Nah man, do what's best for you. If you're playing a game for gamer credit instead of maximizing the enjoyment of your day, you've got it all wrong. Living stress-free is really the goal, you know?I have pretty bad seasonal depression (and other depression issues at the moment that have me seeing a Therapist right now for the first time in ages), and my deck wasn't -that- good (U/W/r with a Torrent Elemental and zero removal), and the prize support was very spread out (1st out of 40 only got like 16 packs, they prized out the top 20), so I figured there was higher equity in enjoying nice weather than in spending the rest of the time the sun was up inside gaming.
Shit, does this mean I need to turn my gamer card in or something?
YW!Hey kirblar thanks for the crux tip a few pages ago, up to 6 on player!!!
evrahe asked: My friend thinks you should've spoiled Meandering Towershell in Khans of Tarkir, and then released it in Fate Reforged.
My biggest sadness about Fate Reforged is Turtle McLittle didnt make it through development.
==Red cards==
1x Temur Battle Rage - Instant - 1R - I finished a few games with this.
1x Tormenting Voice - Sorcery - 1R - This was pretty useful.
1x Bloodfire Enforcers - Creature - 3R - I actually was able to give it first strike most of the times I had it out.
1x Vaultbreaker - Creature - 3R - This was one of the all-stars of my deck. I always cast it for its dash cost.
1x Fierce Invocation - Sorcery - 4R - I only cast this twice, and didn't get a creature either time.
1x Pyrotechnics - Sorcery - 4R - I mainly used this to deal 4 damage to one creature, but I was able to split the damage once.
= 6
==White cards==
1x Abzan Falconer - Creature - 2W - I never got this out at the same time as another creature with +1/+1 counters, but having a 3/4 flyer was good.
1x Sandsteppe Outcast - Creature - 2W - Really useful, always brought out a spirit token.
1x Abzan Skycaptain - Creature - 3W - One time I sacrificed this to give Butcher of the Horde haste and put two +1/+1 counters on it.
1x Daghatar the Adamant - Creature - 3W - This guy was pretty nice, and the counter moving ability was more useful than one would think. In one game against a guy with Citadel Siege out, I kept stealing his counters and won. Another time, Grim Contest was cast targeting it and a 4-toughness creature
1x Timely Hordemate - Creature - 3W - Probably not the best choice when I only have three creatures that can combo with it, but I was able to use it to retrieve Mardu Skullhunter once, which makes it worth it.
= 5
==Black cards==
2x Typhoid Rats - Creature - B - This followed by Mardu Skullhunter happened in a lot of games.
1x Debilitating Injury - Enchantment - 1B - One time, I used this on a Monastery Mentor and my opponent got fooled by Scroll of the Masters, thinking it was better than it was and tried to use it to put a +1/+1 counter on Monastery Mentor. He had to reread the card a lot to confirm that the effect really only lasted until end of turn.
1x Mardu Skullhunter - Creature - 1B - See Typhoid Rats and Timely Hordemate.
1x Douse in Gloom - Instant - 2B - This was surprisingly useful, and I didn't even encounter that many face-down creatures.
1x Mardu Strike Leader - Creature - 2B - This was definitely a "kill right away" creature for my opponents. I actually did repeatedly use its dash cost one time I drew this late.
1x Merciless Executioner - Creature - 2B - This was pretty good as removal.
1x Archfiend of Depravity - Creature - 3BB - The sacrifice ability never came into play, but it worked as a finisher.
1x Dead Drop - Sorcery - 9B - I only cast this once, but it was pretty effective.
= 9
==Multicolored cards==
1x Mardu Charm - Instant - RWB - I only cast this once.
1x Butcher of the Horde - Creature - 1RWB - See Abzan Skycaptain. This was a good finisher.
1x Ponyback Brigade - Creature - 3RWB - This was OK.
= 3
1x Bloodfell Caves
1x Nomad Outpost
1x Scoured Barrens
6x Swamp
4x Plains
4x Mountain
In the box only or including your prerelease pulls?? Thats an obnoxious amount of Dagatar for one box lol.
2x Typhoid Rats
2x Sultai Emissary
Whisperer of the Wilds
Sultai Charm
Whisk Away
Hooded Assassin
Abomination of Gudul
Lotus Path Djinn
Return to the Earth
Reach of Shadows
Death Frenzy
Feral Krushok
Aven Surveyor
Enhanced Awareness
Ethereal Ambush
Hooting Mandrills
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Sultai Scavenger
2x Treasure Cruise
Dismal Backwater
Thornwood Falls
Opulent Palace
Basic Lands
Sandsteppe Outcast was fantastic every time it was cast (both by and against me). Definitely my favorite common in sealed, probably will be in draft as well. I'd first-pick it over a surprising number of rares.
Tasigur is nuts, you didn't shark that guy. He's one of the top rares in the set.So I went to a new store last night and played my first paper Magic in months. I don't know the stores in my area at all, so I chose off of the Wizards Store Locator based exclusively on location. The store itself was nice enough, and the people were super friendly, but when I got there a few minutes early for the 7PM pre-release, the 2PM pre-release had just started round 4. I was kind of in shock, so I asked the TO what was going on. Apparently his solution to games going to time in this format was to just increase the round length to 60 minutes. So we didn't even start our pre-release until 7:30, and the TO gave a ridiculous amount of time for deckbuilding. I knew pretty much right away that I wasn't going to play every round; my wife had to get up early this morning which leaves me with our daughter, so I knew round 4 was going to be a scoop before we even started.
Aside from bad organization, it was a fun place to play. The store was super chill and the people seemed really nice.
I cracked open my packs and was super bummed at my rares. My Sultai promo was Tasigur, which wasn't super exciting but fine. My other rares were Dragon-Style Twins, Alesha, Shu Yun, Mastery of the Unseen, and Scroll of the Masters. My rares wanted me to play Jeskai, but my commons and uncommons simply wouldn't support it. I laid out a seemingly playable Jeskai deck, but it had terrible mana and every sample hand I drew was unkeepable so I shipped it back and played this Sultai list:
Code:2x Typhoid Rats 2x Sultai Emissary Whisperer of the Wilds Sultai Charm Whisk Away Hooded Assassin Abomination of Gudul Lotus Path Djinn Return to the Earth Reach of Shadows Death Frenzy Feral Krushok Aven Surveyor Enhanced Awareness Ethereal Ambush Hooting Mandrills Tasigur, the Golden Fang Sultai Scavenger 2x Treasure Cruise Dismal Backwater Thornwood Falls Opulent Palace Basic Lands
The curve was really high, so I was leaning on Typhoid Rats and Sultai Emissary to carry me into the mid-late game, and they did that regularly. Sultai Emissary was an all-star; I knew the card was good, but was repeatedly impressed with just how good it was all night.
Round 1 (1-2): Played Abzan. In game one, I steamrolled him while he was missing his black mana. In game two, we fought a close battle in which I simply couldn't fight through a Temur Sabertooth (that card is unreal). In game three, I flooded beyond belief and lost after a drawing seven lands in a row (literally).
Round 2 (2-1): Played Mardu. In game one, I was setting up for a blowout Death Frenzy, but it got stripped out the turn prior thanks to Diplomacy of the Wastes. I kept my cool and still managed to pull out victory. In game two I kept a slow hand and got run over by Goblin Heelcutter. In game three my hand was gas; I drew the right cards on curve and my opponent did basically nothing to me all game.
Round 3 (2-1): Played Jeskai. In game one, a pair of Cunning Strikes took out key blockers, and a Break Through the Line made me lose a game after it looked like I had stabilized. Game two my opponent didn't respect my morph, and getting to eat a Jeskai Windscout with an Abomination, followed by smashing and looting into mana for Cruise put the game away. Game three was an incredibly tense back-and-forth; he played a Torrent Elemental on turn 5, hoping to put the game away, but I topdecked a Reach of Shadows to keep the game competitive. I ended up winning after he manifested his Break Through the Line with a Master of the Unseen as opposed to drawing it. Since the prizes for 2-2 were the same as 1-3, and putting my opponent to 2-1 made him live for better prizes, I conceded the match after winning and drove home.
After the match was over, one of the college guys said he knew I needed to leave, and asked me if I wanted to trade him my promo Tasigur. I said probably, but I was really tired and asked how much it was worth. He said regular foils were $13-15, which blew my mind because that didn't seem like an expensive card to me. He tossed his binder in front of me, so I decided to humor him. There wasn't anything I really wanted, so I just pointed to the Flooded Strand and said "how much is this?" He pulled out his phone, and a few seconds later said they were about the same and would do the trade. I was a little surprised, but I was tired and wanted to go home so I did the trade and left.I'm really out of the loop on paper prices guys. I didn't mean to shark that guy so bad, I'm serious. I feel kinda bad.
MVPs from the day:
- Temur Sabertooth: I was really hoping to open on of these and play with it, but alas it was not to be. I had the displeasure of playing against it, and my suspicions were confirmed. This card is nuts. There are very few rares I would take over it, and I think there are almost zero FRF packs where this guy should go later than second.
- Goblin Heelcutter: He got a lot of hype, and he lived up to it. He's a Threaten with Buyback 0 - how crazy is that?
- Sultai Emissary: Sweet, sweet, sweet value. This guy overperformed every time. I think if I wasn't so heavy on Delve I wouldn't have been able to get every ounce of value from him, but he did work in making sure I could stabilize the early game and cast my expensive delve cards to take over in the mid game.
I'm the asshole that got regular ugin and alt art ugin.
2-3 per prerelease flight was what people were hearing.They must be handing the alt art out like candy. No wonder regular ugin is starting at $20.
Mastry of the Unseen is one of the best rares and Dromoka is only average? Okay.
PTQ sealed won't be 4.5 FRF, so not sure what the relevance is. I mean it's good but it's not like it can race effectively. It's certainly not on the scale of Pack Rat.
To be fair, Mastery of the unseen has a bunch of upsides over Centaur Glade. The investment is lower, and you can climb back out of racing/burn range by flipping creatures and create inevitability. And since you're always passing with mana up, your opponent doesn't know which option you're taking.The good thing about Mastery is that unlike Pack Rat, it doesn't protect itself. Centaur Glade never broke anything.
If I remember right it was 1/15 packs in DGM so you were pretty unlucky. I got two in my FRF box which implies a similar average.Are the Fetchlands in the Land slot more common than they were in Dragon's Maze? I got one in my first pool, and in my second pool (0-2 drop) I got another one. I probably opened 80 some packs of Dragon's Maze and never got a single Shockland.
I think a more apt comparison is Sacred Mesa and I'd take flying pegasuses over mass of energy forces any day of the week.The good thing about Mastery is that unlike Pack Rat, it doesn't protect itself. Centaur Glade never broke anything.
Last pricing I saw on eBay for Alt was like $90-$100They must be handing the alt art out like candy. No wonder regular ugin is starting at $20.