So, it's been one of those draft nights. Two drafts, both Temur, both fairly solid (not nuts, but decent). I've had rampant mana problems all night, and it feels like my mana bases should be right (one was admittedly a little short on duals with only two, but the other has five!). Both decks are just losing to themselves repeatedly. It's all the same shit I've bitched about before. This format just has so much variance compared to "normal" formats. It's not that I haven't been able to be successful, and I'll certainly admit that I'm woefully underpracticed compared to my usual self and I still have a lot to learn. But even when you stick to the rules and draft a disciplined deck with a reasonable manabase, you could just not draw your third color and your opponent could cast T3 Mantis Rider off of three basics (this actually happened to me; I did not win that match).
I know this happens to everyone. But it's still super frustrating. And it seems to happen moreso in this format than others.
For reference,
this deck just went 0-3, with each match going to 3 games, and each match had one game where I was completely color screwed. No, the mana wasn't great, but I literally took every on-color dual I saw. I love the flow of this format when you have your mana, but it's so frustrating to both win and lose games because mana doesn't cooperate. That happens enough in regular formats.
At least my second draft crashed, so I guess I'm getting that back.