Should be UU so it would be a literal Time Walk.
I feel like the only way the Reserved list is acceptable to the health of the game is if Wizards is willing to reprint the hell out of any card that's not on it. If there's a clear list of cards that will not be reprinted to invest in, collectors have no reason to complain when any card off the list, no matter how expensive, is reprinted.
Riddle of Lightning for 11Seems decent as 1 one of or in some crazy Narset deck, christmas land says I can get a howl of the horde off and have a couple of turns lol
Switching gears a tad, I'm really curious about the story implications of changing the Ugin/Bolas battle all those years back, pre-mending. I get the immediate impact it will have on the clans and the plane of Tarkir, but what does this mean for Bolas? Will this somehow alter his character and/or power level? Will this change his plans in any meaningful way? It would be tough to do so, considering how interweaved everything is, but if they feel like they wrote themselves into a corner, this would be the place to escape it.
As an aside, I feel bad for those of you out there hoping Niv would become a PW. Now that we have a second dragon PW who is also a rival to Bolas, it's not looking good for Niv's immediate PW hopes.
The thing I like about Delve here, truly, is the fact that it is self cannibalizing. You can't run 4 Dig Through Time, 4 Treasure Cruise, and 4 Temporal Trespass and expect to have enough shit in your dumpster to support all of them.
It's a mechanic that balances itself!
I love giving spells Lifelink. I don't think they even have to change any rules to make that work.
And now you can gain six life from Lightning Helix!
Man. Soulfire Grandmaster in Jeskai Tokens. Holy shitballs.
Kind of Christmas Tree-y, but with 4 of each in the deck it's definitely doable.
Jeskai Ascendancy down, with Soulfire Grandmaster down, into Hordeling Outburt, activate ability, Stoke into Stoke (into Stoke?).
Gain 8 life. Squee.
Guessing the guildleaders go "one way" while there's a cycle of non-leaders going the "other", hybrid-wise.
but even that doesn't happen since there's the unofficial reserve list with stuff like FoW and Wasteland.
This set almost feels like a reaction to how overly simply the cards in Theros block were designed.
Life gain is a marginal ability and there's not enough good burn in Standard for it to make waves. The activated ability is win-more.
I just thought of something. There has often been talk about the how clans will change come Dragons of Tarkir, particularly in how their colors will change, but it always seemed unlikely to me that they'd change the colors of the clans, especially to shard colors as some have suggested, when they've been pushing the clan names as the official names for the wedges. However, Fate Reforged has watermarks not just for the clans, but the dragon broods, which are allied two-color groups. Perhaps Dragons of Tarkir won't have the clans at all, but rather humans serving under the dragon broods. Thus, you still have the aspects of the dragon to be focused on by each group, but they are no longer wedges and don't have the Khans of Tarkir names.
Soulfire Grand Master is really neat, but I feel Jeskai Infiltrator isn't getting the attention it deserves for how crazy it is.
Can you explain why? Doesn't strike me as all that good.
I was thinking something similar. My current guess for DTK is that its a Dragon focused Hybrid focused set