So, my first pre-release ( also my first actual Magic event ) went pretty ok.
I went with Abzan for today and got Dragonscale General as the promo. Other than that I was pretty underwhelmed by the rest of my card pool. No Sieges, no Dragons, no Khans, no Manifest cards and
very little removal. I only ended up using a single other Rare in my deck, which was another Dragonscale General. The other Rares were Supplant Form, Crux of Fate, Yasova Dragonclaw and Dig Through Time. Crux of Fate had massive back-fire potential, I didn't have any decent Blue support cards to switch to Blue and I wasn't comfortable with splashing for Yasova. In the end I came up with this deck;
Creatures ( 17 )
2x Dragonscale General
2x Typhoid Rats
2x Archer's Parapet
2x Sandsteppe Outcast
1x Elite Scaleguard
1x Orc Sureshot
1x Mardu Skullhunter
1x Salt Road Patrol
1x Armament Corps
1x Abzan Beastmaster
1x Abzan Guide
1x Abzan Skycaptain
1x Disowned Ancestor
Instants and Sorceries ( 6 )
1x Hunt the Weak
1x Harsh Sustenance
1x Feat of Resistance
1x Grim Contest
2x Douse in Gloom
Lands ( 17 )
4x Plains
5x Forest
4x Swamp
2x Scoured Barrens
1x Sandsteppe Citadel
1x Blossoming Sands
Round 1 I fairly uneventfully won 2-0 vs. a guy who had shown up late and just had not had the time to really properly construct his deck
Round 2 I lost 0-2. In the first game, all was going fairly well until my opponent dropped Sarkhan on me, from which point he proceeded to bash my skull in. I had a tiny chance to race him, but then he followed up with a Ghastly Conscriptions on my graveyard and I conceded. In the second game he got Sarkhan out again on-curve and then followed it up with Kolaghan, at which point I conceded again. The guy went on to claim first place.
Round 3 I lost 1-2 in a mirror match. I was facing a deck with the same core creatures as mine ( Abzan Guide, Dragonscale General, Archer's Parapet, Sandsteppe Outcast ). I won one of the games simply by getting my stuff out before my opponent got his stuff out, then lost the second due to him getting his stuff out before me. The third match was going pretty evenly, right up to the moment my opponent slammed down a Sorin for which I had no answer.
Round 4 I won 2-1. I lost the first round to a turn 2 ( Foil! ) Soulfire Grandmaster followed by me being stupid enough to walk right into Sandblast and my opponent playing several burn-spells I just wasn't able to recover from. The next two matches he was manascrewed to the point of not being able to play anything until well after I had already established a sizeable board position and I was able to win quite easily. Afterwards I found out he was running just 15 lands for some reason.
Round 5 I won 2-0. I pretty much drew everything I needed to draw and my cards worked together nicely. I got my Douse in Glooms early and used them to prevent my opponent from building any kind of board position. Dragonscale General quite easily ran out of control and won me both games.
I ended up at a 'respectable' 9th place out of 24 and got two additional FRF boosters as my prize. I definitely made some mistakes in certain matches, but feel like I worked adequately with what I had available. Star cards of the deck were definitely Dragonscale General, Abzan Guide, Sandsteppe Outcast, Archer's Parapet, Abzan Beastmaster, Douse in Gloom and Elite Scaleguard. Dragonscale General just gets out of hand so fast, and when Elite Scaleguard is also on the field, you're pretty much guaranteed a win by just locking them out of blocking your stuff. Abzan Guide just wrecked people and Abzan Beastmaster actually drew me a lot of cards due to my high-toughness creatures and Bolster. Archer's Parapet blocked
everything and had great synergy with Dragonscale General with the tap ability. Sandsteppe Outcast was just solid value.
I don't know what clan I'm going to pick tomorrow yet, but I'm leaning towards Mardu or Sultai, or maybe even just Abzan again because I really like Bolster.