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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
The problem with Temur, as far as I can tell, is that there's no good life game. There's so many burn and drain effects running around that gaining life seems very important in the format right now. The only good life gain in the Temur colors at the moment is slow (Courser, Horizon Chimera); too little (Disciple of Nylea) or takes too many resources (Bow of Nylea).
I have whatever that 10-life gain ferocious green feast card in my SB for that very reason. It costs 2 mana! May have to MB it if I start getting abused.


Wow holy crap guys. So I met a bunch of people at school that play videogames and magic, and since I don't really have many gamer friends at my university, I've naturally started hanging out with them a lot, despite the fact that I wasn't really into MTG before.

Basically, they got me playing, and I had just bought the Mardu intro deck as well as the deck builders toolkit to kind of introduce me to the game. This was about two weeks ago, so today I went out and bought a Khans fat pack to kind of update my deck a bit.

First time opening packs ever... got two fetchlands. AND.............................................. A FOIL SARKHAN, THE DRAGONSPEAKER. I literally shit my pants in disbelief. I don't know what to do guys. My first thought was to sell it and make a good chunk of money, but I already feel way too attached to this card. It's like a memento of my first time opening packs, and it is a pretty fucking good story to tell my friends at school on Monday LOL. As for the fetchlands, I got Polluted Delta and Bloodstained Mire. I was thinking about keeping Bloodstained Mire, and then selling PD and putting the money towards either another fatpack or maybe just a box haha.

What do you guys think? Should I sell my Sarkhan and purchase a box or what? I'm so happy right now I can't even believe this. Also, first post on the MTG thread ever!

You will get better value trying to trade it for stuff you want. Not that many people are willing to pay full value unless you sell online, but everyone is fine trading for exact value.

Did sealed last night and went 2-2. Opened a Sorin and tried to force Mardu aggro because I was also playing a Trumpet Blast. Bad idea when I didn't have cheap creatures to cast in the first place. I lost to this really sweet Sultai deck which is going up the ranks imo. I also lost to a 5-color deck which I couldn't punish because my deck wasn't really aggro lol. Oh well, at least I also pulled a Windswept Heath.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have whatever that 10-life gain ferocious green feast card in my SB for that very reason. It costs 2 mana! May have to MB it if I start getting abused.

Yup, Feed the Clans is a legit card even in Temur. I think Nylea's Disciple isn't terrible either.


Drafted last night with Lucario. I wanted to go five color but instead I rocked a Jeskai deck -- the only other deck I lost to was another Jeskai deck, lol.

I ended up splitting in the last round, and then after playing a casual match with the guy he tried to take back the split. He was really getting irate, was a total dick, and then asked me "How long have you been playing Magic for? A year?" Lmao, some people.


Drafted last night with Lucario. I wanted to go five color but instead I rocked a Jeskai deck -- the only other deck I lost to was another Jeskai deck, lol.

I ended up splitting in the last round, and then after playing a casual match with the guy he tried to take back the split. He was really getting irate, was a total dick, and then asked me "How long have you been playing Magic for? A year?" Lmao, some people.
Moral of the story: only ID with friends, into the top 8 and on MODO. Fuck the FNM casuals. :lol
Anyone watching the SCG open coverage? Ashcloud Phoenix seems to be blowing up (in terms of use. I don't think the price has moved yet)


Alright, I'm never drafting Mardu again. Either you draw the straight up nuts hand or you brick harder than a train wreck. The latter's odds are higher than the former's. Butcher of the Horde p1p1, I don't care!


Brian Kibler once again showing his "I don't give a shit" approach to GPs off.

edit: Mentioned on stream- Nullify now being run in Jeskai.


Got rekt super hard playing Mardu aggro. The deck is too inconsistent, it feels like one hand is unbeatable and another is just miserable.


Made it to the finals with my Mardu deck at Game Day. Lost in a pretty intense match against a Jeskai player. Last game came down to top decks.


I pulled an imaginary Sarkhan for the third time. I wish I was this lucky in real life. :lol

He did nothing for the third time though except killing a flier trying to block my windscouts. One time I got despised on t4 holding sarkhan. :lol

At least I won the draft. Bless you, Jessica.
Why haven't we seen any female orcs on tarkir (or if that's wrong, could you point me to where we see them?) ? Do they reproduce asexually? Do males and females look exactly the same?

Off the top of my head, Bellowing Saddlebrute and Mardu Roughrider both depict female orcs. There might be more tucked into other illustrations in Khans that I don’t remember. They’re not super-different from male orcs morphologically, but we do have reference for both in the world guide.

#creature types
#both depicted as riders interestingly
#which is kind of a both-genders-of-orc thing to do

Huh. I guess I see it.

does the fact that you need to communicate a lot of story through cards mean you have to write simpler stories than you would otherwise?

We try to make the structure as simple as possible, so that the tip of the iceberg of the story can be grasped quickly by a broad audience and, as you mention, more easily communicated via the cards. For those who want to dig deeper, the rest of the iceberg will always be full of detail, available in other venues. It’s sort of the creative version of lenticular design — different audiences can get access to different levels of detail.

There are times when we have a story idea that we try to hammer into a simpler form. (“Instead of having these two people want two different things in parallel stories, could they both be after the same thing?” “Do we have to introduce a whole other character to do this thing, or could the same thing be accomplished with already-existing characters?” That kind of thing.) But I’m not sure that’s entirely because of trying to express story in a trading card game — some of that is just good storycraft. More complex doesn’t always mean better. Maybe we should all try to tell stories in a shuffled medium — it can really help you hone what you’re trying to say.

#storytelling on cards
#story honing
#honing? that word looks weird
#it looks like I misspelled 'honking'
#story honking
So, it's been one of those draft nights. Two drafts, both Temur, both fairly solid (not nuts, but decent). I've had rampant mana problems all night, and it feels like my mana bases should be right (one was admittedly a little short on duals with only two, but the other has five!). Both decks are just losing to themselves repeatedly. It's all the same shit I've bitched about before. This format just has so much variance compared to "normal" formats. It's not that I haven't been able to be successful, and I'll certainly admit that I'm woefully underpracticed compared to my usual self and I still have a lot to learn. But even when you stick to the rules and draft a disciplined deck with a reasonable manabase, you could just not draw your third color and your opponent could cast T3 Mantis Rider off of three basics (this actually happened to me; I did not win that match).

I know this happens to everyone. But it's still super frustrating. And it seems to happen moreso in this format than others.

For reference, this deck just went 0-3, with each match going to 3 games, and each match had one game where I was completely color screwed. No, the mana wasn't great, but I literally took every on-color dual I saw. I love the flow of this format when you have your mana, but it's so frustrating to both win and lose games because mana doesn't cooperate. That happens enough in regular formats.

At least my second draft crashed, so I guess I'm getting that back.
Super frustrating Game Day for me. Went 1-2 but lost to some of the jankiest luckiest bullshit ever. How does a guy have 3 God damn Swan Songs to play in one turn? I swear to God his deck was 30 percent Swan Song. I never get tilted by losses but this brought me the closest to it when this happened twice in our match.


Ended up building junk midrange after mono black aggro was proving to be very frustrating to play. Just losing to every anger or drown in sorrow wasn't very enjoyable. Played junk at gameday and only had one string of annoying bad luck like drawing all of my removal in a row against jeskai when they didn't hit any creatures. Other than that though it was fun to be competitive against basically everything.


So, it's been one of those draft nights. Two drafts, both Temur, both fairly solid (not nuts, but decent). I've had rampant mana problems all night, and it feels like my mana bases should be right (one was admittedly a little short on duals with only two, but the other has five!). Both decks are just losing to themselves repeatedly. It's all the same shit I've bitched about before. This format just has so much variance compared to "normal" formats. It's not that I haven't been able to be successful, and I'll certainly admit that I'm woefully underpracticed compared to my usual self and I still have a lot to learn. But even when you stick to the rules and draft a disciplined deck with a reasonable manabase, you could just not draw your third color and your opponent could cast T3 Mantis Rider off of three basics (this actually happened to me; I did not win that match).

I know this happens to everyone. But it's still super frustrating. And it seems to happen moreso in this format than others.

For reference, this deck just went 0-3, with each match going to 3 games, and each match had one game where I was completely color screwed. No, the mana wasn't great, but I literally took every on-color dual I saw. I love the flow of this format when you have your mana, but it's so frustrating to both win and lose games because mana doesn't cooperate. That happens enough in regular formats.

At least my second draft crashed, so I guess I'm getting that back.
Tbf your deck is s bit janky. If you want to aggro and the duals aren't there, stick to two colours, splashing 3 cards at most. Cards like Temur Charm are really not good without decent fixing. I'd take Crippling Chill over it every time. Or even Awaken the Bear. Sometimes you have to take the weaker mono cards over the stronger ones like Winterflame and Master the Way. Assuming of course the fixing isn't there. A lot of people are drafting four/five colour decks now, meaning they're taking the lands high. Aggro/Tempo punishes that deck, since they have to fill the last 1-x slots with jank. Draft a focused deck and you can get very far.

edit: haha, Kibler has gone undefeated in LA with Temur aggro. That sidisi whip deck sounds super sweet too.
You meab GP LA? Is it on twitch?

Who is playing Ashcloud and in what quantity?

It was on Starcitygames.com. I don't know exactly who was using it, but the commentators were saying it had shown up on camera multiple times throughout the coverage and was always impressive. It really is a resilient, evasive, and efficient threat - they either need to use exiling removal on it, or get 2 for 1'd.


It was on Starcitygames.com. I don't know exactly who was using it, but the commentators were saying it had shown up on camera multiple times throughout the coverage and was always impressive. It really is a resilient, evasive, and efficient threat - they either need to use exiling removal on it, or get 2 for 1'd.

I've been thinking about adding it to my Jeskai Tempo deck because fliers just seem so relevant in the current meta and there really aren't many cards occupying the 4-mana slot (only Chandra and Stoke) in the deck.
Tbf your deck is s bit janky. If you want to aggro and the duals aren't there, stick to two colours, splashing 3 cards at most. Cards like Temur Charm are really not good without decent fixing. I'd take Crippling Chill over it every time. Or even Awaken the Bear. Sometimes you have to take the weaker mono cards over the stronger ones like Winterflame and Master the Way. Assuming of course the fixing isn't there. A lot of people are drafting four/five colour decks now, meaning they're taking the lands high. Aggro/Tempo punishes that deck, since they have to fill the last 1-x slots with jank. Draft a focused deck and you can get very far.o.

You're absolutely correct; the manabase is janky, and the fixing is just not coming anymore. I swear at least one person must have been sucking up all of the fixing. I started trying to do what you said; I was UR originally, but got forced into UG and couldn't cut out enough of the red.

I still really don't like the way this format is shaping up. From what I've seen, you either go full Wall Street and be super greedy, taking all of the lands (which reduced variance because you don't usually care which lands you're getting), or you just play two colors and forfeit power for the sake of consistency. Drafting a "reasonable" three color deck just gets worse and worse every week. I thought that wedge drafting was what this set was supposed to be about,..


Does maths and stuff
Basically need someone to convince me from playing Miracles. Have no experience with the deck and don't know if one month of grinding online will get me enough practice to be comfortable with it.


Basically need someone to convince me from playing Miracles. Have no experience with the deck and don't know if one month of grinding online will get me enough practice to be comfortable with it.
I would play something proactive. You don't want to be running into Legacy durdle mirrors, imo. Also, Treasure Cruise makes that deck a lot worse.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Somedays you just can't win on MTGO. Mindswipe wasn't "real" enough for one guy in tourney practice room (I know, I know but I spent all my money on drafting, sue me) so he rage quit and hit me with a novel of what he thought the room was about and why I sucked for playing non-top 8 cards.

Then, I dropped a Mantis Rider in the just for fun room (my janky ass Jeskai clan deck, not Jeskai Aggro or Ascendancy, just clan cards) and that guy got pissed because I was a dirty net decker.

Then, only ****** play Infect in the tourney practice room, apparently. Nevermind this was against Affinity.

I swear, none of it was provoked. No comments, nothing. Just back to back asshats.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Nobody ever says shit to me on MTGO. I think its my badassery.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Nobody ever says shit to me on MTGO. I think its my badassery.

I mean, you are angry all the time, so that's probably why. I can't even remember the last time I even got anything other than a 'GG.' It's like, whatever timezone is in prime shithead territory, it's just MTGO playin' time.


Went 2-3 at Game Day, but it was a lot of fun nevertheless. This time I actually won when I cast Villainous Wealth for X = 8 (unfortunately it got milled by Ashiok in the game where I reached nearly 80 mana). Then got epically blown out next round against mono-white heroic when we got into a board stall... and my opponent finally got his seventh land. That was painful.

My final round opponent was the same as my final round opponent last FNM. He made the exact same play of casting Kiora when I had six mana open and a face-down creature. You'd think you'd learn after that ended embarrassingly for you last time :p


Sometimes they say you're such a lucksack I play 18 lands blabla qqmore. Sometimes they're gracious and admit it's a game with variance. Honestly, it's amusing to see the meltdowns unfold.


Somedays you just can't win on MTGO. Mindswipe wasn't "real" enough for one guy in tourney practice room (I know, I know but I spent all my money on drafting, sue me) so he rage quit and hit me with a novel of what he thought the room was about and why I sucked for playing non-top 8 cards.

Then, I dropped a Mantis Rider in the just for fun room (my janky ass Jeskai clan deck, not Jeskai Aggro or Ascendancy, just clan cards) and that guy got pissed because I was a dirty net decker.

Then, only ****** play Infect in the tourney practice room, apparently. Nevermind this was against Affinity.

I swear, none of it was provoked. No comments, nothing. Just back to back asshats.

I usually find it funny. Who cares if they get bent out of shape, especially if they're wrong?


Somedays you just can't win on MTGO. Mindswipe wasn't "real" enough for one guy in tourney practice room (I know, I know but I spent all my money on drafting, sue me) so he rage quit and hit me with a novel of what he thought the room was about and why I sucked for playing non-top 8 cards.

Then, I dropped a Mantis Rider in the just for fun room (my janky ass Jeskai clan deck, not Jeskai Aggro or Ascendancy, just clan cards) and that guy got pissed because I was a dirty net decker.

Then, only ****** play Infect in the tourney practice room, apparently. Nevermind this was against Affinity.

I swear, none of it was provoked. No comments, nothing. Just back to back asshats.
And people wonder why Chat's not allowed in Hearthstone.
Kirblar, you make any changes to your Reanimator deck yet? This is what I'm working with right now:

The Birds and the Bees

  • 4x Satyr Wayfinder
  • 4x Sylvan Caryatid
  • 2x Nyx Weaver
  • 4x Siege Rhino
  • 2x Wingmate Roc
  • 3x Hornet Queen

  • 4x Thoughtseize
  • 2x Murderous Cut
  • 2x Hero's Downfall
  • 3x Abzan Charm

  • 2x Banishing Light
  • 2x Whip of Erebos

  • 2x Sorin, Solemn Visitor

  • 1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
  • 1x Mana Confluence
  • 4x Sandsteppe Citadel
  • 3x Windswept Heath
  • 4x Llanowar Wastes
  • 2x Caves of Koilos
  • 3x Temple of Malady
  • 1x Temple of Silence
  • 3x Forest
  • 2x Plains


  • 2x Reclamation Sage
  • 2x Drown in Sorrow
  • 2x Bile Blight
  • 1x Doomwake Giant
  • 2x End Hostilities
  • 1x Phyrexian Revoker
  • 1x Resolute Archangel
  • 2x Nissa, Worldwaker
  • 2x Utter End

I cut the Communes because it was too feast and famine. Sometimes it feels like half a Dig Through Time, sometimes it feels like a waste of two mana. It's so good at feeding the whip, though...

I've been less and less impressed with murderous cut. Running a playset made me too weak to planeswalkers. I still run two because it's a great card for breaking serve with your opponent on the draw or just pulling ahead.

Also, Sorin is just too good not to play. He's my favorite character so I just felt terrible not playing him.

The deck is a little too good at running into topdeck wars with some of the other midrange decks, and not having Courser hurts in those situations more than I'd care to admit.


I think 2015 is the gonna be the year I finally complete the Power 9. After watching that guy on Youtube crack a Lotus it really got the juices flowing for me to get off my butt and get it done. I've come close over the past 20 years but could never get the set. I either had everything but a Lotus or had everything and missing a Jet. It sucks that prices are so high now and I'm starting from scratch, since having long sold my collection, but its something that I've always wanted to do since I started playing in Unlimited.

I'm not sure what order I'll go in,some say get the most expensive (Lotus) out of the way first but I kinda want all the Moxen to display. Also getting the Lotus at the end will be a nice reward,I may just wait longer and go for a Beta but thats a long long way off. I don't really care about condition as long as its playable and almost assuredly be going after Unlimited for the rest as Beta is just to far out of my price range. I'd eventually like to build a Vintage deck but this is secondary to just getting the power.

It'll be a long road (I'm aiming to have at least two Moxen by the end of this year) but I hope a satisfying one as this is something I've flirted with since high school.

If there are any Vintage collectors here that can offer up some tip/advice (deals :p ) would be greatly appreciated.
So I played Become Immense as a 2-of in the Abzan Midrange deck. Scared the shit out of one guy when he Despised me and saw it. The other guy had a Rhino he blocked with a soldier token. Cast Become Immense twice on the Rhino exiling 7 cards and tapping 3 mana, 15 damage to face. Every single person who saw it in games said, quote, "What the fuck is that card. *reads* I had no idea this was printed." I was getting sick of using the fetches without any further leveraging. I like this card in the deck as a surprise.
So I played Become Immense as a 2-of in the Abzan Midrange deck. Scared the shit out of one guy when he Despised me and saw it. The other guy had a Rhino he blocked with a soldier token. Cast Become Immense twice on the Rhino exiling 7 cards and tapping 3 mana, 15 damage to face. Every single person who saw it in games said, quote, "What the fuck is that card. *reads* I had no idea this was printed." I was getting sick of using the fetches without any further leveraging. I like this card in the deck as a surprise.

Tom Ross talked a little about this, putting 1 or 2 of an unknown card in just to fuck with people. If you have 4 3-ofs instead of 3 4-ofs, it's a little harder for your opponent to play around.

That's why I stick Stifle in my Miracles deck :p
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";135041719]Tom Ross talked a little about this, putting 1 or 2 of an unknown card in just to fuck with people. If you have 4 3-ofs instead of 3 4-ofs, it's a little harder for your opponent to play around.

That's why I stick Stifle in my Miracles deck :p[/QUOTE]

Right right. I don't have premium scg, so I miss out on a lot of articles, but I subscribe to that theory pretty heavily. It's more my Johnny need to fuck with a good list than anything, though. Lost in the semis at game day today. 12 people playing and there were 7 abzan decks.

I played this:
3x Caryatid
3x Courser
3x Anafenza
4x Siege Rhino
2x Wingmate Roc

1x Nissa
2x Sorin
2x Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
2x Elspeth

2x Whip of Erebos
3x Thoughtsieze
3x Hero's Downfall
4x Abzan Charm
2x Utter End
2x Become Immense


Sideboard highlights: 4x Stain the Mind (cast, name control's wincon)

It was just a fun list to play. I never felt like I had a bad draw coming.

I also had a mono-white lifegain/aggro deck sleeved up for the day, but decided against it when I saw 2 dudes show up who are known for control decks.


LOL @ that punt by not convoking it. Kibler's deck was tweeted out an hour ago by the mothership.

Remember kids, keep up on your twitter.



See that mistake happen a bunch at FNM where they don't convoke and get temur charmed or a similar effect. so depressing for him.
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