Hand destruction. Thoughtseize and stain the mind. Take their win con and their card draw. Then side in expensive burn cause your game will go forever.
Yup, if you name Stain the Mind on Ancient they're probably dead.Hmm, Empty the Pits is as good a one-card solution as I've heard. Might be worth a slot or two.
They're so threat-light that you might get lucky and hit all of their win cons with Thoughtsieze and Mardu Charm (and maybe a Stain the Mind...?), but that strategy would take forever and we'd probably have lost game one... :/
EDIT-Actually, the more I think about it, the better that sounds... You can hit the Pearl Lake Ancient with Mardu Charm at any time and they'll probably side out Ashiok, if they run it, so Stain the Mind for Prognostic Sphinx could be game?
Call ALL the judges.Not if they're 1-0 up.![]()
Yup, if you name Stain the Mind on Ancient they're probably dead.
I was speaking more generally- I'm actually ok running a lot of Stains in the SB right now to try and blow out U/B and Ascendancy.But Ancient isn't actually that hard to kill in this deck. You just throw a kill-spell at it and then Thoughtseize. I realize that sounds combo-y, but the entirety of the deck is kill spells. Its not necessarily feasible to flash Ancient back out.
Except Vault answers everything Mardu can throw at.
I think the real way to win is to side in Rabblemasters, Kitty Kings and Lightning Strikes to get their health down and bait removal before you bring in any kind of big-guns likes Sarkhan to finish them off. The big problem is that a low permanent count means they just hold Downfall for Sarkhan or Elspeth.The main deck I use is Mardu Control and I basically couldnt beat UB in the few times I've played.
Probably mainly due to the fact that My sideboard was terrible for it. Dig is just too good against Mardu with no threat of counterspell or anything.
Also Aetherspouts wrecks Empty the Pits. He killed all 10 of my zombies at once.
I definitely need to add stains to my SB. Other than that I don't know.
Vault comes up preboarding. The way I see vault is used is it's more of an insurance for whatever resolved threat. A resolved Elspeth can just be taken care of with one card whereas hero's downfall wouldn't. After boarding, control has negate and extra disdainful strokes to take care of her, making the matchup even more miserable.
I think a transformative sideboard is the way to go. Go, go, rabble!
Supply crunch for this set is real. Most impactful set in a long time for Legacy/Modern, lots of people who jumped out of Theros block standard jumping back in.I really want Sarkhan but the price only seems to be going up. Scg has it at $50 now, FFS.
Supply crunch for this set is real. Most impactful set in a long time for Legacy/Modern, lots of people who jumped out of Theros block standard jumping back in.
I really want Sarkhan but the price only seems to be going up. Scg has it at $50 now, FFS.
So what's your advice?
Star City Games. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
Khans will be the most opened set of all time. Give it 3 weeks, cards like fetches and everything else that didn't jump up this week has already started to decline like crazy.
EDIT: I sold 3 Sarkhan yesterday at $33 on ebay, you can now pick some up at $30.
Wait till december on whatever cards you can.So what's your advice?
Wait till december on whatever cards you can.
Would it be worth while for me to dump my Sarkhans and just pick them up again around the holidays?
Supply crunch for this set is real. Most impactful set in a long time for Legacy/Modern, lots of people who jumped out of Theros block standard jumping back in.
gonna laugh when Wingmate Roc dominates the PT and goes up to like 25 bucks
GB why no Sorins?
Nissa is still 50 bux. She's not even in any pro tour decks main, and afaik isn't played in modern /legacy. I could use both of my sarkhans in a deck though (temur)
Thinking of running Aetherspouts in my Jeskai Tempo deck. Seems like it would fit very well and help in the Abzan matchup.
Nissa is only $50 because nobody really opened that set.
Nissa is still 50 bux. She's not even in any pro tour decks main, and afaik isn't played in modern /legacy. I could use both of my sarkhans in a deck though (temur)
Understood but just one Aetherspouts could clear the way for a lethal swing at that point in the game.
That trigger is also why I am always hesitant to bounce Siege Rhino with Jeskai Charm.
When in Jeskai, the best defense against Siege Rhino is Stormbreath. I really don't get any list in those colors that are ignoring SBD. Protection against white is super strong right now, as a ton of good removal is in white and almost every great creature is white. Five mana was a sticking point before Khans a bit, but we're comfortable getting there in this standard environment.
I run Stormbreath in my main. 2 in fact. But it doesn't even kill Siege Rhino. And comes down up to two turns slower than Siege Rhino.
Plus decks that run Siege Rhino typically run more black removal than white removal.
I'm thinking about getting back into Magic but I'm not sure where to start. I haven't bought cards and played since somewhere around 5th Edition. Are there any current premade decks that offer a good value for starting players? How would you guys go about getting back into Magic if you weren't able to do sealed tourneys and you would mostly just be playing casually with friends?
I'm thinking about getting back into Magic but I'm not sure where to start. I haven't bought cards and played since somewhere around 5th Edition. Are there any current premade decks that offer a good value for starting players? How would you guys go about getting back into Magic if you weren't able to do sealed tourneys and you would mostly just be playing casually with friends?
Why? Nobody even plays it. I'd be way more worried about Utter End or Anger of the Gods.
I ended up giving this 75 to Ondrej Strasky, who Top 8'd the PT. Watching his games I was wishing I played the deck as well. There was just so much Abzan at the top tables and our version with Ashcloud Phoenixes and 4 Hushwing Gryffs in the main instead of Rabblemasters was built to swing the matchup in your favor. Flying just seemed really well positioned in this metagame and cancelling the effects of Siege Rhinos, Wingmate Rocs, Hornet Queens, Nylea's Disciples with the Gryff turned out to be a great metagame call.