games was watching me play this game and commenting what is wrong with this game. I'm forgiving on it because it is a remake of an old original which I liked especially the story but production quality is low tier with this one.
I think they ran out of money optimising it for PS4 lol
Well they wouldn't re-motion capture every actor so they had to work with what they had.
Actually I have it on a base Xbox One. I buy games on each system for various reasons. I forgot what system I was playing it on.
Not sure why your runs bad. Maybe it's your Pro. My base Xbox One runs it great.