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Mafia/Werewolf Recruitment Thread | Go on the Internet and Tell Lies.

I have a funny story

A few years back, when Toy Story 3 came out, a read the junior novel for it because I was bored one time (I read at an extremely fast rate) before I saw the movie. However, when I saw the movie and it got to the ending, EVEN THOUGH I KNEW EVERYONE WAS GONNA BE FINE, I still was crying.


Oops, my sarcasm detector is in for repairs, my bad

Here, I found a guy that will fix it for you:



I have some doubts about this man's qualifications. He's not even wearing proper PPE!

He accidentally left his safetey glasses by the door when he spent the required amount of time reading the MSDS for this area.

If you can point him to the eyewash station, he'll do a special show for everyone.


He accidentally left his safetey glasses by the door when he spent the required amount of time reading the MSDS for this area.

If you can point him to the eyewash station, he'll do a special show for everyone.

Hell, forget the eye wash station, full body safety shower or bust.


New GAFIA game:

Good guys are construction workers, project managers, etc.

Bad guys are OSHA.

Further propagation of OSHA as anti worker and not pro worker. Smh. Don't buy this libelous propaganda! Good guys workers, Town power roles OSHA, bad guys corporate big wigs who demand the project be finished on time and under budget!


Hey, so we do not play mid-season at Outer Gafia? Until now we did not have more than 3 active games/threads (+ the recruiting) at once. With FF and Heist we are currently aiming at 4 and more will follow? Unless we want to take over OT Community, we should discuss this.

Also, yes I'm just bored and wait for HP to start.


Hey, so we do not play mid-season at Outer Gafia? Until now we did not have more than 3 active games/threads (+ the recruiting) at once. With FF and Heist we are currently aiming at 4 and more will follow? Unless we want to take over OT Community, we should discuss this.

Also, yes I'm just bored and wait for HP to start.

Crab has friends in high places. If it's deemed that we've taken up too much of community, he will let us know. Until then, he prefers that we play games here when possible so that our community is always getting exposure to new people.


Captain Beanie to the rescue!

Okay, if we have established contact to the higher beings controlling this place, we shouldn't worry until we get a sign.


Captain Beanie to the rescue!

Okay, if we have established contact to the higher beings controlling this place, we shouldn't worry until we get a sign.

Speaking of this, I was going to change my avatar back to Yuri with his beanie this morning but I don't know if I have a copy of the image D:

So if anyone has that for whatever weird reason, let me know and I won't ask any questions of why you have said image (or point me to where it may be). I know it exists somewhere on the internet and probably somewhere on GAF specifically, I just haven't tried to find it too hard yet.


I used internet archive once to find my old avatar. I just went back to a time when I knew that I definitely had it.


Crisis averted, had a burst of inspiration right after I posted that. I remembered which thread I requested someone to beanify my avatar for me.
Me too! They're fantastic. Flavor text is very enjoyable as well.

Subtitles as in thread subtitles? Also, is my flavour text okay so far? I know I've been subconsciously ripping off Ouro's MGS flavour but I'm trying to put enough of my own spin on it to be distinct.



Holy shit, this looks like a really, really bad emulator. This hurts so much. I'm talking about the character sprites! I'll always prefer the original.



Holy shit, this looks like a really, really bad emulator. This hurts so much. I'm talking about the character sprites! I'll always prefer the original.

The original will always be great, but the PC release is serviceable, and I'm personally willing to trade the art style (which I honestly stopped noticing after about ten minutes) for some of the little improvements. YMMV, though.


The original will always be great, but the PC release is serviceable, and I'm personally willing to trade the art style (which I honestly stopped noticing after about ten minutes) for some of the little improvements. YMMV, though.

I never understood doing weird graphics updates like this. Like going from sprites to full models is a thing I can get behind (but usually not worth the money) but this change is kind of pointless to me and then just looks like a sidegrade to another outdated art style which loses its appeal because of no nostalgia.
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