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Mafia/Werewolf Recruitment Thread | Go on the Internet and Tell Lies.


Exactly, so for now i wont be playing in Season 4 ! Sorry to dissapoint you Cabot but HP and salva will be needing my full support.

whatever do you mean? I'm not disappointed, I'm a rock

*hides face and wipes away flood of tears from cheeks*


Let's chat later, you and me.

Real video footage from the future of Retro running two games halfway through season 4.



I've met with a terrible fate, haven't I?

I'm receiving another vision from the future. It's a single post from the season 4 wrap-up thread. I....I can't quite make out the name of the user but I can tell they quoted you. All the post says is "You shouldn't have done that..."


Yeah I think I'd personally recommend not running two games at the same time.

Then again, it seems like there are futuristic cyber miracle tools that have been developed to do things like count votes, which is one if the more difficult things about gamerunning.


Speaking of cyber miracles, what's the likelihood that GAFia game discussion will somehow divine the cure for cancer (in a Monkeys At Typewriters sort of way), but then lose it because some mistrusting fool used their "delete fucking everything" role power?

Sign up for GAFia Season 4 and find out!
Game nominations (which games are you nominating to play in):
Pronoun (he/she/they/preferred not to disclose): he
Play style preference (crazy / normal / any): any
Self-assessed activity level (high / medium / low / fluctuating): fluctuating
Timezone / location: PST (GMT -8)
Returning Player or New (if returning, please indicate which game did you participate in Season 3 and what Day did you last to): returning, Archer, finished game


15 Nov is fine by me, and like i said, my activity that week will be lower than usual, and all from mobile most likely.

Can't wait!
palmer i sent u a question pm
no, its not for dick pics >:O

but maybe ill just confirm with u here, can i put kark into ur werewolf game? its his first preference but i thought you consulted him on its set up?

im drawing the game assignment roster atm :D
Game nominations (which games are you nominating to play in):
Pronoun (he/she/they/preferred not to disclose): he
Play style preference (crazy / normal / any): any
Self-assessed activity level (high / medium / low / fluctuating): fluctuating
Timezone / location: PST (GMT -8)
Returning Player or New (if returning, please indicate which game did you participate in Season 3 and what Day did you last to): returning, Archer, finished game

thanks septie!

No :mad:

Yeah, that's fine. Darth Crab is back in like 2-3 days too, isn't he? That's fun.

i saw him posting already somewhere... but yeah he should be back soon, i think :D

15 Nov is fine by me, and like i said, my activity that week will be lower than usual, and all from mobile most likely.

Can't wait!


It is not okay.

I'm upset about it

deal with it! upset cabochon is kinda cute anywai!

awwww so coyyyyyyy


palmer i sent u a question pm
no, its not for dick pics >:O

but maybe ill just confirm with u here, can i put kark into ur werewolf game? its his first preference but i thought you consulted him on its set up?

im drawing the game assignment roster atm :D

I have a question

Why are you always looking for dick pics?


Yeah I think I'd personally recommend not running two games at the same time.

Then again, it seems like there are futuristic cyber miracle tools that have been developed to do things like count votes, which is one if the more difficult things about gamerunning.

Vote counting was one of my biggest fears, while running. But found it surprisingly easy. And I had to deal with Sorian.


Vote counting was one of my biggest fears, while running. But found it surprisingly easy. And I had to deal with Sorian.

Oh please, I was a doll. After I got erased from existence, I even did a lot of the vote counting for you. :D


Hey GAFia, your recruiters are pretty darn persistent! I think I got 3 separate PMs from 3 different people. Not that I mind, you all are a pretty swell bunch after all. Turns out I finally got some time for some Mafia action, so let's get to it!

Game nominations: Any
Pronoun: He
Play style preference: Any
Self-assessed activity level: Fluctuating; aiming to try to be moderately active this season
Timezone / location: CST (Texas)
Returning Player or New: Returning; Dagonronpa Substitute. Fell into the void due to time issues.

Thanks for the warm welcome back guys, can't wait to jump in!


Folks, if possible please go ahead and set up an account at Outer Gafia.

We can run the games without people having accounts, but if people are willing to sign up, it will be far less of a headache for me and the other game runners.

I would like to actually piggyback on this. I'd like to say that signing up to Outer Gafia should be a requirement before role PMs go out for a game (so signing up could be a confirmation of sorts). The reason I say this is because the scum chat will be housed there and people are going to try to extrapolate information if a person signs up on Outer Gafia after a game starts. It's shitty reasoning but "he made his account right after the role PMs went out, I bet he had to get set up in the scum chat" will be said at least once if we don't just make it a thing from the get go.

For our newbies, it's a quick registration, just use your current GAF name as your username, if you want to hang with us then great! If not, the account will just be there if it ever needs to be used.


How does that forum not show people things they aren't supposed to see?

There is an Admin account that sets groups to each member. The group names are hidden from view (so someone might be in the Night Vale Scum group for example but it wouldn't show on their account) and which groups you are in is what controls which sub forums are open to you/where you can post or just view.


Hey GAFia, your recruiters are pretty darn persistent! I think I got 3 separate PMs from 3 different people. Not that I mind, you all are a pretty swell bunch after all. Turns out I finally got some time for some Mafia action, so let's get to it!

Game nominations: Any
Pronoun: He
Play style preference: Any
Self-assessed activity level: Fluctuating; aiming to try to be moderately active this season
Timezone / location: CST (Texas)
Returning Player or New: Returning; Dagonronpa Substitute. Fell into the void due to time issues.

Thanks for the warm welcome back guys, can't wait to jump in!

Yay! I know the DR game was kind of frustrating to follow at times since there were so many high posters, but we're definitely toning it down this season.


I would like to actually piggyback on this. I'd like to say that signing up to Outer Gafia should be a requirement before role PMs go out for a game (so signing up could be a confirmation of sorts). The reason I say this is because the scum chat will be housed there and people are going to try to extrapolate information if a person signs up on Outer Gafia after a game starts. It's shitty reasoning but "he made his account right after the role PMs went out, I bet he had to get set up in the scum chat" will be said at least once if we don't just make it a thing from the get go.

For our newbies, it's a quick registration, just use your current GAF name as your username, if you want to hang with us then great! If not, the account will just be there if it ever needs to be used.

To add to this, it is probably handy if everyone also enables those privacy options that hides your activity and online status for everyone before the games start. Just to avoid people paying to much attention to those things. We should probably put this in the conformation pm's.


palmer i sent u a question pm
no, its not for dick pics >:O

but maybe ill just confirm with u here, can i put kark into ur werewolf game? its his first preference but i thought you consulted him on its set up?

im drawing the game assignment roster atm :D

He's fine in my game. I threw a few ideas at him a while back, but nothing terribly specific, and it's evolved a lot since then anyway. Only the current game runners, and the backups have access to my game in it's current incarnation.


How does that forum not show people things they aren't supposed to see?

Warning: Boring Forum Explanation Ahead!

So, to explain this a little bit further, I can assign groups permission to do the following:
1. See a board
2. Access a Board
3. Post a reply on a thread in a board
4. Create a thread in a board
5. Create a poll on a board

For the games that have happened so far, I've assigned permissions to certain groups so that only they can see, access, and post in the boards I allow them to. For example, there are three groups for Metal Gear: MGS, MGS Mafia, and MGS Dead. MGS members can post in the game thread, but can't see or access the Dead thread or Mafia Thread. MGS Mafia can post in the game thread and the Mafia thread, but can't see or access the Dead thread. MGS Dead can't post in the main thread, and can't see or access the Mafia thread, but they can see and post in the Dead thread. Oh, and no one can edit in the game thread, and none of the groups can see the Spectator thread.

So you can see, I have the ability to keep things pretty well sewn up.

Now, that being said, it would be ideal if everyone would create an account at OG, because then I could keep things nicely locked down. But I'm realistic enough to know that's not gonna happen. It'd be great, and I'll tie down any groups I can to protect the integrity of the games, but let's be real here, not going to happen.

So, plan B.

I can also run OG like we did with QuickTopic. I can make the threads so that they are invisible unless I've granted access, (see above) or unless you have the URL. In this case, the permissions will go as follows:

a. Only people who have accounts and have been given access will see the board in their topic list.
b. Anyone, however, will be able to access the necessary thread if they have the URL, just like Quicktopic.
c. Anyone who can access the thread can post in the thread, just like Quicktopic.

Thus, we'll run it like with QT. Only people who have the URL will have access, but an account will not be required to post. If someone has an account, great, I can make them a nice little shortcut into their needed threads.

An ideal solution? Not in my mind. But it's the best I've got, and I think it's still better than using QT.

To add to this, it is probably handy if everyone also enables those privacy options that hides your activity and online status for everyone before the games start. Just to avoid people paying to much attention to those things. We should probably put this in the conformation pm's.

I agree with this. I have done everything I can on my end to protect information that would reveal player's roles and posting habits (for example, posts in the scum threads don't add on to overall post count,) but it is up to the player as well.

Actually, I could go into each profile and turn those things off, but it would be down to the individual players to not turn them back on.


To add to this, it is probably handy if everyone also enables those privacy options that hides your activity and online status for everyone before the games start. Just to avoid people paying to much attention to those things. We should probably put this in the conformation pm's.

Ah, I was wondering why so few were online :p


He's fine in my game. I threw a few ideas at him a while back, but nothing terribly specific, and it's evolved a lot since then anyway. Only the current game runners, and the backups have access to my game in it's current incarnation.

FWIW, I don't remember anything.


You can't self vote in ONUW. Have to vote for another player, or center(i.e. no werewolves)

I allow self-voting, I believe Retro did too if memory serves right. One of the advantages of not sitting at a table and having to point at your victim.


Warning: Boring Forum Explanation Ahead!

So, to explain this a little bit further, I can assign groups permission to do the following:
1. See a board
2. Access a Board
3. Post a reply on a thread in a board
4. Create a thread in a board
5. Create a poll on a board

For the games that have happened so far, I've assigned permissions to certain groups so that only they can see, access, and post in the boards I allow them to. For example, there are three groups for Metal Gear: MGS, MGS Mafia, and MGS Dead. MGS members can post in the game thread, but can't see or access the Dead thread or Mafia Thread. MGS Mafia can post in the game thread and the Mafia thread, but can't see or access the Dead thread. MGS Dead can't post in the main thread, and can't see or access the Mafia thread, but they can see and post in the Dead thread. Oh, and no one can edit in the game thread, and none of the groups can see the Spectator thread.

So you can see, I have the ability to keep things pretty well sewn up.

Now, that being said, it would be ideal if everyone would create an account at OG, because then I could keep things nicely locked down. But I'm realistic enough to know that's not gonna happen. It'd be great, and I'll tie down any groups I can to protect the integrity of the games, but let's be real here, not going to happen.

So, plan B.

I can also run OG like we did with QuickTopic. I can make the threads so that they are invisible unless I've granted access, (see above) or unless you have the URL. In this case, the permissions will go as follows:

a. Only people who have accounts and have been given access will see the board in their topic list.
b. Anyone, however, will be able to access the necessary thread if they have the URL, just like Quicktopic.
c. Anyone who can access the thread can post in the thread, just like Quicktopic.

Thus, we'll run it like with QT. Only people who have the URL will have access, but an account will not be required to post. If someone has an account, great, I can make them a nice little shortcut into their needed threads.

An ideal solution? Not in my mind. But it's the best I've got, and I think it's still better than using QT.

I agree with this. I have done everything I can on my end to protect information that would reveal player's roles and posting habits (for example, posts in the scum threads don't add on to overall post count,) but it is up to the player as well.

Actually, I could go into each profile and turn those things off, but it would be down to the individual players to not turn them back on.

From what I gathered the other day, you had to make a fourth group didn't you? A dead mafia group?


I allow self-voting, I believe Retro did too if memory serves right. One of the advantages of not sitting at a table and having to point at your victim.

I actually don't recall it ever coming up, but I probably would not have allowed it.

From what I gathered the other day, you had to make a fourth group didn't you? A dead mafia group?

Yeah, but I was leaving that out for simplicity.


I actually don't recall it ever coming up, but I probably would not have allowed it.

Well damn it, I do what I want!

I actually went back to check my votes in any games I played because I could have sworn I voted for myself at one point. Fun fact of the day, every single ONUW I've played in, I've voted for Fireblend #roywasright


Well damn it, I do what I want!

I actually went back to check my votes in any games I played because I could have sworn I voted for myself at one point. Fun fact of the day, every single ONUW I've played in, I've voted for Fireblend #roywasright

I think I am in favor of allowing self votes. It helps team woof woof and team please kill me, and I think those teams have a disadvantage since day phase and voting phase are way longer compared to a normal game, giving town more time to think things over.

Also, finally people are starting to listen to me here. Anyways be lynching Fireblend!


Hey GAFia, your recruiters are pretty darn persistent! I think I got 3 separate PMs from 3 different people. Not that I mind, you all are a pretty swell bunch after all. Turns out I finally got some time for some Mafia action, so let's get to it!

Game nominations: Any
Pronoun: He
Play style preference: Any
Self-assessed activity level: Fluctuating; aiming to try to be moderately active this season
Timezone / location: CST (Texas)
Returning Player or New: Returning; Dagonronpa Substitute. Fell into the void due to time issues.

Thanks for the warm welcome back guys, can't wait to jump in!

Happy to see you back!!

Sorry about that spam though, TL. :(
Hey GAFia, your recruiters are pretty darn persistent! I think I got 3 separate PMs from 3 different people. Not that I mind, you all are a pretty swell bunch after all. Turns out I finally got some time for some Mafia action, so let's get to it!

Game nominations: Any
Pronoun: He
Play style preference: Any
Self-assessed activity level: Fluctuating; aiming to try to be moderately active this season
Timezone / location: CST (Texas)
Returning Player or New: Returning; Dagonronpa Substitute. Fell into the void due to time issues.

Thanks for the warm welcome back guys, can't wait to jump in!

welcome back! :D

palmer, thanks, ill put kark in your game, then!

just to confirm, the three games running are Harry Potter, werewolf, nightvale ... I'll place the rest for S5 or 4.5. :(
we're 5 signups away, :D

ill prepare the PMs to check game readiness but i will let game runners to take ownerships of the game set ups.

game mods, you guys need to sort out your games' threads... ive spoken before with retro asking about making outer gafia functions like quick topic since some of the players may see signing up to another board as additional hurdle or something idk

you talky and decide and stuff

I personally like outer gafia but if some moderators prefer quick topic you guys needs to tell retro before he does too much set up work for them at outer gafia
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