"God's Beard!"
Finally starting to wrap my head around some of the Limited interactions the new set brings, especially two of my favorite cards and their synergies:
Value town!
A bunch of my friends and I hung out with her once and watched her draw while we chatted at a bar. She said she didn't like working for magic for creative reasons, but I'm glad she got over it. Love her art, she's the only artist I use for basics in my decks.


Value town!
I was browsing the spoiler and, wow, I noticed Veronique Meignaud is back to creating Magic art again. Return to Zendikar hype!
A bunch of my friends and I hung out with her once and watched her draw while we chatted at a bar. She said she didn't like working for magic for creative reasons, but I'm glad she got over it. Love her art, she's the only artist I use for basics in my decks.