Is there a big quality difference between KMC Super and Hyper MAT series of sleeves? I've never gotten a chance to compare them side by side but when I order sleeves in bulk, the Super sleeves are much cheaper and have treated me pretty well so far.
Personally, I think 3xROE and 3xINN are merely decent to good; 2xINN + 1xDKA is a better format since there aren't so many Spider Spawnings to come around. That deck with the right tools is nigh unbeatable. ROE unfortunately has no smaller set. It's exactly the reason why I'm not a fan of triple anything; there's not enough variance, you can pick up so many multiples of one card. ROE for example has a lot of different draft strategies, but once you're locked in one, you only need to pick up cards that are relevant to you. No one wants Kiln Fiends besides the Distortion Strike deck. No one wants defenders except the defender deck etc. It makes for stale drafting.
Triple Khans is a format where I feel they remedied some of that by designing a ton of useful cards, largely thanks to the morph mechanic, in a multicolour set. It's still possible to get multiples of one card of course, but it's not as specific as ROE. Mardu Hordechief can go into any white deck for example. not just in the warrior deck, and probably never gets cut. There's more variance in the format than usual formats with triple packs of one big set.
You are literally the
only person, online or offline, who I've seen who likes the Innistrad format better with a pack of Dark Ascension. I think, and I feel most people would agree, is that adding additional sets to a block draft formats improves the format when the Big Set had some pretty clear and obvious deficiencies but hurts it if the Big Set was actually a robust format with strong archetype diversity and/or great gameplay. For example, Shards of Alara block improved as in Triple Shards, Naya and Bant were BY FAR the best shards unless you opened or got passed the
stone nuts in the other shards. Conflux and Reborn actually had more than like 3 good Esper cards in them

Triple Theros and Shadowmoor had like no removal and in Zendikar no creature could block for shit so the mere fact that later sets in the blocks added more interactive elements made things better (even if, for example, Born of the Gods was shit on a card to card basis).
Triple Innistrad was already a set with great gameplay and great deck diversity. While it was true that you could sometimes have a deck that matches up poorly with an opponent's Spider Spawning deck, that deck was far from unbeatable. Also, since that deck was SO unlike most other limited archetypes in surrounding sets that people may have ever drafted, it was a fresh and new experience. That the Spider Spawning (as well as a bunch of other archetypes) deck got worse with the DKA pack and DKA didn't really add much of interest to the format aside from the degenerate Lingering Souls and a few lords, it's not hard to see why people prefer 3x INN. As another example of a block that got worse with more sets - Lorwyn was a heavy tribal set so there really were only the 8 tribes (though each tribe often had more than one play style). However, the addition of Morningtide made certain tribes like Goblins and Giants near unplayable so deck diversity decreased and the format became worse overall. DGM was a mess of a set (fuck Cluestones) and GTC was a whiplash in speed compared to RTR so adding more sets to that format results in a jumbled mess. For Time Spiral block, Planar Chaos was filled with wonkey cards (and no good Black cards aside from a few Rebels) and Future Sight (a set with a ton of cool and sweet cards) unfortunately had Sprout Swarm at common :/
I don't know if WOTC has ever explicitly said as much but it certainly feels like 3x set formats get more internal testing than 2x +1x or 1-1-1 formats. Which isn't to say block formats can't improve with addition packs (I already discussed some examples) but when the don't, it's understandable that people get upset. To sum it up, IMO the following block formats got better/worse with more sets in the block but when block formats improved, it was more a case of later sets bringing in positive elements the former sets lacked and less a case of breaking up the influence of the commons et al. of the previous sets (though that has to happen as a default of course):
Shadowmoor Block
Alara Block
Zendikar Block
Scars of Mirrodin Block
Theros Block
Lorwyn Block
Innistrad Block
Return to Ravnica Block
Time Spiral Block (though I still LOVE Future Sight as a set)
I googled reviews and saw people saying that on Reddit. I want to try it myself but my nearest game store doesn't have black Hyper Mats, I'd have to go across town to buy them or buy blue Hyper Mats for my cube. Kinda wanted black though.
Use Potmac Distribution. Fast shipping and good prices if you are buying a large number of sleeves for a Cube or something.