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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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I've been reading a lot of folks picking Jeskai, which I figure is a direct result of PV's article but haven't done more research than that. Is that the generally picked best clan for prerelease?
I've been reading a lot of folks picking Jeskai, which I figure is a direct result of PV's article but haven't done more research than that. Is that the generally picked best clan for prerelease?

You're still opening 5 regular packs, and this format probably wants you to be building 2-color decks instead of 3-color decks, so it's probably not going to make that much of a different. It's a pre-release - being overly spike-y is the wrong way to go about it IMO. Just pick whatever you like best.


Playing two colours only is going to be difficult considering the amount of bombs in the format. I actually chose dragons with the white siege for once. I also had a white siege versus white siege board stall. Mob rule rules!


I'm slightly hungover with 4 hours of sleep. Time to grab some coffee, play in the morning event, then go back home and sleep some more lol.
Playing two colours only is going to be difficult considering the amount of bombs in the format. I actually chose dragons with the white siege for once. I also had a white siege versus white siege board stall. Mob rule rules!

The format should have good enough fixing to play your bombs, but not such good fixing that you'll play three colors just because.


Your clan pack has one land (and triland possibly) and every FRF pack has had one land so far. Not sure if it's fixed like in DGM.

Manifesting a siege feels bad man. :(
Ill talk about my choices and stuff later but WHOO! I'm the champ! Bant aggro does iZZzzzzzz....

Man. 13 hours straight, five rounds of modern and 8 rounds of sealed. I just played an Open until 8am LOL.

Won a box of Fate Reforged and some goodies on top, time to sleep ^_^


Came fucking second in the pre-release!! Hell yeah! I'll post up my amazing Mardu deck later where you can all scoff at me, but today I'm pretty fucking stoked.


I went Jeskai for the first flight and ended up drawing (unintentional) in the last round which ended up putting me in second. Multiple times I got the Hero's Blade -> Alesha curve out and had plenty of way to protect her. Had lots of good creature to get back with her too, like Monastery Mentor and Aven Surveyor.

I'll be doing Abzan and Temur today, then Mardu and Sultai tomorrow.
Basically I just played a mono-white aggro deck with a bunch of blue bounce spells and splashing hunt the weak because I had zero hard removal lol

Setting up good blocks and getting around people's bombs pretty much won all my games for me.

Also, i got the one rare I was hoping to open as my foil promo, Mastery of the Unseen. Card is the nuts.

I did get Ojutai and Dromoka out at the same time one game which was pretty gross, but to be honest the dragons lost me more games than they won by rotting in my hand. Sandsteppe Outcast is busted.
Went 3-3 because I am bad at Magic and I started making lack of sleep mistakes at the end, pool had:
Daghatar the Adamant
Dromoka the Eternal
Whisperwood Elemental
Polluted Delta
Mastery of the Unseen

wish I were better at the game, that's pretty close to a god pool :x


You're still opening 5 regular packs, and this format probably wants you to be building 2-color decks instead of 3-color decks, so it's probably not going to make that much of a different. It's a pre-release - being overly spike-y is the wrong way to go about it IMO. Just pick whatever you like best.

I don't have a preference in playstyle really, so I'd rather do whatever I can in my power to try and win a box. I'm not good at analyzing cards by themselves in a vacuum to tell which has better pulls, which since others do I like to know about and the reasoning behind it so I can get better at it. I'd say I'm average at best, but I still want to win so I'll take the advantages I can get, which means to go Spike-y because thats the way I like to play. All in all I'd prefer to get rid of the seeded pack altogether and go back to an unplayable promo, but I understand why they do it.

Congrats to those of you who have been placing! Looking forward to playing in 5 hours...


Unconfirmed Member
So, my first pre-release ( also my first actual Magic event ) went pretty ok.

I went with Abzan for today and got Dragonscale General as the promo. Other than that I was pretty underwhelmed by the rest of my card pool. No Sieges, no Dragons, no Khans, no Manifest cards and very little removal. I only ended up using a single other Rare in my deck, which was another Dragonscale General. The other Rares were Supplant Form, Crux of Fate, Yasova Dragonclaw and Dig Through Time. Crux of Fate had massive back-fire potential, I didn't have any decent Blue support cards to switch to Blue and I wasn't comfortable with splashing for Yasova. In the end I came up with this deck;

Creatures ( 17 )
2x Dragonscale General
2x Typhoid Rats
2x Archer's Parapet
2x Sandsteppe Outcast
1x Elite Scaleguard
1x Orc Sureshot
1x Mardu Skullhunter
1x Salt Road Patrol
1x Armament Corps
1x Abzan Beastmaster
1x Abzan Guide
1x Abzan Skycaptain
1x Disowned Ancestor

Instants and Sorceries ( 6 )
1x Hunt the Weak
1x Harsh Sustenance
1x Feat of Resistance
1x Grim Contest
2x Douse in Gloom

Lands ( 17 )
4x Plains
5x Forest
4x Swamp
2x Scoured Barrens
1x Sandsteppe Citadel
1x Blossoming Sands
Round 1 I fairly uneventfully won 2-0 vs. a guy who had shown up late and just had not had the time to really properly construct his deck

Round 2 I lost 0-2. In the first game, all was going fairly well until my opponent dropped Sarkhan on me, from which point he proceeded to bash my skull in. I had a tiny chance to race him, but then he followed up with a Ghastly Conscriptions on my graveyard and I conceded. In the second game he got Sarkhan out again on-curve and then followed it up with Kolaghan, at which point I conceded again. The guy went on to claim first place.

Round 3 I lost 1-2 in a mirror match. I was facing a deck with the same core creatures as mine ( Abzan Guide, Dragonscale General, Archer's Parapet, Sandsteppe Outcast ). I won one of the games simply by getting my stuff out before my opponent got his stuff out, then lost the second due to him getting his stuff out before me. The third match was going pretty evenly, right up to the moment my opponent slammed down a Sorin for which I had no answer.

Round 4 I won 2-1. I lost the first round to a turn 2 ( Foil! ) Soulfire Grandmaster followed by me being stupid enough to walk right into Sandblast and my opponent playing several burn-spells I just wasn't able to recover from. The next two matches he was manascrewed to the point of not being able to play anything until well after I had already established a sizeable board position and I was able to win quite easily. Afterwards I found out he was running just 15 lands for some reason.

Round 5 I won 2-0. I pretty much drew everything I needed to draw and my cards worked together nicely. I got my Douse in Glooms early and used them to prevent my opponent from building any kind of board position. Dragonscale General quite easily ran out of control and won me both games.

I ended up at a 'respectable' 9th place out of 24 and got two additional FRF boosters as my prize. I definitely made some mistakes in certain matches, but feel like I worked adequately with what I had available. Star cards of the deck were definitely Dragonscale General, Abzan Guide, Sandsteppe Outcast, Archer's Parapet, Abzan Beastmaster, Douse in Gloom and Elite Scaleguard. Dragonscale General just gets out of hand so fast, and when Elite Scaleguard is also on the field, you're pretty much guaranteed a win by just locking them out of blocking your stuff. Abzan Guide just wrecked people and Abzan Beastmaster actually drew me a lot of cards due to my high-toughness creatures and Bolster. Archer's Parapet blocked everything and had great synergy with Dragonscale General with the tap ability. Sandsteppe Outcast was just solid value.


I don't know what clan I'm going to pick tomorrow yet, but I'm leaning towards Mardu or Sultai, or maybe even just Abzan again because I really like Bolster.


Sandsteppe Outcast was fantastic every time it was cast (both by and against me). Definitely my favorite common in sealed, probably will be in draft as well. I'd first-pick it over a surprising number of rares.


Are there any online stores that pay good prices for the Promo/Foils/Alternate Art cards? I got the alternate art Ugin, but I can't find stores that give a good price. Ebay and TCGplayer both have additional fees and some risks.
So, my first pre-release ( also my first actual Magic event ) went pretty ok.

I went with Abzan for today and got Dragonscale General as the promo. Other than that I was pretty underwhelmed by the rest of my card pool. No Sieges, no Dragons, no Khans, no Manifest cards and very little removal. I only ended up using a single other Rare in my deck, which was another Dragonscale General. The other Rares were Supplant Form, Crux of Fate, Yasova Dragonclaw and Dig Through Time. Crux of Fate had massive back-fire potential, I didn't have any decent Blue support cards to switch to Blue and I wasn't comfortable with splashing for Yasova. In the end I came up with this deck;

Round 1 I fairly uneventfully won 2-0 vs. a guy who had shown up late and just had not had the time to really properly construct his deck

Round 2 I lost 0-2. In the first game, all was going fairly well until my opponent dropped Sarkhan on me, from which point he proceeded to bash my skull in. I had a tiny chance to race him, but then he followed up with a Ghastly Conscriptions on my graveyard and I conceded. In the second game he got Sarkhan out again on-curve and then followed it up with Kolaghan, at which point I conceded again. The guy went on to claim first place.

Round 3 I lost 1-2 in a mirror match. I was facing a deck with the same core creatures as mine ( Abzan Guide, Dragonscale General, Archer's Parapet, Sandsteppe Outcast ). I won one of the games simply by getting my stuff out before my opponent got his stuff out, then lost the second due to him getting his stuff out before me. The third match was going pretty evenly, right up to the moment my opponent slammed down a Sorin for which I had no answer.

Round 4 I won 2-1. I lost the first round to a turn 2 ( Foil! ) Soulfire Grandmaster followed by me being stupid enough to walk right into Sandblast and my opponent playing several burn-spells I just wasn't able to recover from. The next two matches he was manascrewed to the point of not being able to play anything until well after I had already established a sizeable board position and I was able to win quite easily. Afterwards I found out he was running just 15 lands for some reason.

Round 5 I won 2-0. I pretty much drew everything I needed to draw and my cards worked together nicely. I got my Douse in Glooms early and used them to prevent my opponent from building any kind of board position. Dragonscale General quite easily ran out of control and won me both games.

I ended up at a 'respectable' 9th place out of 24 and got two additional FRF boosters as my prize. I definitely made some mistakes in certain matches, but feel like I worked adequately with what I had available. Star cards of the deck were definitely Dragonscale General, Abzan Guide, Sandsteppe Outcast, Archer's Parapet, Abzan Beastmaster, Douse in Gloom and Elite Scaleguard. Dragonscale General just gets out of hand so fast, and when Elite Scaleguard is also on the field, you're pretty much guaranteed a win by just locking them out of blocking your stuff. Abzan Guide just wrecked people and Abzan Beastmaster actually drew me a lot of cards due to my high-toughness creatures and Bolster. Archer's Parapet blocked everything and had great synergy with Dragonscale General with the tap ability. Sandsteppe Outcast was just solid value.

I don't know what clan I'm going to pick tomorrow yet, but I'm leaning towards Mardu or Sultai, or maybe even just Abzan again because I really like Bolster.
"Very little removal"

...Crux of Fate and Supplant form are literally the two best rare removal spells in the set.

I know they might seem unintuitive to a newer player, but both effects are insane bombs in limited, especially sealed. Supplant form is probably the best sealed effect in your pool because of how bomb-heavy the sealed format is. Clone effects mean you never get outclassed by your opponent's creatures, and it has a massive tempo swing in the bounce effect on top.

Crux of Fate ensures that you can never get overrun on the board, and you always have a reset button. Limited is defined by board state more than any other format, and sweepers are your best friend for maintaining it. The only time it's bad is if you're about to win anyway.


My common/uncommon pool was a bit disappointing (no multiples of my good cards), but my rares ended up carrying the deck to a 5-1 record and an 8th place finish out of ~70 people. I picked Jeskai, and got:

Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest (promo)
Jeskai Infiltrator
Supplant Form
High Sentinels of Arashin
Citadel Siege
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury

Shu Yun ended up being pretty crappy as I didn't open many cheap instants/sorceries. He did get in for 4 occasionally, and baited out removal for my fliers.
I didn't draw Jeskai Infiltrator in my first few matches, but once I did he was a house. Manifesting two or three cards is pretty good, and he made my opponents focus their blockers on him and let my other creatures through.
Supplant Form led to some hilarious blowouts (one opponent used Sandsteppe Mastodon to make a 9/9 Mindscour Dragon - I nope'd it immediately).
High Sentinels unfortunately tended to get drawn later on, but ended up making a couple of good pushes.
Citadel Siege was downright ridiculous with any flier - I only used its Dragons mode once, to deal with a Wardscale Dragon when I was on 3 life.
Kolaghan served well in the last few games - in the final round I was in a board stall game 3 and we went to time, so I just said 'screw it' and started dashing in Goblin Heelcutter and Kolaghan. Luckily, they made it.

My only loss was to Mob Rule gaining control of my 6- and 8-power fliers (thanks Citadel Siege) and killing me in exactly one hit the turn before they would've slaughtered my opponent's remaining 3 life. Fun times.


Unconfirmed Member
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";147917243]"Very little removal"

...Crux of Fate and Supplant form are literally the two best rare removal spells in the set.

I know they might seem unintuitive to a newer player, but both effects are insane bombs in limited, especially sealed. Supplant form is probably the best sealed effect in your pool because of how bomb-heavy the sealed format is. Clone effects mean you never get outclassed by your opponent's creatures, and it has a massive tempo swing in the bounce effect on top.

Crux of Fate ensures that you can never get overrun on the board, and you always have a reset button. Limited is defined by board state more than any other format, and sweepers are your best friend for maintaining it. The only time it's bad is if you're about to win anyway.[/QUOTE]Supplant Form is a great amazing blow-out bomb, I know that; it's just that there was pretty much nothing else worth using in blue for me and I just wasn't comfortable running four colors and having to cut down on other lands for Islands for a single card that I may or may not draw. In hindsight, I probably could have made it work somehow, but hey, I'm new to this stuff and this is still kind of a learning experience for me. I do see how powerful board-wipe is even as just a reset-button of sorts, and Crux of Fate is the card that I really had to think long about cutting, but in the end I felt it would be counter-intuitive to what my cards did with Bolster and such. I do see why that's probably the wrong way of thinking though; It was mass-removal in my colors and I should have put it in my deck without hesitation. I guess I should just be 'happy' that none of my losses would have likely been directly prevented by running Crux. ;-)

I was just thinking though...

I could've Supplanted that guy's Sarkhan...
Note: If you supplant Sarkhan, I think he's an indestructble dragon forever, he doesn't turn into a planeswalker. I could be wrong, though.
Aven Surveyor into Aven Surveyor is some tempo swing alright. I like how it shits all over Abzan. Outlast/Bolster, don't care.

You don't even need to run them back to back. UW is just full of these little 2-for-1 effects that make it so easy to get a mana advantage and poke for 4-6 damage a turn without your opponent being able to develop their board. I was shocked, because looking at my card pool I wasn't super wowed without hard removal. But in actual play, the bounce effects were way better.

You know what card sucks, though? Dragon Bell Monk. I WAY overvalued those guys.

And War Flare was WAAAAAY better than I expected when it was used against me. It's straight-up better than Flying Crane Technique. I would have definitely lost a couple more games if my opponents had better reads while playing that card.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";147924479]Note: If you supplant Sarkhan, I think he's an indestructble dragon forever, he doesn't turn into a planeswalker. I could be wrong, though.[/QUOTE]

Nope. He's just a regular-ass Sarkhan Planeswalker with the normal starting loyalty.


Nope. He's just a regular-ass Sarkhan Planeswalker with the normal starting loyalty.

Yeah, this is correct. Copy effects don't copy type-changing effects like Sarkhan's +1 - if you copy one of Nissa's animated lands, you just get a boring non-animated land.


Unconfirmed Member
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";147924479]Note: If you supplant Sarkhan, I think he's an indestructble dragon forever, he doesn't turn into a planeswalker. I could be wrong, though.[/QUOTE]If I understand correctly, copy effects copy the card, not the effects affecting it. Copying an animated man-land will give you an non-animated man-land. Copying an animated Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker would give you a 'non-animated' regular Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Planeswalker. The target for whatever copy effect you use is still 'Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker' after all, and not 'Sarkhan, the Indestructible Dragon Creature Forever'; it's still the same card.


Went 2-0 in my pre-release, before stepping outside to grab a breath of fresh air, realizing how it's the nicest it's been in months, and dropping to enjoy the Sun. Got nothing of note in my Ugin Pack, but it was the exact same as the person sitting next to me, lol
Receipts for Angry Grimace's ghost(from my LGS's facebook):


After I won Modern twice in a row, my LGS sold out of Hibernations and Engineered Explosives and I got my ass beat LOL

Went 2-0 in my pre-release, before stepping outside to grab a breath of fresh air, realizing how it's the nicest it's been in months, and dropping to enjoy the Sun.

That's actually pretty deep.


Went 3-2 and had some really good games so it was all good.

It is a dark day for Magic when a 3 mana Flame Slash is as good as it is here.
Went 3-2 and had some really good games so it was all good.

It is a dark day for Magic when a 3 mana Flame Slash is as good as it is here.

When removal is the same mana cost as threats, it encourages aggression which makes limited games end quicker. I don't mind the change much. It also allows for some slower mechanics like bolster and outlast to shine a bit more, so you get happier non-control players on both side of the spectrum.


Sandsteppe Outcast was fantastic every time it was cast (both by and against me). Definitely my favorite common in sealed, probably will be in draft as well. I'd first-pick it over a surprising number of rares.

This. I ran 3 of it and picked spirit just about every time. It always did work.

I went 3-1 with Jeskai, losing to another Jeskai player. Honestly, I lost on tilt because the guy slow played like crazy. I don't think he was intentionally doing it, but it drove me crazy and I told the judge afterwards. They recognize the same player have been getting the same complaints. I dunno if they ever addressed it with him but they need to.

I thought I had a solid deck but a lot of the matches were really close. Managed to pull a WIngmate Roc, a Citadel Siege (both modes are actually playable), a Soulfire Grand Master (promo), a Torrent Elemental (kinda weird in Jeskai since I wasn't aggressive), and a Flamerush Rider (kept copying Sandsteppe Outcast to get 1/1 spirit tokens).

I pulled an Ugin in the Ugin pack and one of my prize packs was a Bloodstain Mire. I can't complain as far as the value I got out of this goes!
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";147930887]After I won Modern twice in a row, my LGS sold out of Hibernations and Engineered Explosives and I got my ass beat LOL[/QUOTE]

Ahh, local metas. The best part of Magic.

"Why does your deck have a playset of Hibernations in the sideboard?"



[QUOTE="God's Beard!";147930887]

That's actually pretty deep.[/QUOTE]

I have pretty bad seasonal depression (and other depression issues at the moment that have me seeing a Therapist right now for the first time in ages), and my deck wasn't -that- good (U/W/r with a Torrent Elemental and zero removal), and the prize support was very spread out (1st out of 40 only got like 16 packs, they prized out the top 20), so I figured there was higher equity in enjoying nice weather than in spending the rest of the time the sun was up inside gaming.

Shit, does this mean I need to turn my gamer card in or something?
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