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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Can I find the combo outlined anywhere? I missed it on stream.


I really hope that people keep buying all these Astral Courocopias, because it is basically Briber's Purse with a gold expansion symbol


Apparently the card was changed late in development to add the untap clause because it was "boring" without it.

One day WOTC will learn. One day LOL. That being said, I think a few stupid cards every once in a while is a fair price to pay for having the interesting/fun cards that result from pushes more often than not.

BTW what's the source for this?


One day WOTC will learn. One day LOL. That being said, I think a few stupid cards every once in a while is a fair price to pay for having the interesting/fun cards that result from pushes more often than not.

BTW what's the source for this?
Sam Black talking to Lauer.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I doubt the card is bannable in standard. It is not consistant turn 3 (and they are fine with turn 4 combos- see Splinter Twin), and it is fragile and disruptable by all colors.
They are fine with turn 4 combos in Modern, not Standard.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They didn't ban anything when the angel of glorys rise turn 4 combo hit during the inn/rav era.
The fact that something can be a turn 4 combo isn't the same as consistent turn 4 combo. If it was consistent they would ban the card.

Combos in MTG are clearly not intentional.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I don't get it. Everybody has been bitching about Magic being turned into a combat only game, and here we are with a card that allows for some different strategy and we're still bitching.

I am sensing a pattern here


Why did he hold up Mantis Rider for so many turns? Just to be able to play his counters? Was that really the best line of play?


Why did he hold up Mantis Rider for so many turns? Just to be able to play his counters? Was that really the best line of play?

It was his only win con in hand. He was waiting to be able to protect it with counters yeah. I mean we get to see both players hands. I'm guessing Brad didn't want to get blown out by Anger, so he was super conservative dropping Seeker early. If only he knew how much more quickly he could've ended the game. Still worked out for him in the end
Won the draft with Jeskai again. I did have Icy Blast and Ashcloud Phoenix though. I cut abzan falconer, alabaster kirin and smite the monstrous from my deck because I hate playing three colors so much.


I don't see how anyone can like combo , other than the sole fact they just care about winning. The new one is so dumb and it only works because people come unprepared for it. Guarantee you if every deck has 2 or 3 back to nature's or shatters in their side board the deck will fall apart, I guess I just hoped pros were better than that to basically pray their opponent can't interact with them for the first 2 turns.

Ugh if this was played at my fnm I would quit playing till the set rotated. If we wanted combos we'd play modern or edh.


It was his only win con in hand. He was waiting to be able to protect it with counters yeah. I mean we get to see both players hands. I'm guessing Brad didn't want to get blown out by Anger, so he was super conservative dropping Seeker early. If only he knew how much more quickly he could've ended the game. Still worked out for him in the end

I don't think this was the case. He's not a control deck. He does not need to be holding back on a Mantis Rider just so he can have enough mana to protect it because he has so many other threats in his deck.

More likely, he was afraid of Elspeth and was looking to counter it since that was what cost him game 2. But it just doesn't make sense because he has no idea whether Brad had a Elspeth in hand and it is more likely than not that he didn't. Mantis could have come down and block the goblin tokens and even lay on some pressure. Even if Mantis ate a Lightning Strike, that's still one less burn to the face. I think he misplayed massively there.


I don't see how anyone can like combo , other than the sole fact they just care about winning. The new one is so dumb and it only works because people come unprepared for it. Guarantee you if every deck has 2 or 3 back to nature's or shatters in their side board the deck will fall apart, I guess I just hoped pros were better than that to basically pray their opponent can't interact with them for the first 2 turns.

Ugh if this was played at my fnm I would quit playing till the set rotated. If we wanted combos we'd play modern or edh.

Plenty of players like combo, just not the "new" ones i guess. Back in the days it was all about combo and interactions, now it's just derp the bigger dude. Nothing was better than beating combo with RDW Kreygasm


I don't see how anyone can like combo , other than the sole fact they just care about winning. The new one is so dumb and it only works because people come unprepared for it. Guarantee you if every deck has 2 or 3 back to nature's or shatters in their side board the deck will fall apart, I guess I just hoped pros were better than that to basically pray their opponent can't interact with them for the first 2 turns.

Ugh if this was played at my fnm I would quit playing till the set rotated. If we wanted combos we'd play modern or edh.

Combo is usually fun to play with but since it's way too similar to solitaire I can understand most people hating it. Last time I played with a combo deck was probably Bargain Rector so I'm definitely not a big fan as well.
At least most modern combos kill you quickly, this ascendancy combo reminds me of eggs specially on modo.


I loved playing against Mind's Desire. Disrupt one of their pieces and they fall apart. It's not much different here I reckon. Just don't play mono green. :lol


Combo is super fun. I wanted to play Jeskai combo at FNM but didn't have the cards -- hopefully I will by next week!


Damn it, I was about to buy Dig Through Times and the price doubled. Guess I'm playing crappy Jace's Ingenuities until I can afford them again.

EDIT: I really like the instant speed and don't have any way of dumping into my graveyard, so no Treasure Cruise. Mana isn't an issue.

EDIT 2: Actually, might try Bitter Revelation (one mana less) or Sultai Soothsayer (gives devotion to green). I just need the digging.


I don't see how anyone can like combo , other than the sole fact they just care about winning. The new one is so dumb and it only works because people come unprepared for it. Guarantee you if every deck has 2 or 3 back to nature's or shatters in their side board the deck will fall apart, I guess I just hoped pros were better than that to basically pray their opponent can't interact with them for the first 2 turns.

Ugh if this was played at my fnm I would quit playing till the set rotated. If we wanted combos we'd play modern or edh.
You'd be a fool not to think pro players will try to legally use every advantage that they can to win. Playing something the meta is unprepared for is usually exactly when you want to play it. It doesn't make them any less of a player. And how is it even their fault their opponents didn't come prepared for the match?

I don't think this was the case. He's not a control deck. He does not need to be holding back on a Mantis Rider just so he can have enough mana to protect it because he has so many other threats in his deck.

More likely, he was afraid of Elspeth and was looking to counter it since that was what cost him game 2. But it just doesn't make sense because he has no idea whether Brad had a Elspeth in hand and it is more likely than not that he didn't. Mantis could have come down and block the goblin tokens and even lay on some pressure. Even if Mantis ate a Lightning Strike, that's still one less burn to the face. I think he misplayed massively there.
Nah he could've casted Mantis Rider well before Brad had a 6th mana to cast Elspeth. Why would he even worry about it knowing it can just safely fly over Elspeth anyways? Jeskai is borderline a control deck that can really turn into a control deck post sideboard. And while his deck does have a few threats, he just didn't have them in hand and he wasn't drawing them. Again, I think he was waiting until he can safely cast Mantis Rider and be able to protect it afterwards.

Say he casted Mantis Rider early just to bait a Lightnging Strike. What was in his hands? A bunch of Jeskai Charms and Disdainful Stoke. He doesn't want to waste a bounce spell on tokens and now he doesn't have the mana open to counter any big threats. If he had some Magma Jets, I'm sure he would've played it different because he can then get to his threats quicker.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You guys made it sound like Jeskai Ascendancy was running over the field. There's like 5% of the decks playing combo decks vs. like 25% playing Abzan Midrange.
You guys made it sound like Jeskai Ascendancy was running over the field. There's like 5% of the decks playing combo decks vs. like 25% playing Abzan Midrange.

There were two 4-0 combo decks going into round 8. Ascendancy is also being used in a tokens deck that was featured on a Deck Tech. Then there's the fact that it's part of a totally busted modern combo deck too.

It's a multi format staple that makes combo viable in standard for the first time in years. I don't see how it stays at $7.


From Wizards.

During Round 7 of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir, competitor Lee Joong-Won was disqualified from the tournament.

Below is a statement from head judge Toby Elliott regarding the disqualification:

"During Round 7, Lee Joong-Won used a Wooded Foothills. In response, his opponent cast Jeskai Charm to put Lee's only creature on top of his library, at which point Lee tried to skip the resolution of the Wooded Foothills ability. After interviewing him, we determined that the error had been intentional so as to redraw the creature, and disqualified him from the tournament."

At least he admitted to it.

Edit: also a lot of rumblings around Alex Bertoncini cheating again on twitter, he cast a sorcery as instant and unporphed without 2 of the unmorph colors. I saw it on LSV's twitter feed apparently LSV got pretty mad at him, how is he still playing in these big events?


There were two 4-0 combo decks going into round 8. Ascendancy is also being used in a tokens deck that was featured on a Deck Tech. Then there's the fact that it's part of a totally busted modern combo deck too.

It's a multi format staple that makes combo viable in standard for the first time in years. I don't see how it stays at $7.

Packed open 2 regulars and a foil in a box yesterday.. Pretty pumped about the box, also had 4 fetches and a sorin.


Boarded in Clever Impersonator against Abzan Midrange today and they won me the game.

Just to clarify, when Clever Impersonator copies a creature with an ETB effect, the ETB effect will still trigger for the person who casted Clever Impersonator right?


You guys made it sound like Jeskai Ascendancy was running over the field. There's like 5% of the decks playing combo decks vs. like 25% playing Abzan Midrange.

The 5% playing it are doing very well. There are other decks, like Tokens, using the card as well. Remember, Caw Blade was only a small percentage of the field at PT Amsterdam.


Boarded in Clever Impersonator against Abzan Midrange today and they won me the game.

Just to clarify, when Clever Impersonator copies a creature with an ETB effect, the ETB effect will still trigger for the person who casted Clever Impersonator right?

Correct, it will enter the battlefield as a copy of the creature and the ETB will go on the stack.


Damn it, I was about to buy Dig Through Times and the price doubled. Guess I'm playing crappy Jace's Ingenuities until I can afford them again.

EDIT: I really like the instant speed and don't have any way of dumping into my graveyard, so no Treasure Cruise. Mana isn't an issue.

EDIT 2: Actually, might try Bitter Revelation (one mana less) or Sultai Soothsayer (gives devotion to green). I just need the digging.

There were plenty of signs that this card was going to spike. I'm only surprised that it took so long for it to do so when so many others from the set have already shot up in price.

I'm glad I got most of the cards I wanted in this Standard format before they jumped; Mantis, Dig, Hornet, Rabble and Jeskai Ascendancy. The only card I missed was Sarkhan.
Casted villainous wealth for 7 last night in draft.

Revealed Throttle, end hostilities, 2x 3/3s and some land.

Wiped the board ( only had one dude out to his 3), he regnereated a guy and I throttle him.

Played his 2 creatures and pass. Attack him down to 6 and he casts empty the pitts for 14 and gets 7 dudes.




Had an insane draft last night. How do you draft this and NOT crush everyone?



If I can get S-Chinese Dig Through Time prerelease promos for 25 each, is that a good buy? Seems like it's dangerously close to the english nonfoil price.


I probably shoulda picked up more Rabblemasters and Dig Through Time when I had the chance. Oh well, maybe next time I'll try to scumbag speculate.
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